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Thirty-one traditional cultivars [26 sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.), four duke cherry (Prunus × gondouinii
Rehd.), and one sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.)] from Sierra de Francia and Arribes del Duero in Central-Western
Spain were surveyed and characterized agromorphologically. A total of 37 descriptors, mainly def ined by the
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute and the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of
Plants were used to describe flowers, leaves, fruits and the tree itself over a 3 consecutive years. This made possible
the unequivocal identification of 25 cultivars. A dendrogram gave a clear separation between the sour, duke and
sweet cherry cultivars and showed existing synonymies and homonymies. This work is an important step in the
conservation of genetic cherry resources in the province of Salamanca (Spain), which show distinctive and interesting
agronomical characters such as low susceptibility to fruit cracking, high levels of soluble solids, early fruit maturity
and great rusticity.
Additional key words: cherry descriptors, conservation, endangered cultivars, fruit parameters, genetic resources,
homonymies, synonymies.
Caracterización agromorfológica de cultivares tradicionales españoles de Prunus avium L., Prunus cerasus L.
y Prunus × gondouinii Rehd.
Veintiséis cultivares de cerezo (Prunus avium L.), un cultivar de guindo (Prunus cerasus L.) y cuatro cultivares del
híbrido de ambos (Prunus × gondouinii Rehd.), originarios de las zonas de Sierra de Francia y de Arribes del Duero,
en el centro-oeste español, han sido prospectados y caracterizados desde el punto de vista agromorfológico. Un total
de 37 descriptores, la mayoría definidos por el International Plant Genetic Resources Institute y por la International
Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants fueron usados para describir flores, hojas, frutos y el árbol durante
un periodo consecutivo de tres años, permitiendo la inequívoca identificación de 25 cultivares. El dendrograma de re-
lación entre cultivares elaborado permite diferenciar claramente los cultivares de cerezo, guindo e híbrido estudiados
y muestra la existencia de sinonimias y homonimias. El trabajo realizado constituye un paso importante para la con-
servación de estos recursos genéticos presentes en la provincia de Salamanca (España) que muestran caracteres agro-
nómicos interesantes y distintivos tales como baja susceptibilidad al rajado, altos niveles de sólidos solubles, madu-
ración temprana y gran rusticidad.
Palabras clave adicionales: conservación, cultivares en peligro, descriptores de cerezo, homonimias, parámetros
de fruto, recursos genéticos, sinonimias.
Abbreviations used: Dg (geometric mean diameter), GPS (global positioning system), IPGRI (International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute), L (length), T (thickness), UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants), W (width), Ø (sphericity).
44 R. Pérez-Sánchez et al. / Span J Agric Res (2008) 6(1), 42-55
Table 1. List of 31 sweet and sour cherry cutivars examined in this study with their origin
A priori A posteriori
Cultivar Origin
species assignation species assignation
and their origin. At full fruit maturity five trees of each length (cm). The number of stamens in each flower was
cultivar were chosen. also counted. Cherry fruit was collected at maturity.
Maturity was determined on the basis of the colour
characteristics of each cultivar, taking into account
Descriptors analysed information provided by growers and from personal
experience and observation. A sample total of 106
Agromorphological characterization of all marked cherry fruits were taken from each of the five trees
trees in the search was carried out using as a base 18 studied per cultivar and year, of these 100 were used
descriptors established by IPGRI and UPOV and a to determine the 100 fruit weight and resistance to
further 19 descriptors that were considered relevant cracking after immersion in distilled water at 20°C for
for identification. For determination of some of the 6 h (Christensen, 1972). The remaining six cherries
descriptors, samples of flowers, fruits and leaves were were used to study a series of quantitative and qualitative
taken during 2003, 2004 and 2005 using UPOV guide- descriptors. The quantitative descriptors recorded
lines (1976). Flowers were collected at full bloom. were: stalk length (cm), fruit volume (cm3), endocarp
From each of the five trees studied per cultivar and volume (cm3), geometric mean diameter (mm), surface
year, 10 flowers were taken, and the following parameters area of the fruit (cm2), sphericity (%), the relative seed
measured using a digital calliper: open flower diameter size with respect to the fruit, total soluble solids (°Brix),
(cm), petal length (cm), petal width (cm), and pistil and titratable acidity (g of malic acid/100 g fresh weight).
Sweet, sour and duke cherry agromorphological characterization 45
To determine average cherry size, six cherries per tree Duncan’s multiple range test. All statistical analyses
and year were picked at random and their three linear used Statgraphics Plus 5.0.
dimensions, namely length (L), width (W) and thickness
(T), were measured using a digital calliper with a
sensitivity of 0.01 mm. The callipers were also used to Results and Discussion
measure fruit peduncle length. Cherry and endocarp
volume were calculated using the formula 4/3πr 3, Flowers
where r = [L + W + T]/6. Geometric mean diameter (Dg)
and sphericity (Ø) were calculated using the following Flower parameters are summarized in Table 2. Open
equations D g = (LWT) 0.333 and Ø = [(LWT) 0.333]/L flower diameter ranged from 2.95 to 3.81 cm in sweet
(Mohsenin, 1978; Aydin, 2003; Olajide and Igbeka, cherries (‘Garrafal Napoleón’, ‘Burlat’ and ‘Boba’
2003; Vursavuş and Özgüven, 2004). Following were the cultivars with the largest flowers), and from
Mohsenin (1978) and Baryeh (2001), fruit surface area 2.55 to 3.4 cm in sour cherries. Generally, sour cherries
(S) can be expressed as S = π Dg2. Fruit mass was mea- had smaller flowers than the sweet cherries. In all cases
sured on an electronic balance with a sensitivity of petal length was highly correlated (r = 0.96) with flower
± 0.001 g. Relative cherry seed size compared to fruit size. Petal width varied from 0.96 to 1.54 cm. Lowest
was calculated using the ratio: endocarp volume/fruit values were observed for ‘Del País 2’ and ‘Pico Negro’
volume. Total soluble solids in each fruit were deter- sweet cherries. Stamen number varied from 25 to 38
mined with a digital refractometer (Atago PR-101, in the sweet cherries and from 24 to 29 in sour cherries.
