Exploring Powerline Networking For The Smart Build

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Exploring Powerline Networking for the Smart Building

Article · January 2011

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Pat Pannuto
University of California, Berkeley


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Exploring Powerline Networking for the Smart Building

Pat Pannuto Prabal Dutta

Computer Science and Engineering Division Computer Science and Engineering Division
University of Michigan University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Ann Arbor, MI 48109
ppannuto@eecs.umich.edu prabal@eecs.umich.edu

The SmartGrid is ushering in an era of new IP endpoints that al- A growing number of wireless sensors are being used to instru-
ready reside on the power grid today, but lack network connectiv- ment wired loads in support of SmartGrid efforts. The goal, in
ity. Many of these endpoints – refrigerators, air conditioners, and many cases, is to increase visibility and control over building loads
power strips – will be networked wirelessly. However, since they to make them more responsive to the supply and demand of grid
already exist on the power grid, a natural question is whether they power. Today, most of these sensors connect wirelessly, and some
might be networked over the same wires that supply their power. employ IP-based communications, to support data collection and
Such an approach would allow SmartGrid sensors to vacate increas- device control [5, 7, 15]. A natural question that arises, since these
ingly congested spectrum and allow information to flow along the devices are already attached to the electrical wiring within a build-
same path as power, perhaps simplifying deployment in the short ing, is whether the power wires might also be used for network con-
term and deep demand response in the long term. In this paper nectivity. Much like the Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) technology has
we explore the current state of Powerline Communications (PLC) simplified powering a range of networked devices (e.g. IP phones,
and explore the efficacy of PLC as a sensor network backbone in wireless APs, and sensor gateways), IP-over-Power (“IPoP”) could
a modern building. We evaluate several different PLC modems in simplify the deployment of smart and responsive plug loads.
both end-to-end and multi-hop configurations. We further analyze Powerline Communications (PLC) is a decades-old technology
building blueprints to identify and correlate several PLC “disrup- that is experiencing yet another renaissance [3]. While it is an
tors” – building facets that inhibit PLC. Our preliminary results appealing technology to facilitate and simplify networking, PLC
show that PLC is a promising technology for networking sensors has not yet seen widespread adoption. One reason for the slow
in the Smart Building. However, a number of anomalies suggest a growth of PLC is a general malaise that the technology simply will
more in-depth study is warranted. not work and will not scale, as described to us by utility indus-
try insiders. PLC has seen some growth in residential network-
Categories and Subject Descriptors ing [14], but to the best of our knowledge, has seen relatively little
commercial- and industrial-scale deployment. Previous work has
B.4.1 [Hardware]: Input/Output and Data Communications—Data performed an in-depth analysis of PLC technology in theory, labo-
Communications Devices; C.2.5 [Computer Systems Organiza- ratory, and home settings [6], as well as in extremely harsh environ-
tion]: Computer-Communication Networks—Local and Wide-Area ments [8], however we are unaware of any investigations exploring
Networks the operation and dynamics of large PLC network, nor any PLC
network in a medium to large scale building.
General Terms In this paper, we begin to explore the challenges of using existing
building wiring to network intelligent plug loads. We ground our
Experimentation, Measurement, Performance, Reliability, Standard-
study in a modern computer science and engineering building. This
work seeks to identify the powerline networking characteristics of
such buildings, and in so doing, determine the feasibility of net-
Keywords working with PLC. We also seek to identify potential PLC “disrup-
Powerline Communications, PLC, IPv6, 6LoWPAN, Sensor Net- tors” – building facets that would inhibit PLC – and find unintended
works (over-the-air) coupling between adjacent power subtrees, physical
attenuators, and wiring anomalies. Our preliminary results suggest
that a building-wide PLC network is plausible, leaving to follow on
work the details of its design, construction, and evaluation.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides an overview of PLC Technology, including a brief survey of
technologies, standards, and implementations. Section 3 describes
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for our testbed – a university building – and details the electrical “sub-
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are nets” of the building’s fourth floor. Section 4 describes our exper-
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
iments, including assessment noise floor, connectivity, broadcast
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific performance, and electrical interference. Section 5 summarize our
permission and/or a fee. findings and identifies future work.
IP+SN’11, April 11, 2011, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Copyright 2011 ACM X-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX ...$10.00.
Technology PHY Bitrate (Ideal) Modulation MAC Datarate (Empirical) Standard / Proprietary Application Space
X10 20 bps ASK N/A Standard Basic Home Control
Insteon 2,880 bps BPSK N/A Proprietary Basic Home Control
Ariane 30 kbps FSK N/A Proprietary Building Control
HomePlug 1.0 14 Mbps OFDM 1-5 Mbps Standard IPoP
HomePlug AV 200 Mbps OFDM 45-80 Mbps Standard IPoP

