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LESSON 1: Gender and Sexuality as a Social Reality

Sex – the biological aspect of sex

-Sex is typically determined by examining your genitals.
-Among humans, sex is often assigned at birth.
Gender – the social interpretation of sex
-Our ability for higher thinking and our tendency to create social norms, allow us to attach social and cultural
meanings to things, including our sex.
Sexuality – the totality of our own experience of our sex and gender
Sex chromosomes – chromosomal markets that distinguish females (xx) from male (xy) species
Sexual Orientation-This is another aspect of our gender pertains to our emotional and sexual attraction to a person.
Heterosexual-People who are attracted to the opposite sex
Homo sexual – People who are attracted to people of the same sex
Bisexual- attracted to both sexes
LGBT- lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

LESSON 2: Gender and Sexuality Across Time

Patriarchy – social system where men primarily holds power in the political and private spheres.
Patriarchy-from the greek word Patriarkhes means “the rule of the father”.
Feminism – continuing series of social movements that aim to challenge the patriarchal society that creates these
oppressive political structures, beliefs and practices against women.
divine feminine (the sacredness of the woman due to her ability to conceive children) has prevail, and thus women
are treated equally with men.
This makes societies egalitarian (men and women have equitable power and roles.)
paternity (fatherhood/role of the father in conception)
societies have priviliged men over other genders because of the preferential given to them in the productive sphere
(world of public) –perceive physical strength.
Women – world of home and related task such as child rearing and home management.
Movement – womens liberation, womens movemnet or feminism .Aim to challenge the patriarchy society that
creates these oppressive political structures, beliefs and practices gainst women.
Le Mouvement de Liberation des Femmes or the womens libertion movement
History-pre-historic – they prioritize equality of all members, male and female.
Sexism – prejudice, stereotypes and descrimination based on sex
GendeR pay gap- men earn more that women.


-Acdg to Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender, Gender role and sex role are “sets of culturally defined behavior such as
masculinity and femininity”.
-Lesbian, gay, bi, and transgender people often do not fit in the traditionally gender roles so they are often
reprimand, bullied, and descriminated. They are often subjected to violence and hate just because they do not fit in
what society calls “normal”.
Gender Studies and Research
-As a subject of inquiry, gender studies utilizes a systematic approach in identifying problems, making hypotheses
and assumptions, gathering data, and making conclusion.
This systematic process is reffered to as the research process.
*Approach in Research*
Qualitative approach focuses more on the meaning created and interpretation made by people about their own
personal or observed experiences.
Quantitative approach focuses more on characteristics a population (total number of individual in a group) or a
sample (a sub-group within the population).

Ethics in Gender and Sexuality Research

1. Informed Consent – Researchers should make sure that the participant in the study are aware of the purpose of
the study they are participating in.
2. Confidentiality and anonymity – Researhcers should not reveal any information provided by the participants,
much so, their identity to anyone who are not concerned with the study.
3. Non maleficence and benefecience – A study do no harm (non-maleficence) to anyone.
4. Distributive justice – Any study should not disadvantage a particular group, especially the marginalized and the
oppressed (eg., poor people, women, LGBTQ+, the elderly) The benefits of a study should be for all.



Definition of terms:
• Reproduction – process of producing off spring
• Genitals - external sex organs
• Primary sex characteristics - sex characteristics are present at birth.
• Secondary sex characteristics - sex characteristics that merge during puberty.


Anatomy the study of body structure in relation to body parts. The female sexual anatomy is designed for
the production and fertilization of ovum, as well as carrying and delivering infant offspring. Puberty signals the final
development of primary and accessory organs that support reproduction.

A. The female external genitalia consist of the following:

Vulva - all the external genital structures taken together;
Mons veneris – pads of fatty tissue between pubic bone and skin;
Labia majora - outer lips surrounding all the other structures;
Prepuce – clitoral hood (foreskin above and covering clitoris);
Clitoris – glans (head), shaft, and crura (root), the clitoris is particularly sensitive ti stimulation;
Labia minora – inner lips surrounding the vestibule where sweat and oil glands, extensive blood vessels, and nerve
endings are located.
Vestibule – area surrounding the urethral opening and vagina, which is highly sensitive with extensive blood vessels
and nerve ending.
Urethral opening - end of tube connecting to bladder and used for urination;
Vaginal opening – also called introits ; and
Perineum – area skin separating the genitalia from the anus; distance is less in females than males.

