Spitfire Notes From Edgar Brooks - 201605150632 PDF
Spitfire Notes From Edgar Brooks - 201605150632 PDF
Spitfire Notes From Edgar Brooks - 201605150632 PDF
Version: 201605150632
In response to a compliment I paid Edgar regarding his Spitfire knowledge:
Thanks for the compliment, but I always quote the Service definition of "expert" i.e. "Ex" =
"hasbeen," and "spurt" = "drip, under pressure." As far as I'm concerned, I'm simply a
researcher; somebody asked me how I know so much (I did point out the error of that
statement,) and I just told him that I'm an inveterate noseyparker, where the Spitfire's
General Notes
Compressed Air Tanks
Paint & Colors
Underwing roundel application (1940)
RAF Code Letters
Seats & Harnesses
Sky Color
Sky Band
Wheel wells & Undercarriage
Gun cover patches
Version Notes
Early Mk. Is
Mk. II
Mk V
Mk. Vb carrying bombs
Wing stiffeners
Mk. IX
Detail documents from Edgar Brooks
Mk. XVI Notes
Mk. 22/24
Modeling Notes
Revell’s 1/32 Spitfire Mk. II Notes
Spitfire Mk.I from Revell Mk.II kit
Tamiya Mk. Vb
Eduard 1/48 Spitfire Mk. IXc
General Notes
Fittings, for crowbars, were installed, on the I & II, from February, 1941, and the crowbars,
themselves, were factoryfitted from January, 1942 (mods 320 & 483 apply.) I read
(somewhere!) that the positioning of the stencils depended on the factory, and the Pilot's notes
seem to bear this out, with Spitfires generally having two stencils readable up or down, with
Seafires having a single stencil readable from the side. At a model show, many years ago, a
man (obviously an expilot) commented to me "All these lovely Spitfire models, but, you know,
all the time that I was flying I never saw a red crowbar; green, black, or silver, never red."
The 170 gal tank was also dropable. For the Spitfire there was also a possibility of having an
underseat fuel tank installed (closer to the CoG than the rear fuel tank), used on some early PR
Not once you put the radio & IFF gear back in, plus armour, which the P.R. aircraft normally
didn't carry.
There was also possibility of 10 extra gals in the front tank(s), that was used to that cause in Mk
VIII and modified Mk IXs, among other
If you mean the tanks in the leading edges, they couldn't be fitted to the V, and were only on the
VII, VIII, XIV & XVIII, not the IX (or XVI for that matter.)
Paint & Colors
Wartime aircraft did not have a coat of varnish; that was postwar. Squadrons had Aircraft
Finishers, who were advised to do any necessary retouching, then sand smooth with
wetanddry paper, followed by a wash over the whole airframe with clean water. The glossy
patches under that aircraft have all the appearance of pools of water, which one could expect if
it had been subject to a "bull" session before the VIPs arrived.
Any pilot who had his aircraft wax polished went totally against the advice of I.C.I. (who trained
the Aircraft Finishers,) since the wax soaked into the paint making a retouch impossible, so that
the whole paint had to be stripped off, and done again.
Do you know if RAF roundels were applied over any sort of primer, before the colour coats went
down please or did they go straight on to the camo? (via Steve Budd)
Everything I’ve seen indicates that the roundels were mostly painted before the camouflage,
then masked off while the camouflage was added. It’s possible to find photographs of fuselages
with roundels, but no camouflage. If the paint was applied using mats for the pattern, having one
for each roundel would be just another item to position; it appears that some factories may have
used a handheld mask in a quartercircle shape. Given the shortages of some paint
ingredients, by midwar, applying paint, which would only disappear under the roundel, would
probably have been frowned on.
All components were primed before painting, either a grey in the case of metal items, or the
basic red dope on fabric; the intermediate silver was basically discontinued during the war
(except on the Mosquito,) probably to conserve aluminium, and wartime aircraft weren’t
expected to last 5 years (the usual anticipated life of the fabric) anyway.
Cockpit colors
Specification F.7/30, 11031 for the "Single Seater Day and Night Fighter" prototype designated
that the cockpit should be "painted internally with an approved greygreen paint," and some
Hawker biplanes had green in (parts of) their interiors. The S6 seaplanes had green interiors, as
did the Gladiator, so it was early 30s. I'd hazard a guess that the reason was simply pilot
comfort; green has always been viewed as a restful colour.
