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Add and Subtract Integers

Canada’s national winter sport is ice hockey. A game like modern

hockey was first played in Montréal in 1875. Over 20 countries
now compete internationally, but Canada still produces many
of the world’s best hockey players.
In this chapter you will learn about a connection between
hockey and integers. This connection is called the plus/minus
score. Each year, the player with the best plus/minus score in the
NHL wins an award. Bobby Orr won it six times. Wayne Gretzky
won it four times.

Web Link
Canada has two official national sports: hockey in the winter and
lacrosse in the summer. To find out more about lacrosse, go to
www.mathlinks7.ca and follow the links. Who developed the game
of lacrosse? What was the game originally called?

What You Will Learn Key Words

φ to add and subtract integers using zero pair
concrete materials, diagrams, and opposite integers

Suggest ways of measuring a hockey player’s performance. Would
you use the same measure for players in different positions? For
example, would you measure a goalie’s performance in the same
way as a forward’s performance?
In this chapter, you will learn how to calculate and use the plus/minus
score to measure a hockey player’s contribution to a team.

308 NEL • Chapter 9

;DA967A:H /

Make the following Foldable to organize

what you learn in Chapter 9.

Step 1 Staple eight sheets of notebook

paper together along the left edge.

Step 2 Make a mark 4 cm up from the

bottom of the top page. Cut
through the top seven sheets
about 5 cm in from the right edge
up to this mark and across to the
right edge. Do not cut the last
page, which is your back cover.

Step 3 Cut through the top six sheets of

paper, up 4 cm more and across
to the right edge. As you do this,
you will form tabs along the right
side of the foldable.

Step 4 Continue to
cut tabs in
this way
4 cm
until you 4 cm
have seven 4 cm

tabs. 5 cm

Step 5 Label the tabs as shown in the

Chapter 9 9.1
Adding and 9.2
Integers 9.5
What I Need
To Work On

Literacy Link
As you work through Chapter 9, take
notes under the appropriate tab.
Include information about the key
words, examples, and key ideas.

Chapter 9 • NEL 309

Explore Integer Addition
Dr. Verena
Tunnicliffe of the
University of Victoria
Focus on… is an expert on life in
After this lesson, the sea. She directs the
you will be able to... Victoria Experimental
φ add integers Network Under the
using integer Sea project (VENUS).
chips Scientists use
underwater detectors
located between
Vancouver Island and
mainland British
Canada has the Columbia to show conditions from the sea floor to the surface. The
longest coastline of detectors also monitor the movements of animals, such as whales
any country. About
and fish.
7% of Canada’s
coastline is in British The first VENUS detectors were installed in Saanich Inlet and the Strait
Columbia. Over 7000
species of plants and of Georgia. The maximum depth of Saanich Inlet is 230 m. The Strait of
animals have been Georgia is 170 m deeper than that. What is the maximum depth of the
identified in British Strait of Georgia?
Columbia’s coastal

How can you use integer chips to add two integers?

• red and blue integer Integer chips are coloured disks that represent integers. In this book,
chips a red chip represents +1, and a blue chip represents −1. A zero pair
includes one red chip and one blue chip.
zero pair 1. a) Use red chips to model +2.
• a pair of integer
b) Use blue chips to model −2.
chips, with one chip
representing +1 c) Combine the two sets of chips and organize them into zero pairs.
and one chip What is the sum of +2 and −2? How do you know?
representing −1
d) Copy and complete the addition statement (+2) + (−2) = �.

+1 −1
• the pair represents 2. Repeat #1 for the integers +3 and −3.
zero because
(+1) + (−1) = 0

310 NEL • Chapter 9

3. a) Predict the sum of any pair of opposite integers . opposite integers
Explain your reasoning. • two integers with the
same numeral, but
b) Use integer chips to check the predicted sum of +6 and −6.
different signs. For
c) Copy and complete the addition statement (+6) + (−6) = �. example,

4. a) Model +5 and −3. +2 −2

b) Combine the two sets of chips. Organize them into as

• two integers
represented by points
many zero pairs as possible. How many chips are left over? that are the same
What colour are they? distance in opposite
c) What is the sum of +5 and −3? How do you know? directions from zero
on a number line
d) Copy and complete the addition statement (+5) + (−3) = �.
−2 −1 0 +1 +2
5. Repeat #4 for the integers +3 and −5.

6. Use integer chips to add each of the following. Write the addition Literacy Link
statement in each case. Writing and Reading
a) +2 and +3 b) −1 and −5 c) +4 and −2 d) +3 and −6 Integer Sums
The + or − sign of an
integer does not
Reflect on Your Findings represent addition or
subtraction. To avoid
7. Describe how you can use integer chips to add two integers. confusion, use
brackets to
distinguish integer
signs from operation
Example 1: Add Integers Using Integer Chips symbols. For example,
write (+2) + (−2), not
Add using integer chips. Copy and complete the addition +2 + −2. You may
statement in each case. find it helpful to read
(+2) + (−2) as
a) (+1) + (+2) = � b) (−3) + (−2) = � “positive two plus
c) (+5) + (−4) = � d) (−6) + (+2) = � negative two.”

a) +1:
+2: Strategies
There are three red chips altogether. Model It
The sum is +3. Refer to page xvi.
The addition statement is (+1) + (+2) = +3.
b) −3: What other strategy
−2: could you use?
There are five blue chips altogether.
The sum is −5.
The addition statement is (−3) + (−2) = −5.

9.1 Explore Integer Addition • NEL 311

c) +5:

When the chips are paired up, there is one red chip left over.
Each zero pair represents 0, so the sum is +1.
The addition statement is (+5) + (−4) = +1.

d) −6:

When the chips are paired up, there are four blue chips left over.
Each zero pair represents 0, so the sum is −4.
The addition statement is (−6) + (+2) = −4.

Add using integer chips. Show your thinking with a diagram.

a) (−3) + (−3) b) (+4) + (+6)
c) (−1) + (+3) d) (+3) + (−8)

Example 2: Apply Integer Addition

Ray spent $5 on bus fares to visit his aunt. During the visit, she gave
Ray $12 for doing some yard work. How much money did Ray gain
from the visit?

Represent the $5 Ray spent by a negative integer, −5.
Represent the $12 Ray received by a positive integer, +12.
The money that Ray gained from the visit can be represented
by the sum (−5) + (+12).
Add (−5) + (+12) using integer chips.

Ray got more

than he spent,
so the sum should (−5) + (+12) = +7
be positive.
Ray gained $7 from the visit.

312 NEL • Chapter 9

• You can use integer chips to represent integer addition. +1
• A zero pair, which includes one +1 chip and one −1
−1 chip, represents 0. 0
• The sum of any two opposite integers is zero.
(−7) + (+7) = 0
−7 and +7 are
opposite integers.

1. Do the integer chips in the diagram represent

a sum of +3 or −3? How do you know?

2. What addition statement do the integer chips in

the diagram represent? Explain your reasoning.

3. Suppose that the sum of two integers is represented by equal numbers

of red and blue chips. Can you state the sum without knowing how
many chips there are? Explain.

4. David asked his classmate Avril to show him why (+1) + (−1) = 0.
She modelled the addition by climbing up one step and then climbing
down it again. Explain how her model shows that (+1) + (−1) = 0.