Table 1: A summary of PLC technologies comparing listed (marketed) PHY speeds and the (more practical) measured MAC speeds.

Several different major PLC technologies have emerged over the
years including X10, Insteon, Ariane, HomePlug 1.0, and Home-
Plug AV, as shown in Table 1.
X10 was the first PLC technology and is widely deployed in
home automation and hobbyist setups where basic connectivity is
all that is required and bandwidth is not of much value. X10 sends
bits on the zero-crossings of the 60 Hz AC wave. This vastly sim-
plifies X10 controllers, as there is no need for any form of synchro-
nization beyond the 60 Hz AC line. While useful in its domain,
X10’s limited throughput make it unsuitable as a network back-
bone, even for low-rate sensor systems at modest scale.
Insteon is both a company and a PLC protocol specification. It
aimed to be an iterative improvement over X10 as all Insteon de-
vices are backwards-compatible with X10, despite being a com-
pletely different protocol (Insteon devices have two modems to fa-
cilitate this function, which should be considered primarily as fur-
ther evidence for the low cost of X10 hardware). Insteon utilizes
Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK) on a 131.65 kHz carrier wave
which allows for a sustained data rate of nearly 3 kbps [4]. Op-
erating at a relatively low carrier frequency, Insteon is sometimes
vulnerable to interference from electrical devices introducing noise
into the system. In addition, Insteon’s bandwidth still remains too
limited to be feasible as a network backbone, especially as the num-
ber of endpoints grows to dozens or hundreds.
Ariane Controls introduced another proprietary PLC protocol.
It utilizes narrowband Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) with a run-
time configurable carrier (50-500kHz). This allows for PHY speeds Figure 1: An annotated schematic of the 4th floor of the CSE build-
of up to 30 kbps. This milestone is particularly noteworthy as it ing. The 4th floor (4R) is subdivided into 3 electrically distinct
is on par with first generation 802.15.4 networks in the 868/915 sections (4RA, 4RB, 4RC), which are further subdivided into two
MHz bands (20/40 kbps PHY respectively). In addition, Ariane primary circuits (e.g. 4RA1, 4RA2). Nodes (outlet boxes) are each
provides easily available hardware for immediate development to uniquely numbered (e.g. 4RA2-21).
both small-scale and large-scale distributors.
HomePlug 1.0 is the first PLC technology geared towards net-
working over power lines. The underlying technology is Orthogo- A new spec, HomePlug AV2 is currently under active develop-
nal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) on any of 84 chan- ment and is expected to be complete later this year (mid 2011) [12].
nels (76 in the US) ranging between 4.49 and 20.7 MHz. HomePlug HomePlug AV2 will offer speeds up to 1 Gbps at the physical layer
1.0 has a theoretical upper bound of 14 Mbps throughput, however (600 Mbps at the MAC layer).
such speeds are rarely achieved outside of ideal conditions. One
measured home found 5 Mbps between 80% of endpoints and at 3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
least 1 Mbps between 98% of endpoints [6]. Our experiments con-
We ran our experiments in the Computer Science and Engineer-
firm these findings, and furthermore show that in a modern office
ing (CSE) Building at the University of Michigan. CSE is one of
building with new wiring, it is possible to achieve nearly 5 Mbps.
the newest buildings on campus, constructed between 2003 and
HomePlug AV is the newest PLC standard, introduced in Au-
2005. It has four usable floors that house a mix of offices, labs,
gust 2005. It offers a throughput of about 80 Mbps at the MAC
conference rooms, classrooms, machine rooms, and large open ar-
layer (it is worth noting that the physical layer achieves 200 Mbps,
eas. The upper three floors are architecturally similar. Figure 1
and is often the marketed number, however not the practically ob-
shows the 4th Floor of the CSE building, annotated with our test
served figure). HomePlug AV also utilizes OFDM, although it uses
points and the floor’s electrical divisions (or subnets). The floor is
adaptive modulation and a slightly wider frequency range (1.8 to
divided into three electrically distinct divisions.
30 MHz) to reach 1155 OFDM sub-carriers, far exceeding Home-
We digress briefly now to explain the power distribution of the
Plug 1.0’s 84 [12]. Our experiments found much greater variation
CSE building, based on our own (possibly incorrect) analysis. From
in achieved throughput with HomePlug AV, in some cases ranging
our understanding, CSE’s power distribution scheme is typical of
from 45 Mbps to 80 Mbps on the same physical connection.
many modern buildings, and thus is an appropriate model.
We introduce some additional nomenclature to ease future dis-
cussion. We define 4A, 4B, and 4C to be the three “sections” of the
building. We define 4A1 and 4A2 to be two “subsections” within
the 4A section. Within each subsection we define a node. A node
corresponds to any individual circuit of a subsection, that is to say
that in a subsection’s breaker box there is one circuit breaker for ev-
ery node. Typically, nodes represent 2 or 4 outlets on a wall some-
(a) A typical 480 V / 208 Y conversion (here V and Y indicate where in the building. When wiring a building, an effort is made to
Delta and Wye transformers respectively). Notice that on the output distribute load evenly across the three phase taps of the Wye trans-
between any phase and neutral is 120V former; thus if a circuit box for 4RA1 had 60 breakers (nodes), one
would expect 20 of them to be connected to each phase tap. We
name nodes identically to the building blueprints, thus “4RA2-31”
would be node number 31 of subsection A2, section A. The largest
subsection contained 70 such nodes.