Remember that the Hurricane was basically a structure of metal tubes, with everything built on
to it; like the Spitfire, Hawker might have viewed it as internal structure, so it was painted silver.
The Pilot's Notes, for the Hurricane II, show the tubes as much lighter than the main part of the
cockpit, so it appears to have been general.
P.S. Anyone caught taking unofficial photographs, during 1940, risked being put on a "fizzer,"
hence the shortage.
BS216 EaudeNil is a light green, not far from the Spitfire cockpit green, which started life as
6071, in B.S.2660, which was first printed in 1955. The title, for B.S.2660, was "Colours for
building and decorative paints," and it was superseded by B.S. 4800 in 1972. So far, I've found
no evidence that EaudeNil ever existed prior to those dates; it certainly has no relationship to
wartime colours, according to the present issue of B.S.381C.
Paint finish
While I'm in my role as the theatre latecomer, who treads on everyone's toes as he enters, I
have, unfortunately, to point out that the late Mark Spitfire is one airframe which is not suited to
the preshading technique. From August, 1942, Supermarine (followed by Hawker and Bristol,
at least) began to use synthetic "smooth" paints, rather than the dead matt hues of 193941. On
the whole airframe, you had at least one coat of primer, followed by the camouflage colours,
and the entire airframe was constructed with overlapping panels, the majority of which faced the
rear, so dirt did not build up, nor did it ooze out of the joins. On the wings, the front 2025%,
back to, and including, the spar line, had all rivet "divots" and panel lines filled (just like the
P51,) then smoothed, then primed, smoothed, then painted with the smooth top colours, which
were also smoothed again. Polish was not supposed to be used; if damage showed, the ground
crew were supposed to smooth the surface with wetanddry, used wet, with the resultant
sludge being cleaned off with plain water.
All this really means that Tamiya have done a lot of unnecessary work, since a 3/8" rivet, set
flush with the surface, and covered with (at least) three coats of paint, reduced to 1/32 scale,
Email via Frank Daniels)
would be virtually invisible. (
Paint type & filling gaps (like the Mustang)
I've just answered a thread on Hyperscale, and thought that some of you might find it useful. I
only discovered the instructional drawings during my last visit to Hendon, and they're something
of an eyeopener, since you won't have to worry, too much, about all that scribing, if you want to
convert Tamiya's IX to an VIII.
On August 7th., 1942, a meeting was held, to discuss Supermarine's proposal to use smooth,
rather rhan matt, paints, and paints to D.T.D.517 were eventually settled on. This new finish
started, under mod 697, from September 25th., 1942,covered by drawing 30000 Sht.28 (of
which I have a copy,) and 30000 sht 54 (which I don't, yet.) These drawings originated in
October, 1939, and, with various updates, lasted throughout the war, though I only have a copy
of the 1942, and postwar, versions of sheet 28.
All of the airframe received an undercoat, of either U.P.1, or U.P.2 (haven't found them, yet,)
grey undercoat, and special attention was to be paid to the front 20% of the wing l/e (top &
bottom,) just like the Mustang.
On the Seafire, this involved a coat of SOBAC primer, thinned 1030% with SOBAC thinner
"applying the thinnest coat possible consistent with complete covering," with a minimum of 1hr
air drying. "Rivet recesses, joints, etc., require to be levelled by the application, with a thin
bladed knife, of I.C.I. putty 147524. Air dry at least two hours: longer may be necessary in
some shops."
After "dry scuffing" with grade 220 Gydrodurasil paper, two coats of I.C.I. grey filler 1465 (not
absolutely sure of the numbers, they're almost illegible)thinned around 10% with SOBAC
thinners. One coat required 6 hours drying time; if two coats were needed, two hours had to be
allowed between them. This was rubbed down again, although a heavily thinned coat of
camouflage colour could be applied, first, as a guide. On the Seafire "D.T.D.517" drawing, it
states that SOBAC Hard Grey Stopper could be used instead of I.C.I. Putty 147524, and
SOBAC Grey Oil Filler instead of I.C.I. Filler 1465.
