Principles of Marketing Exam
Principles of Marketing Exam
Principles of Marketing Exam
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General Direction: This is a 50-item test, read each direction written in every type of test.
1. An era wherein the social responsibility begun to take part of marketing strategies of
the company.
a. Sales Era c. Production Era
b. Marketing Era d. Social Era
2. It is based around the fact that the consumer is the all-powerful ruler and the companies will do
whatever they need.
a. Sales Era c. Production Era
b. Marketing Era d. Social Era
3. Companies' main priority was to get rid of or move their products out the factory door using
a variety of selling techniques.
a. Sales Era c. Production Era
b. Marketing Era d. Social Era
4. It covers the period of the Industrial Revolutions until 1928 when the firm was concentrated
on creation of a new particular item for consumption.
a. Sales Era c. Production Era
b. Marketing Era d. Social Era
5. An era wherein you must first determine the wants and needs of the consumers and design
a system to satisfy them.
a. Sales Era c. Production Era
b. Marketing Era d. Relationship Era
6. An era wherein the marketers embrace approaches that build stronger relationships between
their brands and people.
a. Sales Era c. Production Era
b. Marketing Era d. Relationship Era
7. A non-traditional marketing which efforts to cultivate the attention, interest, and preferences of a
target market toward a celebrity or authority figure.
a. Person Marketing c. Event Marketing
b. Cause Marketing d. Organizational Marketing
8. Identification and marketing of social issue, cause or idea to selected target market. Many profit
seeking firms link their products to social causes.
a. Person Marketing c. Event Marketing
b. Cause Marketing d. Organizational Marketing
9. Marketing efforts of mutual benefit organizations, service organization and government
organizations, that seek to influence others to accept their goals, receive their services or contribute to
them in some way.
a. Person Marketing c. Event Marketing
b. Cause Marketing d. Organizational Marketing
10. A strategy designed to foster customer loyalty, interaction and a long term engagement.
a. Relationship Marketing c. Customer Service
b. Customer Relationship d. Marketing Relationship
Directions: Read the following questions and write your answer on the blank
space below.
1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.
Directions: Fill each blank with the correct answer. Write your answer on the
blank provided.
11. Customers tend to prefer to communicate via email and phone, but some do like live chat and
social media as communication options.
12. The future of your business is based on your customers – that is why it’s crucial that your team
treats everyone well at every touch point.
13. If your business offers poor customer service and poor quality products, word will travel
quickly and your customers will decide to take their business elsewhere.
14. Your customer support team needs to be as accessible as possible.
15. Marketers rely on pricing to motivate customers because competitors can easily duplicate
pricing benefits.
16. Price is the most superficial level, least likely to lead to long term relationships.
17. Whether a customer is speaking to a representative on the phone, in a brick and mortar store, or
using a self-service channel, it’s vital to make sure your brand aligns.
18. By providing value, you can gain credibility, become the authority, or go-to resource on the
19. Relationship Marketing focuses on partners and customers rather than on the company’s
20. Before identifying needs, firms needs to understand its own capabilities in which its operating.
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