In this section we explore in some detail the characteristics of
two PLC modems: A HomePlug 1.0 modem from Netgear (model
number XET1001) and a HomePlug AV modem from ZyXEL (model
number PLA-401). If data for only one pair of modems is pre-
sented, it is assumed to be the HomePlug AV modems.
(b) A simplified diagram of a typical installation. Considering sec-
tion 4A of the CSE building as an example, DP-2DA would be 4.1 Noise Floor
the "Secondary Transformer" in this diagram; TX-4RA1 and TX- We begin by comparing the power provided in CSE to household
4RA2 would be two "Transformer"s. power (the more traditional PLC domain). Figure 3 compares the
power signature of a student’s apartment to that observed in the
Figure 2: Diagrams taken from http://www.electrical-design- CSE building. The CSE building’s power is much cleaner. This
tutor.com/threephasetransformers.html result is promising, as one of PLC’s greatest limitations is noise on
the power lines. However, as PLC has shown promise in the home
– selling over 65 million HomePlug devices to date [13] – we find
The electric company (and a backup generator) provide a 3-phase it a reasonable hypothesis that it will work as well or better in a
480V main supply to the building. This input is fed into several dif- cleaner environment.
ferent transformers depending which logical and physical section
of the building is being fed. Since lighting and HVAC are gen- 4.2 Connectivity
erally high-amperage systems, there are great effeciency gains to Our first PLC experiment is one of basic connectivity. The re-
running them directly at a higher voltage. In the CSE building this sults are summarized in Figure 4. The connectivity aligns well with
means they are run off of two of the three phases of a 480V input what we know of the building’s power distribution. Nodes on the
line (120◦ of 480V is 277V). As a result, lighting and HVAC are same electrical subsystem (e.g. 4RA2) are all capable of commu-
“electrically isolated” from the “outlet power.” This is useful for nicating with one another; nodes on the same section (4RA) but
PLC modems as it provides more isolation from the high-frequency different subsystems (4RA1, 4RA2) are only sometimes capable of
feedback sometimes introduced by fluorescent light fixtures or the weak communication, or in the case of 4RA1-45 and 4RA2-70, no
electrical noise generated by HVAC equipment. “Outlet power” connectivity at all.
is fed by a 480 V / 208 Y / 120 V 3-phase transformer, that is, a We take a moment now to explore the interesting links provided
480 V to 208 V Delta-Wye 3-phase transformer, with 120 V be- by the nodes 4RB2-1, 4RB2-38, and 4RB1-2 (show in Figure 5).
tween each output phase and neutral. Figure 2 shows the details of Specifically, we observe that pairwise, 4RB2-1 and 4RB2-38 can
typical wiring configuration that follows this approach. communicate, 4RB2-38 and 4RB1-2 can (weakly) communicate,
Each floor of the CSE building is supplied by six such transform- however 4RB2-1 cannot reach 4RB1-2. When a modem is placed
ers: TX-4RA1, TX-4RA2, TX-4RB1, TX-4RB2, TX-4RC1, and at all three of these nodes, 4RB2-1 is still incapable of commu-
TX-4RC2; TX-4RA1 and TX-4RA2 are supplied by the common nicating with 4RB1-2. In fact, only two of the three nodes can
DP-2DA, TX-4RB1 and TX-4RB2 from DP-2DB, and TX-4RC1 ever communicate successfully, depending on initialization order.
and TX-4RC2 from DP-2DC. The previous bears some explana- Whichever link (4RB2-1 <–> 4RB2-38 or 4RB2-1 <–> 4RB1-2)
tion. Firstly, let us break open the abbreviations and acronyms: is established first will dominate and the other link’s connectivity
“TX” is Transformer and “DP” is Distribution Power (a transformer is lost. This result is extremely interesting as it indicates that two
directly connected to the “power distribution center” – the electric disjoint PLC networks cannot trivially be joined by the addition of
company’s lines). Figure 2b shows this graphically. The 4’s all a modem capable of seeing both networks.
indicate the fourth floor of the building, which is the floor that we
consider here. The letters ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ indicate the distribu- 4.3 PLC as a Broadcast Network
tion transformers from which the circuit is drawing. Each distribu- We explore further from the previous insight and attempt to briefly
tion transformer powers two step-down transformers (e.g. DP-2DA characterize PLC as a network. PLC nodes form a broadcast net-
supplies TX-4RA1 and TX-4RA2). From this initial understanding work, that is traffic sent from 4RA2-70 to 4RA2-21 will also be
we hypothesize that the fourth floor is divided into six “electrically seen by 4RA2-26. Broadcast networks, such as WiFi, have scala-
isolated” regions, which we shall name 4A1, 4A2, 4B1, 4B2, 4C1, bility problems [16, 18]. Even with a well designed time-division
and 4C2. mechanism, only so many nodes can contend and communicate ef-





