Rpi Jtag
Rpi Jtag
Rpi Jtag
Arseny Kurnikov
Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering
PO Box 13000, FI-00076 Aalto
Espoo, Finland
This paper discusses the JTAG (Join Test Action Group)
standard and its use to obtain debug information from cir-
cuits and chips. This standard describes a protocol that
gives the access to a very low-level outputs from the chips
where this technology is enabled. The main described sce- Figure 1: Principal scheme
nario is using this protocol on a Raspberry Pi (RPi) board.
In particular, it comes with an ARM (Acorn RISC Ma-
chine, RISC - reduced instruction set computing) processor, through test access ports (TAPs) via a JTAG adapter. A
and the ARM processor family has become dominant in the TAP might be a module inside one chip or a separate chip
modern computing, especially with the wide usage of smart- by itself. To communicate with a JTAG target the host
phones. Thus, understanding how a low-level debugging can connects to JTAG pins by the means of the adapter. The
be performed on this machine gives an important experience adapter takes care of actually forming the necessary signals
for anyone interested in embedded systems development. and it is connected to the host computer through USB, Eth-
ernet, PCI or another interface. Different boards require dif-
Another significant part of the paper is designated to de- ferent adapters. Other characteristics of an adapter include
bugging Linux kernel on RPi . It is not possible to run [5]:
Windows natively on ARM processors, so Linux is the most
popular general purpose OS (Operating System) for RPi. • Throughput
The Linux kernel real-time debugging is of a great interest
as well. JTAG debugging is not enabled by default on RPi. • Voltage range
Providing a way to enable JTAG on RPi in order to debug • Supported host software
a Linux kernel is the main goal of the paper.
In order to utilize the described hardware, the host machine
Keywords should have a special software, i.e. the debugger. The one
JTAG, Raspberry Pi, Linux Kernel that is used in this work is the Open On-Chip Debugger
(OpenOCD) [6].
JTAG [9] is the standard for a generic transport interface Finally, the target of debugging is the RPi ARM processor
for integrated circuits. One possible application of it is a [1]. It has a built-in JTAG module that can be controlled
boundary scan of printed circuit boards. If such a board has from the host machine to halt the execution, examine the
special chips, so called debug ports, then another option is to registers state, read and write to the main memory. Over-
use debuggers for single stepping, breakpointing, analyzing all, the physical layout of the connections, hardware and
memory, and so on. This is how JTAG will be used in this software is presented on Figure 1.
The paper is organized as follows. The next chapter gives the
Many silicon architectures have built-in software support for theoretical overview of JTAG, ARM JTAG, and OpenOCD.
debugging, including ARM CPU of RPi [7]. It is accessed Chapter 3 describes how to enable JTAG on RPi. It also
contains practical debug session examples. Chapter 4 fo-
cuses on debugging Linux kernel on RPi. The last chapter
draws the conclusions.
In this chapter, an introduction to JTAG is given. In par-
ticular, the signals and the state machine of a JTAG TAP
are described. OpenOCD is introduced, as well. RPi JTAG
signals can be accessed via General Purpose Input Output
(GPIO) pins of the RPi board [8].
Table 1: RPi GPIO configuration for JTAG
Register Pin Configuration JTAG signal
Since there are many variant of the adapters, as well as many The GDB command to enable remote debugging is target
JTAG implementations, OpenOCD should be configured to remote. It should be followed by the address and the port
work with a particular adapter and the board. For example, number of the machine that is running OpenOCD. If it is
the configuration file for Olimex ARM-JTAG-USB adapter the same computer that is used as a host for both debug-
is the following: gers and the OpenOCD configuration specified GDB port
to be 5555, then the command would be target remote
interface ft2232
ft2232_device_desc After GDB is connected to OpenOCD it is necessary to tell
"Olimex OpenOCD JTAG ARM-USB-TINY-H" GDB what symbols are available for the program that is be-
ft2232_layout olimex-jtag ing run on the board. The GDB command is symbol-file.
ft2232_vid_pid 0x15ba 0x002a For example, if the JTAG enabling program was compiled
with debugging information, then it is possible to load the
symbols from its executable to GDB and perform typical de-
It uses FT2232 drivers for the USB interface and configures bugging tasks, like single stepping, examining memory and
it accordingly. The OpenOCD configuration file for RPi is: registers, and so on.
