C Design - of - 8 - Bit - Comparator - Using - 45nm - CM
C Design - of - 8 - Bit - Comparator - Using - 45nm - CM
C Design - of - 8 - Bit - Comparator - Using - 45nm - CM
Abstract: In this paper design of 8- bit binary comparator using 45nm CMOS technology is discussed.
This design needs less area and less number of transistors, also discussed about power and execution time. The
circuit has three output X, Y and Z. X is active high, when A>B, Y is active high when A=B and Z is active high
when both X and Y are active low. Design 1- bit comparator with the help of precharge gate. The design of 1-bit
comparator has been extended to implement an 8-bit comparator by connecting in series with pass
transistor between them. The design has been implemented in Microwind3.1, is tested successfully and
has been validated using Pspice for different measurable parameter.
Keywords: Power, VLSI, 45nm CMOS technology, area, no of transistors, execution time.
I. Introduction
Binary comparator is widely used in digital system to compare between two numbers. Binary
comparators are found in a wide variety of circuits, such as microprocessors, communications systems,
encryption devices, and many others. A faster, more power efficient, or more compact comparator would be an
advantage in any of these circuits. A circuit that compares two binary numbers is called comparator. It also
decides whether both numbers are equal or not equal.
In this paper, we present two CMOS unsigned binary comparators. Our approaches is first to design 1-
bit comparator as one component and then generate its symbol to design 8-bit comparator.
Here we use Microwind3.1 to draw the layout of the CMOS circuit. Then we extract the spice file in
Microwind3.1 and run under PSPICE to get the simulation.
So we can say that the output is low (if and only ifA<=B).The output becomes high when input A
becomesgreater than input B.
VII. Conclusion
This paper has described different designs for CMOS binary comparator and show different parameter
like area, power, execution time and number of transistor. This design needs less area and less number of
gates.CMOS circuit is used to construct the comparator by using the logic relation between different
input and output. A Karnaugh map is used to minimize the representation of function..
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