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Figure 4: Connectivity of a sampling of nodes. Note that the con-
Frequency (Hz)
nectivity indicated by dashed lines is extremely atypical. A node
may either connect to all of its solid-line neighbors, or only one
(a) An Apartment Building of it’s dashed-line neighbors; if a node connects to a dashed-line
50000 neighbor, it can connect to none of its other neighbors. This bizarre
connectivity is shown in more detail in Figure 5.





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Frequency (Hz)
(b) CSE Building Figure 5: The PLC Connectivity “triangle”. In our observation of
PLC systems, for a set of nodes to cooperate, all nodes must be able
Figure 3: A comparison of the “baseline” noise floor power signa- to see one another. If any node established a “weak” link, the two
tures of an apartment building and CSE. While neither environment weakly connected nodes would form their own network partition.
has much (any) noise in the 1-30MHz range of HomePlug tech-
nologies, we observe a much cleaner line in the CSE building than
a home. We infer then that if PLC is shown to work in the home, it
should work as well or better in CSE. with adjacent subsections either bridged or routed. With this com-
parison in mind, we argue empirically that if WiFi scales, PLC
should as well, with some important caveats.
Conceptually, the issue of PLC as a broadcast network has been
ficiently in a single collision domain and still expect successful data addressed before [2, 17], however to our knowledge it has never
transfer to occur. We find, then, the compartmentalization of PLC actually been tested in practice. Given the plethora of varying PLC
networks to isolated subsections of the building to be of great ben- models ([1, 9, 10], and many others), this is distressing. While
efit rather than issue and we argue that given the current capacity of our initial results would tend to agree with the hypothesis that PLC
PLC networking technology this separation of networks is required can support many nodes, we are somewhat troubled by the results
for PLC to be a feasible technology on a building-wide scale. of Section 4.2, and find the interconnection of isolated PLC net-
Continuing with the WiFi analogy, an entire building may be works to still be an open problem. We find that, like the failure of
covered by WiFi, but it must be done with several wireless routers, early wireless models to predict actual wireless performance, per-
each covering a specific subsection of the building; were one wire- haps simple models of PLC are insufficient, and a true, large-scale
less router to cover the entire building, the many hundreds of nodes deployment is necessary to accurately evaluate the technology [11].
(computers, phones, etc) would not receive sufficient bandwidth to
communicate. By the nature of the technology, however, the size 4.4 PLC and Electrical Interference
of the individual broadcast networks is restricted and individual One of the most common concerns with PLC is electrical inter-
broadcast networks are connected via Ethernet (or other means). ference, both the interference caused by PLC technology and exist-
We observe then that PLC is very similar to WiFi: while WiFi is ing interference disrupting PLC technology. We explored the issue
geographically isolated, PLC is electrically isolated. In PLC, each of existing interference in Section 3, but we cover it more in depth
electrical subsection creates its own, restricted “broadcast” network here. We also examine potential interference caused by PLC use.
4.4.1 Interference caused by PLC Recall the CSE floorplan (Figure 1), 4RA2 and 4RB2 share a large,
Recall that PLC is restricted to a range of 1-30 MHz. PLC mod- long common wall; were wireless accountable for the 4RA1 and
ulation is also on the order of hundreds of millivolts, less than 4RA2 connectivity, we would expect it to also be present for some
1% of a 120V AC line. The interference caused for other elec- degree of 4RA2 and 4RB2 connectivity, yet none could be found.
trical devices by PLC is thus minimal and well within the noise
threshold of Figure 3. There is, however, an issue of wireless 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
interference. As PLC is operating at such a high frequency, the Our results suggest that PLC is a viable technology to network
power lines themselves can act as antenna elements, radiating PLC a smart building’s wired devices. However, a larger-scale deploy-
