Dedp Bulacan PDF
Dedp Bulacan PDF
Dedp Bulacan PDF
FY 2022 - 2028
Published by the
Department of Education Schools Division of Bulacan
2022. All rights reserved
Concept and Layout
Planning and Research Section
Division IT Technical Team
Book Cover Design
Christopher Rey San Jose
DepEd Tayo Bulacan FB Page, Schools
and other DepEd Personnel who allowed their photos
to be used as materials in this report
Even before COVID-19 struck and caused problems to millions of families, the education
sector has been confronted with growing education issues which sadly worsen because of the
challenges brought about by the health crisis. DepEd officials firmly believe that students must
not take learning for granted. In times of crises and sudden changes, having access to education
should be valued. Aside from the fact that it is a main human right, it also impacts the other
human rights that we have. Likewise, more children, youth, and adults cannot get a leg up and
are thus left behind due to unfair access to learning. Moving forward, such issues can lead to
worse long-term effects. In its effort to make education more relevant to the needs of local
communities, the Department of Education (DepEd) has instituted a local planning process on
the division level to produce what is called the Division Education Development
Plan (DEDP). DepEd documents describe the DEDP as “the main vehicle through which the
division can effectively and efficiently manage education services in the province or city.”
The Schools Division of Bulacan delightfully presents the Division Education Development
Plan (FY 2022–2028) which displays the current data, programs, strategies, interventions, major
outputs along with the performance targets of the Division to address learning gaps and ensure
the delivery of quality education while fostering creativity and preserving the Bulakenyo culture
to serve as the foundation in the transition to Education 4.0.
The DEDP was prepared based on careful analysis of relevant educational data and a series
of discussions with several stakeholders. It is the six-year plan for basic education of SDO
Bulacan to meet the challenge of delivering quality education and to fairly deal with the
disturbing issues on the learners' academic performance. The Learning Recovery Plan (LRP) for
basic education is a major component of the DEDP which aims to focus on the immediate
impact of the pandemic on learning and to recuperate from the learning losses observed from
the students. The said long-term plan has incorporated innovative and appropriate
research-based strategies to manage the challenges of delivering
quality education, address the learning losses, implement pertinent
and warrant a proactive and reactive governance, management, and
systems.With great aspirations, may the DEDP serve as a blueprint in
honing holistically developed Bulakenyo learners who are deemed as
citizens of the world.May they be the so-called global citizens who
acceptdiversity, respect individuality , and take an active
role in making our world more peaceful and sustainable.
Bulakenyo learners deserve to have access to quality,
relevant and liberating basic education.
The Bulakenyo learners are at the core of SDO Bulacan Division
Education Development Plan (DEDP). They are envisioned to be holistically
developed in basic education, acquiring 21st century skills that will enable
them to manage oneself, build connections, inquire, innovate, stay nimble,
and serve beyond self. They must take pride in identity and culture as
Bulakenyos and aspire for lifelong learning, competitiveness, economic
prosperity, socio-political stability, unity in diversity, flourishing, and
sustainability by upholding the core values: Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao,
Makakalikasan, at Makabansa.
The DEDP goal which is anchored to DepEd’s vision is for all Bulakenyo
learners to be able to realize their full potential and be productive members
of the society. The DEDP results framework aims to ensure that learners
have the physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, and moral preparation for
civic participation and engagement in post-secondary opportunities in their
local, national, and global communities by focusing on:
SDO Bulacan DEDP 2022 – 2028 provides a strategic roadmap for the
Division to improve the delivery of quality education to all Bulakenyo
learners though the “BULAKENYO” flagship program. It is carefully
designed to address the immediate impacts of the pandemic to the teaching
and learning process. It aims to address the learning losses and intensify
the learning gains. It focuses on improving the foundational and lifelong
learning skills of the Bulakenyo learners as well as their resilience and
health as they actively participate in the teaching and learning process. All
learners including the disadvantaged and marginalized ones must be
provided with appropriate learning resources and strategies to develop their
full potential by acquiring the necessary literacy, numeracy, and science
skills. These may be achieved by maintaining an enabling environment that
promotes collaborative, adaptive, responsive, and efficient governance,
management, and systems.
Various strategic interventions, projects, programs, and major outputs are
set to fully realize the goals of the DEDP in the next six years. These are the
• Bulakenyo Learners
• Intensify the implementation of inclusive and equitable education
for all learners in every key stage, special programs through
Special Education Program, Indigenous People Education
Program, Madrasah Education Program, Multigrade Education
Program and Alternative Learning System.
• Contextualize the curriculum and learning materials at the
school level to provide equitable and appropriate learning
opportunities for all learners.
• Strengthen the Career Guidance Program and ensure that all
Bulakenyo learners demonstrate the DepEd Core Values
• Implement the different activities programs and projects in
different learning areas to guarantee advancement in the
academic performance of the Bulakenyo learners
• Enhance the implementation of Youth Formation Program, Core
Values Development, Character Formation and Career Guidance
• Bulakenyo Teachers
• Conduct research to continuously address the identified learning
gaps and implement accelerated learning and enrichment of
instructional delivery
• Increase the competencies of teachers and DRRM coordinators in
disaster management
• Upskill and reskill teaching and non-teaching personnel
• Bulakenyo Schools
• Heighten school-community partnership
• Improve and maintain school facilities to ensure proper
distribution of crucial resources
• Fortify the delivery of school health services
With reference to the DEDP’s enabling mechanisms, SDO Bulacan
compels to serve the Bulakenyo learners with an education that
CARES – collaborative, accelerating, responsive, empowering and
strategic governance and management system. It is with high hope
that through the Division’s flagship program “BULAKENYO,” all
Bulakenyo learners will be heading to the right path and be global
citizens who are ready to face the realities of life.
FOREWORD…………………………………………………………………………….........……………. 4
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY………………………………………………………………….........……….. 5
RATIONALE.............................................................................................................. 6
BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................... 17
• Education 4.0 Framework………………………………………………......…………………. 21
• BEDP Results Framework................................................................................. 21
• The Filipino Learner Framework........................................................................ 21
• Rapid Learning Recovery Framework……………….............................................. 22
• DepEd-DOH Shared Responsibility Principle..................................................... 22
• National Learning Recovery Framework............................................................ 22
• Region III REDP Framework.. ............................................................................ 23
• DepEd Bulacan Learning Recovery Framework................................................. 23
• Quality of Basic Education Provision.................................................................
• Access................................................................................................................ 24
• Equity................................................................................................................ 31
• Quality............................................................................................................... 34
• Resiliency and Well-Being.................................................................................. 47
• Governance........................................................................................................ 52
• Access............................................................................................................... 95
• Equity................................................................................................................ 95
• Quality.............................................................................................................. 96
• Resiliency and Well-Being.................................................................................. 97
• Governance....................................................................................................... 98
• Access................................................................................................................
• Equity................................................................................................................
• Quality...............................................................................................................
• Resiliency and Well-Being..................................................................................
INTERFACING OF FUNCTIONAL DIVISIONS..............................................................
DIVISION EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN...........................................................
ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF RISKS.................................................................
COMMUNICATION PLAN............................................................................................
1 Comparative Data on Enrollment – Key Stage 1-4
2 Comparative Data on Enrolment – Inclusive Education
3 Comparative Data on Enrolment – Special Programs
4 Net Enrolment Rate
5 Gross Enrolment Rate
6 Repetition Rate
7 School Leaver Rate
8 Transition Rate
9 Cohort Survival Rate
10 Promotion Rate
11 ALS Passers of Accreditation and Equivalency
12 Children with Disabilities
13 Completion Rate
International Assessment Programme for International
Student Assessment (PISA)
Consolidated EGRA Report in English for Grades 1-3 SY
Consolidated EGRA Report in Filipino for Grades 1-3 SY
17 Project All Numerates (PAN) Grade 1 Numeracy Data
18 Project All Numerates (PAN) Grade 2 Numeracy Data
19 Project All Numerates (PAN) Grade 3 Numeracy Data
NAT Grade 6 MPS by Subject Areas (Division, Regional,
National) SY 2016-2017
NAT Grade 10 MPS by Subject Areas (Division, Regional,
National) SY 2016-2017
NAT Grade 12 Proficiency Level by Subject Areas SY 2017-
2018 & 2018-2019
23 Regional Diagnostic Assessment Results
24 SHS Exits
25 Academic Performance of Learners in Multigrade
26 SpEd Program (Elementary and Secondary)
27 Academic Performance of ALS Learners
28 Passers of Accreditation and Equivalency
29 Academic Performance of IpED
30 Promotion Of Learners In Madrasah
31 School Contingency Plans For Disaster Resilience
32 Coordinators Trained In First Aid
33 Vaccination Status: Learners
34 Vaccination Status: Personnel
35 Report On Psychosocial/ Psychological Support
36 Textbooks
37 Inventory Of Teachers, School Heads, And Other Personnel
38 Crucial Resources Ratio
39 Filled and Unfilled Positions (Teaching)
40 Filled and Unfilled Positions (Non-Teaching)
41 Filled and Unfilled Positions
42 Learning Modalities Implemented-Public Schools
43 Learning Modalities Implemented-Private Schools
44 Financial Accomplishments
Data on Approved Research Proposals and Completed
Research (Non-Funded)
46 Policy Research Program (Funded)
47 Policy Research Program (Funded) By Theme
48 Policy Research Program (Funded) Grant Amount
49 Partnership and Collaboration
50 Total Private Donations
Proportion Of Eligible Private Schools Receiving Government
Proportion Of Private School Teachers Receiving Government
53 Percentage Of Private Schools With Recognition And Permit
54 Percentage Of Private Schools With Recognition And Permit
55 Key Challenges – ACCESS
56 Key Challenges – EQUITY
57 Key Challenges – QUALITY
59 Key Challenges – GOVERNANCE
60 Strategies, Intervention, and Major Outputs - Pillar 1
61 Strategies, Intervention, and Major Outputs - Pillar 2
62 Strategies, Intervention, and Major Outputs - Pillar 3
63 Strategies, Intervention, and Major Outputs - Pillar 4
64 Strategies, Intervention, and Major Outputs - Governance
65 Enrolment Forecast
67 Implementation Plan – QUALITY
68 Implementation Plan – ACCESS & EQUITY
69 Implementation Plan – RESILIENCY AND WELL-BEING
70 Implementation Plan – GOVERNANCE
71 Monitoring and Evaluation, and Adjustment – ACCESS
72 Monitoring and Evaluation, and Adjustment – EQUITY
73 Monitoring and Evaluation, and Adjustment – QUALITY
Monitoring and Evaluation, and Adjustment – RESILIENCY
75 Monitoring and Evaluation, and Adjustment – GOVERNANCE
1 Education Framework 4.0
2 BEDP Results Framework
3 The Filipino Learner Framework
4 The RAPID Learning Recovery Framework
5 DepEd-DOH Shared Responsibility Framework
6 National Learning Recovery Framework
7 Region III REDP Framework
8 SDO Bulacan Educational Development Plan Framework
9 Comparative Data on Enrolment – Key Stage 1-4
10 Comparative Data on Enrolment – Inclusive Education
11 Comparative Data on Enrolment – Special Programs
12 Net Enrolment Rate
13 Gross Enrolment Rate
14 Repetition Rate
15 School Leaver Rate
16 Transition Rate
17 Cohort Survival Rate
18 Promotion Rate
19 ALS Passers Accreditation and Equivalency
20 4Ps Recipients (Elementary)
21 4Ps Recipients (Secondary)
22 Completion Rate
23 International Assessment Programme for International Student
24 NAT Grade 12 Proficiency Level
25 SHS Exits
26 SPED Program (Elementary and Secondary)
27 Enrolment of Madrasah for S.Y. 2022-2023
28 Reported Cases on Child Protection
29 School Based Management
30 OPCRF Ratings of Division
According to the UN, there are currently around 800 million illiterate adults in the
globe, and nearly 260 million children do not attend school.Two-thirds of the world's
illiterate population, or 496 million people, are women, and 67% of all adult illiterates live
in just 10 nations, with India having the greatest percentage.
Of an estimated 8
Of an estimated 4 million children and
million (13%) In the Philippines, 63% of
adolescents (8%)
primary school aged
children out-of-school
were girls before COVID-
Source: UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office, 2019. Learning Against the Odds:
Source: UNICEF, UNESCO, 2021
Evidence and Polices to Support All Out-of-School Children and Adolescents in East Asia
and Pacific
Around 35 million children and teenagers in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP1)
region were still living there in 2017.unenrolled (UIS, 2019). Of these, 4 million (13% of
them) were preschoolers.7 million people were of primary school age (4 percent of 6 year
old) as of the official primary entry age.8 million people (or 8% of 12 to 14-year-olds) were
of lower secondary school age (ages 8 to 11), and another 16 million (or 19% of those
aged 15 to 17) were upper secondary school age.
Net enrollment rate in Completion rate in the completion rate in the
primary school elementary Philippines
Source: UNESCO, UNICEF, 2021. Situation Analysis on the Effects of and Responses to COVID-19 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics
on the Education Sector in Southeast Asia Database
In 2018, school leaver rate in the secondary (JHS) was 3.4 and a mere 0.5 in the
elementary. (EBIS, DepEd). More than 10% do not complete compulsory education
(lower-secondary) in the Philippines.
Boys are less likely to attend primary school in the Philippines. Boys are
particularly likely to be over-age for their grade in several countries, including the
Philippines, a risk factor for dropping out.
Effects of the Pandemic on Education
DepEd Bulacan
Net Enrollment rate (NER) in all key stages increased from SY 2020-2021 to SY
Net Enrollment rate (NER) in all key
stages increased from SY 2020-2021 2021-2022
to SY 2022. 54.60%
Grade 11 to Grade 12 89.35%
Grade 7 to Grade 10 96.66%
Grade 1 to Grade 6 82.93%
During the pandemic, completion rate of learners in the division decreased from
SY 2019-2020 to SY 2020-21 by as much as
12.37% JHS
SHS School leavers in JHS sharply increased by
of elementary learners in
the division are school
leavers. (SY 2020-2021)
of learners in the SHS are
school leavers. (SY 2020-
Source: USAID, EDC, Accenture. 2021. The impact of COVID-19 on opportunities for out-of-school
youth in the Philippines
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
They must take pride in Filipino national identity and nationhood and aspire for
lifelong learning, competitiveness, economic prosperity, socio-political stability, unity in
diversity, flourishing, and sustainability by upholding the core values: Maka-Diyos,
Maka-tao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
• Enrollment by Key Stage, Special
Programs, Inclusive Education
NER/GER/Retention Rate/Repetition
Rate/School Leaver Rate/Transition
Rate/Cohort Survival Rate
Participation Rate of OSC and OSY
ALS Completion Rate
Figure 9
Table 1
Note: Generally, enrollment in Public Basic Education constantly increased amidst the pandemic while enrollment in K-10 in the private
schools, SUCs, and LUCs decreased. A significant number of transferees from private to public schools were registered. However, the
increase in enrollment in SHS is very evident. This is due to the assistance provided by the government to private schools.
According to the aforementioned figures, the Key Stages 1-4 for enrollment in
public basic education constantly increased, specifically in the S.Y. 2021–2022 with
306,469 in Key Stages 1 and 2; 159,973 in Key Stage 3; and 40,910 in Key Stage 4 as
compared to the S.Y. 2020–2021 with 297,548 enrollees for the public in the Key
Stages 1 and 2; 151,224 in Key Stage 3; and 34, 418 in the Key Stage. This shows that
despite the aftermath of the pandemic, public schools, through their teachers and
learning modalities and support, deliver quality education to Filipino students.
However, enrollment in private basic education, SUCs, and LUCs fell drastically.
From 30, 556 enrollees in Key Stages 1 and 2, it became 30,254; from 38, 529 in Key
Stage 3, it became 35,996; and finally, from 35,850 in Key Stage 4, it became 37,756.
Enrollment in private basic education declined as some private schools closed and a
large number of students dropped out of public schools due to parents' financial
insecurity as a result of the pandemic. It is relative to SUCs and LUCs, which are in
Key Stage 3 in S.Y. 2020–2021 form 141, it became 93 for S.Y. 2021-2022. Meanwhile,
in Key Stage 4, there is a significant increase that happened from S.Y. 2018-2019 up
to S.Y. 2021-2022.
Table 2
Figure 10
The comparative data on enrollment
in inclusive education shows that during 8,500
the first year of the pandemic, specifically 7,500
the School Year 2019-2020, the figure 7,000
shows a slight decrease in enrollment in 6,000
ALS and Multi-Grade. Meanwhile, a 5,000
significant increase happened in SPED 4,000
and MADRASAH. 3,000
Significantly, the School Year 2021– 2,000
2022 gained a large number of enrollees 1,000
under Inclusive Education. Among the 0
programs, the ALS program ranked the
highest in terms of enrollment, with
8,179. followed by the Last Mile with non-
enrollees from School Years 2019-2020 2018-2019 2019-2020
2020-2021 2021-2022
and 2020-2021, with now 2,247 in the
The cooperating schools, through their school
School Year 2021-2022. Also, an increase
heads and teachers, initiated constant and
in enrollment is observed in SPED with
relevant advocacy of the programs through their
1,378 enrollees and in Multi Grade with
official school Facebook Page and strong
1,368. Lastly, the Madrasah ranked least
partnerships with various stakeholders, resulting
with 95 enrollees, which is better
in a significant increase in enrollees across six
compared with S.Y. 2020–2021, with only
programs under inclusive education.
68 enrollees.
