Shah Wali Allah (R.A) was a great Muslim scholar of 18th century
from the sub-continent. His thoughts and teachings were international and
had worldwide influence. He formulated his ideas nearly a century before
the well-known reformers of the world like Karl Marx and Adam Smith.
A reasonable research work has been done on Shah Wali Allah's
books, thoughts terminologies and his movements in almost every part of
the world. Especially the west and the western scholars have laboriously
studied Shah Wali Allah and contributed to a better understanding of his
thoughts. These research works consist of the translations of his books in
the western languages, research thesis for Ph.D degrees and research
articles for different journals. A large number of European universities and
other publishing companies also played an important role and helped in
researching and printing these researches.
In this article the universal approach of Shah Wali Allah’s thoughts
is described with a brief detail of some research works conducted on him
and his works in Europe. This also provides awareness of the importance
Western Scholarly Works On Shah Wali Allah
of Shah Wali Allah’s thoughts in Europe and the various related aspects to
his teachings. Moreover, the comprehension and analytical approach of the
Europeans on Shah Wali Allah can be observed as well.
Key Words :Shah Wali’s ideology, universality, revolution, terminologies,
“When the books of Imam Wali Allah read carefully, then it would
be obvious that although his language originally is from Dehli, yet
his addressees with the reference of elites of Dehli, are Judes,
Christians and non-Arab nations on the one hand and Greek, Iran
and Sabis of hind (Arian) on the other hand, are equally participants
in the subject of his discussion.”2
This was the reason that ideas of Shah Wali not only limited to Sub-
continent but also spread and become famous among world-wide nations.
Guidance was sought after through his thoughts from various corners of the
world. While highlighting this aspect Molana Munazir Ahsan Gillani says:
Shah Wali’s writings has the solution for Western inclination and
disbelief. Now this is an understood fact that not only in Hindustan
but also all including Egypt, Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan, have
started this realization. And thanks to God, Shah Wali’s books have
gained fame in all these Muslim countries.3
This is the fact that Shah Wali’s revolutionary books, opinions, views and
principles of economy, were presented at a time when half a century still
remained in French Revolution (1789 BC), and a century to Karl Marx, the
originator of communism. Thus he introduced his unique thoughts and
principles when Europe was still not aware of the development of
machines and lived in dark ages. And later on luckily, they attained the
powerful facility of printing press, when the changing time in above
mentioned personality and change in Europe appeared, otherwise, Shah’s
philosophy while appearing long before time, was highly logical, clear,
intellectual and practically applicable. If this printing press would have
been available to him, then a great revolution could have originated.
Whilst, the publication of his manuscripts, could be possible after a century
and half. 4
“The base of this respect and honor was the economic system of Karl
Marx. We were astonished that such revolutionary scripts that later Karl
Marx wrote in his writings, were already presented in Hakim Ul Hind’s
(Shah Wali) manuscripts. Because Imam Wali died in 1773(AD) and Karl
Marx was born in 1818”.5
This realism was realized sooner or later on the international level and
Shah Wali’s principles, ideology and teachings became universal and
worldly applicable owing to its worth.
West and Western scholars laid special emphasis on Shah’s work and made
his work the focus of attention by taking benefit from his work.The
importance of Shah’s can be understood from his book Hujjat-Allah-hul-
Baaligha which is translated in English by Dr. Muhammad Al-Ghazali,
The Socio Political Thought of Shah Wali Allah. In the editor’s note of this
book Dr. Zafar Ishaaq Ansari writes about Shah’s worth and influence in
“Like Wise perceptible interest has been shown by several western scholars
who have laboriously studied Shah Wali Allah… There are, however, also
other western scholars who have contributed to a better understanding of
his thought“7
Western Scholarly Works On Shah Wali Allah
The importance of Shah Wali’s teachings in the eyes of West and Western
researchers can also be illustrated with another example that the Foreword
of the above mentioned translation of Dr. Muhammad Al-Ghazali is
written briefly by Prof. Dr. Marcia K.Hermansen, from The Department of
Theology in the Loyola University Chicago America, writes about the
importance of Shah wali’s considerations:
“In fact some of the out standing Islamic philosophers such as Ibn-e-
Rushd, Mir Damad and Shah Wali Allah of Dehli have also been
authorities in the domain of the sacred law.”10
It can be assessed from this statement that European scholars count Shah
Wali among the great Muslim scholars like Ibne-Rushd. Furthermore, this
was the significance of Shah Wali that many countless research projects,
theses, articles and essays have been written in the west on his personality,
his books and innovative ideas.
3.2. Evaluation of research works conducted in the West on Shah
Wali Ullah and his thoughts
The research works done on Shah Wali and his thoughts are of many
perspectives, dimensions and aspects. These scholarly works include:
theses, translation and research on Shah’s books, research articles
published in many journals and the books written on him. These works are
done in various European languages generally and most of the work is in
English and French.
This article focuses on research works that are done or published in Europe
or completed by European scholars and researchers in the Western
These works can be divided and illustrated in the following two aspects.
I. Research works done in Europe on the books of Shah Wali Ullah
II. Research works conducted in Europe on the personality, services
and thoughts of Shah Wali
These points are illustrated in detail accordingly.