Atago Co. Ltd., Japan) at 20°C and titratable acidity Pistil length ranged from 1.29 to 1.73 cm in sweet
was determined in each fruit by potentiometric titration cherries and from 1.09 to 1.38 in sour cherries. ‘Guindo
with 0.1 N NaOH up to pH 8.1, using 1 mL of diluted del País 1’ was the cultivar with the smallest pistil. Both
juice in 25 mL distilled H2O. the sweet and sour cherry cultivars showed minimal
Qualitative descriptors observed were: skin colour, differences in flower parameters over the three years.
pulp and juice; fruit shape, endocarp and pistilar point; It was observed in sweet cherry cultivars that gene-
external discolouration; and the presence or absence tically improved introduced cultivars generally had
of leaves at the base of the fruit peduncle. Leaves were larger flowers than local cultivars (Table 3). Cultivar
collected at adult stage, at approximately the end of ‘Monzón’, selected in Germany, had an average open-
July. From each of the five trees studied per cultivar, corolla diameter of 3.75 cm and an average petal length
seven leaves were sampled per year, and the following and width of 1.62 and 1.34 cm, respectively. Its mean
parameters measured using a digital calliper with a pistil length was also quite high, at 1.52 cm. On the
sensitivity of ± 0.01 mm: leaf blade length and width other hand, the local cv. ‘Del País 2’ had considerably
(cm), petiole length (cm) and, using a protractor, the smaller flowers, with a mean open-corolla diameter of
basal and apical angles of the blade (°) were measured. 2.95 cm and a mean petal length and width of 1.33 and
Anthocyanin pigmentation of the nectaries was also 0.96 cm, respectively. Its pistil was also shorter (1.37 cm).
observed. Two ratios were calculated: the length/width The flowers of both sweet cherry cultivars are shown
of the leaf blade; and petiole length/leaf blade length. in Figure 1. In sour cherry, flowers of the cvs. ‘Guindo
With regard to whole trees, only the vegetative habit Tomatillo 1’, ‘Guindo Tomatillo 2’, ‘Guindo del País 2’
of the different cultivars was evaluated. and ‘Guindo Garrafal Negro’ were bigger than those
Means and standard deviations were calculated, for of the cv. ‘Guindo del País 1’. Cordeiro (2004) observed
each of the parameters studied, over the 3 years for the that the sour cherry cultivar ‘Garrafal Negra’ had larger
26 sweet cherry and five sour cherry cultivars. The unit flowers than the other sour cherry cultivars studied.
of measurement of each of the parameters studied was
done from an individual value of each of f ive trees
sampled per variety. Finally, a dendrogram of genetic Leaves
similarities among cultivars was compiled using the
Furthest Neighbour Method and an analysis of variance Leaf parameters are shown in Table 4. Highest values
(ANOVA) was carried out for the different cherry species for the basal leaf angle were in the ‘Aragonesa’ and
and for local and improved sweet cherry cultivars. ‘Pedro Merino’ sweet cherries, and the lowest in ‘Cos-
Differences between means were investigated using talera’ and ‘Mollar’. Apical leaf angle ranged from
46 R. Pérez-Sánchez et al. / Span J Agric Res (2008) 6(1), 42-55
Table 2. Flower parameters in sweet (sw) (P. avium) and sour (so) (P. cerasus) cherry cultivars, including (SD)
Open flower
Petal length Petal width Pistil lenght Number
Cultivar diameter
(cm) (cm) (cm) of stamens
‘Ambrunés Especial’ (sw) 3.56 (0.18) 1.50 (0.11) 1.10 (0.18) 1.40 (0.05) 30.71 (3.35)
‘Aragonesa’ (sw) 3.74 (0.25) 1.57 (0.14) 1.24 (0.15) 1.46 (0.10) 34.85 (3.42)
‘Blanca de Provenza’ (sw) 3.26 (0.37) 1.38 (0.15) 1.13 (0.19) 1.37 (0.10) 38.62 (2.92)
‘Boba’ (sw) 3.78 (0.22) 1.65 (0.12) 1.33 (0.21) 1.62 (0.09) 33.87 (2.98)
‘Burlat’ (sw) 3.78 (0.45) 1.67 (0.19) 1.31 (0.15) 1.56 (0.05) 33.86 (5.42)
‘California’ (sw) 3.48 (0.36) 1.50 (0.13) 1.30 (0.26) 1.43 (0.05) 33.08 (3.63)
‘Corazón Serrano’ (sw) 3.68 (0.37) 1.52 (0.19) 1.26 (0.24) 1.54 (0.08) 33.05 (3.26)
‘Costalera’ (sw) 3.46 (0.25) 1.47 (0.10) 1.21 (0.09) 1.29 (0.10) 32.67 (4.56)
‘De Valero’ (sw) 3.42 (0.20) 1.45 (0.07) 1.26 (0.09) 1.47 (0.06) 32.73 (2.97)
‘Del País 1’ (sw) 3.07 (0.28) 1.38 (0.12) 1.04 (0.18) 1.39 (0.09) 37.77 (3.21)
‘Del País 2’ (sw) 2.95 (0.32) 1.33 (0.15) 0.96 (0.26) 1.37 (0.08) 36.50 (2.60)
‘Del País T’ (sw) 3.15 (0.26) 1.41 (0.12) 1.03 (0.23) 1.38 (0.05) 35.27 (2.47)
‘Del Valle’ (sw) 3.28 (0.22) 1.42 (0.13) 1.17 (0.18) 1.31 (0.11) 25.89 (4.31)
‘Garrafal Napoleón’ (sw) 3.81 (0.26) 1.69 (0.14) 1.37 (0.11) 1.46 (0.03) 35.44 (3.88)
‘Guindo del País 1’ (so) 2.55 (0.26) 1.09 (0.09) 1.00 (0.14) 1.09 (0.11) 28.35 (2.78)
‘Guindo del País 2’ (so) 3.11 (0.31) 1.29 (0.14) 1.28 (0.17) 1.38 (0.10) 27.60 (3.24)
‘Guindo Garrafal Negro’ (so) 3.16 (0.26) 1.26 (0.10) 1.23 (0.13) 1.38 (0.10) 29.42 (2.91)
‘Guindo Tomatillo 1’ (so) 3.04 (0.46) 1.26 (0.17) 1.19 (0.19) 1.35 (0.11) 27.86 (2.61)
‘Guindo Tomatillo 2’ (so) 3.40 (0.19) 1.46 (0.08) 1.51 (0.09) 1.37 (0.14) 24.14 (1.39)
‘Jarandilla’ (sw) 3.44 (0.25) 1.44 (0.13) 1.05 (0.13) 1.49 (0.06) 32.63 (2.50)
‘Lamper’ (sw) 3.55 (0.26) 1.53 (0.11) 1.20 (0.13) 1.48 (0.09) 33.34 (3.10)
‘Mollar’ (sw) 3.39 (0.36) 1.47 (0.20) 1.22 (0.25) 1.56 (0.09) 33.20 (4.89)
‘Monzón’ (sw) 3.75 (0.34) 1.62 (0.15) 1.34 (0.21) 1.52 (0.10) 31.77 (2.87)
‘Moracha’ (sw) 3.47 (0.18) 1.52 (0.09) 1.32 (0.12) 1.53 (0.09) 33.09 (2.78)
‘Pedro Merino’ (sw) 3.20 (0.30) 1.35 (0.15) 1.27 (0.25) 1.53 (0.13) 30.34 (3.45)
‘Pical’ (sw) 3.70 (0.31) 1.63 (0.15) 1.39 (0.17) 1.73 (0.15) 33.23 (3.42)
‘Pico Negro’ (sw) 3.19 (0.29) 1.37 (0.12) 0.96 (0.10) 1.30 (0.08) 32.14 (4.14)
‘Picota’ (sw) 3.30 (0.23) 1.44 (0.13) 1.07 (0.09) 1.40 (0.08) 30.40 (3.55)
‘Rabo Largo Negra’ (sw) 3.44 (0.26) 1.49 (0.10) 1.27 (0.19) 1.43 (0.06) 30.77 (3.68)
‘Ramón Oliva’ (sw) 3.67 (0.30) 1.58 (0.13) 1.31 (0.16) 1.47 (0.06) 33.09 (3.51)
‘Reondal’ (sw) 3.74 (0.13) 1.64 (0.06) 1.54 (0.11) 1.41 (0.07) 34.99 (3.19)
Table 3. Main parameters of flower, leaf and fruit in sweet (P. avium), duke (P. × gondouinii) and sour (P. cerasus) cherry species
P. avium
P. × gondouinii P. cerasus
Local cultivar Improved cultivars Mean
Letters indicate the statistically significant differences between Prunus avium L., Prunus × gondouinii Rehd. and Prunus cera-
sus L. at the 95% confidence level. 1-2 Numbers indicate the statistically significant differences between local and improved sweet
cherry cultivars at the 95% confidence level. # Grams of malic acid per 100 grams fresh weight.