signals wirelessly as well as the intended wired. Indeed, we ob- ment would be needed to validate the preliminary observations at
served this phenomenon on accident, achieving a very weak (~60% realistic scale and with realistic workloads. We find, surprisingly,
packet loss) connection between two disjoint networks physically that our particular test building – a CSE building – offers much
near each other on one occasion. DSL technology suffers from this cleaner power (fewer harmonics) than a typical apartment build-
same drawback, but most DSL lines are buried underground and ing. A broader corpus of building noise floor data are needed to
extraneous radio waves are absorbed by the Earth. Power lines, determine how common this phenomenon is, and whether it could
however, are often above ground and causing interference. improve the SNR of PLC. We find excellent connectivity within
In our case, the power lines run through the building walls, which “electrical” divisions or subnets under certain circumstances but
we have directly observed to be insufficiently dense to block wire- we also observe some peculiarities with today’s PLC technology,
less PLC emissions. Fortunately, PLC was designed with this in including persistent network partitions, that must be addressed for
mind [17]. Recall that PLC is bounded to 1-30 MHz; this extremely the approach to be usable.
limited spectral range is primarily for this purpose. Going lower These results are sufficiently promising to warrant going forward
than ~1 MHz runs into issues of existing interference on the line with the exploration of PLC as a viable physical and link layer for
from other electronic devices; going higher is prohibited not be- wired sensor networks. However, we do not believe that it is a
cause of physical or technological limitations, but rather to limit forgone conclusion that PLC will be an ideal physical layer for
the emissions from PLC. PLC vastly limits its potential frequency many devices. Plug load meter design, for example, is already
range – and as a consequence its potential line capacity – to prevent challenging enough having to meter the same wires that provide
generating harmful interference. power. Adding data communications to this interface may compli-
cate an already tricky design space. In the future, we plan to run
4.4.2 Interference affecting PLC IPv6/6LoWPAN directly over the PLC “links,” scale up our efforts
We observed in Figure 3b that the CSE building power is very to span multiple floors, and evaluate end-to-end performance of the
clean, with little or no noise anywhere near PLC spectra. Assuming network over multiple hops with multiple contending traffic flows.
that this is similar to other office buildings, we focus instead on Eventually, we envision, that PLC will become just another inter-
interference caused by physical obstacles, specifically we seek to face to another physical and link layer, alongside serial and radio,
characterize the weak leaks, such as the connection of 4RA1-45 to and IPv6 packets will simply have one more forwarding choice.
the rest of the 4RA2 subnetwork.
A preliminary analysis is shown in Figure 6. Here we see a
strong difference between an “easy” connection – two nodes on 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the same powerstrip, a “medium” connection – two nodes on the We thank Jeremy Nash for providing the powerline noise figures
same subsection, and a “hard” connection – two nodes on the same and assisting with data collection for the powerline spectra for the
section, but different subsections (there is no connectivity between various modems, Brian Rice for providing us detailed blueprints
nodes on different sections). We first observe that both modems in- of the CSE Building and several guided tours through many of its
telligently adapt their power profiles to send only as strong a signal power distribution facilities, Thomas Schmid and Aaron Schulman
as is required to reach the other node. As seen in Figures 6c and for helpful discussion and detailed comments on drafts of the paper,
6f, however, there is a maximum power transmission (empirically and the anonymous reviewers for their insightful and constructive
about 250 mV and 350 mV for the HomePlug 1.0 and HomePlug feedback. This material is supported in part by National Science
AV modems respectively) Foundation Award #0964120 (“CNS-NeTS”).
To analyze the difference, we first refer you back to Section 3
which discussed the power distribution in the CSE building. Specif- 7. REFERENCES
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500 500 500

