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1. Applications from eligible Indian Citizens are invited for the posts as indicated
(a) Abbreviation used : UR- Unreserved, SC- Scheduled Caste, ST- Scheduled Tribes,
OBC- Other Backward Caste, EWS- Economically Weaker Section, ESM Quota- Ex-
serviceman Quota, PH- Physically Handicapped, VH- Visually Handicapped, HH- Hearing
Handicapped, OH- Orthopedically Handicapped, ID- Intellectual Disability.
(Disability of a person should not be less than 40% or as per Govt of India order till
last date of application. Disability certificate should be issued from the competent
authority as prescribed by the Govt of India)
(b) Pay Matrix Level-1 (Rs 18000-56900), Level-2 (Rs 19900-63200) &Level-4 (Rs
(d) Safaiwali and Ward Sahayika post is only for Female candidate.
2. Qualification for the above posts are as under:-
(a) Barber Essential: Matriculation pass or equivalent from recognized Board with
proficiency in barber’s trade job.
Desirable: One year experience in the trade.
(c) LDC (i) 12th Class or equivalent qualification from a recognized board or
Hindi typing @ 35 wpm on computer (35 words per minute and 30 words
per minute corresponding to 10500/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key
depressions for each word.
4. The candidates will be put through a selection process. Selection will be made as
per existing Government Rules& regulations and selection will be made strictly on the
basis of merit in the written exams and qualifying in the skill/trade test if any.
5. Important instructions to the candidates/Applicants:-
Sr Important instructions
(a) Closed date of receiving of application will be 45 days from the date of
publication of the advertisement.
(b) Unit/Establishment will not be responsible for any postal delay or failure.
(d) New entrants to Government service, entering on or after 01 Jan 2004 are
governed by the New Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (Known as New
Pension scheme)
(f) It may also be made clear that merely fulfilling the basic selection criteria does not
automatically entitle a person to be called for written or skill/trade test.
(g) The posts carry the all India service liability i.e the individual can be posted
anywhere in India.
(h) All candidates must enclose self addressed Envelope and fee in the form of Postal
order of Rs 100/- in favour of “Commandant,Command Hospital (EC) Alipore,
Kolkata- 700027”and two recent passport size photos in addition to affixing in the
application. Fee will be exempted as per Government of India provision. The
postal order should be issued on or after the date of publication of advertisement.
The application fee is non-refundable. However, Sponsored candidates by the
local Employment Exchange, the ZilaSainik Welfare Office, Army welfare
placement organization or any other Government of India Agency etc have to pay
the fee.
(i) Copy of all educational certificates, caste certificate, Copy of PPO & discharge
book in case of Ex-servicemen will be attached after self attestation. For the
purpose of Indian Nationality any one of the following document should also be
enclosed with application.
(p) Application will be accepted only through Registered Post or speed post. The
application should be addressed to The Commandant , Command Hospital (EC)
Alipore, Kolkata- 700027
(q) Usage of unfair means during the exam will be considered as misconduct and will
lead to disqualification of the candidature. There may be negative marking in the
written exams.
7. The crucial date for determining the age limit will be the closing date for
receipt of application from the candidate i.e 45 days from the date of publication
and extra 07 days (i.e 52 days from the date of publication) for candidate in Assam,
Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim,Ladak sub-
division of Jammu and Kashmir state,Lahaul and Spiti District of pangi Sub-division
of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep from the date
of publication of the advertisement in Employment News.
8. Unit will not be responsible for any injury which may occur during the
written/physical/Trade test.
9. Some unscrupulous elements may approach you with the assurance of procuring
appointment for you through illegal gratification. You must not fall prey to such false
assurance or exploitation and must not entertain or encourage such elements in any
way.It is emphasized and reassured that selection test will be done on merit only in
transparent manner.
10. Examination Paper and their distribution:-
11. The question papers of the Written Test will be bilingual i.e English & Hindi.
However, the question on the portion of English Language subject will be in English only.
The question will be of 12th standard for the post of (LDC) and of 10th standard for the post
of Barber, Chowkidar, Safaiwali, Health Inspector, Cook, Tradesman Mate, Ward
Sahayika and Washerman. There may be negative marking also.
Annexure ‘A
The Commandant Photo
Command Hospital (EC)
Alipore, Kolkata- 700027
11. Whether Govt Servant, if yes, give details of office address, post held, Pay Scale
and Date of entry in Govt Service ___________________________________________
1. I undertake that the above informations furnished is correct and true to the best of
my knowledge. If at any stage it is found that informations furnished is wrong or important
relevant information was hiddenthen my candidature will be cancelled immediately without
any notice. If I am holding any post then my service will be terminated immediately without
any notice.
(मैं जिम्मेदारी लेता/लेती हु की अपरोक्त दी गई िानकारी मेरी िानकारी के अनुसर पूर्ण सत्य है । और जकसी भी वक्त ये
पाया िाता है की अपरोक्त िानकारी गलत है या कोई महतपू र्ण िानकारी चुपई गई है तो मेरा/मेरी जिम्मेदारी तत्काल
प्रभाव से रद्दकर कर दी िाएगी और अगर मैं पदस्थ हूं गायगी पदस्थ हूं तो मेरी सेवा तत्काल प्रभाव से जिना जकसी
2. I can be transferred anywhere in India and I am ready to serve at the posted place
willingly and without any condition.
(मु झे भारत में कहीूं भी स्थानाूं तररत जकया िा सकता है और मैं स्वे च्छा से और जिना जकसी शतण के तै नात
स्थान पर सेवा करने के जलए तै यार हूं ।)
3. I am aware and I have no objection that number of vacancies advertised for which I
have applied can be abolished/decreased/increased without any notice before declaration
of final result.
(मु झे पता है और मु झे कोई आपजि नहीूं है जक जवज्ञाजपत ररक्तक्तयोूं की सूंख्या जिनके जलए मैं ने आवेदन जकया
है , अूंजतम पररर्ाम की घोषर्ा से पहले जिना जकसी सूचना के समाप्त / घटा / िढाया िा सकता है।)
Signature of Candidate
Signature of Candidate
Appendix ‘B’
Government of ………………………………………..
(c) Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities.
(d) Residential plot of 200 sq. yard and above in areas other than the notified
Passport size Signature with seal of Office_______________
attested photo
of the
applicant Designation____________________________
* Income covered all sources i.e. salary, agricultural, business, profession etc
** The terms “Family” for this purpose includes the person, who seeks benefit of
reservation, his/ her parents and siblings below the age of 18 yrs.
*** The property held by a “Family” in different locations or different places/ cities have
been clubbed while applying the land or property holding rest to determine Economically
Weaker Sections status. DAVP Key No. -10605/11/0001/2223