Table 3 10,000
The table presents the comparative 8,000
data on the enrollment of the TVE, STE, 7,000
SSES, FL, ARTS, and Sports. Among the 5,000
special programs of SDO Bulacan, TVE got 4,000
the highest number of enrollees from S.Y. 2,000
2018-2019 with 16, 528; S.Y. 2019-2020 1,000
with 16, 722; S.Y. 2020-2021 with 17,734; TVE STE SSES FL ARTS SPORTS
and S.Y. 2021-2022 with 17, 818.
2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Figure 11
The significant role of technical and
vocational education in the pursuit of skills Meanwhile, there is a significant increase in
development is valued by students. It was the number of enrollees from 2,525 in S.Y.
followed by SSES with 8,875 enrollees in 2020–2021 to 3,094 enrollees, which may
S.Y. 2021–2022. However, it has shown a contribute to an increase in the number of
significant decline as compared to S.Y. approved schools that are allowed to offer
2020–2021 with 10,685 and S.Y. 2019–2020 STE programs. However, the FL,
with 11,583. with 481 enrolled; arts,
This may require the curriculum with 482 enrolled; and
planners to revisit the program by training sports with 321 enrolled,
the contributory factors to a got the lowest rates among
decreasing number of enrollees. the six programs of
special education.
SY 2018-19
SY 2019-20
SY 2020-21
SY 2021-22
Note: Generally, enrollment in Public Basic
Education constantly increased amidst the
pandemic while enrollment in K-10 in the private
schools, SUCs, and LUCs decreased. A significant
number of transferees from private to public KINDER 80.86% 67.13% 74.17% 82.93%
schools were registered. However, the increase in
enrollment in SHS is very evident. This is due to
1&2 97.38% 99.12% 95.64% 96.66%
the assistance provided by the government to
private schools.
3 83.10% 85.82% 82.94% 89.35%
Table 4
The data above depict SDO Bulacan's
100.00 net enrolment rate over the four critical
stages. It demonstrates consistent growth
80.00 in the enrolment rate in S.Y. 2021-2022,
with Kinder Garten at 82.93%, Key Stages
1 and 2 at 96.66%, Key Stage 3 at
40.00 89.35% , and Key Stage 4 at 61.21% . This
increased significantly for S.Y. The School
20.00 Year 2021-2022 can be ascribed to school
initiatives, projects, and programs that
KINDER 1&2 3 4 encourage parents to enroll their children
SY 2018-19 SY 2019-20 SY 2020-21 SY 2021-22 in school by ensuring students' safety and
Figure 12 welfare.
SY 2018-19
SY 2019-20
SY 2020-21
SY 2021-22
Table 5
lowest percentage of
88.36% . KINDER 1&2 3 4
SY 2018-19 SY 2019-20 SY 2020-21 SY 2021-22
Figure 13
SY 2018-19
SY 2019-20
SY 2020-21
SY 2021-22
The results reflect a decrease in the magnitude of students' rate of repetition in the four
key stages. From 1.59% to 1.11% in the Kinder Garten; 2.06% to 2.00% in Key Stages 1 and 2;
and 1.52% in School Year 2020-2021 to 1.47% in School Year 2021-2022. Finally, key stage 4
received 1.11% in School Year 2021-2022, a low percentage as compared to School Year 2020-
2021, which received 1.59%.
SY 2018-19
SY 2019-20
SY 2020-21
SY 2021-22
Table 7
SY 2019-20
SY 2018-19
SY 2020-21
SY 2021-22
Note: The transition rate in Key Stages 1 & 2 is very high
since SY 2018-2019 which is 98.98% with a slight decrease in KEYSTAGE
SY 2021-2022 with 97.07%. Transition Rate in Key Stage 3
steadily increases from SY 2018-2019 with 93.81% to 96.59%
in SY 2020-2021, however, in SY 2021-2022 amidst the
pandemic it dropped to 88.80%. On the other hand, the
1&2 98.93% 100.06% 99.91% 97.07%
transition rate in Key stage 4 increased by 0.20% in SY 2021-
3 93.81% 95.34% 96.59% 88.80%
SY 2019-20
SY 2020-21
SY 2021-22
Figure 17
1&2 99.52% 99.44% 99.73% 87.39%
3 89.77% 91.69% 92.56% 81.94%
4 NDA NDA 76.83% 67.19%
Table 9 40.00%
Note: The Cohort Survival Rate computes the percentage 30.00%
of a cohort of pupils/students who are able to reach
Grade VI/Grade 10/Grade 12.
1&2 3 4
SY 2018-19 SY 2019-20 SY 2020-21 SY 2021-22
The Cohort Survival Rate is shown in the figures above. It shows that the
cohort survival rate for the four key stages is lower in School Year 2021-2022
than in the preceding School Year.
SY 2018-19
SY 2019-20
SY 2020-21
SY 2021-22
Note: The promotion rate in Key Stages 1 & 2 is also
KEYSTAGE very high with 99.52% - 99.73% for three consecutive
school years. However, in SY 2021-2022 it dropped
down to only 87.39%. Similarly, in Key Stage 3 the
promotion rate steadily increases from SY 2018-2019
with 89.77% to 93.56% in SY 2020-2021, but, in SY
1&2 99.52% 99.44% 99.73% 87.39%
2021-2022 it declined to 81.94%. Likewise, the
promotion rate in Key stage 4 decrease from 76.83% to
3 89.77% 91.69% 92.56% 81.94%
only 67.19% om SY 2021-2022.
4 NDA NDA 76.83% 67.19%
Table 10
For three consecutive school
years, the promotion rate in Key 90.00%
Stages 1 and 2 is quite high, 80.00%
ranging from 99.52% to 99.73% . 70.00%
However, it fell to 87.39% between
S.Y. 2021-2022. Similarly, the
promotion rate in Key Stage 3
steadily increases from S.Y. S.Y. 40.00%
2018-2019: 89.77% to 93.56% 30.00%
2020-2021. Meanwhile, in S.Y. 20.00%
2021-2022, it fell to 81.94% .
Furthermore, the promotion rate in 1&2 3 4
the Key Stage falls from 76.83% to SY 2018-19 SY 2019-20 SY 2020-21 SY 2021-22
only 67.19% S.Y. 2021-2022. Figure 18
Figure 19
70% 59% 56%
60% 51%
SY 2019-2022 SY 2020-2021 SY 2021 - 2022
Table 11
SY 2020-2021 7,822 4,449 56%
Note: The table reflects the data of the passers of accreditation and equivalency of ALS. This shows that S.Y. 2019-20 has the highest
percentage of passers with 59% (4,982 out of 8,367).
• 4Ps Recipients
• Children with Disabilities
Children with Disabilities
MR /
SY 2018-
19 198 180 36 289 27 57 10 235 32 39 129 85 61 1,378
SY 2019-
20 214 194 39 312 29 62 11 254 35 42 139 92 66 1,489
SY 2020-
21 204 185 37 297 28 59 10 242 33 40 132 88 63 1,418
SY 2021-
22 240 218 44 350 33 69 12 285 39 47 155 104 74 1,670
Table 12
Note: The number of children with disabilities who are being honed and taken care of by various
schools in the Division reaches up to 1,670 in SY 2021-2022 from 1,378 in SY 2018-2019. This
shows our full support to DepEd’s inclusive education.
The graph above depicts a summary of Children with Disabilities from 2018
to 2022. The table shows the number of children with various disabilities.
The additional number of 292 children with disabilities is shown as
presented to the data for the SY 2021-2022 with 1670 in comparison with the 1,
378 listed for SY 2018-2019.
There are recorded 1,378 children with disabilities during SY 2018-2019
and the following are the breakdown of each: 198 for learning disability, 180 having
hearing impairment, 36 as visually impaired, 289 for MR/intellectual disabilities,
27 MIH, 57 BP/ADHD, 10 OC/CHSP OH, 235 AU, 32 for speech disorder, 39
cerebral palsy, 129 DS, 85 GDD, and 61 other disabilities.
For the SY 2019-2020, 1,489 students are recorded that have disabilities;
214 learning disability, 194 hearing impairment, 39 visually impaired, 312
MR/intellectual disabilities, 29 MIH, 62 BP/ADHD, 11 OC/CHSP OH, 254 AU, 35
speech disorder, 42 cerebral palsy, 139 DS, 92 GDD, and 64 other disabilities.
For the next SY 2020-2021, 1,418 students are recorded that have
disabilities; 204 learning disability, 185 hearing impairment, 37 visually impaired,
297 MR/intellectual disabilities, 28 MIH, 59 BP/ADHD, 10 OC/CHSP OH, 242 AU,
33 speech disorder, 40 cerebral palsy, 132 DS, 88 GDD, and 63 other disabilities.
Lastly, there are 1,670 children listed during SY 2021-2022 that have
disabilities; 240 learning disability, 218 hearing impairment, 44 visually impaired,
350 MR/intellectual disabilities, 33 MIH, 69 BP/ADHD, 12 OC/CHSP OH, 285 AU,
39 speech disorder, 47 cerebral palsy, 155 DS, 144 GDD, and 74 other disabilities.
• Completion Rate
• International Assessment - PISA/SEA-
• Regional Diagnostic Assessment Test
2022 (K-12)
80 Note: During the pre-pandemic period,
the Completion Rate both in
70 Elementary and Junior High School
were high. It had a tremendous
60 decrease in SY 2020-2021.
SY 2017-18 SY 2018-19 SY 2019-20 SY 2020-21
1&2 3 4
Figure 22
Table 13
SDO Bulacan has continuously uphold its mission of bringing education with superior quality
towards its learners. One of its indicators is the Completion Rate. Completion rate shows the
percentage of students who has successfully finished or completed their relevant level of education.
For the past three school years beginning 2017, our division has maintained its high completion rate
both in Elementary and Junior High School. However, due to the unforeseen turn of events brought
by the global health crisis, a tremendous increase in the completion rate was recorded across all key
stage areas. In Key stage 1 and 2 (Elementary), there was significant drop of 12.37% in the
completion rate from 99.38% in SY. 2019-2020 down to 87.01% in SY 2020-2021. Similarly, for key
stage 3 (Junior High School), 11.34% drop in completion rate was reported from 91.43% in SY. 2019-
2020 down to 81.22% in SY 2020-2021. Furthermore, an 8.04% drop in completion rate was
recorded in key stage 4 (Senior High School) from 73.14% in SY. 2019-2020 down to 65.10% in SY
2020-2021. These data imply that several learners have chosen to cease schooling primarily due to
the impact of the global health crisis. Nevertheless, SDO Bulacan, together with its teaching force and
stakeholders, continuously exhausting all means to bring these learners back to school regardless of
learning modalities.
International Assessment Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
Figure 23
40 Note: Reading achieved the highest
average score (MPS) among the three (3)
20 learning areas covered by the
simulation, involving 100 fifteen-year-
0 old students from three (3) participating
Reading Mathematics Science secondary schools. Students at the
private school obtained the highest
Dr. Felipe De Jesus NHS (38) overall MPS. However, none of the 3
schools attained the target 75% MPS.
San Pedro
Smarties Academy of SM (20)
Assessing the acquired key knowledge and skills needed in becoming meaningful
contributors and functional citizens is one of the hallmarks of PISA or Programme for
International Student Assessment. In 2018, our country joined the survey which esteemed
to determine the proficiency level of learners aged 15 years old specifically on reading,
mathematics, and science. The results thereby revealed that Filipino learners aged 15
scored lower that the most of the participating countries in reading, mathematics, and
science. Unfortunately, the results revealed that 80 % of Filipino learners did not meet a
minimum reading competency.
As one of the participating divisions in the PISA 2018, SDO Bulacan involved 80
participants from public schools specifically from Dr. Felipe de Jesus NHS in Plaridel,
Bulacan and San Pedro National High School in Hagonoy, Bulacan with 38 and 42 student
participants correspondingly. 20 participants were taken from private school, named
Smarties Academy of Sta. Maria in Sta. Maria Bulacan, thereby comprising a total of 100
student participants. The learning areas covered for the PISA simulation are Reading,
Mathematics, and English.
The results of the PISA simulation test as revealed by TABLE 14 has shown that
learners from the private school obtained the highest overall mean percentage score (MPS)
of 63.38. Also, it can be seen from the same table that among the three learning areas
covered, Reading garnered the highest average followed by English and Mathematics with
averages of 63.00, 43.38, and 57.32 respectively. Despite the efforts exerted by the
participating schools, none of the three attained the target 75% of MPS. The results
from the simulation does not deviate from the results obtained in the national
standard. Hence, appropriate strategies and interventions are
considered to meet the standards set by the department.
Table 15. Consolidated EGRA Report in English for Grades 1-3 SY 2021-2022
One way of ensuring the delivery of quality education is through the utilization of
the result of Early Grade Reading Assessment as per DepEd Order No 57 s. 2015. This
assessment is given to Grades 1-3 to gauge the effectiveness of Mother Tongue Based-
Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) in the reading and writing proficiency both in English
and in Filipino. Learners are gauged among different subtasks or components which are
Book and Print Knowledge, Phonetic Awareness, Alphabetic Knowledge, Decoding Skills,
Spelling and Reading Rate, Reading Accuracy, Listening Comprehension Skills, and
Dictation/Spelling Skills.
Table 15 shows the Consolidated EGRA Report in English in Key stage 1 for SY
2021. The table revealed that a great number of Grade 1 -3 learners in SDO Bulacan
possess high levels of literacy in Book and Print Knowledge. In average, 78.68% of learners
from Grades 1-3 has achieved mastery on the said component. It was then followed by
Phonetic Awareness with 59.70% of learners that has shown mastery. However, Listening
Comprehension Skills got the lowest number of learners who have shown mastery of the
subtask/component at 40.66% average from Grades 1-3. It can also be seen from the table
that the lowest percentage of literate pupils falls under Listening Comprehension Skills
notably in Grade 1 with 38.66%. The data reveals that despite the use of MTB-MLE in
teaching learners literacy in English, still only a handful has possessed the needed
foundational skills. There is a great number of learners who experience difficulties in
listening and understading the passages or text being read. Moreso, other subcomponents
aside from Book and Print Knowledge have less than 60% of learners who achieved
functional literacy. This data indicates a call for intensification of the programs and
projects of the division together with its schools in improving student’s reading and writing
Table 16. Consolidated EGRA Report in Filipino for Grades 1-3 SY 2021-2022
Similar with the results in EGRA Report in English, Book and Print Knowledge
ranked first in the Consolidated EGRA Report in Filipino for Keystage 1 SY 2021-2022 of
SDO Bulacan as reflected on Table 16. In average, 82.47% of learners from Grades 1-3
showed literacy rate on the said component. This is remarkably higher as compared to the
English which is the second language. Meanwhile, Dictation/Spelling skills ranked the
lowest number of literate pupils in key stage 1 with only 35.70% of learners showing
literacy. It can be denoted from the result that most of the learners have difficulties in
writing correct word spelling following the mechanics of print, spacing, direction of text,
capitalization, and punctuation in Filipino.
Note: The figure presents the data of grade 2 in project all numerates. It appeared that percentage of numerates in S.Y. 2019-20
(66.67%) and S.Y. 2021-22 (57.56%) are higher as compared to nearly numerates and non-numerates of the same school years.
However, nearly numerates (58.13%) is the highest in terms of percentages as compared to numerates and non-numerates in S.Y.
Similar trends can be seen from Table 18 and Table 19 showing the numeracy level
of Grade 2 and Grade 3 learners respectively. Higher numbers of learners falling under
numerates can be seen on S.Y. 2019-2020 which declined during S.Y. 2020-2021 and then
regained at S.Y. 2021-2022.
Table 20. NAT Grade 6 MPS by Subject Areas (Division, Regional, National)
SY 2016-2017
National Achievement Test (NAT) has consistently been used as determinant of academic
performance and standing of our learners in 5 subject areas namely Filipino, Mathematics, English,
Science, and Araling Panlipunan. The latest result of Grade 6 NAT can be seen on Table 20. As
revealed by the Table, Grade 6 learners in the division of Bulacan garnered the highest MPS result in
Filipino at 56.78% followed by Araling Panlipunan at 44.18%. It appeared that learners need more
support and improvement in Science and Mathematics due to its low MPS results. Despite achieving
the lowest MPS in Science in our division with 31.40%, it is still significantly higher as compared to
the regional and national MPS of 30.60% and 30.94% respectively. Likewise, it is evident from the
Table that SDO Bulacan Grade 6 learners are at par with the other learners in the region and
the entire country with an averaged MPS result of 41.37% which is slightly higher than the
regional and national MPS at 40.08% and 39.95% consecutively.
Table 21. NAT Grade 10 MPS by Subject Areas (Division, Regional, National)
SY 2016-2017
Subject Areas Division MPS Regional MPS National MPS
Filipino 53.10 51.54 52.59
Mathematics 36.16 35.70 37.30
English 44.45 43.44 46.01
Science 34.51 34.00 35.68
Araling Panlipunan 48.44 46.75 48.81
Average 43.33 42.29 44.08
Note: Filipino remains to have the highest MPS in the Grade 10 NAT Results in the Division, Regional and National Level. Still
even in the Secondary level, learners need more academic improvement in Mathematics and Science which had the low MPS.
Data on NAT Results for Grade 10 as revealed by Table 21 shows that Filipino
consistently remained with the highest MPS result at 53.10% in our division and is higher
than the regional and national MPS. Correspondingly, Science and Mathematics still
reaped the lowest MPS with 34.15% and 36.16% respectively. Furthermore, our division
has performed lower than the national performance by average of 43.33% vis a vis 44.08% ;
but considerably higher than the performance of the region with 42.29% MPS results. This
indicates that our division has progressively strived to be competitive in terms of academic
achievement and has constantly engaged in programs and projects to help learners achieve
superior academic performance.
