Worksheet 3 .

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1. Each member of the group must collaborate in accomplishing the worksheets.

2. Each research group must secure one long binder folder for the compilation and
submission of printed outputs. Assigned colors are as follows: La Storta-Blue, Loyola-
Yellow, Manresa-Green, Montserrat-Red, and Pamplona-Black.
3. The following are the point persons for Worksheet 3.
La Storta Loyola Manresa Montserrat Pamplona

Gillo Hombrebueno Aguilar Hortillosa Belicena

Alba Torreta Dapat Latabe Dalanon
Javellana Alaurin Macailing Villanuev
Calura Pamposa Serag Grecia
Ong Tabanda Luching Bancolo
Viterbo Inaldo Medrano Bacajin
Pido Pamonag Villar Chua
Abelende Provido Sudario Falle
Amular Tinasas Banes Carvajal
Condez Tumlos Aponte Garbosa
Casio Tura Golingay Almelia
Tupas Yap Bernadas Mambay

4. The point person must accomplish the following on or before March 8, 2023: (1)
Submit the printed copy of the worksheets (compiled inside the binder folder); (2)
Upload the word copy of the worksheets in the google drive assigned to the group. A
deduction of 5 points from the overall score will be given to the point person if any
of the aforementioned was not accomplished.
5. Questions regarding the task should be asked during class hours or during
the scheduled consultation time. 
Santa Maria Catholic School
School Year 2021–2022

Worksheet 3- The Introduction 1

Research Group: 3 Section: 11
Student Researchers:
1. Josh Andrie Dorado 3. Jed Benedict
2. Hean Jubert 4. Rainer Jasper
Superticioso Gasacao


1. Indicate your working title. (12-15 words & apply all the guidelines.)
2. Indicate the names of the student researchers.
3. Identify the Background of your study:
Paragraph 1: Description of the current state of your topic in the research field.
Paragraph 2: Descriptions of the issues that will be addressed in the study.
Paragraph 3: Description of the current practices and conventions used in
addressing the issues mentioned in paragraph 2.
Paragraph 4: The research gap that you will address in your study. Aside from the
practices mentioned in paragraph 3, what else is need/what else can you do as a
Paragraph 5 and/or 6: Your current study and/or your research aims. Describe
what your study is all about.
4. Identify the Research Problem.
5. Identify the Research Questions appropriate to your study.
6. Identify Research Hypothesis (if applicable).
7. Print the Final Output with the rubrics attached.
The Efficacy of Recycled Agricultural Waste as Partial Replacement to Cement to

Produce Hollow Blocks

Josh Andrie G. Dorado, Hean Jubert I. Superticioso, Jed Benedict M. Macailing,

and Rainer Jasper S. Gasacao


Background of the Study

Concrete is the world's widely used material for construction. With about 10 billion tons

of concrete produced every year, it is the second most consumed substance in the world, second

only to water (Eco-Friendly Alternatives To Traditional Concrete, 2019). The Philippines

construction market size was valued at $54.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to achieve an

annual average growth rate of more than 7% from 2023 to 2026 (Philippines Constructive

Market, 2022). Due to the massive demand of concrete, it has been noticed that whenever

cement, an important component to concrete, is generated it produces a staggering amount of

CO2. Every year, construction materials manufactured such as cement produce 4 billion tonnes

of carbon dioxide (Ramsden, 2020).

Hollow blocks are examples of concrete and also an essential in today’s construction

industry. It is used to build different types of walls for different purposes like retaining walls,

decorative walls, classic walls, etc. These hollow blocks are made of the same ingredients used in

poured concrete walls which are gravel, sand, Portland cement, and water (Hessam, 2022). This

material is an example of why carbon emission increases because of its prerequisite component,

cement. In addition, the Philippines is abundant in bountiful lands that 47% of the land is under
agriculture cultivated as the livelihood of Filipinos; while this can be a good reason for having an

eco-friendly livelihood, the waste from farms accumulates ranging from rice husk, rice straw,

coconut husk, coconut shell and bagasse (Zafar, 2021).