400 400 400

300 300 300



200 200 200

100 100 100

0 0 0
0 5e+06 1e+07 1.5e+07 2e+07 2.5e+07 3e+07 0 5e+06 1e+07 1.5e+07 2e+07 2.5e+07 3e+07 0 5e+06 1e+07 1.5e+07 2e+07 2.5e+07 3e+07
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

(a) HomePlug 1.0 Powerstrip (b) HomePlug 1.0 Strong (c) HomePlug 1.0 Weak

500 500 500

400 400 400

300 300 300



200 200 200

100 100 100

0 0 0
0 5e+06 1e+07 1.5e+07 2e+07 2.5e+07 3e+07 0 5e+06 1e+07 1.5e+07 2e+07 2.5e+07 3e+07 0 5e+06 1e+07 1.5e+07 2e+07 2.5e+07 3e+07
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

(d) HomePlug AV Powerstrip (e) HomePlug AV Strong (f) HomePlug AV Weak

Figure 6: A comparison of the spectra generated by two different PLC modems. All six subgraphs are 1-30 MHz on the x-axis and 0-500 mV
on the y-axis. The first row uses a pair of HomePlug 1.0 modems and the second row uses a pair of HomePlug AV modems. The first column
shows the signal when the modems are connected trivially via powerstrip, the second column is a connection on the same subsection, and
the third column is a connection on the same section but different subsections. Comparing HomePlug 1.0 and HomePlug AV, observe the
increased spectrum usage of HomePlug AV, both modems fall within their specified ranges (4.49-20.7 MHz and 1.8-30 MHz respectively),
providing confirmation of the correctness of the spectral data analysis. As the underlying physical link becomes “weaker,” we observe both
modems increasing the amplitude of their transmission power, until peak transmit power is reached and link quality ultimately degrades.

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