60 Figure 24
Media and
High School.
Table 22
Aside from the varied international and national academic tests held to gauge
learners’ academic achievement and progress, SDO Bulacan adhered to the administration
of Regional Diagnostic Assessment (RDA) thru Regional Memorandum No. 504 s. 2022
which aims to assess the competencies attained by learners as they return to face to face
learning modality. This assessment also aims to help teachers, administrators, and top
management personel to identify the present strengths, weaknesses, knowledge level, and
skills set of learners after enduring two years of continued learning during the pandemic.
In the conduct of RDA, learners were given the diagnostic tool across the eight learning
areas. Results are then reported by the number of Minimum Proficiency Level (MPL) as well
as Most and Least Mastered Competencies. The minimum proficiency level is measured by
the number of learners who has achieved 60% or more correct answers. Based on the
collated results of RDA in SDO Bulacan as presented in Table __, the learning area with the
highest number of learners with minimum level of proficiency is Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao (ESP) at key stage 1 with 59.01% of learners for S.Y. 2021 -2022. However,
Mathematics came with the lowest MPL across all key learning areas with the lowest MPL
of 1.25% on key stage 3. It is also evident that in key stage 3, learners have low MPL of less
than 10% in English, MAPEH, Science, and Math with 5.30%, 1.98%, 1.48% , and 1.25%
respectively. Whereas for key stage 4, learning areas with low MPL of less than 10% are
Science, English, and Mathematics with 1.98% , 1.48%, and 1.25%. The data implies that a
great number of learners have not reached the desired number of correct items across all
learning areas on their previous grade level. Hence, there are learners who have not fully
mastered the competencies intended to them on their previous level. In addition,
intensification of projects and programs to strenghten mastery of competencies must be
seen across all learning areas with focus on English, Mathematics, and Science.
SHS Exits
Figure 25
Note: Many SHS graduates in the Division about 67.83% enter college and seek higher education while 19.93% are employed after
graduation. 5.31% are in Middle Skills while 4.91% are entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, there is still a small portion of 2.02% who
are not in any SHS exit.
With the aim of the K to 12 program to successfully prepare and guide learners to be ready
in all aspects of life, SDO Bulacan has guaranteed to provide avenues for the learners to
pursue higher education, employment, attainment and practice of middle level skills, and
entrepreneurship. Figure 25 shows the average percentage of SHS Exit pathways chosen
by learners from S.Y. 2018-2019 to S.Y. 2020-2021. The highest portion of SHS graduates
entered college and seek higher education with 67.83% . S.Y. 2019-2020 gained highest
percentage of higher education exits at 70.40% . Those who have not decided to pursue
higher education have chosen other exit points. 19.93% of them decided to apply for jobs
in different fields with their SHS diploma to instantly help their families by earning for a
living. Meanwhile, 5.31% of learners have chosen to develop their skills through trainings
and earning national certificates and become meaningful contributors of the workforce
instead of pursuing four-year courses. 4.91% of the SHS graduates has engaged into
entrepreneurship making use of their abilities to earn profit and engage in varied forms
of businesses. Sadly, 2.02% of SHS graduates are not to be found in any exits.
Table 25. Academic Performance of Learners in Multigrade
Literacy Literacy
Numeracy Science Skills
(English) (Filipino)
Level School Year
2019- 2020- 2019- 2020- 2019- 2020- 2019- 2020-
2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021
Kinder Early Childhood Care and Development Checklist
Grade 1 62.51 51.37 63.85 50.19 57.69 50.14 NA NA
Grade 2 64.27 52.82 65.32 51.63 59.54 52.47 NA NA
Grade 3 63.65 53.61 64.81 52.42 57.38 52.89 ----- -----
Note: The table above shows the academic performance of learners in multigrade in key stage 1, As to English subject, in S.Y. 19-
20, Grade 2 has the highest academic performance of 64.27, while in S.Y. 2020-21 grade 3 has the highest percentage with
53.61%. In terms of Filipino subject, in S.Y. 2019-20, Grade 2 has the highest percentage of academic performance while the next
S.Y. grade 3 has the edge over the other with 52.42%. Lastly, in terms of numeracy, during S.Y. 19-20, grade 2 has the highest
percentage in academic performance, while in the S.Y. 20-21, grade 3 likewise got the highest.
Note: The table presents the data on the
SPED program, as compared, percentage of
learners in the mainstream in the
consecutive years, secondary has the edge 80%
over the elementary. In S.Y. 2018-19,
elementary has 28.66% while secondary
has 97.45%. S.Y. 2019-20, elementary has
28.82% while secondary has 76.41%, S.Y.
2020-21, ,elementary has 24.77% while
secondary has 92.47% and lastly, S.Y.
2021-22, elementary has 27.35% while 40%
secondary has 90.63%. It can also be
observed that in elementary, S.Y. 2019-20
has the highest mainstream percentage
while in secondary, S.Y. 2018-19 has the 20%
highest percentage of learners in
the mainstream.
2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 2021 - 2022
Elementary Secondary
Figure 26
Elementary Secondary
Total Number of Total Number of
Number Learners in Number Learners in
Percentage Percentage
of the of the
Enrolment Mainstream Enrolment Mainstream
2018 - 2019 1,525 437 28.66% 157 153 97.45%
2019 - 2020 1,638 472 28.82% 165 149 76.41%
2020 - 2021 1,494 370 24.77% 146 135 92.47%
2021 - 2022 1,503 411 27.35% 160 145 90.63%
Table 26
SDO Bulacan has continuously served our learners with special educational needs.
Table __ shows that for the past four school years the percentage in the number of
elementary SpEd learners enrolled in the mainstream has decrease from 28.82% in S.Y.
2019-2020 to 24.77% in S.Y. 2020-2021. However, in S.Y. 2021-2022, enrollees of SpEd
Learners in mainstream increased by 2.58% from 24.77% to 27.35% . On the other hand,
the highest number of secondary SpEd learners who have been introduced to mainstream
classes is attributed on S.Y. 2018-2019 with 97.45% while S.Y. 2019-2020 got the lowest
percentage. The data presented implies that prior the pandemic the number of SpEd in
mainstream schools are generally high. Due to the implementation of limited face to face
classes, there has been an increase in the number of enrollment.
Through Alternative Learning System, SDO Bulacan has unceasingly provided out-
of-school youth and adults (OSYA) to acquire literacy skills, both fundamental and
practical, and to gain access to educational tracks leading to the same degree of
educational attainment as their school-aged peers. It was revealed from the Table __ that
for the past three school years S.Y. 2021-2022 regained the number of enrollees in ALS
with 15.77% increase from 7,822 in 2020-2021 to 9,056 in 2021-2022. This can be traced
from the strong mobilization and campaign of the division in reaching out to our OSYA
learning. Perhaps, the pandemic has also encouraged our learners on the hardships of
economic situations, thus, igniting the desire of these learners to gain an equal advantage
with others through education.
However, despite the increased number of enrollment, there is a downward trend on
the percentage of passers in the ALS program. Table __ presents the passing percentage
of ALS learners in Accreditation and Equivalency from S.Y. 2019-2022 to
S.Y. 2021-2022. From 59% in S.Y. 2019-2022, the number of passers
significantly decreased to S.Y. 2020-2021 with 56% and with 51% in S.Y.
2021-2022. This declivity calls for mitigation methods to prevent further
depreciation of passing percentage for ALS learners. Strengthening of
programs to develop ALS learners with the right skills, knowledge,
and attitude ought to be on the lists of priorities.
Table 28. Passers of Accreditation and Equivalency
Note: Data show that there is an
increase on the number of
enrollment while the number of
passers decreases every school
year from59% to 56% to 51% in
SY 2021-2022.
2019-2022 2020-2021 2021-2022
Figure 27
• Child Protection Program
• Mental Health Support
• Vaccination
Child Protection Program
Data gathered
on child protection
revealed that the
number of cases
reported by schools
in Child Abuse,
CAR, CICL, and
Child Labor
Furthermore, the
number of incidents
reported on Bullying
and Teenage
Figure 28
In securing a safe learning and child-friendly environment, SDO Bulacan ensures that
all schools under its jurisdiction promote a zero-tolerance policy for any act of child abuse,
exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying, and other forms of abuse and are equipped with
Child Protection Programs and Policies which aim to protect and promote the right of all
children to accessible and high-quality education.
Reported Cases on Child Protection bared that there is a decline in Incidents of Child
Abuse, Causes Involving Children at Risk (CAR), Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL), and
Child Labor; however, an increase of 30% (SY 2020-2021: 47 reported cases to SY 2021-2022:
61 reported cases) in Incidents of Bullying and 80 % increase (SY 2020-2021: 121 reported
cases to SY 2021-2022: 218 reported cases) on Teenage pregnancy have been evident.
New Normal” which can be used as a basis and guide in treating
reported cases regarding Child Protection Program. This localized policy
has been carefully crafted, scrutinized, and successfully validated by the
officers of elementary secondary school heads, and Education Programs
Supervisor-Guidance. An online Safe Booklet Copy can be downloaded.
Online Safe Booklet Copy: Figure 29
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
School Contingency Plans for Disaster Resilience are well-prepared by the 442 elementary schools, 94 secondary schools and 3 ]stand-
alone schools in unforeseen situations like earthquake, fire, typhoon, flood and even COVID-19 outbreak. 120 elementary schools, 15
secondary schools and 1 stand-alone school are in flood-prone areas.
The 33 DRRM District Coordinators and 36 Secondary EDDIS Coordinators are all trained in occupational first aid and are all
accredited instructors in first aid by the PDRRMO
Preparation does not only end in planning alone, it also requires training on
personnel that will play a crucial role in times of disaster. In line with this, the 33 DRRM
District Coordinators and 36 Secondary EDDIS Coordinators are all trained in occupational
first aid and are all accredited instructors in first aid by Provincial Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Office (PDRRMO).
Despite the all the vaccination drives and campaigns done, the number of unvaccinated learners is higher compared to the
vaccinated learners.
As part of its efforts to promote minimum public health standards, Vaccination drives
and campaigns against COVID-19 had been conducted to ensure health safety and lower the
chance of getting infected and spreading Covid 19. However, it has been evident that 77 % of
5-11-year-olds (215,485 pupils) and 36 % of 12-18-year-olds (59,129 students) remained
unvaccinated. Vaccination status is not a requirement in attending in-person classes however
it is noted that the protection of students' safety and wellbeing is further increased by
vaccination, combined with the stringent health and safety procedures followed in schools in
accordance with the regulations of DepEd and DOH.
The Vaccination Status shows a great number of vaccinated teaching and non-teaching personnel, however, a resistance on taking
booster shot is also evident.
On the other hand, the Vaccination status of teaching and non-teaching personnel
both in public and private schools has been remarkably successful with 99% of teaching
and 100% of non-teaching personnel being classified as fully vaccinated. However, among
those who are fully vaccinated, 59 % of teaching personnel and 66% of non-
teaching personnel in public schools received the first booster shot while
21% of teaching personnel and 0% of non-teaching personnel in private
schools received the first booster shot.
Mental Health Support
The table shows the various activities conducted to ensure mental health and wellness of learners and school personnel as
adaptive ways to combat personal, mental and global threat during the pandemic.
Being exposed to extremely distressing events such as COVID-19 pandemic may put
learners under a lot of emotional strain that may have a long-term negative impact on their
mental and psychological well-being. With the aim of helping the learners, various activities
such as Stress Management Seminars, Psychological Support, and Online Kumustahan were
conducted to ensure mental health and awareness of both learners and school personnel and
boost adaptive ways to combat personal, mental, and global threats during the pandemic. As
shown in the illustration, 536 schools and 3, 211 learners participated in Online Stress
Management Seminars, 536 schools and 511 learners were provided with Psychological
Support and 10 schools, and 619 learners participated in Online Kumustahan Sessions.
• School-Based Management
Figure 29
Data from SY 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 revealed that there was a little movement in the levels of performance
due to strict quarantine protocols. In 2021 there were 10 schools that passed the regional accreditation. A notable
increase in the present data of 2021-2022 is highlighted - 12.21% in level 2 and 12.23% in level 3 for the
elementary level and 15.74% in level 2 and 17.89% in level 3 for the secondary level. Accreditation of 10 schools
by the RO became an inspiration of all schools of the SDO to embrace SBM and make it as their way of life in
leadership and governance.
The data shows an increased level of performance both in the elementary and
secondary schools for the Level 3 accreditation conducted by the Regional Office. In
elementary schools, from 310 accredited schools in SY 2019-2020, it became 333 and 387 in
SY 2020-2021 and SY 2021-2022 respectively. This indicates an increase of 12.23% despite
the challenges brought by the new normal setup in the education sector. For Level 2, there is
an improvement of 12.21% with 107, 104, and 50 schools from three consecutive school
years. There are 8 schools that remain in Level 1 in SY 2019-2020 and 5 schools from SY
For the accreditation of secondary schools, 17.89% is the increase in Level 3 which is
manifested in the trends from SY 2019-2022, in which there are 49, 52, and 85 schools
respectively, have enhanced their performance level. On the other hand, 15.74% is the
recorded improvement in Level 2 from the three consecutive school years. There remain in
Level 1 in SY 2021-2022 are 7 schools, with a slight increase from 18 in SY 2019-2020 and 9
• OPCRF Ratings of Division and Schools
• Professional Developments
• Career Stages of Teachers TEPT and
• Competency of MTs
OPCRF Ratings of Division
Figure 29
Note: Consistently, the OPCRF Ratings of the Division for FY 2018 up to FY 2021 is 5.00 except in FY 2019 which is 4.98.
Such perfect OPCRF ratings illustrate the Division’s commitment to be of service to people.
The OPCRF ratings of the Division of Bulacan in four fiscal years are manifestations of
the good performance of its schools. Hence, it is notable that the great majority of the schools
got an Outstanding rating. In SY 2018-2019, 95.33% of 536 schools were Outstanding while
the remaining percentage has a rating within 3.50-4.49. In SY 2019-2020, 98.51% of 538
schools were also Outstanding, and the same applies to SY 2020-2022 with 98.90% and
98.92% respectively. Within the said school years, the schools whose
assessment is Very Satisfactory were trimmed down in number as reflected in
1.49% , 1.10%, and 1.08% in the respective school years. To conclude, there
is a remarkable trend of increase each year which indicates the hard work and
exemptional effort by the school administrators.
Professional Development
Note: In terms of professional development, the Schools Division Office ensures the implementation of the
approved Professional Development Plan for teachers, school leaders and non-teaching personnel. NEAP
accredited trainings were conducted for school heads and school leaders. Professional developments
interventions for teaching personnel were sustained through needs-based assessment. Consultations with
medical professionals were also conducted in crafting training workshops for non-teaching personnel.
Note: Over-all, 24 out of 29 trainings were completed and 538 schools conducted the School Learning
Action Cell for continuous professional development giving a total of 16, 123 trained teachers and 1,741
trained non-teaching personnel.
Career Stages of Teachers
Source of data:
submission as of 0-3 years in service Teacher I-III Master Teacher I-II
August 2022
306 194 56 41
School Heads School Heads School Heads School Heads
Source of data: Training Needs Assessment (TNA)for School Heads submission as of August 2022
Note: Based on the data gathered from the Training Needs Assessment for School Heads for SY 2021-2022, majority
of the schools in the Division is led by Officer-in-charge/Head Teachers which is 51.3% or 306 school heads. 32.5%
or 194 are Principal I – II, 9.4% or 56 school heads are Principal III and only 6.9% or 41 school heads are classified
as Principal IV.
2020 300
2021 36 700
Figure 36
Note: Due to the need for NEAP accreditation, less training on curriculum concerns was provided during FY 2021.
Figure 37
Figure 39
For Curriculum Years 2020 and 2021, the highlight of the training for the School
Heads was the domain for Leading Strategically, which in 2022 declined. Developing
Self and Others was highly given to the School Heads but slowly lessened in the
following two years. Conversely, much of the trainings are focused on the following
domains in three consecutive Curriculum Years: Managing School Operations and
Resources, Focusing on Teaching and Learning, and Building Connections.
Master Teacher Competencies
Model and support colleagues in the proficient use of
Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to improve teaching
and learning.
1 Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Exhibit effective practices to faster learning environments
that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage
2 Learning Environment learning.
Develop and apply teaching strategies to address
3 Diversity of Learners effectively the needs of learners from indigenous groups.
There are 7 KRAs that the Master Teachers must accomplish each
school year. Along with this KRAs are the competencies that they should
establish and perform to carry out their duties. The master teachers serve as
models of expertise in the field of teaching who are competent enough to lead
the teachers and the school as providers of quality learning.