reset_config none
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.5.0 (2011-08-11-06:56)
if { [info exists CPU_TAPID ] } { Licensed under GNU GPL v2
set _CPU_TAPID $CPU_TAPID For bug reports, read
} else { http://openocd.berlios.de/doc/doxygen/bugs.html
set _CPU_TAPID 0x07b7617F Info : only one transport option; autoselect ’jtag’
} 1000 kHz
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME arm none separate
-irlen 5 -expected-id $_CPU_TAPID raspi.arm
Info : max TCK change to: 30000 kHz
set _TARGETNAME $_CHIPNAME.arm Info : clock speed 1000 kHz
target create $_TARGETNAME Info : JTAG tap: raspi.arm tap/device found:
arm11 -chain-position $_TARGETNAME 0x07b7617f (mfg: 0x0bf, part: 0x7b76, ver: 0x0)
Info : found ARM1176
Info : raspi.arm: hardware has 6 breakpoints,
2 watchpoints
First, it sets up the ports for Telnet and GDB connections. Info : accepting ’telnet’ connection from 4444
Then a new JTAG TAP is created. The mandatory param- target state: halted
eter irlen defines how many bits the instruction register target halted in ARM state due to debug-request,
contains. The optional expected-id helps OpenOCD to de- current mode: Supervisor
tect when the connected board does not actually contain the cpsr: 0x800001d3 pc: 0x0000813c
OpenOCD opens the configured ports for Telnet or GDB default, JTAG is not enabled in the kernel, so special steps
and accepts the connections on those ports. A typical Telnet are needed before the kernel can be debugged over JTAG.
session will start with halt command. After issuing it, the
processor will be halted, and other OpenOCD commands 4.1 Compressed kernel and the Raspberry Pi
can be given. The execution can be continued with resume
command, that has an optional argument – the memory
address, which the execution will be resumed from. Another The kernel compilation for RPi follows similar steps as for
flow control command is step that perform a single stepping. x86 processors, for example. As with bare metal programs,
the compiler should be configured to build programs for
OpenOCD comes with a set of commands to introspect the ARM processors.
status of the processor and memory. Processor registers can
be displayed with reg command over Telnet. For example, The kernel expects to be loaded at the address 0x8000. But
register 15 is the program counter (pc). It points to the usually the kernel image is put on the booting partition in
instruction that is to be executed. Modifying it corresponds a compressed form as (zImage) along with the decompres-
to issuing step command with the parameter - the address sor. The decompressor is ignorant to where it is loaded to,
from which to perform the next step. and it is smart enough to uncompress the kernel and put it
to the correct memory address. This is important because
The memory area can be displayed with a set of mdX com- when building an image for the RPi that will enable JTAG
mands, where ’X’ is one of ’b’, ’w’, ... for a byte, a word and before booting the kernel, the actual zImage will be shifted
so on. The memory can also be written to with a set of mwX in memory to introduce the JTAG enabling code in front of
commands. For example, knowing the RPi memory layout, it.
where 0x20200000 is a GPIO base address, (base + 0x28)
is GPSET0, and (base + 0x1c) is GPCLR0 register; and the 4.2 Enabling JTAG before decompressing the
fact that 0x10000, the 16th bit, corresponds to GPIO LED, kernel
it is possible to turn the RPi green LED on and off from an The RPi community provides the script to create the image
OpenOCD Telnet session: kernel.img that can be put to the card from a newly com-
piled Linux kernel. The script puts a small bootloader at the
address 0x0, the kernel arguments at the address 0x100 and
>mww 0x20200028 0x10000 // turns LED on zImage at 0x8000. The bootloader and the arguments are
>mww 0x2020001c 0x10000 // turns LED off provided as text files with hexadecimal strings most proba-
bly converted from binary files.
3.2 Loading images Following the same idea, it is possible to convert the bare
In order to start debugging a program it is necessary to put metal JTAG enabling program into a text file with the re-
it on the SD card first. This process takes a lot of time after quired hexadecimal strings and put it at 0x8000, so that
each recompilation. One needs to power-off RPi, take the JTAG gets enabled first. In this case, zImage is appended
SD card out and put it in the host card reader, copy the after that code.
file, unmount the SD card, put it back to RPi, power it on.
JTAG provides a more convenient way to get the program In order to be able to debug the kernel booting process from
into the memory for debugging purposes. the very beginning, the JTAG enabling software can go into
an infinite loop, so that the kernel booting should be started
When JTAG is enabled and the processor is halted, one manually: by opening an OpenOCD session, halting the ex-
can upload the program image directly to the memory over ecution, and jumping to the address, where zImage ended
JTAG. The required OpenOCD command is load_image up being loaded to.
