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Singleton Pattern

• Ensure a class only has one instance, and
provide a global point of access to it.
• It's important for some classes to have exactly
one instance.
• Although there can be many printers in a
system, there should be only one printer
spooler .
• There should be only one file system and one
window manager.
• An accounting system will be dedicated to
serving one company
• How do we ensure that a class has only one instance and
that the instance is easily accessible?

A global variable makes an object accessible , but it doesn't

keep you from instantiating multiple objects.

A better solution is to make the class itself responsible for

keeping track o f its sole instance. The class can ensure that
no other instance can be created (by intercepting requests to
create new objects), and it can provide a way to access the
instance. This is the Singleton pattern.
• Use the Singleton pattern when
– there must be exactly one instance of a class , and
it must be accessible to clients from a well-known
access point.
– when the sole instance should be extensible by
subclassing, and clients should be able to use an
extended instance without modifying their code.
The Chocolate Factory Example
The chocolate factory has computer controlled
chocolate boilers. The job of the boiler is to
take chocolate and milk, bring them to a boil,
and then pass them on to the next phase of
making chocolate bars. One of the main
functions of the system is to prevent accidents
such as draining 500 litres of unboiled mixture,
or filing the boiler when is already full, or
boiling an empty boiler.
Creating a Single Instance of a Class
• In some cases it maybe necessary to create just
one instance of a class.
• This maybe necessary because:
– More than one instance will result in incorrect
program behavior
– More than one instance will result in the overuse of
– More than one instance will result in inconsistent
– There is a need for a global point of access
• How would you ensure that just one instance
of a class is created?
Singleton Pattern Overview
• In some cases there should be at most one
instance of a class.
• This one instance must be accessible by all
“clients”, e.g. a printer spooler.
• This usually occurs when a global resource
has to be shared.
• The singleton pattern ensures that a class
has only one instance and provides only
one point of entry.
Implementing the Singleton Pattern

• Implement a private constructor to prevent

other classes from declaring more than one
• Implement a method to create a single
instance. Make this method static.
• Create a lazy instance of the class in the class.
• Make the data element static.
Thread Example
A dual processor machine, with two threads calling the
getInstance() method for the chocolate boiler
Thread 1 Thread 2
public stat ChocolateBoiler
public stat ChocolateBoiler
if (uniqueInstance == null)
if (uniqueInstance == null)
uniqueInstance =
new ChocolateBoiler()
uniqueInstance =
new ChocolateBoiler()
return uniqueInstance;
return uniqueInstance;
Problems with Multithreading
• In the case of multithreading with more than one
processor the getInstance() method could be called
at more or less the same time resulting in to more
than one instance being created.
• Possible solutions:
– Synchronize the getInstance() method
– Do nothing if the getInstance() method is not critical to the
– Move to an eagerly created instance rather than a lazily
created one.
Synchronizing the getInstance()
• Code
public static synchronized Singleton getInstance()

• Disadvantage – synchronizing can decrease

system performance by a factor of 100.
Use an Eagerly Created Instance
Rather than a Lazy One
• Code:
//Data elements
public static Singleton uniqueInstance = new

private Singleton() {}

public static Singleton getInstance() {

return uniqueInstance
• Disadvantage – Memory may be allocated
and not used.
In Summary
• The singleton pattern ensures that there is
just one instance of a class.
• The singleton pattern provides a global
access point.
• The pattern is implemented by using a
private constructor and a static method
combined with a static variable.

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