Health Assessment

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VISION STII envisions itself to be a leading educational institution that advocates holistic

transformational development for global competitiveness.

MISSION STII commits itself to provide responsive, relevant and innovate education and training that
equip students with the knowledge, attitude values and skills to become successful in their
chosen and meet the demands of the national and global industry.
Sibugay Technical Institute in pursuit of its mission, vision, core values and objectives commit
to promote quality education towards a globally competitive institution that adheres to the
QUALITY POLICY compliance of statutory and regulatory requirements.
Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated endeavors to provide equal, transparent, and
accountable and quality services embedded in our highest ethical ideals as an educational

Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated commits continual improvements of the Quality

Management System to satisfy the stakeholder.
QUALITY OBJECTIVES Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated aims to be.
Globally competitive educational institution.
Produce competent graduates equip with knowledge, skill and attitude.
Implement a Quality Management system to meet the needs and expectations
of our students, faculty and our stakeholders.
2. Committed
3. Competent
4. Trustworthy
5. Innovative
6. Collaborative
7. Servant leadership

COLLEGE OF NURSING The College of Nursing aims to develop professional nurses who are able to assume entry level
OBJECTIVES positions in health facilities or community settings, integrating STII core values in the care of
clients. It aims to develop professional nurses who:
A. Utilize the nursing process in providing safe, humane, quality and holistic care to
individual clients across the lifespan, families, population groups, and community.
B. Assume the following roles in:
B.1 client care
B.2 leadership and management
B.3 research
PROGRAM OUTCOMES The graduates of the BSN program shall:
1. Provide safe, humane, holistic care to individuals, families, population groups, and
community utilizing the nursing process.
2. Apply knowledge, skills and attitude in practice of nursing.
3. Communicate effectively, in speaking and writing and documentation and reporting.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, and legal, ethical, and moral principles.
5. Work effectively and efficiently in collaboration with inter, intra, multi-disciplinary and
multi-cultural teams. 6. Conduct research with an experienced researcher.
7. Engage in life-long learning with passion to be abreast with national and global
developments in nursing and health.
8. Demonstrate responsible citizenship.
9. Practice beginning leadership and management skills.
10. Adopt the nursing core values of caring.
Course Description The course deals with concepts, principles & techniques of history taking using various tools, physical
examination (head to toe), psychosocial assessment and interpretation of laboratory findings to arrive at
a nursing diagnosis. The Learner is expected to perform holistic nursing assessment of an individual
adult client.
Course Credit 3 units
Contact Hours/ Semester 54 lecture hours / 108 RLE
Pre requisite All first semester subjects
Placement 1st year, 1st sem
Course Competencies At the end of the course and given stimulated and actual conditions, the students will be able to:
1. Utilized knowledge of principles and concepts of relevant sciences and humanities in the practice of
2. Take part in beginning skills in performing health assessment to individuals.
3. Perceive ethico-legal principles in conducting health assessment.
4. Apply guidelines and principles of evidenced-based practice in health assessment
5. Prove assessment data accurately and comprehensively
6. Elaborate effectively in conducting health assessment

Intermediate Competencies Content Teaching Learning Activities No. of Hours Evaluation