Ansari writes: “The most mentionable among them of course is the veteran
Dutch Scholar J.M.S. Baljon who has devoted a full scale book to an
analytical study of Shah Wali Allah”14
The significance of Prof. Baljon’s work on Shah’s ideology can be
assessed from the fact that most of research work done later on, takes
assistance from Baljon’s investigation and the reference of these works are
4. Berque Jacques
“Un contempra in Islamic-Indian de Jean Jacques Rousseau”30
5۔ Marcia K. Hermansen
Professor Hermansen attained great fame because of his work on books
and ideology of Shah Wali.I have introduced in the previous pages
mentioned Hermansen’s translated works of Hujat-ullah hul-Baligha and
Aqd-ul-Jeed. Besides these books Prof. Hermansen created research thesis
and many research articles that are mentioned below:
I. “Wali Allah, Shah. In Oxford Encyclopedia of the modern Islamic
world” 31
6. Voll, Johyn. O
“Hadith Scholars and Tariqahs” ‘An Ulema’ Group”36
7. Valiuddin, Mir
Research Journal Al-Meezan, Volume: 3, Issue: 2 ( Dec 2021) 93
Western Scholarly Works On Shah Wali Allah
. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Shah-Wali-Allah
. Sindhi, Ubaid Ullah. Shah Wali Ullah aur Unki Siyasi Tehreek. Al-Mehmood Academy.
Lahore: Page. 38-39 Jan. 1922
. Gillani, Molana Manazir Ahsan. Tazkirah e Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah . Bisat E Adab.
Lahore: Page. 257-259. Jan. 1952. Volume-2
.Syed Muhammad Mian, Molana,Ulama e Hind Ka Shandar Maazi,Maktaba Rasheedia
Karachi,page 32,33
.Sindhi, ibid page 49,50
.Ansari, Dr. Zafar Ishaq, Editor’s Note, The Socio-political thought of Shah Wali Allah,
Muhammad Al
Ghazali, p.xv Printed by IRI 2002, Islamabad
.Marcia K. Hermansen Prof, Fore word, Muhammad Al Ghazali, Socio Political thought
of Shah Wali Allah, IRI Islamabad 2002, Page vii
. Ibid
Syed Hossein Nasr, History of Islamic Philosophy, Published by Routledge London
and New York in 1997, Chap:2, page 29
.Khursheed Anwar Qasmi,Molana,Alfouz ul Azeem sharah alfouz ul kabeer,Qadeemi
Kutub Khana Aram Bagh Karachi,Page 603,604
. John O.Voll, Hadith scholars and Tariqahs. A “Ulema Group” in Journal of Asian and
Africah studies (Jul. Oct 1980) 265.
. Aziz al-Azmeh, Ibn Khaldun (London Routledge 1982) Chap II Page 145
.Muhammad Al Ghazali, Ibid, Editors Note P xiv
. Muhammad Al-Ghazali, Ibid, Editor’s Note. P. xiv
Marcia K. Hermansen. Ibid, (Acknowledgement)
. Marcia, Ibid Page 479
. See https://www.amazon.com/Shah-Wali-Allahs-Treatises-Islamic/dp/189178546X
. The Muslim world vol. 52. Edited by Ibrahim M Abu-Rabi and Jane Smith Hort ford
semaniry (Jan-1962): 22-30.
. Oxford university Press, 1964
. Edinburgh University Press 1969
. London oxford University Press 1969
. PhD Dissertation University of London 1970
In Acta Orientalia Neader Landice Leiden E.J Brill 1977. Pp 53-60
. In Acts of vii congress of Arabists and orientalists Gottingen. Vandenhoeck &
Ruyprcht 1976 pp. 63-73
. Actes du seme congress de I Union Europeane des Arabisants et Islamisants. Aix-en-
Province 1976 pp. 17-22
. Leden E. J Brill 1986
Revised E Book edition Edited by Krijn Peter Hesselink and Katinka Hessilink.
(Published online as a free e book 2012.
. L. Islam au temps du monde Paris: Sindbad 1984 pp 113-146
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. Oxford Encyclopedia of the modern Islamic world, Edited by John Esposito. ,New york
Oxford university Press 2001 vol,IV :311-312 (http://sites.la.utexas.edu/mhc/seminar)
. Studia Islamica 63(1986)143-157
. Journal of near eastern studies Jan. 1988: 1-25
. Hamdard Islamicus xi(3, 1988 17-30) also see Bibliography. Marcia. Ibid Page 481
. PhD Dissertation University of Chicago 1982.
Journal of Asian and African Studies 15 (July-October 1980) 262-273
. East West Publications, London. 1980
. Princeton University Press: 1982 Princeton
. Research Paper No. 8. Centre of research in Ethnic Relations. University of War Wick
Coventry CV47AL Sep. 1988
. Cambridge University Press 1991 p-161 (New York, USA, Melbourne Australia)
. MPRA (Munich Personal Repec Archive) Munich University Liberary Gesch Wister-
School-Platz ID 80539 munich Germany (https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/29628/)