6. What addition statement does each

diagram represent?
For help with #5 to #8, refer to Example 1 on a)
page 311–312.
5. What addition statement does each
diagram represent? b)
a) b)


9.1 Explore Integer Addition • NEL 313

7. Add using integer chips. Have a partner 11. The temperature on the Moose Lake
check your chips. Then copy and complete Reserve in Manitoba was +6ºC. The
the addition statement. temperature dropped by 10ºC to reach the
a) (+3) + (+4) = � overnight low temperature. What was the
overnight low temperature? Use integer
b) (−2) + (−4) = �
addition to determine your answer.
c) (+5) + (−2) = �
d) (−8) + (+8) = �
The Celsius temperature scale is named after
8. Add using integer chips. Then copy and Anders Celsius (1701–1744), a Swedish
astronomer. In 1742, he divided the temperature
complete the addition statement. difference between the freezing point and boiling
a) (−4) + (−1) = � point of fresh water into 100°. However, his scale
was upside down. It had 0° at the boiling point
b) (+2) + (+6) = � and 100° at the freezing point. Two years later,
c) (−7) + (+4) = � a Swedish botanist named Carl Linnaeus
(1707–1778) switched these values.
d) (+8) + (−3) = �

12. Use the sum of two integers to represent

each situation. What is each sum? Explain
the meaning of each numerical answer.
For help with #9 to #12, refer to Example 2 on
page 312. a) Nadia had 6 world-music CDs and then
bought another 2 world-music CDs.
9. Use the sum of two integers to represent b) The temperature went down by 5ºC
each situation. and then went up by 8ºC.
a) Sharon found $10 and then lost $4.
c) Parminder took 4 steps forward and
How much did she have left? 4 steps backward.
b) A snail slid 7 cm down a stalk and
d) Joe caught 6 char in his net, but 2 got
climbed 5 cm back up. How far was the away as he pulled the net in.
snail below its original position?
c) In one game, the Rockies girls’ soccer 13. a) Copy and complete the table.
team scored 4 goals and had 1 goal
scored against it. How many goals did (+2) + (+3) = � (+3) + (+2) = �
the team win by? (−1) + (−4) = � (−4) + (−1) = �
d) A scuba diver dove 4 m under the water (+2) + (−2) = � (−2) + (+2) = �
and then went down another 8 m. (+4) + (−7) = � (−7) + (+4) = �
What was the diver’s final depth under b) Compare the two addition statements
the water? on each row of the completed table.
What can you conclude about the order
10. Miguel spent $6 on Saturday morning and in which you can add two integers? Test
another $9 on Saturday afternoon. How your conclusion on some other integer
much less money did he have at the end of additions.
the day than at the beginning? Use integer
addition to determine your answer.

314 NEL • Chapter 9

14. a) How do these three diagrams show a) Describe how the markings on the
three different ways to model +5? turtle represent the numbers in the
magic square shown beside it. What is
the magic sum?
4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

b) Show three different ways to model −4

using integer chips.
b) Verify that the following square is a
15. Identify an integer that does not have magic square. What is the magic sum?
an opposite. Explain. −4 +1 0
+3 −1 −5
16. What is the opposite of the opposite
of −3? Explain. −2 −3 +2
c) Add +2 to each integer in the square
from part b). Is the result a magic
square? If so, what is the magic sum?
17. What is each sum? Use integer chips to d) Using the magic square from part b),
help determine your answers. create a magic square with a magic
a) (+3) + (+1) + (+2) sum of −6. Explain your reasoning.
b) (−2) + (−3) + (−2)
20. This diagram shows the
c) (+2) + (−4) + (+3)
points scored when a
d) (−1) + (+4) + (−5) dart strikes each area
e) (−3) + (−4) + (+1) + (−5) of the target. +3 0 −1

f) (+5) + (+4) + (−3) + (−6) a) If one dart hits the

target, what scores
18. a) What integer is 8 more than its are possible?
opposite? b) If two darts hit the target, what total
b) Is there an integer that is 5 more scores are possible?
than its opposite? Explain. c) If three darts hit the target, what total
scores are possible?
19. In a magic square, the numbers in each d) Choose and justify a score for a dart
row, column, and diagonal have the same that misses the target.
sum. This is called the magic sum. A
e) Use your answer from part d) to find the
Chinese legend from 3000 years ago
possible total scores when two darts hit
describes how a child saw the first magic
the target and one dart misses.
square in markings on a turtle’s back.

9.1 Explore Integer Addition • NEL 315

Add Integers

Focus on… Digital rights not available.

After this lesson,
you will be able to...
φ add integers
using a number
A distinctive arch of cloud appears in the western sky when a warm
chinook wind approaches southern Alberta.
One January night, the temperature in Pincher Creek was −19ºC. A
chinook wind increased the temperature by 22ºC in one hour. Describe
Settlers named the
how you could use integer chips to determine the temperature at the end
warm winds chinooks of that hour. If you did not have enough integer chips, how could you
because they blew determine the temperature?
from the land of the
Chinook First Nation
in the Pacific

How can you use a number line to add two integers?

1. The diagram shows how you can model (+2) + (+3) using a
• red and blue integer
number line.
chips +2 +3

−2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

a) How are the two positive integers shown in the diagram?

b) Model (+2) + (+3) using integer chips. What is the sum?
c) How does the number line show the sum?

2. The diagram shows how you can model (−4) + (−2) using a
number line.
−2 −4

−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3

a) How are the two negative integers shown in the diagram?

b) Model (−4) + (−2) using integer chips. What is the sum?
c) How does the number line show the sum?

316 NEL • Chapter 9

3. The diagram shows how you can model (+3) + (−2) using a
number line.

−2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

a) Model (+3) + (−2) using integer chips. What is the sum?

b) How does the number line show the sum?

4. The diagram shows how you can model (−5) + (+4) using
a number line.

−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3

a) Model (−5) + (+4) using integer chips. What is the sum?

b) How does the number line show the sum?

5. Model each addition using a number line. What is the sum?

a) (+3) + (−3) b) (−2) + (−5)
c) (+4) + (+3) d) (+1) + (−4)

Reflect on Your Findings

6. Describe how you can use a number line to add two integers.

Example 1: Add Integers Using a Number Line

Add using a number line. Copy and complete the addition
statement in each case.
a) (+4) + (+2) = � b) (−5) + (−3) = �
c) (+2) + (−4) = � d) (−6) + (+6) = �

a) Start the first arrow at
+4 +2
zero. Start the second
−2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 arrow where the first Strategies
arrow ends. The head of
The sum is +6. the second arrow is at +6.
Draw a Diagram
The addition statement is (+4) + (+2) = +6. Refer to page xvi.

b) −3 −5 Strategies
−10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 What other strategy
The sum is −8. could you use?
The addition statement is (−5) + (−3) = −8.

9.2 Add Integers • NEL 317

c) −4

−4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

The sum is −2.

The addition statement is (+2) + (−4) = −2.

d) +6
+6 and −6 are opposite
−8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 integers. Their sum is 0.

The sum is 0.
The addition statement is (−6) + (+6) = 0.