The Spitfire drawing just says that the l/e, back to the spar, must be "stopped" and filled....etc.
The minutes of the meeting stress this "20%" business, especially with regard to the span
wise panel line of the l/emainplane line. There's a copy of the draft minutes, of this meeting, in
a file in Kew; should anyone want a copy, just ask. The RAF Museum holds copies of many
Spitfire drawings, some of which I have, but they don't reproduce too well, since they're on
35mm negatives.
It was stated that this would add 50 hours to each Spitfire's production time, but obviously the
extra speed made it worthwhile.
This means, I'm sorry to say, that anyone, advising restorers to leave big gaps in their Spitfire
restorations, is really doing them no favours, at all.
Ocean Gray Adoption
Also, it is a fact that if you mix seven MSG plus one Black you do not get Ocean Grey, but Dark
Sea Grey.
(Edgar responded to this statement~ jb)
Sorry, but that is total nonsense; if the colour had been an alreadyavailable shade, they would
have been told to use it, not mess about mixing it from other colours. Also, with DSG readily
available, why would the letter (above) refer to "this new colour?"
On August 12th., 1941, Fighter Command sent a signal to the Air Ministry, repeated to Bomber,
Coastal, Flying Training and Maintenance Commands, GHQ Home Forces & the Admiralty, with
full details of the new scheme, as follows (the original is all in capitals, but I've reduced it to
lower case, out of respect to everybody's eyesight):
Operational experience in this Command has proved the necessity for a complete
change in colour scheme for day fighters and the following camouflage scheme has
been approved by Air Ministry (D.O.R.):
(i) Upper surfaces (a) Present Dark Green is to remain untouched (b ) Dark Earth is to
be replaced by a colour obtained by mixing seven parts of sea grey medium and one
part of cellon night.
(ii) Under surfaces are to be finished with sea grey medium.
(iii) Spinner to be sky type "S"
(iv) Squadron and aircraft identification letter are to be paintedin the standard size in sky
type "S"
(v) An 18" wide vertical band of sky type "S" is retained around the fuselage immediately
forward of the tail unit
(vi) Leading edges are to have a yellow strip applied on both wings from wing tip to half
way along wing
(vii) Standard national markings are retained
(viii) Registration number remains untouched
2. The change is commencing on 15 Aug 1941 with nos 10 11 and 12 Groups.
The remaining Groups will change over in the following order of priority as supplies of
dope become available. 13 14 9 82 and 81 Groups.
3. You are requested to inform all concerned. A.A. Command being informed directly by
this H.Q.
Note that this "new colour" is the only one without a name, in this signal, and I've highlighted the
part about supplies becoming available; that would hardly apply to DSG, a colour that had long
been in existence.
Prior to that signal, on 8th August 1941, the Air Ministry, themselves sent a signal to various
Commands, and, regarding fighters, it says "Upper surfaces Dark Green and Grey
camouflage," with all other areas, just like the above signal, having their colours named.
So far (and there are many more files to look through) the earliest reference, that I've found, to
Ocean Grey, is in a letter to the A.O.C., Fighter Command, Stanmore, regarding nightfighter
trials, which says "I am directed to refer to your letter FC/S.23594/Ops.3a, dated 29th January,
1942, and to inform you that the standard dark green and ocean grey colours are similar in
appearance to Nivo and dark grey, and when these paints are manufactured to give a mat
finish, they have the same light reflectivity."
All of the above points to Ocean Grey being a totally new colour, especially as the director, at
Farnborough, is asked, in that letter, to "prepare standards of this colour"? Standards = colour
samples, and Farnborough would be hardly likely to have to prepare new ones, for an
alradyexisting colour, would they?
In the letter, above, note that this Ocean Grey is given the number 36; Dark Sea Grey was 5.
Finally (I hope,) I have an explanatory letter, from the R.A.E. to the D.T.D., Harrogate, which
says that light slate grey and dark sea grey, in Lanolin camouflage paints, have the same
formulae as those given for the darker shades with the exception that slightly less carbon black
is required to obtain the correct shade.
Doesn't sound like sea grey medium + black to me.
