College Application Essay Scoring Rubric: Criteria To Be Assessed 4 3 2 1

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College Application Essay Scoring Rubric

Criteria to be 4 3 2 1
1. Ideas Writing successfully Writing presents the Writing presents the Writing presents
presents the topic in a topic in an interesting topic in an ordinary topic in an ordinary
novel or unique way. way. Writing way. Writing includes way. Concrete
Writing includes includes good concrete detail, but details and
excellent and specific concrete detail and commentary is obvious, commentary are
concrete detail and some insightful simplistic, or generic. either weak or
insightful commentary. commentary. missing.
2. Organization Writing has a Writing has a logical Organization is rough Writing is aimless
compelling and logical flow of ideas. but workable. It and disorganized.
flow of ideas. sometimes gets off
3. Topic Sentences Paragraphs have Paragraphs have Paragraphs have topic Paragraphs lack topic
and Transitions focused and poignant focused topic sentences that need to sentences and
topic sentences and sentences and be more focused and transitions.
smooth, almost obvious transitions. rough transitions.
seamless transitions.
4. Description Writing consistently Writing shows rather Writing includes some Writing uses all
and effectively shows than tell, but details showing but needs telling and no
rather than tells through could be more more. showing.
specific and vivid specific and vivid.
5. Voice Writing reveals your Writing reveals some Writing is bland. There Writing is too
unique personality and of your thoughts and is either no hint of a informal. It sounds
view of the world, feelings, but needs real person behind the like you don't care
leaving the reader to more personality writing. about the topic of the
want to know more behind it. essay.
about who you are.
6. Word Choice Writing uses words that Writing makes some Writing uses words that Writing uses the same
are striking and fresh quality but also some are dull or uninspired. words over and over.
but natural, varied, and routine or ordinary Writing sounds like you Some words may be
vivid. word choices. are trying too hard to confusing or
impress. inappropriate.

7. Grammar Usage Writing uses proper Writing has a few Writing has enough Writing has
and Sentence grammar 100% of the grammar problems. grammar errors to numerous grammar
Fluency time. Sentences flow Sentences flow well distract a reader. Some mistakes and poor
well and vary in but do not vary much. sentences do not flow sentence construction
construction and length. well and/or are not that make the paper
varied at all. hard to read.
8. Spelling and Writing uses correct Writing has a few Writing has enough Writing has
Punctuation punctuation and errors to fix, but errors in the essay to numerous errors that
spelling 100% of the generally uses correct distract a reader. make the paper hard
time. conventions. to read.

Total Score X 3.13 = /100

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