Add using a number line. Copy and complete the addition statement
in each case.
a) (−4) + (−2) = � b) (+1) + (+5) = �
c) (−2) + (+6) = � d) (+3) + (−4) = �

Literacy Link Example 2: Apply Integer Addition

Describing The temperature in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, one morning in
October was −4ºC. The temperature increased by 9ºC to reach the high
Temperatures are
described in different
temperature for that day. What was the high temperature?
ways. For example,
the scientific way to
read −4°C is Solution
“negative four Calculate (−4) + (+9) to find the high temperature.
degrees Celsius.” You
may also hear −4°C Represent the addition using a vertical number line, which looks
described in everyday
like one type of thermometer.
speech as “minus four
degrees Celsius,” “four
below zero,” or “four +5
below.” +4
On a vertical number
Literacy Link +1 +9 line, positive integers
Writing Positive 0 temperature
are above 0, negative
Integers −1
went up by 9°C
integers are below 0.
from −4°C, so the
Positive integers are −2 −4
sum is positive.
usually written −3
without the positive −4
sign. In Example 2,
you could write that
the high temperature (−4) + (+9) = +5
was 5°C.
The high temperature was +5ºC.

318 NEL • Chapter 9

• You can use an arrow on a horizontal or vertical number line to represent
an integer. The direction of the arrow shows the sign of the integer. The
length of the arrow shows the value of the numeral in the integer.
+4 +3
−2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +3 +2
+2 +4 +1
+1 0
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 0 −1 −2
−1 −2

• You can use a horizontal or vertical number line to represent integer


1. What integer does the diagram shown to

the right represent? Explain. 0

2. Suppose that two arrows are used to represent any two opposite
integers on a number line.
a) How do the directions of the two arrows compare? Explain.
b) How do the lengths of the two arrows compare? Explain.

3. What addition statement does the diagram represent? Explain how

you know each term in the statement.

−4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

4. Jeffrey stated that the sum of −3 and +5 is −2. Is Jeffrey correct?

Explain using a number line.

9.2 Add Integers • NEL 319

For help with #5 to #8, refer to Example 1 on For help with #9 to #12, refer to Example 2 on
page 317–318. page 318.
5. What addition statement does each 9. Kowmuk’s dad gave him $20. Kowmuk
diagram represent? spent $12 at the store. How much did
a) he have left? Use a number line to help
0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 determine your answer.
10. The temperature in Resolute, Nunavut,
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3
one afternoon in May was −8ºC. The
temperature decreased by 6ºC to reach the
−1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 overnight low temperature. What was the
overnight low temperature? Use a number
6. What addition statement does each line to help determine your answer.
diagram represent?
a) b) c) 11. a) The most rapid temperature increase
+1 +8 +7
caused by a chinook took place in
0 +7 +6
−1 +5
Spearfish, South Dakota. One January
−2 +5 +4 morning, the temperature was −20ºC.
−3 +4 +3 The temperature then increased by
−4 +3 +2 27ºC in two minutes. What was the
−5 +2 +1 final temperature?
−6 +1 0
−7 −1 b) Later that morning, the temperature in
−8 −1 −2 Spearfish had climbed to +12ºC. It then
−9 −2 −3 dropped by 32ºC in 27 minutes. What
was the final temperature?

7. Add using a number line. Copy and 12. a) A submarine was cruising at a depth
complete the addition statement. of 50 m. The captain brought the
submarine up by 34 m to reach
a) (+5) + (+5) = �
periscope depth. What was periscope
b) (−3) + (−6) = � depth for this submarine?
c) (+4) + (−10) = �
d) (−7) + (+12) = �

8. Add using a number line. Copy and

complete the addition statement.
a) (−4) + (+8) = �
b) The captain took the submarine down
b) (−4) + (−6) = �
by 74 m from periscope depth to a new
c) (+5) + (−9) = � cruising depth. What was this cruising
d) (+10) + (−8) = � depth?

320 NEL • Chapter 9

13. What is the sum of +1987 and −1987? 18. Is each statement always true, sometimes
How do you know? true, or never true? Explain your
14. The sum of two integers is −1. a) The sum of two negative integers is a
a) What could the integers be? positive integer.
Give four possible answers. b) The sum of a positive integer and a
b) Are there more possible answers? Explain. negative integer is zero.
c) The sum of a positive integer and zero
15. a) Copy and complete the pattern. is a positive integer.
(+9) + (−5) = � d) The sum of a positive integer and a
(+8) + (−4) = � negative integer is a negative integer.
(+7) + (−3) = �
(+6) + (−2) = � 19. Suppose you had to choose one way to
b) Describe and explain the pattern. model each of the following additions.
c) What are the next three lines of the pattern? Would you choose integer chips or a
number line? Explain.
16. The integers from +1 to +6 are marked a) (−6) + (+4)
on the faces of a number cube. The b) (+90) + (−140)
integers from −1 to −6 are marked on the
faces of another number cube. What
possible totals can you score by rolling
both number cubes? 20. Use a number line to add the following
+3 integers. Use integer chips to check your

+1 5 – 6 –2
+ a) (+4) + (+3) + (+7)
b) (−5) + (−7) + (−4)
17. Suppose a friend knows how to add c) (+6) + (−9) + (+5)
positive integers but has never added
d) (−6) + (+3) + (−8) + (+2)
negative integers.
a) How could you use the following 21. Copy and complete each statement.
pattern to show your friend how to
a) (+4) + (�) = +9
add +6 and −2?
b) (�) + (+4) = −2
(+6) + (+3) = +9
(+6) + (+2) = +8 c) (−2) + (�) = −7
(+6) + (+1) = +7 d) +6 = (�) + (−3)
(+6) + 0 = +6 e) (+8) + (�) = +2
(+6) + (−1) = � f) −1 = (−5) + (�)
(+6) + (−2) = �
b) Make up a pattern to show your friend
how to add +2 and −4.
c) Make up a pattern to show your friend
how to add −3 and −5.

9.2 Add Integers • NEL 321

22. The integer −9 can be expressed as the 23. Hing went out for a walk one morning.
sum of three consecutive integers. She carried her money in a purse. During
−9 = (−2) + (−3) + (−4) her walk, she spent $20 on a DVD movie
and bought a sandwich for $5. When
a) Identify five other integers that can be
Hing got home in the afternoon, she found
expressed as the sum of three
$3 in her room. She put the $3 in her
consecutive integers.
purse and went back out to buy a
b) Suggest a rule that describes all the
magazine, which cost $4. When she got
integers that can be expressed as the home again, she had $2 left in her purse.
sum of three consecutive integers. How much money was in Hing’s purse
when she first went out that morning?

Consecutive Numbers
Consecutive numbers follow one after
another in order. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4
are consecutive whole numbers.

A hockey player’s plus/minus (+/−) score in a game is calculated as follows.
• The player scores +1 if he or she is on the ice when the player’s team scores
an even-strength or short-handed goal.
• The player scores −1 if he or she is on the ice when the opposing team
scores an even-strength or short-handed goal.
• Power-play goals and penalty shots are not counted.
Canadian Sidney Crosby began Opposing Team Sidney’s +/− Score
Web Link
playing professionally in the NHL Boston Bruins 0
at the age of 18. The table shows Canada has produced
New Jersey Devils −1 many famous hockey
Sidney’s plus/minus scores in Carolina Hurricanes −1 players. To learn more
some early games in his NHL about famous
Boston Bruins +2
rookie season with the Pittsburgh Canadian hockey
New Jersey Devils −2 players, go to
Boston Bruins +1 www.mathlinks7.ca
What was Sidney’s total plus/ and follow the links.
Carolina Hurricanes −1
minus score in the following
New Jersey Devils −2
a) the two games against the Carolina Hurricanes
b) the three games against the Boston Bruins
c) the three games against the New Jersey Devils
d) all the games shown in the table

322 NEL • Chapter 9

Explore Integer Subtraction

Focus on…
After this lesson,
you will be able to...
φ subtract integers
using integer

The system of 24
time zones was
proposed by a
Canadian engineer,
Sir Sandford Fleming.
He suggested that
The map shows how the world is divided into 24 time zones. The zones
the time should be are labelled using integers. A move from one zone to the next means a
the same everywhere time change of one hour. The zone labelled 0 includes London, England.
in one zone. His idea A positive integer shows how many hours the time is ahead of the time
was adopted in 1884.
in London. A negative integer shows how many hours the time is behind
Before that,
individual cities used the time in London.
the position of the
sun in the sky to set Rome is in time zone +1. Winnipeg is in time zone −6. Count time zones
their own local time. to find out how many hours Rome is ahead of Winnipeg. Describe the
relationship between this time difference and the integers +1 and −6.