The de Havilland 2pitch prop was installed in a number of Spitfires prior ww2 broke out, there is
a picture of such Spitfire Is at the Morgan & Shacklady book, pg. 54, dated 8th June 1939.
Constant speed props were installed in 1940?
The props were fitted by de Havilland teams, travelling across the country, just before the start
of the Battle.
ORBs show the early use of the Rotol propellers in Spits and Rotol had begun the large scale
production of its CS propellers with magnesium alloy blades in early 1939 according to an article
in 23 March 39 Flight magazine.
Which ones, in particular? In all the ORBs I've read, the propeller never gets a mention, and the
only Rotol fitted to (late) Spitfire Is, is the 3blade 2pitch Jablo, which wasn't available before
1940. Some may take the word of the press; I prefer government records:
From quite early in the war, all Rotol propellers were made from wood, either Jablo,
Hydulignum, or (rarely) Weybridge Wood. However, the wood would not have been seen, so
there's no need to have a weathered prop showing wood grain. Often the wood was covered by
a fine metal mesh, then coated in one of three different (black) plastics, Rotoloid, Rayoid, or
Schwartz. The leading edges of the blades had a brass sheath, which was still covered by the
plastic. The plastic would dull, with weathering, and the l/e sheath could become visible (more at
the tip than the hub,) as well, but, when it got that far, the prop was due for repair/refurbishment
(remember that any wear/chipping could adversely affect the propeller's balance.) ( Email to
Frank Daniels )
Evaluating authenticity in restorations
When manufactured u/c legs were (painted) silver, but had to be regularly serviced. One
operation entailed washing the parts in paraffin (kerosene,) to remove hydraulic oil and grease,
which would have a detrimental effect on the paint, so, after reassembly, the rigger would have
to repaint it, usually in whatever colour came to hand. Obviously this would not include the oleo
It's also necessary to consider the airframe's history. The RAF Museum's X4590 was with 609,
then 66 Squadrons, 57 OTU, 303 Squadron, 53 OTU, RAF Finningley (storage?); it then
became a "maintenance" airframe 8384M, eventually going to Cosford, then, finally (we hope) to
Hendon. In the Finningley, maintenance, and Cosford eras, anything could have happened,
especially if apprentices were let loose on it.
Cosford are extremely proud of their Mark I, K9942, and are quick to tell visitors that it has been
taken back to exactly how it was when built in 1939. It's had a complete rebuild, with paint
matched to original shades, even the "pumphandle" u/c retraction gear has been refitted.
Unfortunately you can't actually look inside it, because the Museum's "Elfin Safety" people have
decreed that the danger from radiation is too great (I was even told that it was against the law
for me to go near it; total codswallop!) I wasn't the most popular man, in the universe, when I
pointed out that the wings still had the stiffeners, over the wheel wells, and they weren't fitted
before January 1942.
The Imperial War Museum's R6915 had a far less chequered career, going through one
Squadron, two OTUs, a Development Unit, storage in Cardiff, then to Lambeth, so should be a
much more representative airframe. Unfortunately "Those in charge" have hung up every
complete airframe, out of reach, so it's no help at all.
I'm sorry if I appear to have rambled on, a bit, but I'm trying to illustrate that care needs to be
taken, before taking any museum piece as gospel.
Sky Color
I've Emailed the author of that, so let's hope that he can be straightened out, a little. There are
a few too many assumptions, on here, too. I have never seen official references to Sky Type S
Grey, or Duck Egg Green. The photo is part of a series by "Life" magazine; I doubt that
exposure, film, or development would be an issue, for a company of their standing.
"Sky" did not exist, by name, before 1940; Sidney Cotton invented (and patented) his pale green
"Camotint." This was made by one company, Titanine (in Uxbridge, just up the road from
Heston.) In a letter, dated 20440, Bristol are told "As regards colour the pale bluegreen which
has been called Camotint is now defined as Standard Sky..." (my underline.)
7640, the Air Ministry instructed that fighters should be Sky type S; three days later, they had
to amend this, as follows: "....only limited supplies of Sky type S dope DTD 63 at present
available. Fighters will continue to operate with black and white colour scheme until sky type S
becomes available." If only Titanine had the (patented) formula, until April, 1940, any shortage is
(or should be) understandable.