• Textbook/Classroom/Teacher/School
Heads/Personnel Inventory/Needs
• Crucial Resources Ratio
• Filled and Unfilled Positions
• Learning Resources (Modules,DCP, SME, TVL)
• Learning Modalities
• WinS (WatSan)
• No of Functional Libraries/Teachers Faculty Room/
Note: The data showed
1 59435 49144 6199 71753 0 0 0 66985 0 0 0 0 - - - - that there are still gaps
in the provision. The
2 44163 46817 6043 41500 0 42638 0 39552 0 0 0 0 - - - - lack of textbooks is most
pronounced in senior
3 86006 79557 5569 84180 83228 52433 0 86216 0 0 0 0 - - - - high school students in
4 45328 45493 6589 46334 46941 46645 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TLE, Homeroom
Guidance, and
5 55762 53429 5307 55449 55434 55762 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 specialized subjects. No
books for students with
6 0 0 0 48785 0 39101 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 special needs. There are
limited supplementary
materials, and lesson
exemplars account for
the most supplementary
7 59435 18701 2789 26438 32984 16969 - - - - - 0 - -
materials. Hence,
8 24472 0 2584 32114 26243 26251 - - - - - 0 - - providing a training
9 30731 29296 4671 22243 41387 34951 - - - - - 0 0 0 development program for
teachers on developing
10 21733 23002 0 8927 22150 22435 - - - - - 0 0 0 Learning Resources is a
Figure 42
Teachers are the key agents in transforming education for the good and
well-being of the students. Their insufficient number in the institution would
mean derailing the teaching and learning process. Based on the data from the
SY 2018-2022, there are only 247 additional teachers in Elementary, while 160
are added in the Secondary, and 183 in Senior High Schools. This is far from
the actual teachers that should be added to the field to comply with the
recommended ratio of teachers to students. For the ratio of 1:32, there are
about 1,186 needed, 1,510 for 1:29, and 559 teachers have to be recruited to
achieve 1:34. This concern is critical to the attainment of quality education and
has to be prioritized to sustain better learning.
Table 37. Inventory of Teachers, School Heads, and other Personnel
Related Teaching,
Teaching, and Non-teaching
personnel are what made up
the Division of Bulacan to
Related Teaching function as one united
Number of
Number of
Number of
Number of
Elementary 9399 9177 162 9403 9291 112 9499 9137 362 9501 9241 80 9510 9432 78
Junior High 5287 5139 148 5319 5233 86 5381 5310 71 5493 5426 67 5506 5408 98
Senior High 1061 1048 13 1149 1125 24 1191 1167 24 1251 1222 29 1399 1342 57
OSDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SGOD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL: 15,687 15,364 323 15,871 15,649 22 16,071 15,614 457 16,245 16,069 176 16,415 16,182 233
Note: The table shows the number of filled and unfilled teaching positions from 2018 to
2022. In 2022, the Elementary Level has 9,432 filled and 78 unfilled teaching positions. In
Junior HS, there are 5,408 filled and 98 unfilled positions while in Senior HS, there are 1,342
filled and 57 unfilled teaching positions. In total, there are 16,415 teaching positions in 2022,
16, 182 of which are filled while 233 are unfilled.
The SDO Bulacan adheres to the guidelines set by the Civil Service in the
hiring process to ensure that the qualification standards for the positions are met.
The Division continues to employ teachers who are devoted to the profession,
responsible to act on duties, and competent for the holistic transformation of the
students toward lifelong learning. Teachers serve as the faces of the education
institution because they carry on the accountability of honing the students’ future;
hence, they should be adept in the content-knowledge, equipped with skills in
response to what society needs, and have values to uplift the morale of the students,
education institution, and the profession itself.
Table 40. Filled and Unfilled Positions (Non-Teaching)
Note: The table shows the
NON- number of filled and
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 unfilled non-teaching
positions from 2018 to
Number of 2022. The total number of
Number of
Number of
Number of
Number of
positions constantly
increases every year from
820 in 2018 to 1,037 in
2022. In the Elementary
Level there are 408 filled
and 18 unfilled positions, in
Elementary 293 277 16 159 155 4 331 156 175 426 397 29 426 408 18 Junior HS, there are 273
filled and 22 unfilled
Junior High 234 228 6 328 300 28 291 280 11 296 274 22 295 273 22 positions while in Senior
HS, there are 146 filled and
Senior High 156 152 4 162 160 2 162 155 7 162 145 17 162 146 16 16 unfilled non-teaching
positions in 2022. In the
OSDS 38 35 3 53 47 6 53 45 8 53 49 4 53 50 3 Schools Division Office,
there are 50 filled positions
CID 51 51 0 51 48 3 51 49 2 52 52 0 52 49 3 and 3 unfilled positions in
OSDS, 49 filled and 3
SGOD 48 45 3 49 48 1 49 47 2 49 49 0 49 49 0
unfilled positions in CID
while all 49 positions in the
TOTAL: 820 788 32 802 758 44 937 732 205 1,038 966 72 1,037 975 62
SGOD are filled. For 2022,
all 43 job order positions
JOB ORDER 45 45 0 45 45 0 43 43 0
are also filled.
The data in the table shows the number of positions, the filled ones, and the
unfilled positions from 2018-2022. It is notable that from 2020-2022, the number of
positions in Elementary increases, while in Junior High School and Senior High School,
there is a minimal trend of changes from 2018-2022. On the other hand, there are no
significant changes in the OSDS, CID, and SGOD positions in the Division Office.
In 2022, out of 426 positions in Elementary, 18 are unfilled. In Junior High
School, 22 are unfilled in 295 positions and 16 are vacant in 162 positions in Senior High
School. In the area of OSDS, of 53 positions 3 are unoccupied, while in CID there are 3
vacant from 52 positions.
The Table summarizes the total number of positions and the number of filled
and vacant positions from 2018-2022. There were 985 added positions from 17,414
in 2018 to 18,399 in 2022. This is to entail an additional workforce who are tasked
to correspond to various works in the institution. From the number of positions in
2022, 17,944 of them are already manned but the remaining 455 are unoccupied.
Within these 5 years, the highest number of unfilled positions was in 2020 with 805.
This can be attributed to the surge of pandemic that caused immobility of personnel
due to restrictions.
Inventory of Available SLMs through Downloaded Funds
from the Central Office
SY 2021-2022
Note: As prioritized, the
kindergarten pupils
were provided with
complete SLM. Only
the Kindergarten level
meets the 1:1 SLM-
pupil ratio. The rest of
the grade levels have
41,190 pupils 43,235 pupils 37,911 pupils 45,834 pupils 42,105 pupils 36,380 pupils No 1:2 SLM-pupil ratio
2,346,712 402,050copies 309,380 copies SDO and 1:4 for Grades 11-
347,903 copies 332,175 copies 328, 311 copies
copies Production 12. There's a great
1:3ratio 1:3ratio 1:3 ratio 1:3ratio 1:3ratio need for SLMs in
1:1 ratio
Grades 11 and 12 to
GRADE reduce the ratio of 1:4.
11&12 The SDO did not
procure learning
activity sheets (LAS),
and the printing was
delegated to some
secondary schools.
There were only 399
units of gadgets
69 pieces for 10
37,638 pupils 39,009 students 41,890 students 39,781 students 38,834 students 34,444 students schools of Doña distributed to 10
346,355 copies 309,320 copies 378,212 copies Remedios schools of DRT and
271,989 copies 248,170 copies 229,240 copies
1:3ratio Trinidad District Carlos F. Gonzales
1:3ratio 1:3 ratio 1:3 ratio 1:3 ratio 1:4 ratio and CFGNHS. National High School.
Figure 43
The figures detail the utilization of Self-Learning Modules from Kinder to Senior
High School in the SY 2021-2022. Among the grade level, the priority is evident in the
1:1 ratio of SLMs to 41,190 Kinder pupils. From Grades 1-10, the ratio of SLMs is 1:3,
while in Senior High School it is 1:4. No procurement is done by the SDO Bulacan for
the Learning Activity Sheets. Alternatively, there are 399 units of gadgets distributed to
10 schools in Doña Remedios Trinidad (DRT) and to Carlos F. Gonzales High School to
aid students in their learning.
Inventory of Available Locally Produced SLMs per Quarter
(Elementary, JHS, SHS) SY 2021-2022
The collaborative KINDER GRADE 1 GRADE 2 GRADE
effort of curriculum
planners, school
administrators, and teachers
has produced locally crafted
SLMs per quarter in
41,190 pupils 43,235 pupils 37,911 pupils 45,834 pupils 42,105 pupils 36,380 pupils
Elementary, Junior High 41,190 copies 43,235 copies 37,911 copies 45,834 42,105 copies 36,380 copies
School, and Senior High 1:1ratio 1:1ratio 1:1ratio copies 1:1ratio 1:1ratio
School in the SY 2021-2022. 1:1ratio
Based on the presented GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 GRADE GRADE 10 GRADE 11 &
figures, there is a 1:1 ratio of 9 12
Figure 46
In the Chromebook
inventory of 0
gadgets in
SY 2021-
2022, all 96 96 96
units came
from 0
donations. Figure 48
Tablet 0
0 Of the 1,269 available
0 gadgets in SY 2021-
2022, 1,183 came
1,26 1,183
from donations and 86
9 are procured by the
SDO Bulacan.
Figure 49
Inventory of Available Gadgets
SY 2021-2022 The 12,725 total
Total Number of Units: units of gadgets
12,725 11 available for use
in different
schools are DCP
Figure 50 which are 10, 119
2,470 units, 11 from the
DICT, 39 from the
DOST, coming
from donation is
86 2,470, and 86
Note: A total of 12,725 units of gadgets are available in different
schools which were provided by different agencies like DCP, DICT and from Division
DOST. There are also gadgets which are Division procured and 2,470 procured.
were availed through donation.
The pandemic
enormously affects
the education
system which has
caused it to shift
into different
modalities. Due to
Figure 51
rigid restrictions,
Note: 68.77% of the public schools
face-to-face is in the Division implemented Pure
modular modality, 5.02%
impossible in SY implemented modular with online
2021-2022. The distance learning modality, 25.47%
had modular augmented by DepEd
shift into pure and only 4 schools implemented
Radio-based instructions as a form
modular was of distance learning modality. Table 42
Figure 58
Note: The 15 schools without electrical supply are located on areas that are not yet
reached by the electrical grid and are solely relying on solar energy as electrical
power source.
Water Supply
Figure 59
Note: The 25 schools without water supply only rely on water delivery, shallow well or surface water as
primary water source. These areas are not yet reached by any water supply system infrastructure.
The percentage of schools without water supply is 4.65 which means that 25
have no water supply and rely only on delivery, shallow well, or surface water as
their primary source, while 513 schools do have one.
• Customer Feedback/Client
• Financial Accomplishments
• Research
• Systems Inventory
Kasiya-siya Kasiya-siya
1.71% 0.27%
(32) (5)
Reliability Assurance
Lubhang Kasiya- Unknown (Maasahan) (Pagtitiwala)
siya 0.05%
97.97% (1)
Outcome (Resulta
ng Serbisyo)
Customer Feedback
Kasiya-siya Kasiya-siya CY: 2020 (LOCKDOWN)
0.97% 0.11%
(18) (2)
Based on DepEd Citizen Charter 2020 Reliability Assurance
Lubhang Kasiya- Unknown (Maasahan)
siya (Pagtitiwala)
0.0% 4.75
98.92% (0) 4.76
Responsiveness Outcome
(Pagtugon) (Resulta ng
4.79 Serbisyo)
VS 4.75
Figure 60 VS
CY: 2018 TOTAL NO. OF CF:1854
CY: 2021
Note: The customer feedback report in the above illustration. A total of 1,853 customer feedback was received in CY 2018, 1871
customer feedback in 2019 and 1,854 in 2021. It can be noted that no customer feedback was received in 2020 due to lockdown
imposed amidst the pandemic.
Customer feedback plays a significant role in providing excellent services to all our
clients. It helps us determine if our clients are satisfied with the provided service and
allows us to detect areas where we should improve. On this note, SDO Bulacan is loyal to
its commitment to excellent service and promoting harmonious relationships among their
clienteles and stakeholders. The Division of Bulacan ensures that every feedback takes into
consideration and necessary actions are applied by properly addressing our clients'
concerns, sentiments, and opinions.
The table shows Customer Feedback Report for the past four consecutive
curriculum years. In 2018, a total of 1,853 customers' feedback received 1,833 customers
or 98.92% expressed their high satisfaction feedback to the services they received from the
division, 18 customers, or 0.97% of the total percentage expressed their satisfaction, while
only 2 or 0.11% of the whole were not satisfied. The trend continues to CY 2019, where
1,871 customer feedback received. 97.97% of the total expressed their high satisfaction
feedback, only 32 customers or 1.71% expressed their satisfaction comments, while 0.25%
has expressed unsatisfied feedback. It also be noted that no customers feedback was
received in 2020 due to the imposed lockdown amidst the pandemic. On the other hand,
during CY 2021, SDO Bulacan received 1,854 customers feedback. It can be reflected that
from the given data that the average percentage of each component is 4.7% .
Table 44. Financial Accomplishments
One of the best practices that SDO Bulacan can be proud of is its outstanding
financial accomplishment. For the past consecutive years, the division has committed to
provide excellent services, accountability and transparency. Its commitment and compliant
with regulations in properly handling office finances ensures that all its departments stay
on track.
The table shows the Financial Accomplishments of the Division of Bulacan in terms
of adjusted appropriations, total obligations, total disbursements, and unobligated
allotments. The data reveals that from FY 2018, 99.1% is the total percentage allotted for
fund' utilizations while, 96.9% is the percentage of disbursement. In FY 2019, there's no
significant difference of utilization percentage, which is 99.4 % while 98.6% disbursement.
It is almost the same in FY 2020, 99.3% utilization and 96.6% disbursement with a
difference of 2% from the previous year. On the other hand, the data shows that in FY
2021, 99.7% is the utilization and 98.5% for disbursement. It is very evident how the
department effectively manages its finances.
SDO Bulacan never stops learning and finding ways to improve the quality of
education in the community by providing means and various innovative ways to help every
learner, teacher, employee, stakeholder, and other members of the organization. To
continuously achieve progress, innovations and conducting research fuels the organization
to ensure outstanding solutions and excellent ideas related to different areas.
In this regard, the Division of Bulacan offers equal opportunities to every teacher,
employee, and other members of the organization to create innovations and present their
scientific and creative ideas through research proposals, either non-funded or under Policy
Research Program (Funded) by the Department of Education.
Table 45. Data on Approved Research Proposals and Completed Research (Non-
No. of Approved Research
FY No. of Completed Research
2018 36 36
2019 55 45
2020 46 51
2021 47 51
The data in the table shows the number of approved research proposals and
completed research (non-funded) from FY2018 to FY 2021. In 2018, 36 research proposals
were approved and completed while 55 research proposals (non-funded) were approved in
2019 and only 45 were completed. It indicates that 10 out of 55 approved research
proposals did not complete. In 2020, a total of 46 research proposals were submitted and
approved, and 51 research works were completed, while in 2021, a total of 47 non-funded
research proposals were approved, and 51 research were completed.
The presented numbers of individuals from this report may not suggest high active
participation from the members in doing such a laborious process however, it opens doors
of opportunities and creates possibilities. As a result, the department offers free assistance
and provide all possible helps they can extend to every member of the organization. The
Division of Bulacan envisions that in years to come, many educators will actively
participate in this endeavor.
No. of Research
No. of Research
Grant Year Proposals
Proposals Approved
2015 2 2 Note: The table shows the
number of research which are
2016 2 2
funded from 2015-2021 under
2017 15 15
the Policy Research Program
2018 9 9 Fund. A total of 61 research
2019 11 11 proposals were approved and
2020 15 15 completed.
2021 7 7
Total 61 61
Financial aid and assistance in conducting research are one of the concerns that
researchers from the division are considering. Thus, the division finds its way to help and
ease researchers with these dilemmas. The Policy Research Program (Funded) becomes the
solution to this concern. Undeniably, the financial aid and assistance provided by the
division serve as the driving force for hardworking researchers and educators to continue
their quest for learning and innovations through research. As shown in the table, from
2015-2021, 61 research proposals were approved and completed under the Policy
Research Program Fund. In the years 2015 and 2016, the division of Bulacan 2017 and
2020 became SDO Bulacan glorious years since a total of 30 research proposals were
approved and completed. This fact reflects the organization's long-term commitment and
dedication to the service.
12 11
Figure 61
The table above shows the data on types of research under the Policy Research
Program (Funded) of the Division of Bulacan. Since 2015, action and applied research, two
of the most common types of research funded through the Policy Research Program. 2019
was considered to be the most active year of the division, as 9 action research were
approved and funded under the PRP. On the other hand, lots of researchers focused in
conducting applied research in 2020. In fact, 11 applied research were funded in the said
year. Overall, 61 research proposals were approved and completed from 2015-2021.
Child Governanc Inclusive
Protection e Education
2015 2
2016 1 1
2017 12 1 2
2018 6 3
2019 9 2
2020 6 1 6 2
2021 5 2
Total 41 1 15 4 0 0 0
Percentage 67.21% 1.64% 24.59% 6.56% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Note: From 2015-2021, a total of 41 research focusing on teaching and learning are funded, conducted, and completed, 1 research
in 2020 about child protection, 15 research on HRD and 4 research about governance.
To improve the quality of service and for aiming a much better community. The
Policy Research Program (Funded) covers various themes according to the needs of every
department within the organization. It is to make sure that every sector of the organization
is taken care of properly. Teaching and Learning, Child Protection, HRD, Governance,
DRRM, Inclusive Education, and GAD are the common themes they can concentrate in.
Based on the statistics, from 2015-2021 a total of 41 research (67.21%) focusing on
teaching and learning were funded, conducted, and completed, while 1 research work
(1.64%) in 2020 focused on child protection, 15 research (24.59%) on HRD, and 4 research
(6.% 6%) about governance. However, it is still a quest for Bulakenyo researchers to focus
on three other themes DRRM, Inclusive Education, and GAD. Perhaps, the said themes will
be the main focus of research in the coming years. The Division of Bulacan envisions that
more research will be proposed, conducted, and approved in the areas related to DRRM,
Inclusive Education, and GAD for the succeeding years.