How can you use integer chips to subtract two integers?

• red and blue integer
1. a)Use red chips to model +5.
b) Take two of the chips away. Use your observations to copy
and complete the subtraction statement (+5) − (+2) = �.
c) Use chips to model (+7) − (+4). Copy and complete the
subtraction statement (+7) − (+4) = �.

9.3 Explore Integer Subtraction • NEL 323

2. a) Use blue chips to model −6.
b) Take four of the chips away. Use your observations to copy
and complete the subtraction statement (−6) − (−4) = �.
c) Use chips to model (−5) − (−2). Copy and complete the
subtraction statement (−5) − (−2) = �.

3. Is it possible to complete the following subtraction statements

using the methods from #1 and #2? Explain.
a) (+2) − (+5) = �
b) (−1) − (−3) = �

4. a) The diagrams show a way to complete the subtraction in #3a)

by using zero pairs. Describe the method. Write the subtraction

b) The diagrams show a way to complete the subtraction in #3b)

by using zero pairs. Describe the method. Write the subtraction

5. Model each subtraction. Copy and complete each subtraction

a) (+3) − (+7) = �
b) (−3) − (−6) = �

6. Use integer chips to model each subtraction. Describe and explain

your method in each case. Copy and complete each subtraction
a) (+3) − (−5) = �
b) (−5) − (+3) = �

Reflect on Your Findings

7. How can you use integer chips to subtract two integers? In your
description, state when you use zero pairs. How do you determine
the number of zero pairs to use?

324 NEL • Chapter 9

Example 1: Subtract Integers Using Integer Chips
Determine each difference using integer chips.
Copy and complete each subtraction statement.
a) (−7) − (−3) = � b) (+3) − (−4) = �
c) (−6) − (+2) = � d) (−2) − (−5) = �


The difference is −4.

The subtraction statement To subtract −3, There are 4 blue
is (−7) − (−3) = −4. remove 3 blue chips. chips left.


The difference is +7.

The subtraction statement Add 4 zero pairs, so that there
is (+3) − (−4) = +7. are 4 blue chips to remove.


The difference is −8.

The subtraction statement Add 2 zero pairs, so that there
is (−6) − (+2) = −8. are 2 red chips to remove.


The difference is +3.

The subtraction statement Add 3 zero pairs, so that there
are 5 blue chips to remove.
is (−2) − (−5) = +3.

Determine each difference using integer chips. Copy and complete

each subtraction statement.
a) (+8) − (+2) = � b) (−1) − (+2) = �
c) (+4) − (−5) = � d) (+4) − (+6) = �

9.3 Explore Integer Subtraction • NEL 325

Example 2: Apply Integer Subtraction
On a typical April day in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, the temperature
is −5ºC in the morning and +6ºC in the afternoon. Determine and
explain the difference between these temperatures.

There are two ways to determine the difference between −5ºC and +6ºC.
Use either of the following methods.

Method 1: Higher Minus Lower Method 2: Lower Minus Higher

Subtract the morning temperature Subtract the afternoon temperature
from the afternoon temperature. from the morning temperature.
Subtract (+6) − (−5). Subtract (−5) − (+6).

(+6) − (−5) = +11 (−5) − (+6) = −11

The afternoon temperature The morning temperature
is 11ºC higher than the is 11ºC lower than the
morning temperature. afternoon temperature.

These two sentences agree. Either statement

can lead you to the other statement.

326 NEL • Chapter 9

• You can use integer chips to represent integer subtraction.
• You can model subtraction by removing integer chips of the
appropriate colour.
• Add zero pairs if there are not enough chips of one colour to remove.
• There are two differences between two different integers. For
example, the differences between +1 and −2 are +3 and −3.
(+1) − (−2) = +3 (−2) − (+1) = −3

1. To model (+6) − (+2), Li starts with

6 red chips. What should she do next?

2. To model (−4) − (−6), Ajani starts with

4 blue chips. He then adds 2 zero pairs.
a) What else should he do to complete
the subtraction?
b) Explain why he added 2 zero pairs.

3. Explain why adding any number of zero pairs does not change the
value represented by a group of integer chips.

4. Mario said that the difference between +4 and −3 is −7. Do you

agree? Explain.

6. What subtraction statement does each

set of diagrams represent?
For help with #5 to #10, refer to Example 1 on a) b)
page 325.
5. What subtraction statement does each
set of diagrams represent?
a) b)

9.3 Explore Integer Subtraction • NEL 327

7. What subtraction statement does each 10. Subtract using integer chips.
set of diagrams represent? a) (−5) − (−1)
a) b) b) (+4) − (−2)
c) (−7) − (+4)
d) (+3) − (+8)

For help with #11 to #16, refer to Example 2 on

page 326.
11. Determine both differences between
each pair of integers.
a) +1, +3
b) +2, −2
c) 0, +4
d) −9, −7

8. What subtraction statement does each 12. What are the two differences between
set of diagrams represent? each pair of integers?
a) b) a) +5, +1
b) 0, −5
c) −3, +1
d) −6, −8

13. Determine and explain the time difference

between each pair of cities.
a) Perth, Australia (time zone +8);
Bermuda (time zone −4)
b) Lima, Peru (time zone −5); Calgary,
Alberta (time zone −7)
9. Determine each difference using integer
c) Honolulu, Hawaii (time zone −10);
Lagos, Nigeria (time zone +1)
a) (+6) − (+4)
d) Dawson, Yukon Territory
b) (+5) − (−2)
(time zone −8); Halifax, Nova Scotia
c) (−6) − (+6) (time zone −4)
d) (−4) − (−7)

328 NEL • Chapter 9

14. On a typical October day in Iqaluit, 18. a) Copy and complete the table.
Nunavut, the temperature is −8ºC in the (+3) − (+2) = � (+2) − (+3) = �
morning and −2ºC in the afternoon.
(+4) − (−1) = � (−1) − (+4) = �
Determine and explain the difference
(−3) − (+5) = � (+5) − (−3) = �
between these temperatures.
(−2) − (−7) = � (−7) − (−2) = �
15. Use a subtraction of two integers to b) Compare the two differences on each
complete the following. row of the completed table. How are
a) Jamal scored 20 points in a basketball the two differences between two
game on Tuesday. He scored 16 points unequal integers related?
in a game on Wednesday. How many c) If you are asked to subtract
more points did he score on Tuesday (−4) − (+3), can you subtract the
than on Wednesday? integers in either order? Explain.
b) The temperature was +3ºC, and then it
fell to −2ºC. What was the temperature
19. Use integer chips to calculate the
c) Sarah owed Paola $10. Sarah gave Paola
$4. How much did Sarah still owe?
a) (+9) − (+2) − (+4)

16. Ariel entered an office building. He rode b) (−6) − (−4) − (−3)

an elevator up 12 floors from the street c) (+3) − (−1) − (+4)
level. He then rode down to a parking d) (−4) − (−2) − (+3)
level that was 3 floors below street level.
How many floors did he ride down? 20. Copy and complete each subtraction
a) (�) − (+1) = +4
b) (+2) − (�) = −3
c) (−3) − (�) = −8
d) (�) − (−4) = 0

21. The time zone map on page 323 is

simplified. Some places have time zones
that are not described using integers.
For example, Newfoundland is in time
zone −3__1.
a) How many hours is the time in
Newfoundland behind the time in
London, England?
b) How many hours is the time in
17. Suppose you subtract any non-zero integer Newfoundland ahead of the time in
from zero. How is the difference related to Victoria, British Columbia (time
the original non-zero integer? zone −8)? Explain your reasoning.