Ian Huntley (funny how people can quote him, then forget him at the most inopportune times)
said that some Sky was little more than distemper, which faded (and would have "chalked," too I
would think) very quickly.
That's not quite the full story; B.S.381C first appeared in 1948, and was a revamp of B.S.
(sometimes written as B.S.S.) 381, which began in 1935. Sample cards, for B.S.381C:210 Sky,
have the legend, "This colour is correlated with colour 5059 (B.S.2660) and also corresponds to
that formerly known as colour 9A of H.M.G. Aircraft series." 9A appeared in B.S.381, and the
RAF Museum have a set of those cards, and it includes 9 [also Sky] and 9A, so it's actually a
fairly simple exercise to check on the similarity.
Since 9A was in B.S.381, and B.S.381C didn't exist until 1948, the inference is that it was simply
renumbered, along with: 4 Medium Sea Grey (641,) 7 Dark Green (641, later changed to 241,)
13 Dark Earth (450,) 6 Extra Dark Sea Grey (640,) 5 Dark Sea Grey (638,) 14 P.R.U. Blue
204 R.A.F. Bluegrey (633,) 8 Night (642.) These are all of the cards, which I own, and are
dated either 1964 or 1971. The best course of action would probably be a letter to the British
Standards Authority; I just dig this information out, which makes me only a messenger, and I'm
getting a little tired of continually being shot at.
Adoption of Sky
The order went out on the 7th. June, to be followed, three days later, by another signal, saying
that, due to shortage of paint, the original scheme might still be seen.
Sky Band
The order, for the band and spinner was issued 121240, under AMO 926/40, and said," by day
fighters, which carry an 18 in. band of duckegg blue (Sky Type "S") right round the fuselage,
immediately forward of the tail plane, and have the airscrew spinner painted duckegg blue (Sky
Type "S") There is no mention, anywhere, of Sky Blue. The first orders, for the use of Ocean
Grey aka (unofficially) mixed grey, were not issued until August, 1941.
Sky Blue
This is by way of an update on what I've been discovering (and rediscovering, in one case.) It
is, by no means, an assertion, but I'm beginning to see a pattern emerging, which will probably
disappear, in a puff of smoke, during another Kew, or Hendon, visit.
During a recent enquiry, on Spitfire Vs, in the desert (of course,) I decided to check back on
something that I'd read, years ago. Those of you, who don't have the Aircam series, will
perhaps feel a little lost, but, in no.4, on the Spitfire I XVI, an insert was included, which was
written by Ted Hooton; sadly, Ted died about 10 years ago, so I can't ask him about the leaflet,
but I knew him well, his knowledge was vast, and his research was extremely thorough (he, it
was, who found out which early Spitfires did not conform to the odd/even camouflage pattern
rule,) so I believe that he must have gained access to Supermarine records, that I've never
On the Mark V, he wrote the following: "Some initial deliveries to Malta early in 1942 in
temperate (sea scheme?) green/grey. Remainder, and those to Egypt, repainted dark earth and
middle stone on upper surfaces; azure or sky blue under. Azure seems to have been more
common up to 1943, and a few aircraft had Mediterranean dark blue. However, from 7/42
onwards, all Mk.Vs leaving Castle Bromwich (about EP380) were painted in the desert scheme
with sky blue undersides. Does this indicate that, with an invasion of Italy to come, it was
decided to use a lighter blue than in the desert?
Mark IX. all delivered in green/grey, but some locally repainted in the desert scheme with sky
blue (e.g.232 sqn.)
Mark VIII. All early aircraft, up to and including the MD serials, delivered in the desert scheme
(he doesn't say if the underside colour was sky blue.)
Far East and Australia. All Mk.V and VIII delivered in desert schemes were repainted so that
dark green replaced the middle stone, leaving the dark earth and sky blue."
Note the continual references to sky blue, as well as azure.
During a recent Kew visit, I found a few instances, where Fighter Command referred to a sky
blue, which, in reality, had to be sky (the 1945 order, to remove the tail band, refers to it as a
sky blue band.) A classic possibility for confusion?