B. The female internal reproductive structures consist of the following as described and shown below;
• Vagina – collapsible canal extending from vaginal opening back and upward into body to cervix and uterus.
During arousal, it is engorged with blood. This aids its expansion and triggers the release of lubricants from
vaginal mucosa;
• Cervix – small end of uterus to which vagina leads. It is the opening in cervix leading to interior of uterus;
• Uterus – womb, organ within pelvic zone where fetus is carried;
• Fallopian tubes – carry egg cells from ovaries to uterus, this is where fertilization occurs; and
• Ovaries – produce estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen influences female sex characteristics and initiates
menstrual cycle. Progesterone aids in regulation of menstrual cycle and promotes mature development of
uterine lining to allow for zygote implantation. Also produce ova, egg, cells, and bring them to maturity. As
many as 1 million immature ova are present at birth, with about 400,000 surviving to puberty. Of these, only
about 400-450 are typically brought to maturity and released into the fallopian tubes.
The menstrual cycle marks the beginning of puberty in females. The first episode occurs between 11 to 15
years of age referred to as menarche.

It involves changes in the endometrium in response to the fluctuating blood levels of ovarian hormones.
There are three phases:
Menstrual phase - this occurs if the ovum is not fertilized and does not implant itself into the uterine lining. The
continued high levels of estrogen and progesterone causes the pituitary to stop releasing follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
Proliferative phase – it occurs when the hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland to release FSH that stimulates
the ovaries to produce estrogen and causes ova to mature in the ovarian follicles
Secretory phase. It occurs when the pituitary gland releases LH that causes the ovary to release a mature ovum and
causes the remaining portion of the following portion of the follicle to develop into the corpus luteum.


The male sexual anatomy is designed for the production and delivery of sperm for fertilization of the
female’s ovum. Puberty signals the final development of primary and accessory organs that support reproduction.
A. The female external genitalia consist of the following structures:
• Prepuce – foreskin covering head of penis, removed in male circumcision:
• Penis – glans (head), shaft, and root. The glans is particularly sensitive to stimulation. Running the length of
the penis is the urethra surrounded by the spongy body and two cylindrical chambers known as the
cavernous bodies.
• During arousal, these become engorged with blood, resulting in erection:
• Corona – rim of glans where it arises from shaft.
• Frenulum – thin strip of skin connecting glans and shaft on underside of penis.
• Scrotum – sac that encloses the two compartments housing the testes;
• Urethral opening – found on head of penis this is the end of tube connected to bladder and used for
urination. It is also tube to which internal structures deliver semen by which male ejaculates; and
• Perineum – area of skin separating the genitalia from the anus, distance is greater in males than females.

B. The male internal reproductive organs:

• Testes- produce androgen, particularly large quantities of testosterone, which greatly influence male
development drive sexual motivation; also produce sperm cells in virtually unlimited quantity over the
entire course of the lifespan.


Male condom: rubber sheath that fits over the penis
Implantable hormone device: continuous release of hormones
Sterilization: Vasectomy for males and tubal ligation or females
Birth Control Pill: contains synthetic estrogen

In addition, younger women who become pregnant face a higher risk than older women in developing a number of
other complications. These complications can be any or a combination of the following manifestations:
• Excessive vomiting
• Severe anemia;
• Hypertension
• Convulsions;
• Difficulty in breast feeding (if the girl is too young to produce milk);
• Premature and low birth weight babies;
• Infection;
• High material mortality or death.


Definition of Terms:
Health- a state complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infinity.
Hygiene – refers to behaviors that can improve cleanliness and to good health, such as frequent handwashing, face
washing, and bathing with soap and water. Practicing personal hygiene etiquette is difficult, especially in many areas
of the word, due to lack of clean water and soap. Inappropriate washing of hands, face, and body can spread many
Sexual health – refers to a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not
merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to
sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of
coercion, discrimination , and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained the sexual rights of all
persons must be respected, protected, and fulfilled.
Reproductive health – refers to the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes
at all stages of life.