9.3 Explore Integer Subtraction • NEL 329

Subtract Integers
The table shows how times
during a rocket launch can be
described using integers.
Focus on…
After this lesson, Integer
Announcement Meaning
you will be able to... Representation

φ use addition to five

T minus five seconds
subtract integers −5
seconds before
T plus ten seconds
seconds after

Use integer chips to find the

time that passes from T minus
five seconds to T plus ten
seconds. Would using integer
chips be a good way to find
the time that passes from T
minus 89 seconds to T plus 75
seconds? Explain.

How can you use addition to subtract two integers?

• red and blue integer 1. Copy the table. Use integer chips to help you complete each
subtraction statement.
(+4) − (+3) = � (+4) + (−3) = �
(−5) − (−3) = � (−5) + (+3) = �
(−3) − (+1) = � (−3) + (−1) = �
0 − (+2) = � 0 + (−2) = �
(+2) − (−4) = � (+2) + (+4) = �
(−4) − (−5) = � (−4) + (+5) = �

330 NEL • Chapter 9

2. Compare the two statements on each row of the completed table.
What pattern do you see?

Reflect on Your Findings

3. a) Describe how you can use addition to subtract two integers.
b) Test your method on four subtractions of your own.
Modify your method, if necessary.

Example 1: Use Addition to Subtract Integers

Subtract (−2) − (−5).

(−2) − (−5) = (−2) + (+5)

To subtract −5, add

the opposite, +5.

Use a number line to add (−2) + (+5).


−3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

The sum is (−2) + (+5) = +3.

So the difference is (−2) − (−5) = +3.

Use addition to complete each subtraction.

Copy and complete each subtraction statement.
a) (+3) − (+6)
b) (−2) − (+3)
c) (−4) − (−8)

9.4 Subtract Integers • NEL 331

Example 2: Calculate and Explain a Difference
The elevation of a lake is the height of its surface from sea level. The
The Caspian Sea is
elevation of the Caspian Sea is 28 m below sea level. The elevation of
the largest lake in the
world. The Romans Lake Winnipeg is 217 m above sea level. Calculate and explain the
called it a sea difference between these elevations.
because the water
is salty.
The elevation of the Caspian Sea is −28 m. The elevation of Lake
Winnipeg is +217 m. There are two ways to determine the difference.

Method 1: Higher Minus Lower Method 2: Lower Minus Higher

Subtract the elevation of the Subtract the elevation of Lake
Caspian Sea from the elevation Winnipeg from the elevation of
of Lake Winnipeg. the Caspian Sea.
Subtract (+217) − (−28). Subtract (−28) − (+217).
Add the opposite. Add the opposite.
(+217) − (−28) (−28) − (+217)
= (+217) + (+28) = (−28) + (−217)

+260 +20
+240 (+220) + (+30) 0 (−30) + (−220)
= +250 −28 = −250
+220 +28 −20
+200 −40
+180 −60
It is easier to model the
+160 addition on a number line −80
+140 than to use so many −100
+120 integer chips. −120
+100 +217 −140
+60 −180
The calculated value is
+40 close to the estimate, −200
+20 so the answer is −220
0 probably correct. −240
−20 −260

(+217) + (+28) = +245 (−28) + (−217) = −245

The difference is +245 m. The difference is −245 m.
The surface of Lake Winnipeg is The surface of the Caspian Sea is
245 m higher than the surface of 245 m lower than the surface of
the Caspian Sea. Lake Winnipeg.

These two sentences agree. Either statement

can lead you to the other statement.

332 NEL • Chapter 9

• You can subtract an integer by adding the opposite.
• You can represent integer subtraction by adding the opposite on a
vertical or horizontal number line.

1. Mariko drew this diagram to show (+2) − (−3). Explain her thinking.
+2 +3

−2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

2. Tom said that he could evaluate (−3) − (−4) by representing

(+3) + (−4) on a number line. Was Tom’s thinking correct? Explain.

3. The diagrams show two methods for modelling (+3) − (+7).


−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

a) Do you prefer one method over the other for modelling

(+3) − (+7)? Explain.
b) Would you prefer one method over the other for modelling
(+309) − (+723)? Explain.

4. A difference between two integers is +4. What is the other

difference between the same two integers? How do you know?

6. Copy and complete each statement.

a) (−7) − (−6) = (−7) + (�)
For help with #5 to #10, refer to Example 1 on
b) (+6) − (−3) = (+6) + (�)
page 331.
c) (−9) − (+9) = (−9) + (�)
5. Copy and complete each statement.
a) (+3) − (+4) = (+3) + (�)
b) (−1) − (−10) = (−1) + (�)
c) (−4) − (+5) = (−4) + (�)

9.4 Subtract Integers • NEL 333

7. What addition does each diagram For help with #11 to #15, refer to Example 2 on
represent? Copy and complete the page 332.
given subtraction statement.
11. Determine both differences between each
a) pair of integers.
−1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
a) +2, +4 b) +1, −1 c) 0, +5
(+2) − (−4) = �

b) 12. What are the two differences between

each pair of integers?
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
a) 0, −2 b) −4, +2 c) −9, −8
(−3) − (−7) = �

8. What addition does each diagram

represent? Copy and complete the
given subtraction statement. 13. The highest land in Saskatchewan is
a) b) Cypress Hills, at 1468 m above sea level.
+1 +2 The lowest land in Saskatchewan is the
0 +1
Lake Athabasca shoreline, at 65 m above
−1 0
−2 −1
sea level. Estimate and calculate the
−3 −2 difference between these elevations.
−4 −3 Explain your answer.
−5 −4
−6 −5 14. The lowest temperature recorded in Canada
−7 −6
was −63ºC at Snag, Yukon Territory. The
−8 −7
−9 −8
highest temperature recorded in Canada was
−10 −9 +45ºC at Midale, Saskatchewan. What is
−11 the difference between these temperatures?
Explain your answer.
(−4) − (+6) = � (−8) − (−8) = �
15. What is the time difference between T
9. Subtract. minus 44 seconds and T minus 12 seconds
a) (+3) − (+9) for a rocket launch? Explain your answer.
b) (−5) − (−10)
c) (−6) − (+7) 16. The surface of Great Slave Lake is 156 m
above sea level. At its deepest point, the
d) (+4) − (−4)
bottom of Great Slave Lake is 458 m
below sea level. Estimate and calculate the
10. Subtract.
depth of the lake.
a) (+9) − (−1)
b) (−2) − (+5) 17. The element mercury is a silver-coloured
c) (+6) − (+10) liquid at room temperature. The melting
d) (−1) − (−3)
point of mercury is −39ºC. The boiling
point of mercury is 357ºC. How many
degrees is the boiling point above the
melting point?

