GR 7 ML - CH 9 Integers PDF
GR 7 ML - CH 9 Integers PDF
GR 7 ML - CH 9 Integers PDF
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Canada has two official national sports: hockey in the winter and
lacrosse in the summer. To find out more about lacrosse, go to and follow the links. Who developed the game
of lacrosse? What was the game originally called?
Suggest ways of measuring a hockey player’s performance. Would
you use the same measure for players in different positions? For
example, would you measure a goalie’s performance in the same
way as a forward’s performance?
In this chapter, you will learn how to calculate and use the plus/minus
score to measure a hockey player’s contribution to a team.
Step 4 Continue to
cut tabs in
this way
4 cm
until you 4 cm
have seven 4 cm
tabs. 5 cm
Literacy Link
As you work through Chapter 9, take
notes under the appropriate tab.
Include information about the key
words, examples, and key ideas.
+1 −1
• the pair represents 2. Repeat #1 for the integers +3 and −3.
zero because
(+1) + (−1) = 0
6. Use integer chips to add each of the following. Write the addition Literacy Link
statement in each case. Writing and Reading
a) +2 and +3 b) −1 and −5 c) +4 and −2 d) +3 and −6 Integer Sums
The + or − sign of an
integer does not
Reflect on Your Findings represent addition or
subtraction. To avoid
7. Describe how you can use integer chips to add two integers. confusion, use
brackets to
distinguish integer
signs from operation
Example 1: Add Integers Using Integer Chips symbols. For example,
write (+2) + (−2), not
Add using integer chips. Copy and complete the addition +2 + −2. You may
statement in each case. find it helpful to read
(+2) + (−2) as
a) (+1) + (+2) = � b) (−3) + (−2) = � “positive two plus
c) (+5) + (−4) = � d) (−6) + (+2) = � negative two.”
a) +1:
+2: Strategies
There are three red chips altogether. Model It
The sum is +3. Refer to page xvi.
The addition statement is (+1) + (+2) = +3.
b) −3: What other strategy
−2: could you use?
There are five blue chips altogether.
The sum is −5.
The addition statement is (−3) + (−2) = −5.
When the chips are paired up, there is one red chip left over.
Each zero pair represents 0, so the sum is +1.
The addition statement is (+5) + (−4) = +1.
d) −6:
When the chips are paired up, there are four blue chips left over.
Each zero pair represents 0, so the sum is −4.
The addition statement is (−6) + (+2) = −4.
Represent the $5 Ray spent by a negative integer, −5.
Represent the $12 Ray received by a positive integer, +12.
The money that Ray gained from the visit can be represented
by the sum (−5) + (+12).
Add (−5) + (+12) using integer chips.
4. David asked his classmate Avril to show him why (+1) + (−1) = 0.
She modelled the addition by climbing up one step and then climbing
down it again. Explain how her model shows that (+1) + (−1) = 0.
−2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
2. The diagram shows how you can model (−4) + (−2) using a
number line.
−2 −4
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3
−2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
4. The diagram shows how you can model (−5) + (+4) using
a number line.
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3
a) Start the first arrow at
+4 +2
zero. Start the second
−2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 arrow where the first Strategies
arrow ends. The head of
The sum is +6. the second arrow is at +6.
Draw a Diagram
The addition statement is (+4) + (+2) = +6. Refer to page xvi.
b) −3 −5 Strategies
−10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 What other strategy
The sum is −8. could you use?
The addition statement is (−5) + (−3) = −8.
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4
d) +6
+6 and −6 are opposite
−8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 integers. Their sum is 0.
The sum is 0.
The addition statement is (−6) + (+6) = 0.
Add using a number line. Copy and complete the addition statement
in each case.
a) (−4) + (−2) = � b) (+1) + (+5) = �
c) (−2) + (+6) = � d) (+3) + (−4) = �
2. Suppose that two arrows are used to represent any two opposite
integers on a number line.
a) How do the directions of the two arrows compare? Explain.
b) How do the lengths of the two arrows compare? Explain.
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
7. Add using a number line. Copy and 12. a) A submarine was cruising at a depth
complete the addition statement. of 50 m. The captain brought the
submarine up by 34 m to reach
a) (+5) + (+5) = �
periscope depth. What was periscope
b) (−3) + (−6) = � depth for this submarine?
c) (+4) + (−10) = �
d) (−7) + (+12) = �
+1 5 – 6 –2
+ a) (+4) + (+3) + (+7)
b) (−5) + (−7) + (−4)
17. Suppose a friend knows how to add c) (+6) + (−9) + (+5)
positive integers but has never added
d) (−6) + (+3) + (−8) + (+2)
negative integers.
a) How could you use the following 21. Copy and complete each statement.
pattern to show your friend how to
a) (+4) + (�) = +9
add +6 and −2?
b) (�) + (+4) = −2
(+6) + (+3) = +9
(+6) + (+2) = +8 c) (−2) + (�) = −7
(+6) + (+1) = +7 d) +6 = (�) + (−3)
(+6) + 0 = +6 e) (+8) + (�) = +2
(+6) + (−1) = � f) −1 = (−5) + (�)
(+6) + (−2) = �
b) Make up a pattern to show your friend
how to add +2 and −4.
c) Make up a pattern to show your friend
how to add −3 and −5.