Oily Hair
The hormones that create acne are the same ones that can make you feel you’re suddenly styling your hair with
comb dipped in motor oil. Each strand of hair has its own sebaceous (oil) gland which keeps the hair shiny and
waterproof. But during puberty, when the sebaceous glands produce extra oil, it can make your hair look too shiny,
oily, and greasy.
Sweat and Body Odor
Perspiration, or sweat, comes from sweat glands that you have always had in your body. But thanks to puberty,
these glands not only become more active than before, they also begin to secrete different chemicals into the sweat
that has a stronger smelling odor. You might notice this odor under arms in your armpits. Your feet and genitals
might also have new smells.
Body Hair
Body hair in new places is something you can count on again, they are hormones in action. You may want to start
shaving some places where body hair grows, but whether you do is up to you. Some guys who grow facial hair like to
let it develop into a mustache and beard. Some girls may decide to leave the hair on their legs and under their arms
as is.
Dental Hygiene
Dentists say that the most important part of tooth care happens at home. Brushing and flossing properly, along with
regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.


Definition of terms
Risk – probability that a hazard in the environment can actually negatively affect the individual.
Risk taking – a behavior of doing something regardless of potential loss.
Risk-taking is normal part of adolescent development. Risk-taking is defined as participation in potentially health-
compromising activities with little understanding of, or in spite of an understanding of, the possible negative


• Sexual promiscuity
• Regular use of drugs and alcohol regulation
• Repeated violation of the law or school regulation
• Running away more than once more than once in three months
• Skipping school more than once in three months
• Aggressive outbursts/impulsiveness
• Dark drawings or writings
• Deterioration in hygiene
• Oppositional behavior
• Refusal to work/non-compliance
• Chronic lateness
• Falling asleep in class
• Changes in physical appearance and
• Excessive daydreaming.

Common drugs abused by young people and their effects:

1.Marijuana (also known as Cannabis, Grass, Joint, Splif, Hashish, Pot, Weed).
Marijuana is a plan grown and used worldwide. Usually people smoke the levels but the leaves and the stem can be
made into tea, or even cookies.
2.Mairungi (also known as Khat, Qat, and Mirraa). Mairungi is the common name for a stimulation leaf that is
chewed in much of EAST AFRICA. Chewing Mairungi can help someone feel more awake, confident, and can also
reduce hunger. In fact, many students use it when (cramming” for exams.
3.Alcohol. Alcohol is the most common drug and is used worldwide. Because it is legal, often kept in the home and
comes in extremely cheap local brews, alcohol is extremely easy to find and consume
4.Cigarettes (tobacco cigars). Many young people start smoking tobacco products for different reasons including:
influence of friends, seductive advertisements, and older role models like siblings or celebrities, to mention a few.
5.Cocaine also known as Crack, Coke, Charlie, Nose candy, Toot, Bazooka, Big C, Cake, Lady, Stardust, Coco, Flake,
Mister coffee). Cocaine is prepared from coca leaves which are greenish- yellow leaves of different size and
appearance. Cocaine is often called the “champagne of drugs” because of its high cost.
6.Heroine (also known as Hammer, Horse, H, Junk, Nod, Smack, Skag, White, beige white lady, White stuff, Joy
powder boy, Hairy, Harry, Joy powder). Heroine is a drug obtained from morphine and comes from the opium
poppy plant. Heroin is a drug shows down the user’s body mind. It is a very strong painkiller and can be one of the
most dangerous things to mix with other drugs.
7.Amphetamines (also known as Speed, Ice, Browns, Footballs, Hearts, Oranges, Wake ups, Black Beauties, Crystal
meth, Crack meth, Cat, Jeff amp, Dexies, Rippers, Bennies, Browns, Greenies, Pep pills). Amphetamines are
stimulants that affect a person’s system by speeding up the activity of the brain and giving energy.
8.Ecstasy (also known as Adam, Essence, MDM, MDMA, XTC, Eve, MDE, MDEA). Ecstasy belongs to the same group
of chemicals as the above category that is stimulants, and is most often used in the form of tablets at rave parties.
9.Inhalants and solvents. Inhalants and solvents are chemical that can be inhaled, such as glue, gasoline, aerosol,
spray, lighter fluid, etc. These are not drugs as such and are, in fact, legally available form a large number of shops.

Tips to avoid drugs:

• You do not need to take drugs to be liked by other people.
• You do not need to take drugs to feel brave or courageous.
• You do not need drugs to cope with sorrow or disappointment
• You have, inside you, the strength and inner resources to deal with any situation and any problem.

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