Instrucciones Juego YMMS - Compressed-1
Instrucciones Juego YMMS - Compressed-1
Instrucciones Juego YMMS - Compressed-1
Immune System
You Make Me Sick!
All of your immune cells work together to defend your body
from infections. In this board game, you will fight 11 common
diseases while you learn about the immune system. As you move
around the game board, you will encounter disease causing
viruses and bacteria, so watch out! Can you make it home from
the hospital by defending your body from infection?
4. down
Shuffle the Health Cards and the Disease Cards. Place each stack of cards face
on their corresponding area on the board.
You will need to provide:
◊ 4 small items such
5. new
Place the immune cell tokens near the board. This will serve as the bank, where
tokens will be paid from. Each player starts with 15 immune cell tokens.
as coins or buttons
to sever as player 6. Place your player pieces on the Hospital space.
◊ 1 six-sided die Play the Game!
Objective: Get Home from the Hospital
The goal of the game is to completely recover from an illness by traveling from the
Hospital to Home with the most amount of immune cell tokens. Collecting Disease
Cards, Health Cards, and Immune Cell Tokens as you play will help you to win the
Ending the Game: When any player reaches Home, that player should draw the top
Hospital card from the disease pile and attempt to answer it.
If answered correctly: The player adds the Disease Card to their hand, receives 10
bonus Immune Cell Tokens, and the game ends.
If answered incorrectly: the player must pay the amount of Immune Cell Tokens
listed on the bottom of the card and the game ends. If the player cannot pay, they
must return to the hospital and the game continues.
Home How to Win: At the game end, players will count up their immune cell tokens and the
value of any Disease Cards they have in their hand, and the player who has the most
wins the game.
Immune System
Getting Started
◊ Roll the die to see which player goes first. The person with the highest number will go first, and play will
continue clockwise from the first player.
◊ Player #1 will roll the die and move forward that number of spaces on the board. If the player lands on an
unoccupied space, they will do one of the following:
• Disease Space: Draw the top card from the Disease card pile. Read the card aloud and attempt to
answer it. Only the player whose turn it is should answer. Other players should not attempt to answer.
The player to the right of player 1 will check the answer sheet to determine if the answer given is
If you have to return to the hospital, on your next turn, read one health card aloud and follow
the instructions on the card. Take 10 immune cell tokens from the bank. Then play your turn as
• Health Space: Draw the top card from the Health card pile. Read the card aloud. Add the health card
to your hand. If the card has an immune cell token value, take the amount of immune cell tokens
shown at the bottom of the card from the bank.
• Yay Space: You did something healthy. Follow the instructions on the space.
• Ew Space: You did something unhealthy. Follow the instructions on the space.
• Blank Spaces: Do nothing. Stay on this space until your next turn.
Immune System
If a player lands on a space that is already occupied, You Make Me Sick!
◊ The player who landed on the occupied space should play the space as normal. Follow the rules for
Disease, Health, Yay, and Ew spaces listed above.
1. The player who has landed on the occupied space must now attempt to infect the player who
was there first by using a disease card in their hand.
• If the player who landed on the occupied space does not have a disease card in their hand,
the space is shared by both players.
2. The player who landed on the occupied space chooses a disease card from their hand and reads
the question to the player who occupied the space first.
3. If the player who occupied the space first has a Vaccine or Antibiotics card in their hand, they 3
can use it to defend themselves without having to answer the question.
• If the question is answered correctly: the space is shared by both players.
• If the question is answered incorrectly: the player who occupied the space first must pay the
amount of immune cell tokens listed on the disease card to the bank.
• the player cannot pay the amount of immune cell tokens, they must return to the hospital.
4. The disease card used is then placed in the discard pile.
◊◊Each additional player will take their turn and follow the same rules until someone reaches Home.
Once any player reaches home, the game is over. See "How to Win" for more information.
Yay Space
Ew Space
Health Space
Blank Spaces
(spaces with