Dices Vision

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DICES VISION-MISSION We commit ourselves to:

We, the schools of Diocese of Imus (Cavite), envison *Provide distinct quality Catholic Education guided
a holy and faithful People of God for a just and by religion (spirituality) as the core of the curriculum.
graced. Filipino society towards a peaceful and
*Produce GOD and CHURCH loving individuals that
renewed humanity.
are agents of evangelization and transformation.
With faith in God, love for the church, interior
*Develop responsible stakeholders that value
goodness, good manners, solidarity, and meritocracy,
collaboration, open communication subservience to
we commit ourselves to live-long and relevant
policies, rules, and regulations.
education that is Christ-centered, patriotic, and
evangelizing to form the whole human person, unite *Develop patriotic graduates imbued with domestic
every family, care for the needy, protect Mother and global competitiveness competencies.
Earth an engage in the apostolate and ministries of
the Chruch, guided by Mary, Our Lady of the Pilar.


1. Warm and simple

2. Clean and healthy in lifestyle
3. Reflective and critical thinkers
4. Eloquent communicators
5. Responsible and competent in modern
6. Innovative and resourceful
7. Purposeful and decisive
8. Ethical and moral servant-leaders
9. Globally competitive anf locally active
10. Loyal and grateful to their Alma Mater


St. Jude Parish School is an educational institution

that aims to form graduates who are output of holistic
development imbued with necessary knowledge,
skills, habits, values such that they manifest high
qualities of being pious, ethical, independent,
adoptive, creative, critical thinkers, globally
competitive, able to use modern technology, and can
be counted upon wealth of the church and hope of the


We envision ourselves to be a Catholic Educational

Institution that enjoys collaboration among
stakeholders in the education, evangelization and
transformation of school community, preparing
ourselves both foe domectic and global
competitiveness and developing love foe God,
Church and Motherland to ultimately achieve the
fullness of life.


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