A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of paragraph development to
identify text types.
B. Performance Standard The learner identifies correctly how paragraphs/ texts are developed.
C. Learning Answer questions to clarify understanding before, during and after
Competencies/Objectives. Write reading. EN2RC-IIIf-h-2.17
the LC code for each.
KBI: speak clearly
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages K-12 English Curriculum Guide p. 36 to 247
2. Learner’s Materials pages LM English 2 p. 4-8
3. Textbook pages English For You and Me 2 p. 289-295
4. Additional materials from Big Book of the story, flashcards, pictures
learning portals
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lessons Spelling: (Strategy: Correction of Mistakes)
or presenting the new lessons.
Review: Choose the picture that shows the best possible ending. Clap
once if your answer is the first picture and clap twice if your answer is
the second picture.
1. The children are playing in the rain.
A girle:with happy
2. face
Liza got a higher grade in the class.
A girle:with sad
3. Bryan wears his complete uniform.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Motivation: (Strategy: Used of pictured, Contextualization and
lesson. Constructivist)
Show a picture of the story “The Miser and His Gold”.
5WH Question:
WHO- used to ask about people.
WHERE- used to ask about location or place.
WHEN- used to ask about time or date.
WHAT- used for asking for information about something.
WHY- is used for asking for a reason
Since you already know how to answer question by understanding of
what you’ve read we will be having a storytelling. Are you excited?
D. Discussing new concepts and Activity 1 (Teacher to learner) (Strategy: Interactive Learning)
practicing new skills. #1
Show the cover page of the Big Book and read the title of the story, the
name of the author and illustrator.
Say: The title of the story is “The Miser and His Gold”
Ask: What do you see on the cover page? What do you think is the
story about?
Say: Today we are going to read a story about “The Miser and His
Gold”. It was written by Aesop, and after reading you will learn how
story arrange the way they happen in the story. Later on I will ask you
some question regarding the story if you understand of what you’ve
read. Are you ready?
Note: Have your pointer ready to move under the words you read. Do
the first reading. Then ask question from time to time to track
comprehension of the learners.
The miser hid his gold coins in a pit under some stones in the garden.
Everyday, before going to bed, the miser went to the stones where he
hid the gold and counted the coins. He continued this routine
everyday, but not once did he spend the gold he saved.
One day, a thief who knew the old miser’s routine, waited for the old
man to go back into his house.
After it was dark, the thief went to the hiding place and took the gold.
The next day, the old miser found that his treasure was missing and
started crying loudly.
His neighbor heard the miser’s cries and inquired about what
“Buy?, said the miser. “I never used the gold to buy anything. I was
never going to spend it.”
On hearing this, the neighbor threw a stone into the pit and said, “If
that is the case, save the stone. It is as worthless as the gold you have
The End
Moral Lesson:
“A possession is just as worthy of what is used for”.
Comprehension check-up:
1. What is the title of the story?
2. What is the story all about?
3. Who are the characters in the story?
4. Where does the story take place?
5. How did the story end?
E. Discussing new concepts and Activity 2: Learner to Learner (Strategy: Cooperative Learning)
practicing new skills. #2
Direction: Group the class into three groups. Give each a task card for
the work they will do.
Group 1: Who is the character in the story “The Miser and His Gold”.
Present it the class through acting.
Group 2: Where the story take place? And when does the story
happened? Present it to the class.
Group 3: What is the story all about? And how did the story end?
Present it to the class through an illustration.
J. Additional activities for Read the story. Answer the question given.
application or remediation.
“A Birthday Wish”
Maybell woke up early in the morning. She’s so excited
because she’s going to celebrate her birthday. Everybody is busy.
Her mother bakes cake, cook’s food and prepares all the
necessary materials needed for the party. Teddy and Mika, her
siblings, are cleaning the house. Maybell looked around the house
and she whispered, I hope my father was also here.” I miss him so
much.” At 2 o’clock in the afternoon the foods are all set and her
visitors came. Maybell was so happy for all the birthday greetings
and gifts she received. After a while, her mother called her to
make a wish and blow the candle on her cake. Maybell closed
her eyes, uttered a wish and blew the candle. When she opened
her eyes, she was amazed because her father was there.
A. No. of learners who earned
80%.on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson/s
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategy worked well? Why did
this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
head help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other