Sweet, sour and duke cherry agromorphological characterization 47
1 cm 1 cm
䊴 䊴
䊴 䊴
Figure 1. Comparison of flower size of sweet cherry cultivars ‘Monzón’ (improved, left) and ‘Del País 2’ (local, right).
Table 4. Leaf parameters in sweet (sw) (P. avium) and sour (so) (P. cerasus) cherry cultivars, including (SD)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
‘Ambrunés Especial’ (sw) 4.59 (0.63) 12.51 (1.26) 5.98 (0.73) 38.84 (3.19) 87.45 (1.64) 2.11 (0.18) 0.37 (0.05) Reddish
‘Aragonesa’ (sw) 3.88 (0.23) 15.58 (0.10) 6.53 (0.44) 36.90 (4.17) 159.19 (0.92) 2.41 (0.16) 0.25 (0.02) Red
‘Blanca de Provenza’ (sw) 3.45 (0.45) 14.11 (1.78) 6.44 (0.76) 63.31 (6.27) 137.62 (14.02) 2.21 (0.24) 0.25 (0.04) Green
‘Boba’ (sw) 3.60 (0.21) 14.47 (0.75) 6.20 (0.80) 38.95 (1.42) 149.05 (1.86) 2.37 (0.19) 0.25 (0.02) Reddish
‘Burlat’ (sw) 4.15 (0.73) 13.26 (1.55) 5.96 (0.49) 44.65 (5.88) 144.73 (8.17) 2.24 (0.21) 0.32 (0.05) Reddish
‘California’ (sw) 3.38 (0.33) 15.52 (1.38) 7.35 (0.59) 59.06 (6.02) 138.41 (14.39) 2.08 (0.23) 0.24 (0.05) Reddish
‘Corazón Serrano’ (sw) 4.07 (0.44) 13.35 (1.34) 6.49 (0.72) 40.70 (5.64) 100.02 (10.67) 2.08 (0.20) 0.31 (0.04) Red
‘Costalera’ (sw) 4.82 (0.32) 12.64 (0.87) 6.21 (0.45) 34.29 (3.66) 87.22 (2.17) 2.05 (0.08) 0.39 (0.04) Red
‘De Valero’ (sw) 5.44 (0.47) 13.70 (1.13) 8.00 (0.58) 42.10 (3.27) 120.97 (5.49) 1.72 (0.12) 0.40 (0.03) Red
‘Del País 1’ (sw) 3.81 (0.27) 12.98 (0.72) 6.54 (0.69) 35.76 (1.62) 126.52 (3.16) 1.99 (0.12) 0.29 (0.03) Reddish
‘Del País 2’ (sw) 3.55 (0.59) 11.35 (1.53) 6.21 (0.76) 39.13 (2.24) 122.06 (9.18) 1.83 (0.11) 0.32 (0.05) Reddish
‘Del País T’ (sw) 3.98 (0.63) 13.31 (1.44) 6.39 (0.87) 27.76 (5.18) 127.21 (8.77) 2.11 (0.18) 0.30 (0.04) Reddish
‘Del Valle’ (sw) 4.69 (0.50) 11.05 (1.05) 6.34 (0.84) 35.86 (2.97) 94.73 (11.73) 1.75 (0.09) 0.43 (0.03) Red
‘Garrafal Napoleón’ (sw) 3.87 (0.39) 16.68 (0.92) 7.04 (0.36) 48.22 (5.61) 157.29 (5.57) 2.37 (0.16) 0.23 (0.02) Red
‘Guindo del País 1’ (so) 2.06 (0.34) 8.96 (0.82) 4.47 (0.48) 44.67 (4.06) 119.71 (9.34) 2.02 (0.10) 0.23 (0.04) Green
‘Guindo del País 2’ (so) 3.25 (0.09) 10.67 (0.73) 5.11 (0.09) 37.95 (1.32) 119.18 (1.98) 2.11 (0.13) 0.31 (0.02) Reddish
‘Guindo Garrafal Negro’ (so) 3.17 (0.40) 10.45 (0.95) 5.40 (0.48) 44.58 (1.59) 111.98 (2.39) 1.95 (0.13) 0.31 (0.04) Reddish
‘Guindo Tomatillo 1’ (so) 3.89 (0.69) 11.19 (1.77) 6.29 (0.96) 36.53 (6.82) 129.53 (8.04) 1.80 (0.27) 0.36 (0.07) Reddish
‘Guindo Tomatillo 2’ (so) 3.85 (0.32) 10.97 (0.88) 6.78 (0.43) 47.58 (2.27) 123.92 (2.07) 1.63 (0.11) 0.35 (0.03) Reddish
‘Jarandilla’ (sw) 5.18 (0.40) 13.29 (1.05) 7.30 (0.50) 25.86 (2.60) 91.46 (2.69) 1.83 (0.11) 0.39 (0.02) Reddish
‘Lamper’ (sw) 4.18 (0.39) 11.82 (0.75) 6.07 (0.34) 41.88 (2.02) 140.54 (3.91) 1.96 (0.06) 0.36 (0.04) Green
‘Mollar’ (sw) 5.43 (0.43) 12.14 (0.57) 6.19 (0.54) 40.66 (1.34) 87.22 (2.58) 1.98 (0.16) 0.45 (0.02) Red
‘Monzón’ (sw) 3.91 (0.62) 14.22 (1.23) 6.62 (0.54) 39.77 (6.07) 130.21 (20.14) 2.16 (0.17) 0.28 (0.06) Reddish
‘Moracha’ (sw) 6.40 (1.03) 13.65 (1.10) 7.60 (0.57) 45.88 (1.98) 125.07 (3.64) 1.81 (0.09) 0.47 (0.05) Red
‘Pedro Merino’ (sw) 4.16 (0.31) 12.81 (1.07) 6.31 (0.49) 33.84 (3.73) 158.00 (1.81) 2.05 (0.20) 0.33 (0.02) Red
‘Pical’ (sw) 5.05 (0.37) 13.15 (0.95) 7.68 (0.30) 52.63 (4.43) 139.29 (2.59) 1.71 (0.06) 0.39 (0.04) Red
‘Pico Negro’ (sw) 4.86 (0.74) 12.90 (0.75) 6.47 (0.69) 31.90 (3.84) 105.36 (9.81) 2.01 (0.15) 0.38 (0.05) Red
‘Picota’ (sw) 4.95 (0.66) 12.48 (2.42) 5.92 (0.91) 37.42 (8.51) 110.84 (6.00) 2.11 (0.24) 0.40 (0.03) Red
‘Rabo Largo Negra’ (sw) 5.27 (0.11) 12.91 (1.16) 7.40 (0.63) 46.35 (1.62) 123.80 (2.87) 1.74 (0.01) 0.41 (0.03) Red
‘Ramón Oliva’ (sw) 4.82 (0.53) 14.17 (1.01) 6.44 (0.92) 36.44 (6.36) 137.68 (3.00) 2.25 (0.28) 0.35 (0.04) Red
‘Reondal’ (sw) 5.29 (0.67) 13.33 (1.47) 6.38 (0.58) 39.23 (2.48) 125.10 (1.66) 2.10 (0.18) 0.40 (0.03) Red