<file_name> <address>, where the image to be uploaded
is given as the first parameter, and it will be loaded to the So, the kernel can be debugged over JTAG from the very
address given as the second parameter. GDB has a com- beginning of the booting process. But during its execution
mand to load images as well, load. It will automatically some kernel drivers might override the GPIO pins used for
put the executable to the correct address, specified at the JTAG for their purposes. All GPIO JTAG pins have some
compilation time. The uploading speed depends solely on alternative configurations for other functions. Possible over-
the hardware solution used for JTAG. Olimex ARM-USB- riding candidates are I2 C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) and SPI
TINY-H shows the speed of up to 40 KiB/s. So 2 MiB (Serial Peripheral Interface) drivers. Neither I 2 C, nor SPI
file can be uploaded in 50 seconds. The speed of writing signal pins overlap with the ones of JTAG. More than that,
to an SD card is much bigger but a lot of time is wasted both I 2 C and SPI drivers are disabled in the kernel by de-
on physically moving it from an RPi to the host computer fault.
and backwards. For small images, like bare metal programs,
downloading over JTAG is definitely faster.
4.3 Kernel session debugging example
When the kernel image with JTAG enabling code is put to
4. LINUX KERNEL the SD card it is possible to debug the kernel with GDB.
This section describes how to enable JTAG on RPi for de- After RPi is turned on and OpenOCD is started, GDB can
bugging Linux kernel. Linux is a default choice as a general connect to OpenOCD over GDB protocol. The command
purpose OS for RPi [4]. Kernel debugging is not a trivial to attach to the process running on RPi is target remote,
task, but doing it remotely simplifies the approach a lot. By that takes the address and port where OpenOCD is running.
OpenOCD commands can be issued from GDB with its 6. REFERENCES
monitor command. For example, monitor halt equals to [1] ARM, home page. http://www.arm.com.
halting the processor from a Telnet session. In the same [2] Autotools manual.
way the disassembled code can be retrieved via monitor http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/.
arm disassemble. All other OpenOCD functions available [3] GDB: The GNU Project Debugger, home page.
through Telnet protocol work from GDB as well. http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/.
[4] Linux for embedded systems. http://www.elinux.org.
To start booting the kernel it is necessary to manually con- [5] Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H. https://www.olimex.
tinue the execution from the address where the decompressor com/Products/ARM/JTAG/ARM-USB-TINY-H/.
of the kernel got loaded to. For the tool described earlier it
[6] OpenOCD, documentation. http:
is 0x81b0. Hence monitor step 0x81b0 should be given.
In order to make sense out of the kernel debugging it is nec- [7] Raspberry Pi, home page.
essary to load symbol tables from the kernel image. First of http://www.raspberrypi.org.
all, the kernel should be configured to include the debugging [8] Broadcom Corporation. BCM2835 ARM Peripherals,
information during its building process. Then the tables can 2012.
be loaded by symbol-file vmlinux, where vmlinux is the [9] IEEE, Computer Society. 1149.1-2001 - IEEE
uncompressed kernel image containing debugging informa- Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan
tion. Architecture, 2001.
[10] Lauterbach GmbH. ARM JTAG Interface
When the symbols are loaded, then after the kernel is de- Specification, 2013. http:
compressed, the debugging of it can go along the same lines //www2.lauterbach.com/pdf/arm_app_jtag.pdf.
as a normal debugging of a user-space program on any Linux
machine. It is possible to set breakpoints, examine registers
and memory locations, do single stepping, continue execu-
tion from another place and so on.
GDB finds where the function is located and shows it, when
creating a breakpoint.
This paper gave a brief introduction to JTAG as it is used for
debugging embedded systems. The practical setup included
debugging Raspberry Pi ARM processor using OpenOCD
over Olimex ARM-JTAG-USB adapter. Debugging bare
metal programs is enabled by configuring RPi GPIO pins,
so that they correspond to JTAG signals. Debugging Linux
kernel can be enabled by configuring the necessary pins be-
fore the kernel starts to boot. Then it is possible, for exam-
ple, to single step through the booting sequence and figure
out what the kernel does during its boot. It is possible
to debug kernel modules as well by setting the necessary
breakpoints and examining the call stack, the memory, the
registers state.