Ayesha Khatun
Ayesha Khatun
Ayesha Khatun
Fitment Certificate
Fitment Certificate
Manufacturer Copy
Vehicle Details
SLD Details
This is to acknowledge that we have got our vehicle bearing registration No. WB73D9034fitted with Speed Limitation Device Manufactured by Mis. SYN Auto Solutions PVT.
LTD bearing Sr.No. SYN1121M78082 We have checked the performance of the vehicle after fitment of the said Speed Limitation Device and we confirm that the speed of the
vehicle is set to 80 KmpH and functioning as per norms laid out in AIS018. We are satisfied with the performance of the unit in all respects. We undertake not to raise any
dispute or any legal claims against Mis. SYN Auto Solutions PVT. LTD in the event that the above mentioned seals are found broken/tampered and more specifically with
respect to any variance in the speed limit set at the time of delivery, after expiry of warranty period of 12 months from the date of installation.