Table 48. Policy Research Program (Funded)
Grant Amount
Grant Year Total Grant Amount Note: The table shows the total
2015 ₱24,000.00 grant amount of the Policy
2016 ₱24,000.00 Research Program Fund from
2017 ₱196,000.00 2015-2021 which is
2018 ₱66,000.00 P483,000.00. 2017 has the
2019 ₱63,000.00 biggest grant amount of
2020 ₱77,000.00 P196,000.00 while in 2015 &
2021 ₱33,000.00 2016 the grant amount is
P24,000.00 each for only 4
2022 research are conducted in the
Total ₱483,000.00 said period.
The table shows the total grant amount of the Policy Research Program Fund from
2015-2021. The Division of Bulacan has allotted total amount of P483,000.00. It is very
noticeable that the Year 2017 received the biggest grant amount of P196, 000.00 while the
years 2015 and 2016 received the smallest funding of P24,000.00 respectively, mainly
because only 4 research were conducted in the said period. In 2018, the division granted a
P66,000.00 fund for those chosen researchers, while P63,000.00 was allotted in 2019. The
amount worth P77,000.00 awarded to deserving researchers in 2020, and
P33,000.00 intended in 2021. The data manifested that the Division of Bulacan only
invested in well-planned research. Research which are worthy and beneficial studies which
we can learn something. The Division of Bulacan always looks forward to the success of
our division in the region.
Research funding is available for those researchers who passed the quality
assurance check by the division. It is to ensure that their research works are of high
quality for the benefit of the entire populace of the community.
Systems Inventory
Recruitment Figure 62
ISO 9001:2015
Figure 65
Figure 65
Note: In 2019, Division monitoring and evaluation was conducted to 99.86% of the programs, projects and activities and technical
assistance was initiated to address the 0.14 gap. In 2020, 96.27% was monitored and evaluated while the gap reaches 3.73%
because mobilization was restricted due to the implementation of community quarantine. In 2021, 98.27% were monitored and
evaluated. Adjustment was made and technical assistance was given to address the 1.73 gap.
Figure 66
Figure. HRIS: Performance Management Process Flow
Figure 67
Partnerships and Linkages
Total 40 36 57 43
Partnership and collaboration with various private and public sectors play a crucial
role in the continuous development and progress of organization's endeavors.
The table shows the number of partnerships and collaborations of SDO Bulacan
among the private and external partners, national government agencies, provincial
government, and local government units. A total of 40 partnerships and collaborations
materialized in 2018, 36 in 2019, 57 in 2020, and 43 in 2021. The presented data reflects
that SDO Bulacan created strong ties and partnership among various group of people,
company and other individuals from the community.
Generated Resources
Figure 68
Brigada Eskwela open the line for collaboration and deeper partnership between
parents, the teachers, local governments and entire community. In addition, it is also an
avenue for generating resources that will help for the improvement of school facilities that
will create a safe learning environment for the learners, teaching and non-teaching
personnel, and community for the achievement of quality basic education.
Therefore, for the whole organization to function and to keep its stability, it needs to
be more aware about the usage and consumption of their resources. The data illustrate the
number of generated resources for Brigada Eskwela from 2018 to 2021. Before the
pandemic there was a tremendous resources generated from various education partners
with total amount 188,106,370.76 in 2019. Although there was a decrease in 2020 due to
the pandemic, an upsurge in the resources generation was evident in 2021.
Table 50. Total Private Donations
46,698,715.40 89,215,898.15 613,568.45 62,606,748.82
Note: The total private donations from
Learning Support 27,875,658.78 45,120,671.25 672,156.25 28,511,521.92 SY 2018-2019 to SY 2021-2022 are
Health and presented in the table above in terms of
9,808,549.44 18,678,921.10 50,273,963.18 19,069,771.77
Nutrition learning environment, learning support,
Reading Program 3,701,834.41 12,898,054.80 15,245,372.90 6,288,095.47 health and nutrition, reading program,
training and development, direct
Training and
3,291,125.72 3,879,215.23 4,791,363.45 5,732,900.00 assistance, assistive learning devices
and assistive learning devices for
Direct Assistance 2,538,077.48 1,245,178.15 375,258.00 932,987.00
students with special needs. SY 2019-
Assistive 2020 had the largest amount of private
5,875,764.67 15,190,678.25 4,056,879.15 4,056,879.15
Learning Devices donations but in SY 2020-2021 there
Assistive was a tremendous decrease in donation
Learning Devices primarily due to the pandemic.
2,009,818.70 1,877,753.83 217,781.40 508,812.22
for Students with
Special Needs
TOTAL 101,799,544.67 188,106,370.76 76,246,342.78 135,233,176.12
Community linkages and support from private individuals and institutions are vital
for a public organization to grow and prosper. Private donations are considered to be one of
the lifelines for the continuity of the organization's various programs. Furthermore, it leads
the way to develop more programs related to the learning environment, learning support,
health and nutritions, reading program, training and development, and direct assistance.
Programs related to Learning environments received the highest donations from private
partners from SY 2018-2019 to SY 2019-2020 and SY 2021-2022. However, a sudden
decrease in donations for SY 2020-2021 where Health and Nutrition became the main
priority due to the pandemic. The data reveals that Learning Environment and Health
Nutrition are two leading areas where most donations were given. On the other hand, the
area for assistive learning devices for students with special needs received the lowest
amount of donations and was placed as the least priority.
Proportion of
Eligible Private Schools
receiving Government
Assistance thru FAPE-
PEAC with total no. of
Junior High Schools in
SDO Bulacan from 2019-
2020 to 2021-2022 and
the actual no. of ESC
certified Junior High Proportion of Eligible Private Schools receiving Government Assistance thru FAPE-PEAC
Schools and corresponding with total no. of Junior High Schools in SDO Bulacan from 2019-2020 to 2021-2022 and
the actual no. Of ESC Certified Junior High Schools and corresponding Percentage and the
Percentage and the total total no. Recipient learners.
Proportion of
Eligible Private Schools
receiving Government
Assistance thru FAPE-
PEAC with total no. of
Junior High School in
SDO Bulacan from 2019-
2020 to 2021-2022 and
the actual no. ESC
Certified Junior High
Proportion of Eligible Private Schools receiving Government Assistance thru FAPE-PEAC
with total no. Of Junior High Schools in SDO Bulacan from 2019-2020 to 2021-2022 and Schools and
the actual no. Of ESC Certified Junior High Schools and corresponding average no. Of
Teachers Salary Subsidy Recipients these are JHS Teachers teaching full-time in the
corresponding Average
Junior High School Department of their schools with Professional License as Teachers. no. of Teachers Salary
Subsidy Recipients these
are JHS Teachers teaching full-time in the Junior High School Department of their schools
with Professional license as teachers.
This consolidated data shows the total number of Junior High Schools in SDO
Bulacan and the number of ESC Certified Junior High Schools from SY 2019-SY2020 up to
SY 2021-2022. From SY 2019-2020, 132 were ESC Certified JHS Schools out of 187 JHS
Schools, and 752 Private School Teachers were identified as TSS Recipients compared to 130
ESC Certified JHS
Schools out of 184 JHS from SY 2020-2021 with 758 TSS Recipients. It is very
noticeable that despite the decrease in the number of ESC Certified JHS Schools and from
lessened 3 schools from its total it still managed to increase with 6 TSS recipients. In SY
2021-2022, a drop of 1 JHS School from its 184 total in the previous year but an increase of
8 ESC Certified JHS Schools thus, this School Year managed to provide 766 TSS Recipients.
The data also reveals that 6 is the average number of TSS teachers per school.
The table shows the number of private schools with recognition and permit from SY 2019-2020 to SY 2021-2022. The total number of private
schools in the Division decreases from 349 in 2019 to 334 in 2021. Nine schools are given special permit/recognition on Special programs. In
2021, the number of schools with government permit to operate Kindergarten program dropped to 28 schools while schools with government
recognition reaches 310 or 99.10%. In the same SY, 46 schools have government permit to operate Elementary while 331 have government
recognition. There are 24 schools with government permit to operate Junior HS and 215 or 64.37% have government recognition. Finally,
Only Schools with Government Permit and Recognition on Special Programs such as
SPEd, Special Science Curriculum, etc. from Kindergarten up to Senior High School are
allowed by DepEd to operate and provide services among learners they are catering. Close-
monitoring, strict implementation and program evaluation may be tedious and tiring for the
monitoring and evaluating team but not for the Division of Bulacan to make sure that these
permitted and recognized schools are heading in the right track.
The table shows the number of private schools with recognition and permits from SY
2019-2020 to SY 2021-2022. According to the record, the total number of private schools in
the division decreased from 349 in 2019 to 334 in 2021. Nine schools received special
permit/recognition for Special programs. In SY 2021-2022, the number of schools with
government permits to operate Kindergarten dropped to 28 schools from 42 schools during
the previous SY 2020-2021, while schools with government recognition reached 310 (99.10%)
from 268 or (77.68%)of the previous SY 2020-2021. In the same SY 2021-2022, 46 schools
have a government permit to operate Elementary while 331 schools have government
recognition. On the other hand, 24 schools with government permits to operate Junior HS,
and 215 (64.37% ) have government recognition. Finally, 148 (44.31%) schools have a
government permit to operate Senior HS in 2021-2022. The data manifested that the School
Year 2021-2022 is continuously moving forward as more private schools with recognition and
permit are thriving after the first two years of pandemic.
Presented above
is the SWOT analysis
for the access domain.
It shows that the
strengths of the SDO
Bulacan in ensuring
quality and equitable
education are: 1. high
net enrollment rate in
elementary; 2. high
gross enrollment rate in
elementary; 3. high
gross enrollment in the
ALS program; 4. high
gross enrollment in
inclusive education; and Figure 70
5. intensive mapping of OSAs and OSYs in the division. These strengths of the SDO Bulacan
contribute meaningfully to the well-implemented K–12 curriculum and to ensuring the
attainment of the DepEd’s vision and mission. Meanwhile, after thorough scrutinization of
relevant data, it found that the weaknesses of the SDO Bulacan are: 1. a high percentage of
school dropouts; 2. a low completion rate in JHS and SHS; 3. school-less barangays,
especially in JHS and SHS; and 4. a high number of unvaccinated students. These concerns
require immediate action by initiating appropriate programs and projects and constant
monitoring and evaluation. Despite the determined problems, the following served as
opportunities and ways to lessen the stench of the SDO Bulacan. These are: 1. supportive
local government units; and 2. strong public-private partnerships. These may be properly
utilized in making decisions and plans to better improve the practices and implementations of
SDO Bulacan on various projects and programs centered on the improvement of the service of
the agency to its constituents. Lastly, the threats that must be included in the contingency
plan are the following: 1. Existence of COVID-19; 2. Land dispute between schools and heirs;
3. Non-availability of buildable space for classrooms Prioritizing these issues to address is
pivotal to making sure that the SDO Bulacan will properly implement its plans and programs.
The Division of
Bulacan is proud in its
accomplishment of
providing teachers
who are trained on
special education who
are assigned in SPED
classes and the
availability of
makeshift classrooms
for IPED learners.
On the other
hand, the office is
struggling in its
limited number of the
Figure 71
SPED teacher items to accommodate different types of SPED learners, teachers accepting
teaching assignment in IPED schools, and the schools offering SPED program.
Meanwhile, stakeholders’ engagement on the IPED program implementation and
literacy volunteers for IPED schools are considered as the opportunities that the division is
Lastly, the following are considered as the threats in delivering its services: limitations
in construction of school building for IPED schools due to location, weather conditions and
terrain that exposes IPED teachers to risks and possibility of armed conflicts in IPED schools’
As part of the
strategic planning to
improve the quality of
education and to stay
ahead of the
educational trends,
SWOT Analysis
(Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats)
was conducted. Results
showed that the
provision of different
curricular programs to
meet the needs of
different types of
learners is the strength
Figure 71 or the best practice of
the quality domain. These programs include SCP, SPED, Madrasah, IpED, ALS, accreditation,
and equivalency. On the contrary, the weaknesses identified were the failure of learners to
meet the minimum required proficiency level of the PISA Simulation Test for Junior High
School and the need of learners in Key Stage 1 to undergo remediation in English and Filipino
reading skills and numeracy skills in Mathematics. Despite these, the Division of Bulacan
views the Brigada Pagbasa as an opportunity to address learners' reading skills as the
program has been intensified in the school year 2022-2023 and is expected to be given more
focus in the next school years. On the other hand, mismatch in career opportunities and
employability of Senior High School graduates, together with the sustainability of their
entrepreneurial career and pandemic-driven learning losses are viewed as threats which could
serve as baseline data for future intervention programs and innovations to improve the quality
of education.
Figure 72
The remarkable
hard work and unity of
education leaders,
teachers, and
personnel are truly the
manifestation of
dedication to fulfill the
educational goals of the
SDO Bulacan during
the pandemic’s new
learning setup. The
challenges brought
about by the pandemic
also become
opportunities to utilize
localized resources, The
Figure 74
remarkable hard work
and unity of education leaders, teachers, and administrative personnel are truly the
manifestation of dedication to fulfill the educational goals of the SDO Bulacan during the
pandemic’s new learning setup. The challenges brought about by the pandemic also become
opportunities to utilize localized resources, integrate technology, and employ the talent and
skills of people in the field so that learning continues despite adversities. It is the incessant
mission of SDO Bulacan to provide the whole community with highly skilled and competent
students who are ready to face the demands of post-pandemic education.
The SWOT analysis details the collaborative effort of the organization in determining
the key aspects of education in the most unexpected situation. It is shown that SDO Bulacan
has strong areas in education leaders and teaching force who are highly competent,
dedicated, distinguished, and highly proficient. These people are the education front liners
who have the toughest responsibility in transforming the teaching and learning process. It is
also notable the quality management system of the organization, the availability of quality-
assured learning materials, the existing and functional Adopt-a-School program and related
partnerships, and
rapport relationships
within and among
employees. Another
highlight of this report
is the opportunities to
utilize the suitable
modality for learning
access, the engagement
of parents to become
para-teachers, the
participation and strong
support of LGUs to the
undertakings of SDO,
comprehensive training
for school leaders,
teachers, and personnel
Figure 75
Figure 76
Table 55
Challenges Bases
The table above presents the key challenges in the access domain. Based on
the BEIS, there are a number of public JHS and SHS in remote barangays that
need to be prioritized in terms of allocation of learning resources, capacity building
focusing on innovation and research, and health support. In terms of construction,
SDO Bulacan is facing problems with available buildable space for classroom
construction, as reflected in the School Site Development Plan. This is an important
concern as the students need to have a conducive learning environment to be
actively engaged in the teaching-learning process. For the time being, there are still
unvaccinated learners and teachers, according to the data on number of
unvaccinated learners and teachers. Continued encouragement of teachers and
students to be vaccinated is highly encouraged, as it is a necessity in the
implementation of face-to-face learning mode.
Challenges Table 56
Table 57
Challenges Bases
The stated key challenges in SDO Bulacan are supported by thorough assessments
in the various areas of school management and operations. There are four areas of
focus that arise from the data:
Early Registration
Every school year, SDO Bulacan joins DepEd in the early preparation
for the incoming class opening through the Early Registration usually held
during the last quarter of the school year. All incoming Kindergarten, Grades
1, 7 and 11 learners in all public and private schools shall simultaneously
pre-register to allow the Department to make necessary plans and
preparations for the incoming school year. Daily Early Registrations update is
being encoded and monitored in the Learner Information System (LIS) facility.
The Modified Basic Education Enrollment Form is utilized to facilitate the
registration of learners.
Figure 78
To ensure that learners from public and private schools especially those
who have dropped out from school are properly enrolled, SDO Bulacan holds
Oplan Balik-Eskwela Campaign Drive. The campaign drive is an avenue to
address parents’ and learners’ problems, queries and other concerns.
Clarifying school policies, projects and programs relevant to the opening of
classes are also some of its major goals.
Schools within the division are
instructed to provide help desks,
hotlines, school emails, contact numbers
of focal persons, school social media
accounts for a better and more open
communication with enrollees and
guardians. Enrolment Forms may be
accessed online or hard copies may be
acquired from the enrolment boxes in
schools or in the barangay offices.
With the help of the Local Government Units, the schools do their best to do a
mapping to locate specially the out of school youths within the community and
encourage them to re-enroll. Other partner agencies such as the Department of
Health (DOH), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of
the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and other stakeholders are also tapped to
extend their support and provide guidelines on health, safety, peace and order.
The SPED Program also offers opportunities for the SPED learners to learn and study
in mainstream Graded classes. As some school-aged children may have special needs, some
of them are also capable of learning in mainstream classes. SDO Bulacan assures that
these children are accepted and welcomed in mainstream classes where further learning and
nurturing are provided to them. These SPED learners attending mainstreamed classes also
report to their SPED teacher for continuous guidance, nurturing and assessment of their
progress in school.
Recently, SDO Bulacan has opened the MEP in ten public elementary schools to cater
to the needs of the growing Muslim population in Bulacan.
Flexible Learning Options
Department of Education - SDO Bulacan has been offering flexible learning options
(FLOs), which it defines learning interventions and pathways that are responsive to the needs,
context, circumstances, and diversity of learners.
