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प- केन्द्रीय मीठाजल जीवपालन अनस

ु ंधान संस्थान
I.C.A.R-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture
कौशल्यागंग, भुवनेश्वर-751002, ओडीशा
Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar-751002, Odisha
F.No. 18(27)/PMMSY/BRP/2021/Estt.I Date: 08.02.2023


The ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Kausaylaganga, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

invites applications for engagement of 01 (One) no. of Young Professional-II, ICAR-CIFA,
Bhubaneswar purely on contractual basis to work under Research project "Scaling up of Genetic
Improvement Programme of Freshwater Prawn Macrobrochium rosenbergii (Scampi)" under the Central
Sector Scheme component of the 'Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) at ICAR-CIFA,
Bhubaneswar as per details given below:

Advt. No-17/2022-23 WALK-IN-INTERVIEW

Sl. Duration Positions Emoluments Qualification Age Limit (as on Venue
No date of interview
02 Upto 31st March, Young Rs.35,000/- Essential: The lower age and 1. Date:21.02.2023
2024/ Co-terminus Professional-II per month M.F,Sc/M.Sc in Upper age limit will at 10.00 am
with the project, Consolidated Zoology from a be 21 and 45 years Venue: ICAR-
whichever is recognized respectively with CIFA,
earlier University. relaxation to
Desirable: Divyang as per rules. Bhubaneswar-
Candidates having 751002
field experience in
aquaculture will be

Interested candidates should bring their Bio-Data (5 Copies), two passport size photographs and one set of self-attested copies
of the entire certificates/Marks Sheets/Experience certificate. The original certificates and proof of age and caste to be
produced at the time of interview for verification. The selected candidate may also be required to work in rural areas and
travel extensively, as per requirement of the work. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. No interim enquiries
will be entertained. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position. The above engagements are
purely temporary and will stand terminated automatically after completion of period indicated in the selection offer, or
otherwise intimated subsequently subject to willingness of the candidate. The candidate will not have any right for absorption
in ICAR-CIFA/ICAR. The selected candidate may have to join immediately. The Director, ICAR-CIFA reserves the right to
cancel the recruitment process. The decision of Director will be final and binding in all respects. For further details please visit
to ICAR-CIFA. website:http://www.cifa.nic.in.

Principal Investigator
Application Form
Passport size
Application for the post of: Young Professional II under recent
Project: "Scaling up of Genetic Improvement Programme of Freshwater photograph
Prawn, Macrobrochium rosenbergii (Scampi)".

Applying for location: Please indicate by ticking the location applied for (One candidate
can apply for one location only)

ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

1 Full Name (In Block letters)
2 Father’s Name
3 Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY)
4 Aadhar Number
5 Age as on 31.01.2023
6 Sex (M/F/T)
7 Marital Status (Married / Unmarried)
Address with pin code
8 a. Permanent address and
b. For Communication address
9 Mobile Number &
WhatsApp Number
Email ID
Google meet/Gmail ID

11 Whether belongs to

12 Details of Education Qualification from 10th onwards (Attach self-attested copies of certificate)

Year of Max. Marks/ Marks Marks/
Degree Board/University
Passing OGPA/Grade Obtained OGPA/Grade
Any other

Title of M. F. Sc./M.Sc. Dissertation:

13 Details of experience (include experience of 6 months and above only, attach the proof)

S.No. Position held Employer Period (from) Period (to) Total experience

Brief description about the nature of work (experience) under taken (within 100 words):

14 No objection certificate (mandatory) from present employer (if employed as on date 09.08.2022):
15 Additional Information, if any:

16 Self-assessment scoring

Educational Qualification Percentage Marks/

OGPA/Grade Obtained

Desirable: Years of experience

Candidates having field experience in

freshwater aquaculture will be preferred.

17 Self-declaration regarding truthfulness in application


I …………………………………………… hereby declare that all statements made in the application are
true/correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or
incorrect, my candidature/appointment may be cancelled without any notice.

Date & Place

Full name of the candidate

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