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Pru Life UK | Summary Proposal


Proposed Policy Owner: JOYCE ANN TUMANG | Age: 31

Proposed Life Insured: JOYCE ANN TUMANG | Age: 31

Program: PruMillionaire; PruLink Elite Protector 5 & 10


PruMillionaire PruLink Elite 10 PruLink Elite 5

Annual Savings 500,000 500,050
(1 time payment)
Life Insurance 250,000 6,500,000 6,500,000

Accidental Death and

Disablement (up to age - 2,000,000 2,000,000

Total and Permanent

- 1,500,000 1,500,000
Disability (up to age 70)

Life Care Benefit – 36

critical illness (up to age - 3,000,000 2,000,000

(Daily Hospital Income) - 2,500 3,000

Surgical Expense
- 37,500 45,000

Intensive Care Unit - 5,000 6,000

Pru Life UK | Summary Proposal

Long Term
- 2,500 3,000

Life Care Waiver - 305,934 500,050

Waiver of Premium due

to Total and Permanemt - 305,934 500,050
Disability Benefit

Future Safe Rider - 3,250,000 3,250,000

Pru Life UK | Summary Proposal


Total Total Total

Fund Value* PruMil Elite 10 Elite 5
Savings Savings Savings
1,000,000 500,000 500,050
1 time pay 10 years 5,000,000 5 years 2,500,250

15 years 1,789,913 10,646,789 6,284,531

29 years 3,100,509 36,875,518 20,710,203

*Fund Value is projected at 10% as mandated by Insurance Commission

*Chosen fund is Equity fund
*Annual historical Compounded rate since inception is 14.54
*Fund Values are not guaranteed

Fund Allocation:

Fifth Year
Program First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year

PruMil 99.5% - - - -

Elite 40% 60% 85% 95% 100%


Pru Life UK | Summary Proposal

Total and Permanent Disability

Disability is considered total and permanent

when the Life Insured is prevented from
engaging in any occupation or from Disability is considered total and permanent
performing any work for compensation or when the Life Insured is permanently unable
profit. to undertake without assistance 3 or more of
the following – continence, dressing,
The disability must be present and must have bathing, feeding, mobility or transferring.
existed continuously for not less than six (6)
consecutive months

Life Care Benefit (36 Critical Illness)

 End Stage Liver Failure
 Coma
 Heart Attack
 Deafness
 Cancer
 Loss Of Speech
 Major Organ Transplant
 Major Burns
 Renal Failure
 Paralysis
 Multiple Sclerosis
 Alzheimer's Disease
 Motor Neuron Disease
 Fulminant Hepatitis
 Heart Valve Surgery
 Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
 Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
 Terminal Illness
 Parkinson’s Disease
 HIV Due To Blood Transfusion and
 Muscular Dystrophy
Occupationally Acquired HIV
 Poliomyelitis
 Encephalitis
 Aortal Surgery
 Major Head Trauma
 Bacterial Meningitis
 Apalic Syndrome
 Brain Tumor
 Progressive Scieroderma
 Aplastic Anemia
 Systematic Lupus Erythematosus
 Blindness
with Lupus Nephritis
 End Stage Lung Disease
 Brain Surgery
 Stroke
 Medullary Cystic Disease
Pru Life UK | Summary Proposal

CORE Personal Accident

Loss of Life 100%

Loss of both hands 100%

Loss of both feet 100%
Loss of both sight of both eyes 100%
Loss of one hand and sight of one-eye 100%
Loss of one foot and sight of one-eye 100%
Loss of one foot 50%
Loss of one hand 50%
Loss sight of one-eye 50%
Loss of hearing in both ears 50%
Loss of both thumbs 25%
Loss of one thumb 10%
Loss of finger (each) 10%

Loss of hearing in one ear 10%

Pru Life UK | Summary Proposal

Why Pru Life UK?

 Philippine subsidiary of Prudential PLC of the United Kingdom

 Celebrating 172 years listening worldwide (since 1848)
 Backed by over $703 Billion in funds under management
 Listed in 5 Major Market (London, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong, India)
 Our insurance operation is World Wide.
 In Asia – Laos, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Korea, India, Taiwan,
Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia
 In Philippines, established in 1996 and has consistently ranked among the top 3 industry players since
 PIONEERED the variable insurance which totally changed the insurance industry landscape
 Our Fund Manager is Eastspring Investments Limited based in Singapore
 Financial literacy is one of our many advocacies

Our Fund Manager:

 Consistently Asia’s number 1 Fund Manager

 Managing USd146B
 250+ Investment Professionals
 has chosen by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas to manage its government provident funds.

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