Researchers have conducted studies about sustainable concrete, aiming to reduce carbon

emission caused by the product of cement as well as to minimize waste, through the use of

biodegradable wastes. According to Suarez-Riera et al. (2020), the use of biochar, specifically

2% of Gray Borgotaro Biochar, increases the flexural strength and creates a ductile behavior to a

pure cementitious paste. In another study by Morales et al. (2021), they stated that 20% of

cement can be replaced by biochar since it was able to react within the lime pastes resulting in

important reactions in the concrete’s structural integrity.

Although there are studies that states a sustainable approach to concrete alternative

components, such as rice husk biochar being a suitable admixture to cement, still, there are no

studies published in utilizing agricultural waste such as egg shells and rice husk biochar mixture

as partial replacement admixture to cement in making hollow concrete blocks while also testing

its quality through series of test that determines its permeability to water, compression test, and

corrosion resistance.

Currently, Portland cement with sand, gravel, and rocks are mainly used in creating

hollow blocks. In this study, the researchers will focus on the bio waste egg shells as well as rice

husk that was turned into biochar. These biodegradable wastes are selected by the researchers

because of their properties that contain calcium carbonate and silica. An egg shell contains

roughly 2.2 grams of calcium in a form of calcium carbonate (Butcher & Miles, 2019). While a

single rice husk contains 85%–98% silica, which is an important compound for constructions

(Naskar et al., 2011).

The study aims to test the potential of rice husk biochar and egg shells by adding it in

cement-making hollow blocks. By rationing the rice husk biochar and eggshell ash mixture with

a ratio of 10%, 20%, and 30% replacement per cement. It is the researchers’ interest to know the

effectiveness of these materials as admixture to cement and analyze the comparison of hollow

block with sustainable mixture and standard hollow block’s composition and structural


Statement of the Problem

For the stated purposes, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of agricultural waste

specifically, rice husk and eggshells, as partial replacements to cement in producing sustainable

hollow blocks while also comparing it to the standard hollow block. Specifically, the paper aimed

to answer the following questions:

1.) Does the presence of rice husk and egg shells as an admixture to cement

improve the structural integrity of a hollow block?

2.) How does using recycled agricultural waste as aggregate for hollow blocks

affect the final production cost?

3.) How much of the percentage ratio of the rice husk and egg mixture can be a

suitable partial replacement to hollow blocks?


1. There is no significant change in the structural integrity between the standard hollow

blocks and hollow blocks with rice husk and egg shell mixture as partial replacement.

2. There is no significant change in the cost between the standard hollow blocks and

hollow blocks with rice husk and egg shell mixture as partial replacement.
Butcher, G., & Miles, R. (2019, February 20). VM69/VM013: Concepts of Eggshell
Eco-Friendly Alternatives To Traditional Concrete. (2019, July 18). Specify Concrete.

Hessam. (2022, October 9). What Hollow Concrete Block Is In General And In Details.




Huun, K. (2020, December 10). Wastes and its Contribution to Climate Change.

Morales, L. F., Herrera, K., López, J. E., & Saldarriaga, J. F. (2021). Use of biochar from
rice husk pyrolysis: assessment of reactivity in lime pastes. Heliyon, 7(11), e08423.

Philippines Construction Market Size, Trends and Forecasts by Sector - Commercial,

Industrial, Infrastructure, Energy and Utilities , Institutional and Residential Market
Analysis, 2022-2026. (2022, December 13). GlobalData.

Ramsden, K. (2020, November 03). Cement and Concrete: The Environmental Impact.
environmental-impact#:~:text=As%20a%20 material%20that%20 creates

Suarez-Riera, D., Restuccia, L., & Ferro, G. A. (2020). The use of biochar to reduce the
carbon footprint of cement-based materials. Procedia Structural Integrity, 26(1), 199–