48 R. Pérez-Sánchez et al. / Span J Agric Res (2008) 6(1), 42-55
25° to 63°. The shortest petioles were in sour cherries blade width 6.34 cm and a mean petiole length of
(‘Guindo del País 1’), at about 2.0 cm, and the longest 4.69 cm. Leaves of both cherry cultivars can be seen
in ‘De Valero’ and ‘Moracha’ sweet cherries, at 6.4 and in Figure 2. Analysing sour cherry tree leaves, it was
5.4 cm, respectively. Blade size was large in all sweet observed that ‘Guindo Tomatillo 1’, ‘Guindo Tomatillo
cherries, with a length of 11 to 16 cm and a width of 2’, ‘Guindo del País 2’ and ‘Guindo Garrafal Negro’
6 to 8 cm. In sour cherries the same parameters varied had significantly larger leaves than the other sour cherry
from 9 to 11 cm and from 4 to 6 cm, respectively. The cultivar studied, ‘Guindo del País 1’. In sour cherry cv.
length/width ratio of the leaf blades ranged from 1.71 ‘Garrafal Negra’, Cordeiro (2004) observed mean leaf
to 2.41 in sweet cherries. ‘Aragonesa’, ‘Boba’ and values similar to those reported here: blade length
‘Garrafal Napoleón’ were the cultivars with the highest 11.99 cm, blade width 5.87 cm and petiole length
ratio, and the ratio ranged from 1.63 to 2.11 in the sour 2.98 cm. ‘Guindo del País 1’ was the only cultivar with
cherries. The other ratios calculated (petiole/leaf blade green nectaries, the other sour cherry cultivars having
length) had values of around 0.35 in sweet cherry and slightly reddish coloured nectaries.
0.31 in sour cherry. ‘Guindo del País 1’ had the lowest
petiole/leaf blade length ratio, at around 0.23.
Generally, leaf parameters such as petiole length and Fruits
blade length were variable over the 3 years of the study
because of climate variation. Standard deviations of Quantitative fruit parameters are shown in Table 5.
the means of petiole length and blade length during the Stalk length ranged from 3.09 to 6.90 cm in sweet cherry.
period of study were 0.79 and 1.45 in sweet cherry and ‘De Valero’ and ‘Moracha’ were the cultivars with the
0.41 and 0.61 in sour cherry, respectively. longest stalk. Stalk length was 3.34 to 4.81 cm in the
In sweet cherry cultivars there were clear differences sour cherry.
among genetically improved and local cultivars (Table 3). ‘Corazón Serrano’ was the sweet cherry cultivar with
Genetically improved cultivars such as ‘Burlat’, ‘Mon- the largest fruits, at 8.56 cm3 fruit volume, 24.95 mm
zón’ and ‘Garrafal Napoleón’ had leaves with short pe- mean geometric diameter and 19.68 cm2 fruit surface
tioles and a large foliar surface area. The sweet cherry area. ‘Guindo del País 1’was the cultivar with the smallest
cv. ‘Garrafal Napoleón’ had a mean blade length of fruits: fruit volume of 2.47 cm3, mean geometric diameter
16.68 cm, a mean blade width of 7.04 cm and a mean 16.57 mm, and fruit surface area of 8.68 cm2. The other
petiole length of 3.87 cm. These cultivars were also sour cherry cultivars also had quite small fruits compared
characterized by having leaves with a spear-like or to the sweet cherries. Endocarp volume varied from
elongate elliptical shape, in which the base of the blade 0.30 to 0.60 cm3 in sweet cherry and from 0.26 to 0.47
was rounded and its tip was pointed. On the other hand, in sour cherry. ‘Guindo del País 1’ was the sour cherry
the local cv. ‘Del Valle’ had leaves with a pointed blade cultivar with smallest endocarp. ‘Corazón Serrano’,
bases and sharply pointed tip. These leaves were also ‘Monzón’, ‘Boba’, ‘California’ and ‘Ambrunés Especial’
smaller: with a mean blade length 11.05 cm; mean were sweet cherry cultivars with the greatest pulp volume.
Figure 2. Comparison of petiole length, blade length and leaf width in sweet cherry cultivars ‘Garafal Napoleón’ (improved, left)
and ‘Del Valle’ (local, right). Scale in cm.