Consecutive Numbers
Consecutive numbers follow one after
another in order. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4
are consecutive whole numbers.
A hockey player’s plus/minus (+/−) score in a game is calculated as follows.
• The player scores +1 if he or she is on the ice when the player’s team scores
an even-strength or short-handed goal.
• The player scores −1 if he or she is on the ice when the opposing team
scores an even-strength or short-handed goal.
• Power-play goals and penalty shots are not counted.
Canadian Sidney Crosby began Opposing Team Sidney’s +/− Score
Web Link
playing professionally in the NHL Boston Bruins 0
at the age of 18. The table shows Canada has produced
New Jersey Devils −1 many famous hockey
Sidney’s plus/minus scores in Carolina Hurricanes −1 players. To learn more
some early games in his NHL about famous
Boston Bruins +2
rookie season with the Pittsburgh Canadian hockey
New Jersey Devils −2 players, go to
Boston Bruins +1
What was Sidney’s total plus/ and follow the links.
Carolina Hurricanes −1
minus score in the following
New Jersey Devils −2
a) the two games against the Carolina Hurricanes
b) the three games against the Boston Bruins
c) the three games against the New Jersey Devils
d) all the games shown in the table
Focus on…
After this lesson,
you will be able to...
φ subtract integers
using integer
The system of 24
time zones was
proposed by a
Canadian engineer,
Sir Sandford Fleming.
He suggested that
The map shows how the world is divided into 24 time zones. The zones
the time should be are labelled using integers. A move from one zone to the next means a
the same everywhere time change of one hour. The zone labelled 0 includes London, England.
in one zone. His idea A positive integer shows how many hours the time is ahead of the time
was adopted in 1884.
in London. A negative integer shows how many hours the time is behind
Before that,
individual cities used the time in London.
the position of the
sun in the sky to set Rome is in time zone +1. Winnipeg is in time zone −6. Count time zones
their own local time. to find out how many hours Rome is ahead of Winnipeg. Describe the
relationship between this time difference and the integers +1 and −6.
There are two ways to determine the difference between −5ºC and +6ºC.
Use either of the following methods.
3. Explain why adding any number of zero pairs does not change the
value represented by a group of integer chips.
8. What subtraction statement does each 12. What are the two differences between
set of diagrams represent? each pair of integers?
a) b) a) +5, +1
b) 0, −5
c) −3, +1
d) −6, −8
(−2) − (−5) = (−2) + (+5)
−3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4
+260 +20
+240 (+220) + (+30) 0 (−30) + (−220)
= +250 −28 = −250
+220 +28 −20
+200 −40
+180 −60
It is easier to model the
+160 addition on a number line −80
+140 than to use so many −100
+120 integer chips. −120
+100 +217 −140
+60 −180
The calculated value is
+40 close to the estimate, −200
+20 so the answer is −220
0 probably correct. −240
−20 −260
1. Mariko drew this diagram to show (+2) − (−3). Explain her thinking.
+2 +3
−2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Canada dominated women’s hockey by winning seven of Player Plus/Minus Score
the first eight world championships. The table shows the Jennifer Botterill 0
plus/minus scores of some Canadian players in a game Cassie Campbell +2
against Finland.
Geraldine Heaney −2
a) How much higher was Cassie’s score than Caroline’s?
Caroline Ouellette −1
b) How much lower was Geraldine’s score than Jennifer’s? Cheryl Pounder +3
c) Determine and explain the greatest difference between Hayley Wickenheiser +1
two scores in the table.
Optional A group of people with a total value greater than zero is a productive group.
• red and blue integer 1. Decide if each of the following is a productive group.
Show your reasoning.
a) b)
2. What is the least number of happy faces you need to add to each
of the following to make a productive group? Show your reasoning.
a) b) c)
Determine the change in the wind chill.