The DepEd Bulacan provides various learning
delivery options in order not only to meet the needs of
various learners cognizant of their contexts and
capabilities but also allow flexibilities in their
education in terms of how content is taught, where to
study, when to study and how to measure their
learning. Delivery of learning can be provided through
direct teachers’ provision of instructions, content
delivery using instructional resources
(modules/online) and learners study independently
with planned scheduled engagement with the DepEd
teachers; others are using TV, radio, printed
resources, and learners also study independently with
scheduled engagement with the mobile teachers.
Alternative Delivery Mode
Alternative delivery modes (ADMs) offer solutions that may help learners outside of
the regular school system acquire the needed basic education competencies and life skills.
The learning delivery modalities preferred
by parents and learners are MDL (Print),
Blended Learning, and ODL. The learning
delivery modalities included in "Others" are
MDL (Digital), TV-Radio Based Instruction and
Homeschooling. These ADMs are intensified in
the SDO Bulacan to primarily give access and
opportunities to learners needing these
Figure 79
Figure 80
Pillar 3, Quality, has its three flagship programs and these are given through letters
K-E-N in completing the word Bulakenyo: letter K stands for Kindling the core values of
DepEd – Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makabansa and Makakalikasan, letter E stands for
Enhancing instructions through digital technology thus introducing Education 4.0 and
letter N stands for Nurturing the learners with 21st century skills to become productive,
and globally competitive Filipino citizens.
With its flagship programs, the goal is to ensure quality education for all learners
across grade levels equipped with competencies in literacy, numeracy, scientific skills,
technical-vocational skills, and other curricular competencies.
With the strategy of intensifying the implementation of literacy, numeracy, and life-
skills programs across disciplines, the key challenges are proficiency levels, assessment,
content mastery and curriculum exits of SHS graduates.
This pillar has different programs and projects that will cater for the next 6 years
and these are the following:
❑ Project BBK (Basa nang Basa tungo sa Komprehensiyon) aims to promote the love
for reading of every learner and required every reading teacher to have mastery in the
Big Six of Reading.
❑ Project ECARP (Every Child a Reader Program) aims for non-zero readers through the
use of different interventions in reading.
To attain the aforesaid initiatives, the 5Bs program has the following objectives:
1. Implement intensively the EGRA and Phi-IRI processes and procedures;
2. Improve students’ reading competencies—Junior High School and Senior High School—
through witty creative non-fiction texts that utilize language teaching approaches and
certain entertaining literary styles;
1. Provide a reading kick-starter to students—basically to get them into the habit of
reading fiction and non-fiction;
2. Develop critical thinking and creative thinking as the essays in the book will serve as
texts subject to close analysis or critical review; and function as a reference for
developing LMs, SLKs, CIPs, and ARs; and
3. Establish the start of producing books within public schools that promote the joy of
reading academic texts.
PROJECT ALL NUMERATES towards Education 4.0 (PAN 4.0) in Mathematics Learning
Primarily, this flagship program of the Mathematics area aims to enhance the
Mathematical abilities of all learners in the terms of the four fundamental operations and
problem-solving skills which lead in uplifting the critical thinking skills of the learners as
part of HOTS. The project also gives technical knowledge to the learners to utilize on-line
assessment through teachers’ assistance. The PAN 4.0 has the following objectives,
❑ Project OBFAD @ E4.0(Project One Basic Fact A Day @E4.0). This project aims to
enhance learners’ ability in dealing basic number-fact reflexes in Mathematics to be
employed by the teachers.
❑ Project IAC @E4.0 (Project Integration Across Curriculum @ Ed4.0). This project
targets to utilize the other curriculum competencies in the classroom discussion as
reflected in the teachers’ lesson log and vice versa. This is not a simple integration using
one part of the lesson but also to incorporate other competencies in most parts of the
lesson if not entire.
The key customers of this project are the learners who are taking Agricultural Crops
Production specialization in the whole division. This aims to enhance Agri-Crop learners in
TLE/TVE/TVL through a Project Home-Based activity applying Pag-Asa system.
The Pag-Asa system carries through entrusting the seedlings to the caretakers who will
provide all the facilities and medium for planting vegetable crops. Moreover, vegetable
production will be observed and monitored for record keeping purposes. ROI or return of
investment will be the part basis of attaining the objective of the project.
Due to limited space in the school premises, the team finalizes to use the home-
based project of growing vegetable crops. The home-based project’s main objective is to
apply and enhance learner’s competency in Agricultural Crop Production NC II particularly
growing vegetables at home applying Pag-Asa system.
It is envisioned that the Project PAG-ASA will:
a. serve as an instrument to enhance the
competencies of learners in the application of
growing vegetable crops even at home;
b. hone the learners’ skills in growing vegetable crops
that can be used for family consumption and future
business venture;
c. develop the values of resourcefulness, diligence,
sense of responsibility, and love of nature among
students; and
d. develop good attitude of students towards
Agriculture Project.
PROJECT PA-IWI (Paghahayupa’y Arali’t Itaguyod para sa Wastong Impormasyon) is a
continuous project for sustainable farming in support to the curricular programs
spearheaded by Dr. Joel I. Vasallo, Education Program Supervisor in EPP/TLE/TVE of
CID-SDO Bulacan. The beneficiaries of this are SPTVE learners who specialize Animal
Production (Poultry-Chicken) in Technical and Vocational Education through Home-Based
The Pa-Iwi system is the traditional Paalaga system in which a poultry or livestock
owner entrusts their animals to a caretaker if they have the facilities. After the maturity
period of the poultry or livestock, the total amount being earned once the animals are sold
will be divided between the owner and the caretaker.
TechVoc Schools can utilize their trust fund as capital of their income generating
projects. The learners are provided by chicks as their stocks but they need to provide
house/pen, feeds, and proper management until it reaches its required age and ready for
Project ATM (Asset Tagging Management). SDO Bulacan is considered as one of the
largest public educational institutions in the country in terms of its enrollees with more
than five hundred thousand learners as population. With this number, the department
ensures and provides adequate technical tools and equipment to support learner’s
The Project ATM or Project Asset Tagging Management can address these recurring
problems that hinder the proper inventory and tracking system of this institution. In
addition, it would easily identify the custodian of the tools and equipment, prevent the
items from misplacing, missing, avoiding the loss of assets and allow a transparency and
accountability for the property. Through the use of this innovation, schools and offices will
have a systematized process in asset tagging and record keeping.
This asset tagging is only a portion of the whole asset management concept which will be
developed in our division. Part of this innovation idea includes proper project proposal and
budget request review, integration of computer-generated forms and template, real-time
asset inventory update, optimization, and monitoring of usage of school assets, and
inclusion of all the tools, equipment, and all asset inventory of the school and offices.
This project applies to all Secondary Schools with Grades 11 and 12 Technical-
Vocational Livelihood Track-learners. The need to conduct this project is caused by the fact
that from the very start of offering TVL, it is clearly reported that NC Assessment is just a
voluntary option of SHS-TVL learners.
The project is envisioned for six (6) years of implementation and intervention, and it is
expected that it will produce 100% passers on TESDA National Certification on the
learner’s chosen specialization.
PROJECT 1MORE(1 Municipality, One Rural Farm School for Education 4.0) is a
project supporting the establishment of Rural Farm Schools in all municipalities in the
province of Bulacan as per Regional Memorandum No. 426, s. 2022.
Republic Act (RA) No. 10618 is entitled An Act Establishing Rural Farm School as
Alternative Delivery Mode of Secondary Education, otherwise known as Rural Farm School
The Rural Farm School (RFS) program aims to
provide a facilitative and experiential learning
on the core subjects of the K to 12 curriculum
that is focused on agri-fisheries and is designed
to address the needs of children in rural,
agricultural and fishing communities.
Presently, SDO Bulacan has launched three (3) pilot school implementers of the
program and these are: Sapang Bulac HS at DRT, Angat NHS at Angat, and Gabihan HS in
the Municipality of San Ildefonso last November 2, 2022.
With the flagship program of SDO-Bulacan in developing learners who are not only
Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan and Makabansa but also for them to be empathetic,
smart, alert, strong, kind and brave digital citizens. Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) is
deemed itself responsible for producing graduates who are not only technologically savvy
but also with a heart capable of love, respect, understanding, and a lot more of the human
values needed to co-exist in a fast- changing technological society.
❑ MYMO is a project that aims at producing learners who are not only adept in use of
modern technology but also to be empathetic digital citizens as well. The project will
utilize the BIA or the Be Internet Awesome Website Service through SDO Bulacan ICT
personnel and resource persons for teacher’s capacity building.
The Science Framework for Philippine Basic Education Science that is clearly
defined by the Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-
SEI, 2011) is both content and process. Science content and Science process are
intertwined. The value of Science processes is to advance content or the body of
knowledge. Without content, students will have difficulty utilizing the Science process
skills. Science processes cannot exist in a vacuumhe but they are learned in context.
Before the start of the pandemic, the club’s flagship program is Project School
Waste Assortment Corner or Project SWAC. This project is encouraged and instilled in
every classroom on campus. However, due to the constraints of the pandemic, the project
was turned into HWAC or Home-based Assortment Corner. In this program, waste
segregation is encouraged among the students of San Miguel National High School. The
waste in their homes is separated into Biodegradables from Non-Biodegradables.
This program aims to promote and support solid waste management among the
students, especially in their homes and to foster environmentalism among families and
individuals. The practice of the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is promoted among the
participating young environmentalists. Specifically, this program aims to:
a. segregate wastes and reduce the amount of trash that needs processing;
b. observe the cleanliness and orderliness of the environment;
c. promote environmentalism among the students and faculty; and
d. encourage students in practicing 3Rs at home.
Plastic pollution has been a consistent and persistent problem that has been
afflicting communities in the municipality. Many plastic wastes are littered in the streets
and some are not even recycled and are immediately thrown in landfills. The Collection of
Empty bottles is a program in which students in every classroom are encouraged to collect
their plastic empty bottles which are then converted into cash that will become funds for
the club and its activities. The pandemic hindered this collection and now, students are
encouraged to separate plastic bottles and send them to proper authorities that recycle
plastic bottles.
This project aims to raise awareness of the current situation of plastic pollution in
the area. Students are encouraged to be part of the solution and practice solid waste
management in their homes. Specifically, this project aims to:
a. minimize garbage at home and convert the trash into cash;
b. the cleanliness and orderliness of the school despite this pandemic;
c. encourage students to practice solid waste management at home; and
d. minimize plastic pollution in our community.
This program’s objective is to get rid of vectors of diseases that might pose a potential
threat to the health of individuals and promote sustainable practices and encourage eco-
friendly choices. Specifically, this program aims to:
a. prevent the spread of vectors of diseases that may arise due to dirty environment;
b. maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the school despite the pandemic;
c. encourage environmentalism among the student body and the school faculty; and
d. promote eco-friendly practices that can be done in the comfort of their homes.
With the garden, the club and the school will be able to benefit from it as a source of
seedlings, fruits, and vegetables for the students, the school, and the community.
As part of the peer coaching activity in school, the innovation Project TIBIM
(Teacher Interactive Board In Music) is initiated to come up with an instructional material
that will guide teachers to teach Music lessons with confidence and expertise.
Project TIBIM is a user’s friendly and interactive instructional material that will help
Grade 9 MAPEH teachers to understand learning competencies in the first quarter. It
contains informative PowerPoint slides that allow teachers manipulate, explore and interact
with images, information and sample music in the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
Moreover, culture has an impact on how we perceive the world, our society, and
how we communicate with one another. Being a part of a culture has an impact on how we
learn, remember, communicate, and act. As a result, learning and teaching approaches are
strongly influenced by culture. In line with this, the Department of Education (DepEd)
emphasized that culture and history are essential aspects of basic education and should be
taught to 21st century learners with great emphasis on good morals and character.
Furthermore, folk songs are said to be the reflection of society and a great part of
our cultural heritage. Learning folk songs and putting them into practice means of
preserving our culture and national identity, which is valuable to everyone, particularly in
the field of education, where incorporating folk songs into the music curriculum can be a
strategy for achieving national development goals.
In accordance with this, Mr. Marquez T. Cartel, former EPS in MAPEH of Division of
Bulacan, conducted a research on the various Bulacan folk songs. The compiled folk songs
were transcribed into music sheets and recorded digitally. This compilation of folk songs
has finally been completed and is ready to be shared with the public so that everyone can
benefit from the unique culture of our province, Bulacan.
The purposes of the Resource Book of Localized Teaching Material for MAPEH Teachers
a. publish the compilation Bulacan Folk Songs through demonstration and presentation;
b. create consciousness, respect, and love for our cultural heritage, specifically the folk
songs of Bulacan through a symposium; and
c. adopt teaching and learning support material for the promotion of Bulacan folk songs
in the field of education.
BULACAN): Resource Book of Localized Teaching Material for MAPEH Teachers
Bulacan Folk Dances, a resource book of localized teaching material for MAPEH
teachers, is conceived to truly appreciate the cultural heritage of the province, to rediscover
and preserve it, to discover the origins of Bulacan, and to promote local tourism through
folk dances.
Fostering familiarity with the indigenous folk dances of Bulacan can be of great
help in promoting cultural awareness of the young generation. The long forgotten native
folk dances can be revived and made part of the curriculum thus, giving our learners the
opportunity to enjoy and appreciate local dances. Incorporating the contents of this book
with its thrust for localization and contextualization will develop among the youth love for
folk dance. In addition, it will instill in their young minds’ lessons in patriotism and deep
appreciation of Bulacan’s culture. Hopefully, it will enable the youth to balance their
modern, westernized ways with genuine appreciation of the culture of Bulacan, their
beloved and blessed home.
The Magical World of Kindergarten 4.0 Project
The 21st Century Education is the generation where learners are provided with
necessary skills to adopt to the new world of technology and to assist them to grow
confidently in using those skills in their quest for learning.
Children who are 5 in age can learn all about the world around them using
exploration, and figuring out how it works. Their enthusiasm for learning always gets the
best of them at this age, which aids them in their learning process in figuring out what the
world contains.
Figure 81
The pillar of Resiliency and Well-Being has its two flagship programs and these are
given by letters Y and O. The first flagship program under letter Y is to yield to the
prescribed standards to sustain the delivery of quality services through appropriate, timely,
and relevant programs, projects, and activities, while the next program is given through
letter O that stands for overcoming challenges through unity and collaborative teamwork for
quality management system.
With its flagship programs, the goal is to ensure access, equity, and inclusion in
education through support to the learning environment of school-aged population through
the implementation of programs, projects, and activities in Key Stages 1 to 4.
The intermediate outcome is for Bulakenyo learners to acquire literacy, numeracy,
science and 21st century skills and to develop positive character to succeed in their choice
of career.
With the strategy of enhancing programs for learners’ growth and development
through Youth Formation and Child Protection Programs, DRRM, and School Health
Services, the key challenges are reported cases on child protection, protection of
psychological support to teachers, personnel and learners and COVID-19 cases among
teachers, learners, and personnel.
Below is a program that will cater for the next 6 years and this is:
OK sa DepEd
SDO Bulacan implemented OKD (Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd) and this is a total
package of several health and nutrition programs designed to maintain and improve the
health of school children through the prevention and control of diseases, the promotion of
health-related knowledge, attitudes, skills and practices. It highlights six flagship programs,
namely, the School–Based Feeding Program
(SBFP), complemented by other nutrition
support programs; Medical, Dental, and
Nursing Services, including the School
Dental Health Program (SDHCP); Water,
Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) in
Schools (WinS) Program; Adolescent
Reproductive Health; National Drug
Education Program (NDEP) supported by
comprehensive tobacco control; and the
School Mental Health Program.
The program aims the following:
a. The provision of basic primary health, nutrition and dental services to learners to allow
them to achieve their full educational potential;
b. The practice of healthier behavior among school personnel and learners that they can do
on their own; and
c. The strengthening of linkages with health providers and the local governments for child
and adolescent health services.
Under this framework, Earthquake drills, School Hazard Watching and Mapping, School
Contingency Planning, Coordinator`s Capacity Building are some of the programs being
implemented in DRRM
It is envisioned that the safety programs and projects will:
1. turn the school gaps and vulnerabilities into capacities.
2. instill disaster preparedness among our young learners.
3. Provide basic training in disaster preparedness like BLS-CPR, disaster management,
Incident command
RADAR Reporting, Monitoring, and Technical Assistance support the DRRM’s culture
of safety, reducing risks, and ensuring learning continuity. It comprises safe learning
facilities and disaster risk management as part of resilience in education.
This is a way to recognize schools, coordinators, and advocates for the best DRRM
Implementation. Technical assistance is also provided to them in case of any disaster that
may happen, ensuring the safety of all the people concerned as well as the entire
Psychosocial and Mental Health
As the former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte officially signed the Republic Act No.
11036 or the Mental Health Law of 2018, June 21. This law provides every citizen to have
positive mental health and with this all schools in the Division of Bulacan see to it that
every learner has positive psychosocial and mental health through different activities that
schools provide for.
Schools provide a Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in every subject
area that could give learners the following :
a. Realize their full potential;
b. Cope with the stresses of life;
c. Work productively; and
d. Make meaningful contributions to their communities
MHPSS has different core principles, and these are: human rights and equity,
participation, do no harm to others, building on available resources and capacities,
integrated support system, and multilayered support.
The Division of Bulacan ensures that all learners promote psychosocial well-being by
telling them to:
a. Recognize that crisis occurs when sudden and/or adverse circumstances affect a
person’s ordinary life;
b. Feel that something is wrong and that is okay;
c. Engage in healthy activities that you enjoy and find relaxing;
d. Gather facts minimize fear;
e. Draw on the skills that have helped in the past to manage previous crisis/ adversities,
and use these skills to manage this present one;
f. Shift perspectives away from number of deaths toward number of recoveries;
g. Say words that are one’s uplifting and encouraging.