Sweet, sour and duke cherry agromorphological characterization 49
Table 5. Quantitative fruit parameters in sweet (sw) (P. avium) and sour (so) (P. cerasus) cherry cultivars, including (SD)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Geometric Fruit
Cultivar Stalk Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit
mean surface Sphericity
length length width thickness volume
diameter area (%)
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm3)
(mm) (cm2)
‘Ambrunés Especial’ (sw) 3.19 (0.27) 2.37 (0.15) 2.42 (0.28) 2.04 (0.09) 6.25 (1.14) 22.58 (1.31) 16.08 (1.88) 95.62 (4.59)
‘Aragonesa’ (sw) 4.39 (0.29) 2.14 (0.16) 2.19 (0.26) 1.89 (0.15) 4.77 (0.92) 20.60 (1.25) 13.45 (1.61) 96.36 (3.24)
‘Blanca de Provenza’ (sw) 3.89 (0.40) 2.08 (0.21) 2.24 (0.28) 2.13 (0.14) 5.37 (1.45) 21.43 (1.78) 14.54 (2.50) 102.97 (2.44)
‘Boba’ (sw) 3.85 (0.34) 2.30 (0.15) 2.46 (0.24) 2.16 (0.12) 6.53 (1.02) 22.90 (1.63) 16.54 (1.31) 100.46 (4.69)
‘Burlat’ (sw) 3.09 (0.51) 2.27 (0.18) 2.36 (0.23) 1.91 (0.14) 5.55 (1.20) 21.64 (1.57) 14.81 (2.12) 95.33 (3.60)
‘California’ (sw) 4.57 (0.20) 2.22 (0.07) 2.56 (0.03) 2.27 (0.10) 6.87 (0.53) 23.41 (0.61) 17.25 (0.91) 105.35 (0.78)
‘Corazón Serrano’ (sw) 4.20 (0.53) 2.69 (0.20) 2.71 (0.30) 2.16 (0.16) 8.56 (1.99) 24.95 (1.83) 19.68 (2.93) 92.69 (2.77)
‘Costalera’ (sw) 5.10 (0.34) 2.24 (0.07) 2.05 (0.08) 1.70 (0.29) 4.22 (0.67) 19.70 (1.33) 12.27 (1.60) 88.33 (7.27)
‘De Valero’ (sw) 6.68 (0.76) 2.05 (0.10) 2.01 (0.07) 1.72 (0.18) 3.77 (0.53) 19.11 (0.92) 11.51 (1.12) 93.44 (3.20)
‘Del País 1’ (sw) 4.03 (0.36) 1.98 (0.14) 1.81 (0.21) 1.74 (0.12) 3.34 (0.95) 18.33 (1.06) 10.63 (1.95) 92.53 (3.52)
‘Del País 2’ (sw) 4.02 (0.25) 1.89 (0.18) 1.79 (0.17) 1.77 (0.13) 3.21 (0.77) 18.09 (1.43) 10.35 (1.64) 95.86 (3.73)
‘Del País T’ (sw) 4.56 (0.51) 1.76 (0.14) 1.66 (0.16) 1.62 (0.16) 2.54 (0.71) 16.73 (1.50) 8.86 (1.62) 94.84 (1.61)
‘Del Valle’ (sw) 4.42 (0.40) 1.91 (0.24) 1.99 (0.16) 1.60 (0.23) 3.26 (0.57) 18.09 (1.15) 10.33 (1.31) 95.77 (7.76)
‘Garrafal Napoleón’ (sw) 3.56 (0.18) 2.46 (0.11) 2.43 (0.01) 1.98 (0.04) 6.28 (0.23) 22.66 (0.23) 16.14 (0.34) 92.39 (2.93)
‘Guindo del País 1’ (so) 3.34 (0.48) 1.58 (0.13) 1.76 (0.18) 1.66 (0.15) 2.47 (0.59) 16.57 (1.29) 8.68 (1.37) 105.20 (4.02)
‘Guindo del País 2’ (so) 4.36 (0.33) 1.78 (0.21) 2.09 (0.22) 1.85 (0.19) 3.63 (0.72) 18.90 (1.43) 11.24 (1.52) 107.01 (4.96)
‘Guindo Garrafal Negro’ (so) 3.80 (0.38) 1.82 (0.09) 2.21 (0.13) 1.64 (0.11) 3.55 (0.35) 18.64 (0.68) 10.95 (0.78) 102.71 (3.68)
‘Guindo Tomatillo 1’ (so) 4.00 (0.39) 1.96 (0.26) 2.19 (0.24) 2.06 (0.18) 4.72 (0.93) 20.49 (1.33) 13.28 (1.74) 105.99 (10.70)
‘Guindo Tomatillo 2’ (so) 4.81 (0.41) 1.55 (0.19) 2.17 (0.27) 1.84 (0.16) 3.37 (0.65) 18.28 (1.29) 10.54 (1.26) 118.55 (5.64)
‘Jarandilla’ (sw) 4.19 (0.55) 2.05 (0.15) 2.13 (0.22) 1.71 (0.07) 4.04 (0.81) 19.45 (1.23) 11.96 (1.52) 95.13 (1.97)
‘Lamper’ (sw) 4.33 (0.33) 2.13 (0.19) 2.29 (0.30) 1.92 (0.13) 5.04 (1.13) 20.96 (1.57) 13.89 (2.04) 98.60 (4.85)
‘Mollar’ (sw) 5.63 (0.49) 2.32 (0.25) 2.35 (0.24) 1.99 (0.12) 5.83 (1.34) 22.02 (1.72) 15.33 (2.33) 95.35 (3.88)
‘Monzón’ (sw) 3.94 (0.46) 2.36 (0.18) 2.35 (0.19) 1.99 (0.20) 5.89 (1.08) 22.11 (1.36) 15.43 (1.89) 94.06 (5.17)
‘Moracha’ (sw) 6.90 (0.56) 2.07 (0.06) 2.12 (0.15) 1.73 (0.10) 4.07 (0.40) 19.56 (0.62) 12.07 (0.77) 94.78 (2.92)
‘Pedro Merino’ (sw) 3.91 (0.49) 2.17 (0.15) 2.32 (0.33) 1.80 (0.14) 4.87 (0.63) 20.69 (0.72) 13.49 (0.94) 95.71 (4.50)
‘Pical’ (sw) 5.20 (0.55) 2.27 (0.12) 2.11 (0.09) 1.78 (0.19) 4.61 (0.54) 20.33 (0.88) 13.05 (1.12) 89.75 (5.35)
‘Pico Negro’ (sw) 4.72 (0.36) 2.38 (0.23) 2.11 (0.08) 1.72 (0.24) 4.68 (0.48) 20.36 (0.80) 13.06 (1.02) 86.75 (8.92)
‘Picota’ (sw) 4.21 (0.26) 1.93 (0.15) 2.04 (0.14) 1.91 (0.12) 4.01 (0.67) 19.49 (1.18) 12.01 (1.40) 101.41 (3.37)
‘Rabo Largo Negra’ (sw) 6.16 (0.38) 2.05 (0.19) 2.02 (0.18) 1.67 (0.10) 3.66 (0.53) 18.92 (1.02) 11.26 (1.49) 93.00 (6.23)
‘Ramón Oliva’ (sw) 4.15 (0.68) 2.16 (0.27) 2.25 (0.23) 1.74 (0.30) 4.69 (1.54) 20.23 (2.46) 13.06 (3.06) 94.13 (2.24)
‘Reondal’ (sw) 5.74 (0.32) 2.11 (0.19) 2.25 (0.39) 1.83 (0.08) 4.74 (1.41) 20.45 (1.88) 13.26 (2.47) 101.02 (2.49)
At the other extreme were cvs. ‘Jarandilla’ and ‘Rabo cracking, such as ‘Guindo Garrafal Negro’ and ‘Guindo
Largo Negra’, with an endocarp volume/fruit volume del País 1’, with cracking percentages of < 5%.
ratio of about 0.14. In sour cherries, this ratio varied from Titratable acidity was 0.38 to 0.63 g/100 g in sweet
0.09 to 0.14. ‘Burlat’ and ‘Pedro Merino’ were the sweet cherry and 0.62 to 1.37 g/100 g in sour cherry. ‘Guindo
cherry cultivars with the heaviest fruits, with a mean del País 1’ was the sour cherry cultivar with the highest
fruit weight of 8.28 and 8.05 g respectively. This contrasts fruit acidity. Soluble solids levels showed less variation
with cvs. ‘Del Valle’ and ‘Del País 1’, with fruits of 3.05 and, in all cases, ranged from 15 to 23°Brix.