Wind Chill Chart Understand
Use a wind chill Wind Air Temperature (°C)
chart to find the Speed
(km/h) 5 0 –5 –10 –15 –20 –25 –30
wind chill values Plan
in the morning 5 4 –2 –7 –13 –19 –24 –30 –36
and in the 10 3 –3 –9 –15 –21 –27 –33 –39
afternoon. 15 2 –4 –11 –17 –23 –29 –35 –41
20 1 –5 –12 –18 –24 –31 –37 –43
Then subtract to
25 1 –6 –12 –19 –25 –32 –38 –45
find the change.
30 0 –7 –13 –20 –26 –33 –39 –46
35 0 –7 –14 –20 –27 –33 –40 –47
40 –1 –7 –14 –21 –27 –34 –41 –48
45 –1 –8 –15 –21 –28 –35 –42 –48
50 –1 –8 –15 –22 –29 –35 –42 –49
55 –2 –9 –15 –22 –29 –36 –43 –50
60 –2 –9 –16 –23 –30 –37 –43 –50
−1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20 +21
Look Back Check that you found the wind chill values correctly in the chart.
Check your calculations using integer chips, or drawings of chips.
13. The integer −5 can be expressed as the 16. A bill was defeated in parliament. Of the
sum of two consecutive integers. MPs who voted, 135 voted in favour and
−5 = (−2) + (−3) 160 voted against.
a) Copy and complete the following by a) Assume that the same MPs will vote
expressing each integer as the sum of again on the same bill. What is the least
two consecutive integers. number of MPs who will need to
+15 = (�) + (�) change their vote for the bill to pass?
−9 = (�) + (�)
b) Assume that the least number of MPs
−1 = (�) + (�)
change their vote, and the bill passes.
−25 = (�) + (�)
What are the votes in favour and
Science Link
Relative Measurements
The table shows the number of hours of sleep that certain Hours of Sleep
creatures need in a day, relative to the sleep that adult Creature Relative to
humans need. Adult Humans
1. a) How many more hours of sleep does a cheetah need Koala +14
than an African elephant?
Pig +11
b) How many less hours of sleep does a goat need than
a koala? Three-toed
2. a) Adult humans need to sleep about eight hours a night. Cheetah +4
Explain why the value shown in the table for adult Chimpanzee +2
humans is 0.
b) Modify the table to show the actual number of hours
Human 0
that each creature needs to sleep in a night. Explain Goat −3
your reasoning. African
c) Repeat both parts of #1 using your modified table. Do −5
the answers change?
3. a) Make your own table using the ages of some people you
know, relative to your age. Make sure that you include
both positive and negative values in the table.
b) Write two problems based on your table.
c) Have a classmate use your table to solve your problems.
−2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
4. Add using integer chips. Copy and
complete the addition statement. 8. Add using a number line. Copy and
a) (−5) + (−3) = � complete the addition statement.
b) (+4) + (−4) = � a) (−3) + (+3) = �
c) (+6) + (−3) = � b) (+7) + (−2) = �
d) (−9) + (+4) = � c) (−4) + (+12) = �
d) (+6) + (−8) = �
5. How can you tell by looking at two
integers if their sum is positive, negative, 9. The sum of two integers is −9. What
or zero? Use examples to help explain could the integers be? Give four possible
your answer. answers.
(−6) − (−4) = �
A (+8) + (+5)
5. Which expression equals (+4) − (−3)?
B (−5) + (+8)
A (−3) − (+4)
C (−8) + (−5)
B (+4) − (+3)
D (−8) + (+5)
C (+4) + (+3)
Short Answer
9. What is each sum or difference?
a) (−4) + (−5) b) (+3) + (−8)
c) (−9) − (−7) d) (+6) − (−6)
e) (+2) − (+7) f) (−3) − (−8)
13. Identify two integers that have a sum of a) Describe the relationship between the
+16 and differences of −8 and +8. temperature values in the two columns.
b) Convert 250 K to degrees Celsius.
The table shows the plus/minus scores for Jarome Iginla Season Plus/Minus Score
in four of his seasons with the Calgary Flames. 2000–2001 −2
1. What was the total of Jarome’s plus/minus scores for 2001–2002 +27
the following seasons? 2002–2003 −10
a) 2000–2001 and 2001–2002 2003–2004 +21
b) 2002–2003 and 2003–2004
c) all four seasons shown in the table
3. Research the plus/minus scores for a hockey player of your choice. Describe
how you would use the scores to measure the hockey player’s performance.
+13 +12 +11 +10 +9 +8 +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1
0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9 −10 −11 −12
d) Show the heights and depths of the ride by plotting the ordered pairs
on a coordinate grid.
e) Pick the three most extreme rises or drops in your game. Use integers
to show the amount of each rise or drop. Use positive integers for
rises and negative integers for drops.
f) What is the maximum number of points a player can score in your game?