334 NEL • Chapter 9

18. Suppose a friend knows how to subtract 21. The vertices of square WXYZ are
positive integers but has never subtracted W(−2, −1), X(−2, −5), Y(−6, −5), and
negative integers. How could you use the Z(−6, −1). Determine the perimeter and
following pattern to show your friend how the area of the square.
to subtract −2 from +3?
(+3) − (+3) = 0 22. a) Copy and complete the pattern.
(+3) − (+2) = +1 (+3) − (−2) = �
(+3) − (+1) = +2 (+2) − (−1) = �
(+3) − 0 = +3 (+1) − (0) = �
(+3) − (−1) = � (0) − (+1) = �
(+3) − (−2) = � b) Describe and explain the pattern.
c) Predict the next three lines of the pattern.
19. a) Copy and complete each subtraction
(+1) − (−1) = �
(+2) − (−2) = � 23. Copy and complete each subtraction
(+3) − (−3) = � statement.
(+4) − (−4) = � a) (+8) − (�) = +3
b) Describe and explain the pattern. b) (�) − (+4) = −5
c) Use the pattern to determine the c) (−2) − (�) = +7
difference (+387) − (−387). d) −6 = (�) − (−1)
e) (�) − (+2) = 0
20. What is the length of the line segment
joining each pair of points? f) −2 = (+5) − (�)

a) A(2, 1) and B(2, 8)

24. A difference between two integers is −8.
b) X(4, −3) and Y(−5, −3) One of the integers is +5. What are
c) C(−10, 0) and D(−1, 0) possible values of the other integer? Show
d) P(−4, −2) and Q(−4, 3) how you know.

Canada dominated women’s hockey by winning seven of Player Plus/Minus Score
the first eight world championships. The table shows the Jennifer Botterill 0
plus/minus scores of some Canadian players in a game Cassie Campbell +2
against Finland.
Geraldine Heaney −2
a) How much higher was Cassie’s score than Caroline’s?
Caroline Ouellette −1
b) How much lower was Geraldine’s score than Jennifer’s? Cheryl Pounder +3
c) Determine and explain the greatest difference between Hayley Wickenheiser +1
two scores in the table.

9.4 Subtract Integers • NEL 335

Apply Integer Operations
Michelle Wie began playing golf at the
age of 4. She became a leading amateur
golfer in her early teen years. Michelle
Focus on… played her first professional tournament
After this lesson, at age 16, while still in high school.
you will be able to...
The number of strokes an expert golfer
φ decide when to
add and subtract should take to play a hole is called par.
integers in The table shows how integers are used to
solving problems compare a golfer’s score with par.
Number of Strokes
On the same hole, Rosa made an Golf Term Above or Below Par
eagle, and Samantha made a bogey. Double Bogey +2
How many more strokes did Bogey +1
Samantha take than Rosa? Par 0
Web Link
To learn more about
Birdie −1
the words used Eagle −2
in golf, go to
and follow the links.
What does an How can you decide when to add integers and when to
“albatross” mean in subtract integers?
golf? What integer
would you use to In this activity, people are
represent an albatross? represented by different happy face, +7 neutral face, 0 sad face, −4 angry face, −10
faces. Each face has an
integer value.

Optional A group of people with a total value greater than zero is a productive group.
• red and blue integer 1. Decide if each of the following is a productive group.
Show your reasoning.
a) b)


2. What is the least number of happy faces you need to add to each
of the following to make a productive group? Show your reasoning.
a) b) c)

336 NEL • Chapter 9

3. What is the least number of faces you need to remove from each
of the following to make a productive group? Show your reasoning.
a) b)


4. Suppose you change a group in each of the following ways. What

happens to the total value of the group? Show your reasoning.
a) Replace a neutral face by a sad face.
b) Replace an angry face by a happy face.
c) Replace a sad face by an angry face.

Reflect on Your Findings

5. How did you decide when to use addition and when to use Suppose you are
subtraction in #1 to #4? Discuss your ideas with your classmates. outside looking at a
thermometer, which
reads −10°C. The
wind is blowing at
Example: Apply Integer Addition and Subtraction 30 km/h. You feel as
One February morning in Saskatoon, the air temperature was −15ºC. The cold as you would at
−20°C with no wind.
wind speed was 20 km/h. By mid-afternoon, the air temperature had Weather forecasters
increased by 10ºC. The wind speed had decreased by 5 km/h. Determine say that “the wind
the change in the wind chill from the morning to the afternoon. chill is −20.”

Determine the change in the wind chill.
Wind Chill Chart Understand
Use a wind chill Wind Air Temperature (°C)
chart to find the Speed
(km/h) 5 0 –5 –10 –15 –20 –25 –30
wind chill values Plan
in the morning 5 4 –2 –7 –13 –19 –24 –30 –36
and in the 10 3 –3 –9 –15 –21 –27 –33 –39
afternoon. 15 2 –4 –11 –17 –23 –29 –35 –41
20 1 –5 –12 –18 –24 –31 –37 –43
Then subtract to
25 1 –6 –12 –19 –25 –32 –38 –45
find the change.
30 0 –7 –13 –20 –26 –33 –39 –46
35 0 –7 –14 –20 –27 –33 –40 –47
40 –1 –7 –14 –21 –27 –34 –41 –48
45 –1 –8 –15 –21 –28 –35 –42 –48
50 –1 –8 –15 –22 –29 –35 –42 –49
55 –2 –9 –15 –22 –29 –36 –43 –50
60 –2 –9 –16 –23 –30 –37 –43 –50

9.5 Apply Integer Operations • NEL 337

Do It! Use the chart to find the wind chill in the morning. Read along the
row from 20 km/h until you reach the column headed −15ºC.
The wind chill in the morning was −24.
Use a Table
Refer to page xvii. To find the wind chill in the afternoon, you need the air temperature and
the wind speed. The air temperature increased by 10ºC from −15ºC. The
air temperature in the afternoon can be represented by (−15) + (+10).
Web Link
To learn more about −15
wind chill, go to
www.mathlinks7.ca −16 −15 −14 −13 −12 −11 −10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1
and follow the links.
Choose an air (−15) + (+10) = −5
temperature and a
wind speed. Then use
The air temperature in the afternoon was −5ºC.
the Environment
The wind speed decreased by 5 km/h from 20 km/h.
Canada wind chill
calculator to determine The wind speed can be represented by (+20) + (−5).
the wind chill.

−1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20 +21

(+20) + (−5) = +15

The wind speed in the afternoon was 15 km/h.
From the wind chill chart, the wind chill in the afternoon was −11.
Determine the change in the wind chill from −24 to −11.
The change can be represented by (−11) − (−24).
Add the opposite on a number line.
(−11) − (−24) = (−11) + (+24)

−11 −10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13

(−11) + (+24) = +13 You could find the other

So (−11) − (−24) = +13. difference instead.
(−24) − (−11) = −13
The wind chill in the afternoon was This difference shows that
13 higher than the wind chill in the morning. the wind chill in the morning
was 13 lower than the wind
The wind chill increased by 13 from the chill in the afternoon.
morning to the afternoon.
Both differences, +13 and −13,
lead to the same conclusion.