and 3.17 g, respectively. Fruit of ‘Guindo del País 1’ Generally, fruit parameters such as stalk length and
had a mean weight of 3.20 g per unit. fruit volume varied over the three years of the studied
Percentage of cracked fruit was variable among the due to marked climatic variation. Standard deviations
different cultivars. ‘Corazón Serrano’ was the sweet of the means for stalk length and fruit volume during
cherry cultivar that cracked most, cracking percentage the study were 1.03 and 1.48 in sweet cherry and 0.53
approximately 42.67%, and ‘Rabo Largo Negra’ was and 0.84 in sour cherry, respectively.
the cultivar most resistant to cracking. Some sour Analysing different fruit parameters of the sweet
cherry cultivars were also signif icantly resistant to cherry, improved cultivars could be clearly distinguished
50 R. Pérez-Sánchez et al. / Span J Agric Res (2008) 6(1), 42-55
Table 5 (cont.). Quantitative fruit parameters in sweet (sw) (P. avium) and sour (so) (P. cerasus) cherry cultivars, including (SD)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Cultivar Endocarp Endocarp Endocarp Endocarp Weight Titratable
12/5 Cracking soluble
length width thickness volume 100 fruits acidity
ratio (%) solids
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm3) (g) (g/100 g)#
‘Ambrunés Especial’ (sw) 1.16 (0.04) 0.94 (0.04) 0.71 (0.04) 0.43 (0.04) 706.69 0.07 (0.01) 15.83 16.36 (1.64) 0.54 (0.03)
‘Aragonesa’ (sw) 1.21 (0.08) 1.01 (0.04) 0.77 (0.04) 0.55 (0.07) 472.03 0.11 (0.01) 26.67 18.12 (2.16) 0.42 (0.08)
‘Blanca de Provenza’ (sw) 1.09 (0.09) 0.96 (0.06) 0.75 (0.08) 0.44 (0.11) 593.11 0.08 (0.01) 11.67 16.48 (0,99) 0.42 (0.07)
‘Boba’ (sw) 1.23 (0.09) 0.89 (0.05) 0.71 (0.05) 0.45 (0.08) 744.55 0.07 (0.01) 23.33 17.68 (1.43) 0.49 (0.03)
‘Burlat’ (sw) 1.25 (0.09) 0.98 (0.07) 0.69 (0.06) 0.49 (0.08) 828.61 0.09 (0.02) 28.06 15.46 (1.32) 0.49 (0.02)
‘California’ (sw) 1.08 (0.04) 1.02 (0.02) 0.82 (0.03) 0.48 (0.02) 720.86 0.07 (0.01) 15.00 14.87 (0.88) 0.49 (0.02)
‘Corazón Serrano’ (sw) 1.28 (0.07) 1.08 (0.08) 0.78 (0.05) 0.60 (0.09) 520.35 0.07 (0.02) 42.67 17.96 (1.68) 0.39 (0.06)
‘Costalera’ (sw) 1.28 (0.03) 0.93 (0.08) 0.68 (0.07) 0.47 (0.07) 520.96 0.11 (0.01) 8.00 21.92 (2.77) 0.48 (0.09)
‘De Valero’ (sw) 1.21 (0.09) 0.92 (0.07) 0.68 (0.08) 0.44 (0.06) 392.80 0.12 (0.02) 16.67 19.21 (2.75) 0.48 (0.06)
‘Del País 1’ (sw) 1.14 (0.08) 0.86 (0.06) 0.63 (0.05) 0.38 (0.07) 317.74 0.11 (0.01) 10.00 20.56 (3.12) 0.54 (0.05)
‘Del País 2’ (sw) 1.07 (0.12) 0.85 (0.10) 0.66 (0.06) 0.35 (0.11) 393.42 0.11 (0.01) 17.78 20.94 (2.96) 0.58 (0.09)
‘Del País T’ (sw) 1.03 (0.08) 0.81 (0.08) 0.64 (0.07) 0.30 (0.08) 352.23 0.12 (0.02) 25.00 18.40 (2.24) 0.40 (0.04)
‘Del Valle’ (sw) 1.11 (0.06) 0.95 (0.08) 0.66 (0.03) 0.39 (0.05) 305.93 0.13 (0.03) 17.76 18.03 (2.57) 0.38 (0.10)
‘Garrafal Napoleón’ (sw) 1.24 (0.01) 0.89 (0.08) 0.83 (0.01) 0.51 (0.04) 652.36 0.08 (0.00) 24.00 18.04 (1.34) 0.41 (0.05)
‘Guindo del País 1’ (so) 0.88 (0.08) 0.83 (0.08) 0.64 (0.07) 0.26 (0.06) 320.21 0.11 (0.02) 5.00 15.34 (1.95) 1.37 (0.03)
‘Guindo del País 2’ (so) 0.96 (0.11) 0.93 (0.07) 0.70 (0.07) 0.34 (0.07) 426.66 0.10 (0.01) 21.15 17.05 (1.73) 0.62 (0.02)
‘Guindo Garrafal Negro’ (so) 1.00 (0.10) 0.87 (0.07) 0.69 (0.07) 0.33 (0.04) 441.23 0.10 (0.02) 4.17 17.52 (1.12) 0.78 (0.02)
‘Guindo Tomatillo 1’ (so) 0.98 (0.18) 1.01 (0.07) 0.80 (0.09) 0.43 (0.09) 461.38 0.09 (0.02) 18.61 17.26 (1.68) 0.67 (0.03)
‘Guindo Tomatillo 2’ (so) 1.10 (0.10) 0.93 (0.07) 0.83 (0.06) 0.47 (0.06) 472.70 0.14 (0.01) 26.67 16.95 (2.01) 0.69 (0.04)
‘Jarandilla’ (sw) 1.29 (0.08) 1.00 (0.07) 0.72 (0.07) 0.54 (0.08) 354.52 0.14 (0.03) 40.00 19.60 (2.08) 0.40 (0.11)
‘Lamper’ (sw) 1.10 (0.04) 0.97 (0.05) 0.70 (0.03) 0.42 (0.04) 600.62 0.08 (0.00) 15.83 17.08 (1.72) 0.39 (0.04)
‘Mollar’ (sw) 1.27 (0.06) 0.91 (0.06) 0.70 (0.06) 0.47 (0.05) 608.31 0.09 (0.03) 20.00 23.72 (2.93) 0.46 (0.07)
‘Monzón’ (sw) 1.23 (0.09) 0.87 (0.06) 0.68 (0.08) 0.42 (0.07) 564.26 0.07 (0.01) 22.49 18.29 (1.14) 0.50 (0.03)
‘Moracha’ (sw) 1.26 (0.08) 0.95 (0.04) 0.71 (0.03) 0.49 (0.05) 433.32 0.12 (0.02) 17.22 19.84 (2.41) 0.45 (0.09)
‘Pedro Merino’ (sw) 1.11 (0.06) 0.99 (0.06) 0.69 (0.04) 0.43 (0.04) 805.68 0.09 (0.01) 80.00 16.12 (1.87) 0.61 (0.05)
‘Pical’ (sw) 1.39 (0.10) 0.95 (0.04) 0.71 (0.04) 0.56 (0.07) 450.41 0.13 (0.02) 8.33 22.53 (2.69) 0.53 (0.09)
‘Pico Negro’ (sw) 1.30 (0.06) 0.90 (0.05) 0.64 (0.05) 0.45 (0.05) 575.74 0.10 (0.01) 9.44 20.28 (2.86) 0.63 (0.08)
‘Picota’ (sw) 1.15 (0.07) 1.00 (0.05) 0.78 (0.04) 0.49 (0.08) 462.85 0.12 (0.01) 16.67 20.24 (2.04) 0.48 (0.08)
‘Rabo Largo Negra’ (sw) 1.28 (0.07) 0.97 (0.06) 0.68 (0.05) 0.49 (0.07) 401.54 0.14 (0.01) 0.00 18.98 (2.68) 0.46 (0.11)
‘Ramón Oliva’ (sw) 1.28 (0.09) 1.08 (0.09) 0.66 (0.23) 0.55 (0.16) 577.96 0.12 (0.02) 36.67 17.84 (2.01) 0.40 (0.09)
‘Reondal’ (sw) 1.30 (0.12) 0.98 (0.09) 0.72 (0.08) 0.53 (0.06) 600.79 0.12 (0.04) 14.17 16.36 (2.79) 0.38 (0.06)
Grams of malic acid per 100 grams fresh weight.