Zafar, S. (2021, November 21). Crop Wastes in the Philippines. BioEnergy Consult.
Rubrics for Grading WORKSHEET 3 ( 50 Points)
Excellent Acceptable Unacceptable
(Exceeds (Meets (Below
Category Exceeds
Standards) Standards) Standards)
(5 Points) (1 Points) (0 Point)
(3 Points)
Follows the Few NO
follows the
correct characteristics characteristics
Title characteristics of a good of a good
characteristics of
of a good research title research title
a good research
research title were followed was followed
The contents
Few contents are not
Most of the
All of the are descriptions of
contents are
contents are descriptions of the current
descriptions of
descriptions of the current state of the
the current state
the current state state of the field .
of the field.
of the field . field. Few Information
Background Information are information are not
information are
of the study focused, focused, focused,
Paragraph 1 accurate, accurate, accurate,
systematic, systematic, systematic,
organized and organized and organized and
organized and
ideas are clearly ideas are ideas are not
ideas are clearly
presented with clearly clearly
presented with
citations. presented with presented
some citations.
few citations. without
The contents
Few contents are not
All of the Most of the
are descriptions of
contents are contents are
descriptions of the issues that
descriptions of descriptions of
the issues that will be
the issues that the issues that
will be addressed in
will be will be addressed
addressed in the study.
addressed in the in the study.
Background the study. Few Information
study. Some
of the study information are not
Information are information are
Paragraph focused, focused,
focused, focused,
2 accurate, accurate,
accurate, accurate,
systematic, systematic,
systematic, systematic,
organized and organized and
organized and organized and
ideas are ideas are not
ideas are clearly ideas are clearly
clearly clearly
presented with presented with
presented with presented
citations. some citations.
few citations. without
Background All of the Most of the Few contents The contents
are not
are descriptions of
contents are contents are
descriptions of the current
descriptions of descriptions of
the current practices and
the current the current
practices and conventions
practices and practices and
conventions used in
conventions conventions
used in addressing the
used in used in
addressing the issue.
addressing the addressing the
of the study issue. Few Information
issue. issue. Some
Paragraph information are not
Information are information are
3 focused, focused,
focused, focused,
accurate, accurate,
accurate, accurate,
systematic, systematic,
systematic, systematic,
organized and organized and
organized and organized and
ideas are ideas are not
ideas are clearly ideas are clearly
clearly clearly
presented with presented with
presented with presented
citations. some citations.
few citations. without
The contents
Few contents are not
All of the Most of the
are descriptions of
contents are contents are
descriptions of the research
descriptions of descriptions of
the research gap that will be
the research gap the research gap
gap that will be addressed in
that will be that will be
addressed in study.
addressed in addressed in
Background study. Few Information
study. study. Some
of the study information are not
Information are information are
Paragraph focused, focused,
focused, focused,
4 accurate, accurate,
accurate, accurate,
systematic, systematic,
systematic, systematic,
organized and organized and
organized and organized and
ideas are ideas are not
ideas are clearly ideas are clearly
clearly clearly
presented with presented with
presented with presented
citations. some citations.
few citations. without
Background All of the Most of the Few contents The contents
of the study contents are contents are are are not
Paragraph descriptions of descriptions of descriptions of descriptions of
5 current study current study current study current study
and/or the and/or the and/or the and/or the
research aims. research aims. research aims. research aims.
Information are Some Few Information
focused, information are information are not
accurate, focused, focused, focused,
systematic, accurate, accurate, accurate,
organized and systematic, systematic, systematic,
ideas are clearly organized and organized and organized and
presented with ideas are clearly ideas are ideas are not
citations. presented with clearly clearly
presented with
some citations. without
few citations.
Most of the Few
All Information Information
Information Information
presented are presented are
Research presented are presented are
clearly stating notclearly
problem clearly stating clearly stating
the research stating the
the research the research
problem. research
problem. problem.
Most of the Few of the
All questions are The questions
questions are questions are
aligned to the are not aligned
aligned to the aligned to the
topic and the to the topic and
topic and the topic and the
research the research
Research research research
problem, problem,
Questions problem, problem,
organized and organized and
and organized and organized and
presented presented
Hypothesis presented presented
accordingly, and accordingly,
accordingly, and accordingly,
supported with and supported
supported with and supported
correct with correct
correct with correct
hypothesis. hypothesis.
hypothesis. hypothesis.
Most of the Information
information used in the
All information used in the
used in the study study were not
used in the study were
were given given
study were given given
appropriate appropriate
appropriate appropriate
credits. Most credits. No
Citations credits. Entries credits. Few
Entries in the entries in the
and in the refence entries in the
refence list refence list
References list reflects the refence list
reflects the reflects the
citations used in reflects the
citations used in citations used
the study. citations used
the study. in the study.
Follows APA 7th in the study.
Somehow Failed to follow
Edition. Seldom follows
follows APA 7th the APA 7th
APA 7th
Edition. Edition.
Worksheet is
Timeliness Worksheet is passed on time
passed late

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