Look Back Check that you found the wind chill values correctly in the chart.
Check your calculations using integer chips, or drawings of chips.

338 NEL • Chapter 9

• You may need to decide when to add integers and when to
subtract integers.
• Some problems involve both the addition and subtraction of integers.

1. To find the temperature change from −10ºC to +10ºC, would

you first write an expression for a sum or a difference?

2. Suppose you are given $15, and you spend $7 of it.

a) Represent the amount you have left by an integer subtraction.
Explain your reasoning.
b) Represent the amount you have left by an integer addition.
Explain your reasoning.

6. The highest paved road in British

Columbia is Highway 3 in the Kootenay
3. One January day in Calgary, a chinook raised Pass. It has an elevation of 1774 m above
the temperature from −17ºC to +13ºC. the Fraser River. It is 1794 m above the
What was the change in temperature? George Massey Tunnel under the Fraser
River. What is the elevation of the tunnel?
4. One April morning in Churchill, Manitoba,
the temperature was −14ºC. In the late 7. One afternoon in Fort Simpson, Northwest
afternoon, the temperature was 9ºC Territories, the air temperature was −10ºC
higher. What was the temperature in the and the wind speed was 25 km/h. The air
late afternoon? temperature dropped by 5ºC in the evening,
but the wind chill did not change. Refer to
5. Mauna Kea is a mountain in Hawaii. The the wind chill chart on page 337. What was
base of the mountain is 6033 m below the the change in the wind speed from the
surface of the ocean. The mountain peak afternoon to the evening?
is 4170 m above the surface of the ocean.
Estimate and calculate the height of the 8. A company made a profit of $8 million one
mountain. year and a loss of $12 million the next year.
a) What was the company’s total profit or
loss over the two years?
b) How much better was the company’s
result in the first year than in the
second year?

9.5 Apply Integer Operations • NEL 339

9. Describe each pattern, and predict the b) Which integers cannot be expressed as
next three integers. the sum of two consecutive integers?
a) +1, +4, +7, +10, … c) Which integers can be expressed as the
b) +9, +5, +1, −3, … difference between two consecutive
c) −11, −9, −7, −5, …
d) +20, +15, +10, +5, … Literacy Link
Omitting Positive Signs or Brackets
10. Two integers have a sum of −15 and A positive integer can be written without the
differences of +7 and −7. What are the positive sign or brackets. For example,
(+2) + (+4) can be written as 2 + 4. A negative
two integers? Show how you checked your
integer must include the negative sign. The
answers. brackets can be omitted from a negative integer
that does not follow an operation symbol.
11. Identify four pairs of integers for which For example, (−3) − (−2) can be written
as −3 − (−2).
the sum and a difference are equal.
Describe any pattern you see in the pairs
of integers.
14. Calculate.
12. a) In her first round as a professional golfer, a) 3 − 5
Michelle Wie made 12 pars, 4 birdies, b) 4 + (−3)
and 2 bogeys. Refer to the chart of golf c) −6 + 2
terms on page 336. How many strokes d) 4 − (−6)
above or below par was she that round?
e) −8 − (−8)
b) The leader after the first round was
f) −4 − 7
Annika Sorenstam, who made 10 pars
and 8 birdies. How many more strokes
15. Create your own problem that involves
did Michelle take than Annika in the
integer addition or subtraction. Make sure
first round?
you can solve your problem. Give your
c) Par for one round of the course was
problem to a classmate to solve.
72 strokes. How many strokes did
Annika and Michelle each take to
complete the first round?

13. The integer −5 can be expressed as the 16. A bill was defeated in parliament. Of the
sum of two consecutive integers. MPs who voted, 135 voted in favour and
−5 = (−2) + (−3) 160 voted against.
a) Copy and complete the following by a) Assume that the same MPs will vote
expressing each integer as the sum of again on the same bill. What is the least
two consecutive integers. number of MPs who will need to
+15 = (�) + (�) change their vote for the bill to pass?
−9 = (�) + (�)
b) Assume that the least number of MPs
−1 = (�) + (�)
change their vote, and the bill passes.
−25 = (�) + (�)
What are the votes in favour and

340 NEL • Chapter 9

17. a) A cargo plane left Vancouver, British 18. Historical dates can be described using the
Columbia (time zone −8) at 3:00 p.m. abbreviations B.C.E. (Before the Common
on a Monday. The plane flew for 11 h Era) and C.E. (the Common Era). For
to Paris, France (time zone +1). At example, Augustus ruled the Roman Empire
what local time and on what day did from 27 B.C.E. to 14 C.E. One way to find the
the plane land in Paris? number of years he ruled is to do the integer
b) The plane left Paris 3 h later for the subtraction 14 − (−27), and then
return flight to Vancouver. Strong subtract 1. Augustus ruled for 40 years.
headwinds slowed the plane, so this a) How many years was it from 18 B.C.E.
flight took 12 h. At what local time and to 45 C.E.?
on what day did the plane land in b) What year was 19 years before 5 C.E.?
c) What year was 38 years after 21 B.C.E.?
c) After some maintenance work, the
plane next left Vancouver at 11:00 a.m.
on Wednesday for Honolulu, Hawaii The number of years from 27 B.C.E. to 14 C.E.
(time zone −10). The plane landed in was 40, not 41, because there was no year
Honolulu at 3:00 p.m. local time that zero. (Imagine an integer number line with
+1 and −1 next to each other.)
day. How long did the flight take?

Science Link
Relative Measurements
The table shows the number of hours of sleep that certain Hours of Sleep
creatures need in a day, relative to the sleep that adult Creature Relative to
humans need. Adult Humans
1. a) How many more hours of sleep does a cheetah need Koala +14
than an African elephant?
Pig +11
b) How many less hours of sleep does a goat need than
a koala? Three-toed
2. a) Adult humans need to sleep about eight hours a night. Cheetah +4
Explain why the value shown in the table for adult Chimpanzee +2
humans is 0.
b) Modify the table to show the actual number of hours
Human 0
that each creature needs to sleep in a night. Explain Goat −3
your reasoning. African
c) Repeat both parts of #1 using your modified table. Do −5
the answers change?

3. a) Make your own table using the ages of some people you
know, relative to your age. Make sure that you include
both positive and negative values in the table.
b) Write two problems based on your table.
c) Have a classmate use your table to solve your problems.

9.5 Apply Integer Operations • NEL 341

Key Words 6. A pelican was flying at a height of 4 m
above the ocean. The pelican dove 6 m
Copy and complete each statement in #1 and #2.
down and caught a fish. Use the sum of
1. Examples of opposite integers are +2 and two integers to represent the situation.
�. What is the sum?
2. In a zero pair of integer chips, one chip
represents � and the other chip represents �.

9.1 Explore Integer Addition, pages 310–315

3. What addition statement does each
diagram represent?

9.2 Add Integers, pages 316–322

b) 7. What addition statement does each
diagram represent?
c) −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0

−2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
4. Add using integer chips. Copy and
complete the addition statement. 8. Add using a number line. Copy and
a) (−5) + (−3) = � complete the addition statement.
b) (+4) + (−4) = � a) (−3) + (+3) = �
c) (+6) + (−3) = � b) (+7) + (−2) = �
d) (−9) + (+4) = � c) (−4) + (+12) = �
d) (+6) + (−8) = �
5. How can you tell by looking at two
integers if their sum is positive, negative, 9. The sum of two integers is −9. What
or zero? Use examples to help explain could the integers be? Give four possible
your answer. answers.

