Eng10 - Q4 - Module-5 - Digital
Eng10 - Q4 - Module-5 - Digital
Eng10 - Q4 - Module-5 - Digital
Quarter 4 – Module 5:
Research Report on a Relevant
Social Issue
1 - MIMAROPA Region
Department of Education
What I Know
1. Presents background A. Methodology
information, scope, and focus
of the research paper
2. Provides a review of what B. Literature Review
others have written or
researched on concerning the
3. Explains how the research C. Introduction
was conducted
4. Presents the information D. Reference
gathered through the
5. Evaluates the results of the E. Discussion
study or research
6. Provides the summary of the F. Conclusion
Did you get all of the answers right? Tell me your score.
Composing a Research Report on a Relevant Social Issue
you are now ready to put together the data and information you have gathered
What’s In
Directions: Read and understand the article from inquirer.net below. Then,
answer the comprehension questions right.
Environmental groups feared that the 3.8-kilometer concrete road
would ruin Mt. Guiting-Guiting in Sibuyan.
In 2018, local opposition, which claimed there were no prior studies
and consultation, forced the DPWH to stop the project and halt the clearing
operation in Barangay Jao-asan in Magdiwang town.
On June 16, a letter was addressed to Galicha, Romblon district
engineer Napoleon Famadico indicating that the project was not implemented
since it crossed the Mt. Guiting-Guiting Natural Park, a declared protected
area. The funds allotted for the project were already reverted to DBM.
“Rest assured that the road will not be considered in our future
programs until such time that all the requirements, clearances, and approval
of all concerned are met,” Famadico added.
Comprehension Questions:
1. Where did the “Magdiwang-San Fernando National Road, Cross
Country Road leading to Magdiwang Port” appear?
2. Were there similar projects that happened in the past according to the
article? Name them.
3. What is/are the effort/s of the environmental groups to oppose the
road project?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Act?
5. In your opinion, should the government pursue the project? Why.
6. In what way are you going to present your opinion to them?
What’s New
Subject your draft of the research report to self and peer assessment.
You can also do this writing process: Prewrite: brainstorm ideas to narrow
down a possible topic, Plan: know your audience and make sure that your
literature related to your topic, Draft: your first output is not your final
narrow down your data include only those that are related to the topic, Edit
organize your thought and write-up, Write your final draft: when everything
is all set, you can now write your final draft for; Proofreading: read your work
first, look for spelling, punctuation and, grammatical errors or you can ask
for your learning buddy to do it, and you are ready to Publish it.
The checklist below can help you and your peer identify the areas that need to
be improved.
/ or X Checklist
1. Does the introduction hook the attention of the reader?
2. Is the thesis clear?
What is a social issue?
A social issue is any condition or behavior that has negative
Source: https://open.lib.umn.edu/socialproblems/chapter/1-1-what-is-a-social-problem/
The following examples of social issues can be used as your research topic:
• Poverty
• Pollution
• Corruption
• Drugs
• Climate change
• Discrimination
• Fake news
• COVID 19
• Extrajudicial killings
• Crime
What Is It
Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) has outlined issues about marine plastic
pollution. Go over the details of the infographic and fill out the matrix
below it.
Photo Source: http://www.pcaf.da.gov.ph/wp-
What is the issue What do you want to What specific step
that PCAF outlines in share about the can you take as a
the infographic? issue? citizen?
What’s More
What I Have Learned
Prewrite, Plan, Draft, Revise, Edit, Write your final draft, Proofread first
before they can Publish it. It also has three parts. The introduction
wherein you start with a big idea, think of a device that will get the
significance of the research and literature review. The body is where you
outline the findings of the research and you may use graphs and
have researched and highlight your call to action to discuss about the
specific steps that your audience can take in addressing the issue locally
or globally.
Give at least five (5) out of seven (7) research writing
process and give a brief description of it using your own
7. __________________________________________
8. _________________________________________
9. _________________________________________
10. _________________________________________
mature, and that supports logical of ideas with
thorough the topic with development weak or no
development of good with basic transitions
the topic with transitions transitions between and
excellent between and between and within
transitions within within paragraphs
between and paragraphs paragraphs
● excellent ● good summary ● basic ● lacks a
summary of the of the topic summary of summary of
topic with with clear the topic with the topic
concluding ideas concluding some final
that impact ideas concluding
reader ● introduces no ideas
● introduces no new ● introduces no
new information information new
● control of ● contains few ● contains ● so many
grammar, usage, misspelled several spelling,
and mechanics words, misspelled punctuation,
● almost entirely punctuation, words, and
free of spelling, and punctuation, grammatical
punctuation and grammatical and errors that the
grammatical errors errors grammatical paper cannot
errors that be understood
which detract
from the