from local cultivars (Table 3). Introduced, genetically sweet and sour cherry cultivars showed great variability
improved cultivars have a short peduncle and large in fruit parameters such as skin f irmness and pulp
fruits, with a lot of pulp and an eye-catching appearance. hardness. Cultivars with lower skin firmness and pulp
However, they were more prone to cracking. The data hardness levels had lower fruit cracking. In ‘Rabo
in our study is in accordance with that of Moreno and Largo Negra’ the mean cracking percentage was 0%.
Manzano (2002) for cvs. ‘Burlat’, ‘California’, ‘Pico It would be interesting to use this fruit cracking tolerant
Colorado’ and ‘Pico Negro’. cultivar in future breeding programs.
Local cultivars generally had long fruit peduncles, ‘Corazón Serrano’, despite being a local cultivar
which made harvesting more diff icult, small-sized from the Sierra de Francia, had fruit parameters signi-
fruits with little pulp, and were less eye-catching. They ficantly more similar to those of improved sweet cherry
did have the advantage of being signif icantly more cultivars. This can be confirmed by observing some of
resistant to cracking than cultivars with a large pulp its mean fruit data: peduncle length 4.20 cm and endocarp
volume. Revilla and Vivar (2004) also observed that size/fruit size ratio 0.07. This cultivar has probably been
Sweet, sour and duke cherry agromorphological characterization 51
improved through local growers over hundreds of years. city values > 102.71%. ‘Guindo del País 1’ was the sour
Its main disadvantage is that is very prone to cracking cherry cultivar with the lightest fruits (3.20 g per unit).
(42.67%). Cordeiro et al. (2007) also observed that in For the other sour cherry cultivars mean fruit weights
different sweet and sour cherry cultivars it is difficult were between 4.26 and 4.72 g.
to combine yield, fruit size and cracking tolerance. With respect to qualitative fruit characteristics there
With regard to sphericity, the cvs. ‘Pico Negro’ and was remarkable variation among cultivars (Table 6).
‘Costalera’, which are generically known as «picotas» Some of the sweet cherry cultivars had fruit with a
in the Jerte valley, were the cultivars with the most practically black skin, and a red pulp. This was the case
elongated fruit, and ‘California’, was the cultivar with with ‘Rabo Largo Negra’, ‘De Valero’, ‘Moracha’ and
the most flattened fruit. MAPA (1999), Gella et al. ‘Reondal’, whereas others, such as ‘Blanca de Pro-
(2001) and Moreno and Trujillo (2006) also observed venza’, had fruit with a yellow skin and white/cream-
elongated/heart-shaped fruits in ‘Pico Negro’, and coloured pulp. Juice colour in sweet cherry varied from
kidney-shaped fruit in cv. ‘California’. Vursavuş et al. colourless to purple. Generally all the sweet cherry
(2006) recorded sphericity values for cv. ‘Monzón’ cultivars studied had fruit without leaves at the
similar to those recorded here (90.66%). peduncle and with slight skin discoloration. In sweet
‘Pedro Merino’ was, after ‘Burlat’, the sweet cherry cherry, diverse fruit shapes and endocarp were observed.
cultivar with the heaviest fruits (8.05 g per unit). Moreno In sour cherry all cultivars had flattened fruit with quite
and Manzano (2002) recorded a mean fruit weight, for rounded endocarps, and even/concave pistil points.
this cultivar, between 7.0 and 7.5 g. ‘Guindo Garrafal Negro’ was the cultivar that exhibited
For sour cherry, important differences were among the greatest differences compared to the other sour
the fruit of ‘Guindo del País 1’ and the other sour cherries cherry cultivars. Its skin is dark (purple-black) and its
studied. Fruit of this cultivar was smaller, sourer and pulp and juice are red to purple. ‘Guindo del País 1’,
had shorter peduncles than those of the other sour ‘Guindo del País 2’, ‘Guindo Tomatillo 1’ and ‘Guindo
cherry cultivars. ‘Guindo Tomatillo 1’was the sour cherry Tomatillo 2’ have white/cream-coloured pulp, colourless
cultivar with the largest fruit (4.72 cm3). This contrasts juice and a mid reddish coloured skin. In the sour
with the 2.47 cm3 of the cv. ‘Guindo del País 1’ (see fruit cherry cultivars leaves at the peduncle were fairly
of both cultivars in Fig. 3). frequently observed.
Lowest fruit-cracking percentages in sour cherry
were in ‘Guindo del País 1’ and ‘Guindo Garrafal Negro’,
at 5.00 and 4.17 % respectively. For the other sour cherry Vegetative tree habit
cultivars mean cracking values were close to 22%. This
is similar to values in sweet cherry cultivars. Sour Tree evaluation is summarised in Table 7. In sweet
cherries, in all cases, had a flattened shape, with spheri- cherry trees, very diverse vegetative habits were
Figure 3. Comparison of stalk length and fruit volume in cherry cultivars ‘Guindo del País 1’ (left) and ‘Guindo To-
matillo 1’ (right).
