Rubric For A Five-Paragraph Essay

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Four-Paragraph Essay Rubric

Standard Descriptor

B1 Can write short, simple essays on topics of interests.

Poor Fair Good Excellent Total

(4) (6) (8) (10)

Development of The writing is not The writing is The writing is The writing is
ideas focused on the topic. related to the topic generally focused focused on the topic.
Reader has difficulty but does not have a on the topic. Great generation of
Content identifying the clear focus. ideas that keeps the
purpose of the essay. Details are present reader’s attention.
Focus Details are not clear. but not developed.

Organization is not There is little Organization is Clear organization.

Organization clear. No beginning organization. appropriate. Details are in order.
or ending. Details are not in
Order of Good introduction Introductory, body,
order. Beginning
paragraphs and conclusion. and concluding
and ending are
adequate but not The paper seems paragraphs, are
outstanding. complete. excellent.

Word choice Limited range of Words and Language is Adequate language.

words. vocabulary may be appropriate. Good Coherent sentences.
Appropriate correct but could be use of vocabulary. The writing is
language, Inappropriate use of improved. interesting to read.
vocabulary words.

Word Order

Difficult to follow or Some strange Easy flow and The sentences are
read aloud. No constructions. rhythm. well constructed.
Sentence Fluency
transition words. No Common simple Complete sentences
rhythm or flow. pattern used. Good variety in connected to one
Transition words,
length and structure. another.
sentence structure,
rhythm, flow
The writing has
rhythm and flow.

Conventions Parts of speech show Inconsistent There are a few Uses consistent
lack of agreement. agreement between errors in grammar, agreement between
Capitalization, Numerous errors parts of speech. spelling, parts of speech. No
Spelling, distract the reader Limited control of punctuation and errors in spelling,
punctuation, and make the text conventions. capitalization. punctuation,
subject-verb difficult to read. capitalization.

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