With the aid of the DEDP’s enabling mechanism through governance, thee
SDO commits to serving Bulakenyo learners with an education that CARES-
Collaborative, Accelerating, Responsive, Empowering, an Strategic governance and
management system. The loops and interactions in the frameworks are adaptive to
the system features of the SDO‘s goals.
In support of the implementation of programs and projects under four (4)
pillars of Intermediate Outcomes (IOs), SDO Bulacan is geared towards aggressive
reforms for quality, thus the different functional units will take the initiatives in the
implementation of the following projects and activities.
1. Student Government Program (SGP)
For a long time, different sports activities have played a very crucial role in
our education and have also made huge opportunities for student-athletes. While
several learners play sports out of pure pleasure, little do they know that there are
various benefits to these extracurricular activities, as well. Participation in several
athletics and sports activities is highly beneficial for learners in school. Not only do
they develop their physical and mental health but also their intrapersonal skills
such as teamwork and sportsmanship.
Athletics/Sports Clubs in schools under the umbrella of SDO-Bulacan aim
in developing a positive attitude towards different forms of sports and teach them
how athletics promote health and wellness.
The activities that will help them achieve the objectives of sports
development are: 1. training of student-athletes; 2. series of symposia tackling the
importance of sports; 3. inter-school sports competitions or athletic meets; 4.
seminars about sportsmanship; and 5. other sports-related activities.
These activities will hone the physical fitness and skills of the Bulakenyo
learners by developing them comprehensively and fostering their inclination for
sports. In addition, the activities under this program will help widen their physical
capacities and self-discipline.
1.The Adopt a School Program (ASP) and Brigada Eskwela
The Adopt-A-School Program (ASP) and Brigada
Eskwela are programs that aim to encourage
volunteerism and public-private partnerships while
also addressing resource gaps in public schools by
strengthening partnerships with local communities.
Adopt-A-School refers to a program where a private
entity agrees to extend assistance to a public school in a particular aspect of its
educational program within an agreed-
upon period, while Brigada Eskwela
promotes collaboration and resilience in
basic education. They envision a deeper
and more meaningful collaboration between
parents, teachers, local governments, and
the entire community through these
programs, to create a safe learning
Technical assistance among school heads and ASP/BE coordinators is
provided as part of mentoring and coaching during the monitoring of the said
programs. The best practices of each school are shared, especially in sustaining
their partnership in supporting the school’s needs.
2. Enhancement of Partnership Program Implementation and Creation of
Donor Community through Establishing Collaboration among LGUs, NGOs,
Private Sectors, and Alumni
Enhancement of Partnership Program
Implementation and Creation of Donor
Community through Establishing Collaboration
among LGUs, NGOs, Private Sectors, and Alumni
are programs that highlight the acquisition and
the generation of various resources from the
internal and external stakeholders, and the
distribution of resources to target beneficiaries.
These intensify the various partnership programs
through monitoring and evaluation.
The activities of these programs are
monitored, and data banking is utilized to
ensure the acquisition and various resources
are well-distributed to the beneficiaries who
need the said donations most based on their
needs. Through the collaboration among the
LGUs, NGOs, private sectors, and alumni,
these programs would not be possible without
their unceasing support for the schools.
3. Enhancement Program of Youth Partnership and Linkages
In compliance with DepEd Order No. 001, s. 2020, Guidelines for NEAP
Recognition of Professional Development Programs and Courses for Teachers and
School Leaders, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the National
Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), is committed to the professional
growth and lifelong learning of its teachers and school leaders as a key foundation
to the upgrading of the quality of basic education.
The training to be given will address development needs using various
platforms and modalities that include formal training and workplace learning that
will be provided to all levels.
It aims:
• to ensure that all programs and courses, whether internally or externally
provided, are aligned, and integrated into the wider NEAP professional
development program, the Recognition process should be put in place.
• support teachers and school leaders in their professional learning throughout
their careers, especially as it relates to strategic directions of DepEd.
• ensure that high-quality professional development programs are provided to
teachers and school leaders.
• recognize and value prior learning and existing skills and knowledge.
• encourage all teachers and school leaders to take responsibility to improve
their professional practice and to continue to learn.
1. Research Festival
Since 2019, the Division Research
Festival has been a yearly activity organized
by the Planning and Research Unit to
provide an opportunity for researchers
(teaching, teaching-related, and non-
teaching personnel) of the division to share
their research findings. Moreover, this serves
as an avenue for discussion on how the
division may be able to utilize the outputs of
completed research in improving learning
outcomes and governance processes in the
division. During the conduct of this activity,
several oral and poster presenters are
allowed to showcase and present their
completed research while participant
observers are given a chance to witness and
learn from among the best in the specific
subject matter.
2. Research Caravan
The Research Caravan serves as a
mechanism for the Schools Division
Research Committee (SDRC) to provide
technical assistance and coaching on
research to its teaching, teaching-related
and non-teaching personnel. In the said
activity, the Planning and Research Unit
of the SGOD gathers participants from
all the educational districts to conduct
in-depth coaching on research. Coaching
covers discussions on the culture of
research in basic education, preparation
of proposals, problem identification,
development of interventions and
research instruments, as well as
conducting research.
Furthermore, the following tasks are undertaken as part of the quality assurance
monitoring and evaluation:
1. Assessment
• Manage the operationalization of the national assessment framework in the
SDO by implementing processes and tools or developing them as needed.
• Oversee the implementation of the assessment program among schools.
2. Quality Assurance
• Manage a quality management system to ensure quality education planning,
quality-assured processes for program and project implementation, and quality
control of education outcomes
• Efficiency. Having all this information stored in one place not only benefits
accuracy but also saves time.
• HR strategy. The HRIS permits the tracking of data required to advance the HR
and business strategy. Depending on the priorities of the organization, different
data will be essential to track.
• Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This software handles all the agency’s
recruiting needs. It tracks candidate information and resumes, enables
recruiters to match job openings to suitable candidates from the agency’s
application pool, and helps in guiding the hiring process.
• Payroll. Payroll automates the pay process of employees. Contractual data and
information on new hires are often entered into this system – sometimes
combined with time & attendance data – and at the end of the month, payment
orders are created.
• Benefits administration. Another functionality of the HRIS is benefits
management. Employee benefits are an important aspect of compensation and
are also managed in this system. More advanced systems offer an employee self-
service model for employee benefits.
• Training. Learning and development are key elements when it comes to
employee management. This allows HR to track the qualification, certifications,
and skills of the employees, as well as an outline of available courses for agency
• Performance management. Performance management is a key part of managing
people. Performance ratings are generated once or multiple times a year by the
direct manager or peers of the employee.
• Succession planning. Creating a talent pipeline and having replacements
available for key roles in the organization is another key component of an HRIS.
• Employee self-service. Employee self-service has already been mentioned.
Organizations are focusing increasingly on having employees and their direct
supervisors manage their data. Requests like holidays can be asked for by the
employee him/herself. After approval, these are then immediately saved into the
system (and registered to track for payroll and benefits purposes).
GOAL: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all learners in every key stage,
special programs, including the most marginalized and vulnerable (SpEd-NG, IPEd,
Madrasah, Multigrade, ALS).
Intensify Inclusive Education Bringing all Bulakenyo/
Program to establish relevant school-aged children to
and liberating education where quality learning environment
learners access programs (Flagship Program)
responsive to their needs and
consistent with their interests Conduct intensive mapping of High Participation Rate
and aptitudes. learners who moved out from
schools through the ALS
Expand the implementation of Increased and sustained
● Indigenous Peoples enrolment rate of Inclusive
Education (IPEd) Education Program
● Special Education
● Multigrade Education
● Madrasah Education
● Flexible Learning Options
− Alternative Delivery
Modes (ADM)
− Alternative Learning
Systems (ALS)
− Education in Emergencies
Bolster inclusive and equitable All school-age children, out-of-
quality education for all school youth and adults
learners in every key stage, attended and participated in
special programs, including the relevant basic learning
most marginalized and opportunities.
vulnerable through Special
Education Program (SpeEd),
Indigenous People Education
Program (IPED), Madrasah
Education Program (MEP),
Multigrade Education Program,
Alternative Learning System
Uniting internal and external
stakeholders towards
inclusive education for all
(EFA) (Flagship Program)
Contextualization of the Quality assured contextualized
curriculum and learning learning resources at the school
materials at the school level level are available.
Provide opportunities for Increased participation to
learners to create, learn and curricular and non-curricular
share what they know in both activities of the differently
curricular and non-curricular abled learners, adult,
activities indigenous group, and other
GOAL: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all learners in every key stage,
special programs, including the most marginalized and vulnerable (SpEd-NG, IPEd,
Madrasah, Multigrade, ALS).
Intensify Inclusive Education Leveraging lifelong
Program to establish relevant learning opportunities and
and liberating education where equitable distribution of
learners access programs services and resources.
responsive to their needs and (Flagship Program)
consistent with their interests
and aptitudes.
Strengthen capabilities of Improved learners’
schools with learners catering performance level among
SpEd-NG, IPEd, Muslim, schools catering SpEd – NG,
Multigrade, and ALS. IPED, Muslim, Multigrade,
and ALS.
GOAL: Ensure quality education for all learners across grade levels equipped with
competencies in literacy, numeracy, scientific skills, technical-vocational skills, and other
curricular competencies.
Intensifying the Kndling the core values of
implementation of literacy, DepEd - Maka-Diyos,
numeracy, and life-skills Makatao, Makabansa at
programs across Maka kalikasan (Flagship
Strengthen the Career Enhanced Career Guidance
Guidance Program (CGP) Program implementation
where learners demonstrate
the competencies of being
Maka-Diyos, Makatao,
Makabansa at Maka-
Kalikasan through
Obtain profile of SHS learners Defined SHS Learners’ Profile
as a result of the career on Preferred Curriculum Exits
guidance and counseling in
relation to their preferred
curriculum exits
Enhancing instructions
through digital technology
thus introducing Education
4.0 (Flagship Program)
1. Enhance programs for Yielding to the prescribed
learners’ growth and standards to sustain the
development through Youth delivery of quality services
Formation and Child through appropriate,
Protection Programs timely and relevant
programs, projects, and
activities. (Flagship
8. Strengthen the Improve the implementation More fund allocation from the
implementation of Basic of inputs program National Government for the
Education Inputs Programs • Improvement/ construction of classrooms,
Acquisition of School laboratories, workshops, and
Sites electrical supply system
• Basic Education Facilities
(Construction and Repair)
• Provision/Development of
Textbooks, modules, and
other instructional
materials (SLMs, video
• Computerization Program
• Learning Tools and
• Establishment and
Submission of requests
for construction of new
classrooms, laboratories,
workshops, and electrical
supply system.
10. Modernize education Organizational efficacy and Basic quality services are
management and governance effectiveness through: delivered among schools and
toward organizational efficacy • Establish Human stakeholders through effective
and effectiveness Resource Development and efficient processes.
Systems (Recruitment,
Selection and
Placement) through
HRMPSB Manual,
• Maximize budget MOOE
• Establish an automated
and modernized system
for Human Resource
(HRIS)/ Training and
Development (L&D)
Procurement and
• Enhance the
implementation of
▪ AuRA - Authority,
Responsibility and
▪ TRansparency
▪ Integrity in all business
processes through QMS
▪ Communication System
▪ Active, Participative
Transparent, non-
corrupt servant and
11. Strengthen and sustain Activities are to undertake: • Enhanced guidelines on
stakeholders’ engagement • Intensify and enhance partnership
the review and • Positive impact of
monitoring of the stakeholders’
various partnership engagement on
programs education as a result of
• Conduct research on the the research conducted
impact of stakeholders’ • Increased donations
engagement on whether cash, kind, or
education manpower services
• Conduct convergence • Establishment of the
activities with Bulakenyong
stakeholders Mapagmahal Facebook
• Recognize and page and newsletter
appreciate the SDO’s
stakeholders and
partners through
Mapagmahal FB page
and newsletter and
annual recognition
14. Increase the number of Provide technical assistance Increased numbers of private
Schools with Government on the implementation of schools with Government
Recognitions (Kindergarten to policies, procedures, and Recognition
Junior High School) guidelines on the
processes for private schools
Performance Targets
Enrolment Forecast Table 65
YEAR K 1 2 3 4 5 6 NG 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL
SY 21-22 45,732 45,483 39,651 48,216 44,141 38,235 39,339 1,341 38,544 40,834 38,901 38,387 19,910 18,818 497,532
SY 22-23 45,983 40,087 48,746 44,627 38,656 39,772 1,384 39,575 41,927 39,942 39,414 21,498 20,319 508,165
SY 23-24 46,744 46,489 40,528 49,283 45,117 39081 40,209 1,419 40,635 43,049 41,011 40,469 23,212 21,939 519,185
SY 24-25 47,258 47,001 40,974 49,825 45,614 39,511 40,652 1,449 41,722 44,201 42,108 41,552 24,930 23,563 530,358
SY 25-26 47,778 47,518 41,425 50,373 46,115 39,945 41,099 1,474 42,838 45,384 43,235 42,664 26,650 25,189 541,686
SY 26-27 48,303 48,040 41880 50,927 46,623 40,385 41551 1,494 43,985 46,598 44392 43,806 28,383 26,826 553,193
SY 27-28 48,835 48,569 42,341 51,487 47,136 40,829 42,008 1,512 45,162 47,845 45,580 44,978 30,142 28,489 564,913
Note: Based on the total enrolment in SY 2021-2022 which has a grand total of 497,532 learners from kindergarten to Grade 12, the enrolment forecast for SY 2027-2028
is 564,913 learners in all three levels.
The table above shows the enrolment forecast for the Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High
School levels from the School Year 2021–2022 to the School Year 2027–2028. Based on the total
enrolment in School Year 2021–2022, which was 497,532 students from the Kindergarten level to
Grade 12, the enrolment prediction for School Year 2027–2028 is 564,913 students across all three
An increasing number of enrollees is expected to reach its peak as the SDO Bulacan, through
its competent superintendent and full-forced educational leaders are zealous to implement various
projects and programs centered on literacy that will encourage parents to enroll their children in
school. As a result, the national government's goal of having all Filipino children become educated
and well-rounded professionals will be fulfilled. This would inspire all SDO Bulacan schools, under
the direction of school principals and with the active participation of teachers and staff, to devise
ways to encourage students to continue and pursue their studies.
Net Enrolment Rate (Kinder) Net Enrolment Rate (Elementary)
86.00% 100.00%
82.00% 95.00%
78.00% 90.00%
76.00% Figure 83
74.00% 85.00%
72.00% Figure 82 22-23 23-24 -25 25-26 26-27 27-28
70.00% FORECASTED 96.39% 96.15% 95.90% 95.65% 95.41% 95.16%
22-23 23-24 24-25 25-26 26-27 27-28 TARGET 97.49% 97.79% 98.09% 98.39% 98.69% 99.00%
FORECASTED 73.85% 74.42% 75.05% 75.67% 76.29% 76.29%
Note: The forecasted Net Enrolment Rate in the Elementary Level for SY 2022-2023 is
TARGET 76.11% 77.89% 79.66% 81.44% 83.22% 85.00% 96.39% down to 96.16% in SY 2027-2028 while the target enrolment is from 97.49% to
Note: The forecasted Net Enrolment Rate in Kindergarten for SY 2022-2023 is 99.00%.
73.85% to 76.29% in SY 2027-2028 while the target enrolment is from 76.11%
to 85.00%. It can be gleaned from the table that the
projected net enrollment rate in elementary will
It can be gleaned from the table that the
increase from the School Year 2022–2023 to
projected net enrollment rate in the Kindergarten
School Year 2027–2028. In the School Year 2022-
level will increase from the School Year 2022–2023
2023, the targeted net enrolment rate is 97.49%
to School Year 2027–2028. In the School Year
from the forecasted value of 96.39%, seemingly
2022-2023, the targeted net enrolment rate is
related to School Year 2023-2024 with the
76.11% from the forecasted value of 73.85%,
forecasted rate of 96.15% to 97.79%; School Year
seemingly related to School Year 2023-2024 with
2024-2025 is 95.90% to 98.09% ; School Year
the forecasted rate of 74.42% to 77.89%; School
2025-2026 is 95.65% to 98.39% ; School Year
Year 2024-2025 is 75.05% to 79.66% ; School Year
2026-2027 is 95.41% to 98.69%; and in School
2025-2026 is 75.67% to 81.44%; School Year
Year 2027-2028 is 95.16% to 99.00%.
2026-2027 is 76.29% to 83.22% ; and in the
School Year 2027-2028 is 76.29% to 85.00% . In the elementary level, the anticipated net
enrollment rate for SY 2022-2023 is 96.39%,
Summing up, a growing projectile rate in the
decreasing to 96.16% in the School Year 2027-
Kindergarten level is predicted for School Year
2028, with a goal enrollment rate of 97.49% to
2022-2023 is 73.85% to 76.29% in School Year
99.00%. This means that in the School Year 2027-
2027-2028, with a target enrolment rate of 76.11%
2028, there will be a nearly 100% net enrolment
to 85.00%. A nearly 10% rate must be achieved in
rate in elementary, implying that all children in
kindergarten, as this critical stage serves as the
Bulacan will have access to quality education,
primary opportunity for children to establish their
particularly at the elementary level, where
study habits.
fundamental skills will be acquired and honed.