52 R. Pérez-Sánchez et al. / Span J Agric Res (2008) 6(1), 42-55
Table 6. Qualitative fruit parameters in sweet (sw) (P. avium L.) and sour (so) (P. cerasus L.) cherry cultivars
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
‘Ambrunés Especial’ (sw) Mahogany Pink Red Kidney shaped / Round-elongate Concave-even Weak None
‘Aragonesa’ (sw) Mahogany Purple Purple Kidney shaped / Round-elongate Concave-even Weak None
‘Blanca de Provenza’ (sw) Yellow Cream-white Colourless Flat-round / round Elongate Even Weak None
‘Boba’ (sw) Vermillion on Cream-white Colourless Elongate-cordate Elongate Concave-even Strong None
yellow ground
‘Burlat’ (sw) Mahogany Pink Purple Kidney shape / Elongate Concave Weak None
‘California’ (sw) Mahogany Red Red Kidney-shaped Round-elongate Concave Weak None
‘Corazón Serrano’ (sw) Mahogany Red Red Cordate Round-oval Pointed Weak None
‘Costalera’ (sw) Vermillion Cream-white Colourless Elongate-cordate Round-elongate Pointed Medium None
‘De Valero’ (sw) Mahogany-black Red Purple Elongate-cordate Round-elongate Concave-even Weak None
‘Del País 1’ (sw) Vermillion Cream-white Colourless Elongate Round-elongate Concave-even Weak None
‘Del País 2’ (sw) Vermillion Cream-white Colourless Elongate Round-elongate Concave-even Weak None
‘Del País T’ (sw) Vermillion Cream-white Colourless Elongate Round-elongate Concave-even Weak None
‘Del Valle’ (sw) Mahogany-black Purple Red Kidney-shaped Round-oval Concave-even Weak None
‘Garrafal Napoleón’ (sw) Vermillion on Cream-white Colourless Elongate-cordate Elongate Concave-even Strong None
yellow ground
‘Guindo del País 1’ (so) Vermillion Cream-white Colourless Flat-round Round Concave-even Weak Few
‘Guindo del País 2’ (so) Orange red Cream-white Colourless Flat-round Round Concave-even Medium Few
‘Guindo Garrafal Negro’ (so) Mahogany-black Red-purple Red-purple Flat-round Round Concave-even Weak Few
‘Guindo Tomatillo 1’ (so) Orange red Cream-white Colourless Flat-round Round Concave-even Medium Few
‘Guindo Tomatillo 2’ (so) Orange red Cream-white Colourless Flat-round Round Concave-even Medium Few
‘Jarandilla’ (sw) Mahogany Red Red Kidney-shaped Round-oval Concave Weak None
‘Lamper’ (sw) Vermillion on Cream-white Colourless Elongate-cordate Round-oval Concave-even Strong None
yellow ground
‘Mollar’ (sw) Vermillion Cream-white Colourless Kidney-shaped Elongate Even-pointed Medium None
‘Monzón’ (sw) Vermillion on Cream-white Colourless Elongate-cordate Elongate Concave-even Strong None
yellow ground
‘Moracha’ (sw) Mahogany-black Red Purple Elongate-cordate Round-elongate Concave-even Weak None
‘Pedro Merino’ (sw) Vermillion Red Pink Kidney - shaped Round-oval Concave-even Medium None
‘Pical’ (sw) Vermillion Cream-white Colourless Cordate Elongate Pointed Strong None
‘Pico Negro’ (sw) Mahogany-black Red Purple Cordate Elongate Even Weak None
‘Picota’ (sw) Mahogany Cream-white Colourless Cordate Round-elongate Concave-even Weak None
‘Rabo Largo Negra’ (sw) Mahogany-black Red Purple Elongate-cordate Round-elongate Concave-even Weak None
‘Ramón Oliva’ (sw) Mahogany Purple Purple Kidney shaped / Round-elongate Concave-even Weak None
‘Reondal’ (sw) Mahogany-black Red Purple Kidney-shaped Round-elongate Concave-even Weak None
observed, from very upright or upright to completely from ‘Del País 1’ and ‘Del País 2’, which are generically
drooping. ‘Costalera’, ‘Burlat’ and ‘Pico Negro’ called ‘Del País’ sweet cherry by local growers, due to
exhibited a habit between upright and very upright. its habit among other reasons. ‘Del País 1’ and ‘Del
‘Del País T’ was the only sweet cherry cultivar that País 2’ also have a spreading habit. Gella et al. (2001)
had a drooping growth habit. This cultivar was different and Moreno and Manzano (2002) also observed that
Sweet, sour and duke cherry agromorphological characterization 53
Table 7. Tree habit in sweet (sw) (P. avium L.) and sour (so) ‘Burlat’, ‘Pico Negro’ and ‘Pico Colorado’ had a quite
(P. cerasus L.) cherry cultivars upright growth habit. In sour cherry there were also
Cultivar Tree habit clear differences in vegetative habit among ‘Guindo
Tomatillo 1’, ‘Guindo Tomatillo 2’, ‘Guindo Garrafal
‘Ambrunés Especial’ (sw) Spreading-drooping Negro’, ‘Guindo del País 2’ and ‘Guindo del País 1’.
‘Aragonesa’ (sw) Spreading-drooping
‘Blanca de Provenza’ (sw) Medium-spreading
The latter cultivar had a completely drooping or bush-
‘Boba’ (sw) Spreading-drooping like shape. The other cultivars had a medium growth
‘Burlat’ (sw) Upright habit that was more similar to that of sweet cherry trees
‘California’ (sw) Medium-spreading (Fig. 4).
‘Corazón Serrano’ (sw) Medium-spreading
‘Costalera’ (sw) Very upright
‘De Valero’ (sw) Spreading-drooping
‘Del País 1’ (sw) Spreading Duke cherry cultivars
‘Del País 2’ (sw) Spreading
‘Del País T’ (sw) Drooping
‘Del Valle’ (sw) Spreading In view of the agromorphological results obtained
‘Garrafal Napoleón’ (sw) Spreading-drooping for the sour cherry cultivars, it seems that ‘Guindo del
‘Guindo del País 1’ (so) Drooping País 1’ belong to the species P. cerasus L., because it
‘Guindo del País 2’ (so) Medium exhibits all of the characteristics proper to sour cherry
‘Guindo Garrafal Negro’ (so) Spreading trees, among them a completely bush-like shape. The
‘Guindo Tomatillo 1’ (so) Medium
‘Guindo Tomatillo 2’ (so) Medium other sour cherry cultivars studied, which had been
‘Jarandilla’ (sw) Medium considered a priori to be sour cherry cultivars, could
‘Lamper’ (sw) Medium-spreading have originated from a cross of local cultivar of
‘Mollar’ (sw) Upright-medium P. avium L. × P. cerasus L., because tree, flower, leaf
‘Monzón’ (sw) Spreading-drooping and fruit characteristics are intermediate between
‘Moracha’ (sw) Spreading-drooping
‘Pedro Merino’ (sw) Spreading-drooping
sweet and sour cherry (Table 3). They would therefore
‘Pical’ (sw) Spreading belong to the species currently named Prunus ×
‘Pico Negro’ (sw) Upright gondouinii Rehd. (Faust and Suranyi, 1997; Saunier
‘Picota’ (sw) Upright and Claverie, 2001). Tavaud et al. (2004) also identified
‘Rabo Largo Negra’ (sw) Spreading-drooping 12 cultivars of P. × gondouinii Rehd. which exhibited
‘Ramón Oliva’ (sw) Spreading-drooping
tree and fruit characteristics that were intermediate
‘Reondal’ (sw) Medium-spreading
between sweet and sour cherry.
Figure 4. Comparison of the drooping vegetative habit of cherry cultivars ‘Guindo del País 1’ (left) and the intermediate vegetati-
ve habit of ‘Guindo Tomatillo 2’ (right).
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