Classroom RLE Lecture RLE
Prepare comprehensive lesson Introduction to Daily Bread and 36 17 hours 36 The student will be
plan including: Health Assessment Reflection Moment hours hours able to develop faith
1. Discuss Phases of Nursing A. Overview of Interactive discussion and Marian devotion
Process. Nursing Process Homework and practice based on Daily
ADPIE Video clips Power Bread and
1a Discuss concepts, principles B. Health point presentations on Reflection Moment
and techniques of health Assessment in Health History 1. The student will
assessment Nursing Practice 1. Guideline Hands-on be able to discuss
Types: learning in RLE:One on Phases of Nursing
2a Distinguish types of  Initial One Precepting in Process evidently.
assessment Comprehensive Client Interviews 1:1 The student will
Assessment be able to Discuss
3a Discuss Nurses’s Role in  On-going or concepts, principles
Health Assessment Partial Assessment and techniques of
 Focused or health assessment
4a Distinguish Subjective from 1:2 The student will
Problem Oriented
objective data evidently be able to
 Emergency Distinguish types of
Assessment assessment.
C. Nurses’s Role 1:3 The student will
in Health be able to Discuss
Assessment Steps Nurses’s Role in
in Health Health Assessment
Assessment 1:4 The student will
A Collection of be able to
Subjective Data Distinguish
through interview Subjective from
and Health History objective data
1.Biographic Data
2.Reason for
seeking health care
3.Chief complaint
2. Assess one’s peer health 4. History of: Interactive discussion The student will be
status/competence in utilizing • Present Illness able to assess one’s
correct assessment technique. • Past Health peer health
History Homework and practice status/competence in
2a Identify relevant data • Family Health Group of student will utilizing correct
correctly History work to study on assign assessment
2b Develop therapeutic • Current topic write up a report techniques. The
interview skills Medications and present it in class. - student will be able
• Lifestyle Collection of objective to Identify relevant
• Developmental and subjective data data correctly The
Level student will be able
• Psychosocial to identify pertinent
History findings evidently
B.Collection of
Objective Data
1. Physical
• Preparation
• Positioning
• Techniques
3a Integrate evidence based 2. Diagnostic Test Role- Play on -proper 36 17 hours 36 The student will be
practice in conducting health and Procedures interview technique hours hours able to integrate
assessment. 3. Other Sources Assessing Student evidence-based
e.g. client chart C. Participation Rubric for practice in
3. Assess resources (human, Validation of Data Group Reporting RLE conducting health
physical and time) efficiently D.Documentation Performance assessment. The
and effectively in health of Data Evaluation student will be able
assessment. 1.Guidelines for to assess resources
4. Adapt appropriate documentation (human, physical
technology in Performing • Written Notes and time) efficiently
health assessment. • Electronic and effectively in
Documentation health assessment.
The student will be
able to adapt
technology in
Performing health
5. Integrate evidenced based Holistic Nursing interactive discussion The student will be
practice in conducting health Assessment Case discussions Power able to Integrate
assessment. 1.General Status point presentations evidenced based
5a .Adapt health assessment and Vital signs Lecture interactive practice in
process based on the culture 2.Mental Status discussion Homework conducting health
and values of the client/family. •Children and and practice Power assessment. The
5b Apply system of informatics Adolescent point presentations on student will be able
in health assessment. •Adults Review of System to Adapt health
3.Psychosocial, Essay Quizzes Rubric assessment process
Cognitive and for Essay Recitations based on the culture
Moral Written Major and values of the
Development Examination client/family. The
4. Pain student will be able
5. Violence to Apply system of
6. Culture and informatics in health
Ethnicity assessment.
7. Spirituality and Interactive
Religious 8. Discussion
Nutritional Status
5c Prove accuracy and Physical Interactive Lecture The student will be
completeness and integrity of Assessment discussion Power point able to Prove
health assessment data 5d 1. Skin, Hair and presentations on accuracy and
Adapt to guidelines in Nails History taking format completeness and
documentation related to 2. Head and Neck integrity of health
confidentiality of health 3. Eyes assessment data
4. Ears
assessment data 5. Mouth. Throat, Role play on how to The student will be
5d Assume safe environment in Nose, and Sinuses conduct proper able to adapt to
conducting health assessment 6. Thorax and interview in taking vital guidelines in
5e Distinguish clients rights Lungs signs. Reflective documentation
based on Patient’s Bill of 7. Breast and Writing on Techniques related to
Rights and Obligations. Lymphatic System in Physical Assessment confidentiality of
8. Heart and Neck Research Assignment health assessment
Vessels on different techniques data The student
9. Peripheral on Physical Assessment will be able to.
Vascular System Homework and practice 2. Assume safe
10. Assessing the Role environment in
Abdomen play/simulations/dram a conducting health
11. Masculo- assessment The
skeletal system 12. student will be able
Neurologic System to Distinguish
13. Male Genitalia clients rights based
and Rectum on Patient’s Bill of
14. Female Rights and
Genitalia and Obligations.
6. Develop appropriate Relevant Ethico- Class discussions Film The student will be
communication/interpersonal Legal Guidance in showing Power point able to Develop
techniques in conducting Conducting Health presentations on appropriate
assessment Assessment Patient’s Bill of Rights communication/int
1. Ethico-Legal erpersonal
6a Create rapport with the Considerations techniques in
client and/or support system  Informed conducting
ensuring adequate information Consent assessment The
about each other as partner in a 2. Patient’s Bill of student will be able
working relationship Rights to Create rapport
3. Data Privacy with the client
6b Develop harmonious Act Guidelines of and/or support
relationship among members of an Effective system ensuring
the health team in conducting Interview and adequate
health assessment Health History information about
6c Elaborate guidelines of 1. Phases each other as partner
2. Types of in a
Communication 3.
Related to Age,
Cultural and
an effective interview and Relevant Ethico- Interactive classroom 34 17 hours 34 working relationship
Health History Legal Guidance in discussions hours hours The student will be
Conducting Health Participation Power able to Develop
Assessment point presentations on harmonious
1. Ethico-Legal Head to toe Assessment relationship among
Considerations Essay Quizzes Return members of the
 Informed demonstration on Head health team in
Consent to Toe Physical conducting health
2. Patient’s Bill of Assessment assessment
3. Data Privacy
Act Guidelines of
an Effective
Interview and
Health History
1. Phases
2. Types of
Communication 3.
Related to Age,
Cultural and
1 hour

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