Net Enrolment Rate (Junior HS) It can be gleaned from the table that the
projected net enrollment rate at the Junior High
Figure 84
100.00% School level will slightly increase from the
School Year 2022–2023 to the School Year
2027–2028. In the School Year 2022-2023, the
targeted net enrolment rate is 96.45% from the
forecasted value of 96.14%, seemingly related to
School Year 2023-2024 with the forecasted rate
of 96.09% to 96.56% ; School Year 2024-2025 is
95.00% 96.05% to 96.67%; School Year 2025-2026 is
96.01% to 96.78%; School Year 2026-2027 is
95.96% to 98.89% ; and in the School Year
2027-2028 is 95.92% to 97.00%.
1 28.80
2 25.76 55.00
3 10.59 35.00
Figure 92
4 12.08 15.00
2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027-
BASELINE DATA 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
(MPL) Key Stage 1 30.20 38.60 45.80 52.50 55.75 60.90
Key Stage 2 28.50 35.45 41.70 49.75 56.80 60.80
Key Stage 3 18.90 29.00 37.65 45.50 53.70 60.20
Key Stage 4 19.65 28.30 35.65 46.60 53.80 60.10
Note: The graph above presents the baseline data (Result from the RDA of learners from their 2021-22 competencies) of the key stage 1 to 4 of the subject
Filipino. The figure above shows that key stage 1 has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 28.80%, key stage 3 got the lowest with 10.59%. The figure
above also reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028. After the six consecutive school
years, the division of Bulacan is expected to have 60.90%, 60.80%, 60.20% and 60.10% for key stage 1 to key stage 4 respectively.
In the learning area, Filipino, the figure __ shows that key stage 1 has the highest
percentage of LAEMPL of 28.80% , key stage 3 got the lowest with 10.59% . It also reflects
the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to
S.Y. 2027-2028. After six consecutive school years, the division of Bulacan is expected to
have 60.90% , 60.80% , 60.20% and 60.10% for key stage 1 to key stage 4 respectively. As
such, focus on the assessments and intervention projects/activities such as EGRA, Phil Iri,
Project 5Bs, and others performance sustaining programs will lead to the achievement of
the specified performance targets.
1 36.69
2 33.96 50.00
3 30.96
Figure 93
4 32.95 2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027-
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
BASELINE DATA Key Stage 1 38.69 40.20 45.80 52.50 55.75 61.00
(MPL) Key Stage 2 35.50 38.20 43.80 49.75 56.80 60.80
Key Stage 3 33.75 38.20 43.80 48.50 53.70 61.00
Key Stage 4 35.00 38.20 43.20 48.20 53.80 60.10
Note: The graph above presents the baseline data (Result from the RDA of learners from their 2021-22 competencies) of the key stage 1 to 4 of the subject
Araling Panlipunan. The figure above shows that key stage 1 has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 36.69%, key stage 3 got the lowest with 30.69%. The
figure above also reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028. After the six consecutive
school years, the division of Bulacan is expected to have 61.00%, 60.80%, 61.00% and 60.10% for key stage 1 to key stage 4 respectively.
For Araling Panlipunan, a consistent result across all key stage areas is evident
ranging from 30.96 % to 36.69 % as presented by figure __. key stage 1 has the highest
percentage of LAEMPL of 36.69%, key stage 3 got the lowest with 30.69%. The figure above
also reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y.
2022-23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028. After the six consecutive school years, the division of
Bulacan is expected to have 61.00% , 60.80%, 61.00% and 60.10% for key stage 1 to key
stage 4 in Araling Panlipunan respectively.
1 37.95 60.00
2 30.98 40.00
Figure 94
3 5.30
2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027-
4 8.52 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
BASELINE DATA Key Stage 1 42.36 47.63 52.88 55.63 57.54 65.21
(MPL) Key Stage 2 35.24 39.41 43.75 48.28 54.46 63.52
Key Stage 3 15.23 21.47 26.84 38.46 45.78 60.01
Key Stage 4 17.56 29.46 33.47 42.68 51.46 60.12
Note: The graph above presents the baseline data (Result from the RDA of learners from their 2021-22 competencies) of the key stage 1 to 4 of the subject
English. The figure above shows that key stage 1 has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 37.95%, key stage 3 got the lowest with 5.30%. The figure above
also reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028. After the six consecutive school
years, the division of Bulacan is expected to have 65.21%, 63.52%, 60.01% and 60.12% for key stage 1 to key stage 4 respectively.
On the right/left shows the performance targets of English learning area. It can be
seen that key stage 1 has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 37.95%, key stage 3 got the
lowest with 5.30% . Similar with other learning areas, key stage 3 or Junior High School
have the projected highest adjustment for the increase in the MPL. The figure also reflects
the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to
S.Y. 2027-2028. After the six consecutive school years, the division of Bulacan is expected
to have 65.21% , 63.52% , 60.01% and 60.12% for key stage 1 to key stage 4 respectively.
Like in Filipino learning area, strengthening the assessments and intervention
projects/activities such as EGRA, Phil Iri, Project 5Bs, and others performance sustaining
programs will lead to the achievement of the specified performance targets. Emphasis on
literacy is of grave importance as well.
1 27.46
2 9.95 Figure 95
3 1.25
2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027-
4 2.99 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Key Stage 1 33.79 40.13 46.46 52.79 59.13 65.46
(MPL) Key Stage 2 18.71 27.47 36.23 44.98 53.74 62.50
Key Stage 3 11.18 21.12 31.05 40.98 50.92 60.85
Key Stage 4 12.73 22.47 32.22 41.96 51.70 61.44
Note: The graph above presents the baseline data (Result from the RDA of learners from their 2021-22 competencies) of the key stage 1 to 4 of the
subject Mathematics. The figure above shows that key stage 1 has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 27.46%, key stage 3 got the lowest with 1.25%.
The figure above also reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028. After the six
consecutive school years, the division of Bulacan is expected to have 65.46%, 62.50%, 60.85% and 61.44% for key stage 1 to key stage 4 respectively.
In Mathematics, it was identified that key stage 1 has the highest percentage of
LAEMPL of 27.46%, key stage 3 got the lowest with 1.25% in the baseline data. Figure _
reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y. 2022-
23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028. After the six consecutive school years, the division of Bulacan is
expected to have 65.46% , 62.50%, 60.85% and 61.44% for key stage 1 to key stage 4
respectively. A focused attention on the implementation of various activities and
programas such as Project GLEAM (Guiding Learners in Enhancing Abilities in
Mathematics) and the school-based PAN program is esteemed to contribute in the projected
increase of performance among learners.
1 ---- 60
2 43.58 40
Figure 96
3 1.48
2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027-
4 8.55 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2 47.10 50.62 54.14 57.66 61.18 64.70
Key Stage 3 11.38 21.28 31.19 41.09 50.99 60.89
Key Stage 4 17.46 26.37 35.28 44.18 53.09 62.00
Note: The graph above presents the baseline data (Result from the RDA of learners from their 2021-22 competencies) of the key stage 2 to 4 of the
subject Science. The figure above shows that key stage 2 has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 43.58%, key stage 3 got the lowest with 1.48%. The
figure above also reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028. After the six
consecutive school years, the division of Bulacan is expected to have 65.46%, 62.50%, 60.85% and 61.44% for key stage 2 to key stage 4 respectively.
On the ___ shows the performance targets in Science. it is evident that key stage 2
has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 43.58%, key stage 3 got the lowest with 1.48% in
the baseline data. The figure also reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA
results which starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028. After the six consecutive
school years, the division of Bulacan is expected to have 64.70% , 60.89%, 62.00% for key
stage 2 to key stage 4 respectively. It is highly assumed that the intensification of the
implementation of Project Basic Science Skills can resolve the disparity on the key stages
and can help learners meet the desired performance targets.
2 37.55 40.00
Figure 97
3 1.98
4 12.33 2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027-
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
BASELINE DATA Key Stage 1 28.35 35.58 42.81 50.04 57.27 64.50
(MPL) Key Stage 2 42.18 46.82 51.45 56.08 60.72 65.35
Key Stage 3 11.79 21.60 31.42 41.23 51.04 60.85
Key Stage 4 20.52 28.70 36.89 45.08 53.26 61.45
Note: The graph above presents the baseline data (Result from the RDA of learners from their 2021-22 competencies) of the key stage 1 to 4 of the
subject MAPEH. The figure above shows that key stage 2 has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 51.4%, key stage 3 got the lowest with 2% . The figure
above also reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028. After the six consecutive
school years, the division of Bulacan is expected to have 65.46%, 62.50%, 60.85% and 61.44% for key stage 1 to key stage 4 respectively.
For the learning area MAPEH, as presented on figure __, After the six consecutive
school years, the division of Bulacan is expected to have 64.50% , 65.35%, 60.85% and
61.45% for key stage 1 to key stage 4 respectively.The figure also shows that key stage 2
has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 37.55%, key stage 3 got the lowest with 1.98%.
The figure above also reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which
starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028.
1 59.01 75.00
2 25.76
35.00 Figure 98
3 48.72
4 10.43 2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027-
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
BASELINE DATA Key Stage 1 61.67 64.33 66.99 69.65 72.31 75.00
(MPL) Key Stage 2 33.96 42.16 50.36 58.56 66.76 75.00
Key Stage 3 53.09 57.46 61.83 66.20 70.57 75.00
Key Stage 4 20.35 30.27 40.19 50.11 60.03 70.00
Note: The graph above presents the baseline data (Result from the RDA of learners from their 2021-22 competencies) of the key stage 1 to 4 of the
subject ESP. The figure above shows that key stage 1 has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 59.01%, key stage 4 got the lowest with 10.43%. The
figure above also reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028. After the six
consecutive school years, the division of Bulacan is expected to have 75% in all key stage.
Meanwhile, in ESP, The projected increase in performance is 75% in key stages 1-3
and 70% in keystage 4. As presented on figure __ It was evident from the baseline data
that key stage 1 has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 59.01% while key stage 4 got the
lowest with 10.43%.
1 ---- 70
2 21.05 50
Figure 99
3 11.59
4 15.67 2022- 2023- 2024- 2025- 2026- 2027-
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
(MPL) Key Stage 2 29.21 37.37 45.53 53.69 61.85 70.01
Key Stage 3 20.49 29.39 38.29 47.19 56.09 64.25
Key Stage 4 23.89 32.11 40.33 48.55 56.77 64.9
Note: The graph above presents the baseline data (Result from the RDA of learners from their 2021-22 competencies) of the key stage 2 to 4 of the
subject EPP/TLE/TVL. The figure above shows that key stage 2 has the highest percentage of LAEMPL of 21.05%, key stage 3 got the lowest with
11.59%. The figure above also reflects the graph of the target projection of the RDA results which starts from S.Y. 2022-23 up to S.Y. 2027-2028. After
the six consecutive school years, the division of Bulacan is expected to have 61.85%, 56.09% and 56.77% for key stage 2 to key stage 4 respectively.
For EPP/TLE/TVL it is expected that after the six consecutive school years, the
division of Bulacan is expected to have 70.01% , 64.25% and 64.90% for key stage 2 to key
stage 4 respectively in the said learning area. It was also evident that key stage 2 has the
highest percentage of LAEMPL of 21.05% , key stage 3 got the lowest with 11.59% in the
baseline data.
Long-term reforms and development strategies are needed for the basic education
sector to respond to the fast-changing demands of the local and global environment.
Indicators on resilience and wellbeing have been developed in light of the growing capacity to
meet contemporary difficulties and ensure the well-being of students, teachers, and
personnel. As evident in the illustration, the performance targets of SDO Bulacan regarding
Resiliency and Well-Being have been gradually increasing in the next six years.
Figure 100
Figure 101
For the longest time, education has been our most effective equalizer, but the
onslaught of the pandemic made us realize that we live in a VUCA world that is unpredictable.
It is true that the COVID-19 pandemic has produced the greatest disruption in the history of
our education system, and it is evident that the continuity of learning during school closures
has become an issue for our government. Various ways and means were carefully planned
and crafted and as our country progressively shifts back to the traditional way of teaching
and learning, the Schools Division of Bulacan continuously addresses learning poverty
brought about by this global health crisis.
The outcomes will be improved by programs that are created to address the symptoms
of learning poverty. Armed with the goal of providing Bulakenyo learners quality basic
education through inclusion, fairness, standard-based, flexible, and child-friendly learning
environments toward holistic development and its sector outcome for Bulakenyo learners to
acquire literacy, numeracy, science, and 21st-century skills and developed positive character
to succeed in their choice of career, the SDO’s intermediate outcomes are guided by the
following four (4) pillars in achieving its BULAKENYO flagship program:
1. Access
✓ Bringing all Bulakenyo school-aged children to quality learning environment;
✓ Uniting all concerned internal and external stakeholders toward inclusive
Education For All (EFA)
2. Equity
✓ Leveraging lifelong learning opportunities and equitable distribution of services and
✓ Addressing learning gaps and resources deficiency to further enhance learning
3. Quality
✓ Kindling the DepEd core values of Maka-Diyos, Makabansa, Makatao, at
Makakalikasan to learners, teachers, schools, and nonteaching personnel
✓ Enhancing teaching-learning strategies through computer-aided instruction,
assignments, and information technology
✓ Nurturing 21st century skills among learners to become productive and globally
competitive Filipino citizens
4. Resiliency and Well-being
✓ Yielding to the prescribed standards to sustain the delivery of quality education
through appropriate, timely, and relevant programs, projects, and activities
✓ Overcoming challenges through unity and collaborative teamwork for quality
With the aid of the DEDP’s enabling mechanism through governance, the SDO
commits to serving Bulakenyo learners with an education that CARES—collaborative,
accelerating, responsive, empowering, and strategic governance and management system. The
loops and interactions in the framework are adaptive to the system features of the SDO’s
Table 71. ACCESS
Filipino English
Components Baseline Target Baseline Target
Book and Print
82.27% 85% 78.68% 80%
63.29% 75% 59.70% 75%
65.62% 75% 59.43% 75%
61.95% 75% 58.91% 75%
Spelling and
43.63% 75% 50.13% 75%
Reading Rate
69.64% 75% 40.98% 75%
Comprehension 37.30% 75% 40.65% 75%
Dictation and
Listening 35.97% 75% 41.38% 75%
Non- Nearly
Numerates Numerates Numerates
Gr. 1
15.25% 10% 53.65% 15% 31.10% 75%
Gr. 2
12.85% 10% 58.13% 15% 29.02% 75%
Gr. 3
10.51% 5% 57.25% 20% 32.24% 75%
Planning is a pivotal process in order to set goals and develop strategies to accomplish
goals. Perhaps careful planning will not guarantee a smooth flow of outlined tasks. After
careful analysis and investigation within SDO Bulacan, a set of institutional risks were
identified. Indicated below are highly impactful risks and their respective mitigation
• The need to craft implementation policies/issuances to support local practices,
operations, and needs of SDOs in some areas of the curriculum. Local practices,
operations, and needs of SDOs should be supported through the formulation and provision
of guidelines and policy recommendations to CO.
• Inadequate capacity for making the curricula responsive to learners and market
requirements. Training for supervisors, school heads, and teachers will capacitate them in
making responsive curricula for learners and the market.
• Possible COVID-19 surge in the province. There is a need for proper coordination with
the DOH Provincial Chapter and RHU and further sustenance of the School Health
Section’s massive information campaigns on COVID-19 prevention and the monitoring of
the health and wellness of personnel and learners. Proper coordination may rectify the
effects of a possible surge.
• Lack of funds to support and sustain PPAs included in the DEDP. Determining priority
PPAs can support and sustain the inadequacy of funds. Mobilizing school resources and
maximizing the use of SEF would also support PPAs indicated in the DEDP. Planning is a
crucial part as it can optimize the use of resources.
Moreover, other identified risks with their mitigation strategies are the following:
• Negligence of schools to sustain safe operations. Schools should practice continuous
monitoring of safe operations in all sectors.
• Possible occurrence of natural calamities. Proper coordination between the school
and the municipal and barangay DRRM official will help mitigate possible severe effects.
Communication is the lifeblood of an organization so to ensure the smooth and
accurate flow of communications within the school’s division, a well-crafted communication
plan was produced.
In light of the current status of the country, the pandemic has indeed taught
educators that information dissemination to a larger audience is possible. This is through the
utilization of various online and offline platforms that work well in the division. The
dissemination of significant insights would involve channels like the DepEd Tayo Bulacan
YouTube Channel, DepEd Tayo Radyo Eskwela, and Bulakenyong Mapagmahal E-Newsletter,
to be done quarterly the entire year.
Updates on the To inform Teachers, DepEd Tayo Create content Year- None Division
latest programs teachers, students, Bulacan about DepEd round Information
and projects of students, parents, Talks ( A 5- Tayo Bulacan (Three Officers and
SDO Bulacan parents, and and other minute live Talks to four Content
(SDO Bulacan other stakehold interview to Live via DepEd episodes moderators
BE-LRP) stakeholders ers SDO Tayo Bulacan per ICTS units
about the latest personnel) and cross- quarter.)
programs and share to all
projects of the District and
Department of School FB
Education Pages
and SDO
Garbe, A. et al. 2020. COVID-19 and remote learning: Experience of parents with
children during the pandemic. American Journal of Qualitative Research, 4(3), 45-
Geronimo, M. 2021. Creeping Out from the Penumbra of the COVID 19 Pandemic in
Education: A Call for Resilience, Unity and Cooperation. Schools Division of
Gumafelix, L. 2021. New Partnership in Science Teaching: Parents-Teacher. Schools
Division of Bulacan.