10. The elevation of Death Valley, California,

is 86 m below sea level. New Orleans,
Louisiana, is 84 m higher than Death Valley.
What is the elevation of New Orleans?

342 NEL • Chapter 9

9.3 Explore Integer Subtraction, 15. Subtract.
pages 323–329 a) (+5) − (+8)
11. What subtraction statement does each set b) (−4) − (−6)
of diagrams represent?
c) (−2) − (+7)
a) b)
d) (+4) − (−9)

16. The elevation of the top of Mt. Everest is

8848 m above sea level. The elevation of
the Dead Sea is 411 m below sea level.
Estimate, calculate, and explain the
difference between these elevations.

9.5 Apply Integer Operations,

pages 336–341
17. Describe each pattern, and predict the
next three integers.
12. Subtract using integer chips. Copy and a) +3, +9, +15, +21, …
complete the subtraction statement. b) +40, +30, +20, +10, …
a) (−7) − (−5) = �
b) (+4) − (−3) = � 18. The table shows Mike Weir’s performance
when he won the Masters golf tournament.
c) (+3) − (+8) = �
d) (−1) − (+6) = �
Number of Strokes
Round Above or Below Par
1 −2
13. How many hours is Hong Kong (time
zone +8) ahead of Lethbridge, Alberta 2 −4
(time zone −7)? 3 +3
4 −4
a) What is the difference in Mike’s
9.4 Subtract Integers, pages 330–335 performance in the third and fourth
14. What addition statement does each rounds?
diagram represent? Use the diagram to b) What is the difference in Mike’s
help you copy and complete the given performance in the first two rounds?
subtraction statement.
c) How many strokes above or below par
a) was Mike for the whole tournament?
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 d) Par for one round of the course was
(+4) − (+7) = � 72 strokes. How many strokes did
Mike take altogether to complete the
b) four rounds?
−7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2

(−6) − (−4) = �

Chapter Review • NEL 343

For #1 to #6, select the correct answer. 4. Which expression equals (−2) + (+6)?
1. Which addition do the integer chips A (−6) + (+2)
represent? B (+6) + (−2)
C (+2) + (−6)
D (+6) + (+2)

A (+8) + (+5)
5. Which expression equals (+4) − (−3)?
B (−5) + (+8)
A (−3) − (+4)
C (−8) + (−5)
B (+4) − (+3)
D (−8) + (+5)
C (+4) + (+3)

2. Which addition does the diagram represent? D (−4) + (−3)

6. Which expression does not equal 0?

−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
A (−3) + (+3)
A (−4) + (+7) B (−3) − (−3)
B (−7) + (+4) C (+3) − (+3)
C (+7) + (+4) D (−3) − (+3)
D (−7) + (−4)
Complete the statements in #7 and #8.
3. What subtraction
7. One afternoon, the temperature in
statement does the
Edmonton, Alberta, was +6ºC. The
set of diagrams
temperature then dropped by 10ºC to
reach the overnight low temperature. The
A (−6) − (−2) overnight low temperature was �°C.
B (−2) − (−6)
C (−2) − (+4) 8. The length of the line segment joining
D (−2) − (+6)
(4, −9) and (4, 8) is � units.

Short Answer
9. What is each sum or difference?
a) (−4) + (−5) b) (+3) + (−8)
c) (−9) − (−7) d) (+6) − (−6)
e) (+2) − (+7) f) (−3) − (−8)

344 NEL • Chapter 9

10. A monkey climbed 6 m down a tree and b) subtracting a negative integer from a
then climbed 4 m back up. positive integer
a) Use the sum of two integers to represent c) subtracting a positive integer from a
the situation. negative integer
b) What is the sum? d) subtracting a negative integer from a
negative integer
11. Determine the perimeter and the area
of the rectangle with vertices C(2, −3), 15. The table shows some temperatures
D(−2, −3), E(−2, −6), F(2, −6). expressed in degrees Celsius and in kelvins.
Temperature Temperature
12. The surface of Lake Michigan is 176 m Situation (ºC) (K)
above sea level. The bottom of the lake is Water boils 100 373
105 m below sea level. Estimate and
Water freezes 0 273
calculate the depth of the lake.
Absolute zero −273 0

13. Identify two integers that have a sum of a) Describe the relationship between the
+16 and differences of −8 and +8. temperature values in the two columns.
b) Convert 250 K to degrees Celsius.

Extended Response c) Convert −100ºC to kelvins.

14. In which of the following cases do you

always know the sign of the difference?
Explain your reasoning and give examples.
a) subtracting a positive integer from a
positive integer

The table shows the plus/minus scores for Jarome Iginla Season Plus/Minus Score
in four of his seasons with the Calgary Flames. 2000–2001 −2
1. What was the total of Jarome’s plus/minus scores for 2001–2002 +27
the following seasons? 2002–2003 −10
a) 2000–2001 and 2001–2002 2003–2004 +21
b) 2002–2003 and 2003–2004
c) all four seasons shown in the table

2. Calculate and explain the difference between Jarome’s plus/minus scores

for the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 seasons.

3. Research the plus/minus scores for a hockey player of your choice. Describe
how you would use the scores to measure the hockey player’s performance.

Practice Test • NEL 345

Integer Word Game
Play this word game in a pair or a group. In this game, each letter of the
alphabet is assigned an integer value. The value of a word is the sum of
the values of the letters in the word.

+13 +12 +11 +10 +9 +8 +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1

0 −1 −2 −3 −4 −5 −6 −7 −8 −9 −10 −11 −12

Work individually to spell words.

Then compare your words and
values in your pair or group. Each
word must be a real word but must
not be a proper noun, such as a
person’s name.
1. Create a three-letter word with
a) the greatest value
b) the least value
c) a value of 0

2. Repeat #1 for five-letter words.

3. Who can create the most five-letter words with a value of 0?

Describe the strategies that helped you create them.

346 NEL • Chapter 9

Virtual Reality
Some arcade games use virtual reality to boost excitement.
The player sits on a simulated vehicle such as a motorcycle,
snowmobile, or all-terrain vehicle. The seat moves to imitate the
motion of the wild ride the player is watching on the screen.
You be the designer! Create a virtual reality game in which a
rider sits on a vehicle and watches a screen as the vehicle moves
up and down. The player scores points by driving over the
rises and drops without crashing.
a) Describe your vehicle and give your game a name.
b) Plan a series of between 10 and 30 rises and drops for your game.
• Choose the height and depth of the vehicle after each move.
• The starting point of the ride will be shown as zero. Heights
above zero are shown as positive integers and depths below
zero as negative integers.
• The player scores points this way: If the vehicle drops from a
height of +15 to a depth of −5, that is a total change of −20. The
player gets 20 points if the vehicle does not crash during the drop.
• To avoid a crash, the maximum rise is 25 and the maximum drop
is −25. Both positive
and negative
c) Make a table of the heights and depths like the one shown. changes score
positive points
Move Number Height or Depth Ordered Pair
0 0 (0, 0)
1 +6 (1, +6)
2 −4 (2, −4)

d) Show the heights and depths of the ride by plotting the ordered pairs
on a coordinate grid.
e) Pick the three most extreme rises or drops in your game. Use integers
to show the amount of each rise or drop. Use positive integers for
rises and negative integers for drops.
f) What is the maximum number of points a player can score in your game?

Challenge in Real Life • NEL 347

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