During my last visit to Hendon, I found an (undated) update, containing colour samples, for
D.T.D.83A; since this was (as I then thought) only for fabric, I largely passed it by, but it included
a sky blue.
During a(nother) Kew visit, I found a short series of signals, concerning the merger of DTD83A
with DTD308, since they had the same ingredients, with 83A taking on a dual role, but with only
one set of stores numbers being necessary. This merger occurred at the end of 1941, before
Supermarine began using synthetic paints in the DTD517 range. This sent me back to the
Hendon update, since it could, might, possibly, perhaps, indicate that the Hendon update came
sometime in early 1942, or just after, and although listed as 83A, could have been for fabric and
metal surfaces.
The other colours, in that update, are azure blue, light and dark mediterranean blues, extra dark
sea green, and middle stone, all middle, or far, eastern colours; does this indicate that sky blue,
too, was only for those theatres?
All of this is purely circumstantial evidence, and it's all too easy to make a seemingly watertight
case, only for it to turn to dross (pardon the mixed metaphor) in a moment, but I'm beginning to
harbour a sneaking suspicion that sky blue was not used (officially) in the U.K., and the
occasional use of the title, in place of Sky, by Fighter Command, didn't help. When I get the
chance, I intend to visit Hendon, again, and check their sky blue sample against my set of
BS381C samples, (hopefully) a set of 193548 BS381 cards, and the Australian sky blue
(incidentally, in May, 1943, the RAAF notified the Air Ministry that, in future, the undersides of
their dayuse flying boats would be sky blue.)
Also, on at least two occasions, the Ministry ordered Sky Blue (in different contexts,) and had to,
very quickly, issue a corrective order, saying that "Blue" should be deleted, leaving only "Sky."
As for the Airfix model being in desert scheme on top, how about the possibility of aircraft,
intended for the desert, being redirected to Malta who were desperate to get them? As this all
happened before Azure Blue came into use, desertbound aircraft would have been in Sky,
since that was how the Ministry had ordered ALL fighters to be painted, wherever they were
bound, in June 1940.
As far as I'm concerned, research means leaving no piece of paper unread (though with over
1000 files on wartime Malta that isn't easy,) and it's surprising how often two or three pieces
come together to make a more complete story, for instance we now know that it's very unlikely
that Wasp had to repaint all of her Spitfires, since orders were placed for some to be painted
while they were still in the factory awaiting delivery.
Early Mk.IXs, which were converted from Vc airframes, often retained the oldstyle walkway
lines of the Vc; later aircraft had the usual "backward L" on the port wing, but also had a mirror
"L" on the starboard wing.
As for getting at the fuel tank, that had always been possible from the port walkway, and
groundcrew tended to lie down (thereby spreading the load) when they needed access to the
wingroot fairing.
And the previous poster mentioned that this area of the wing was altered AFTER the second
radiator was fitted.
Which was on the PORT side.
So they took the opportunity to make the top surface of thicker material on both sides.
On early marks it was 24 s.w.g; on the IX, and other later Marks it was 20 s.w.g.
Missing outer cannon stubs on C wing Spitfires
Regarding missing stubs, on the Spitfire, there was a modification issued, for the V, IX & XII, to
"Remove the outboard cannon front mounting casting." I don't have a date for it, and have no
idea how many had it, plus it was cancelled midNovember 1943, probably in anticipation of the
E armament. That mod could be responsible for so many reports of B wing IXs, I suspect.
Version Notes
K5054 Prototype
There are a few things, that I've found, which you might consider relevant. The wings were
planked overlapping fronttoback; "clinkerbuilt" is how Gordon Mitchell described it, and one
set of wings remained that way for some time, since there's a very good photo of K5054, after it
was camouflaged, and the lines can be faintly seen through the paint ("Spitfire, The Illustrated
Biography," by Jonathon Glancey pp 56 & 57.) Those wings had no separate wingtips.
There is no guarantee that K5054 had fabric control surfaces; except for the "new" rudder, there
isn't even a hint of ribbing visible, and the specification laid down that it had to made, entirely, of
Also, in the firstflight photos the rudder is the same darkish shade as the rest of the fuselage,
which hints at it being green, which was not, ever, a fabric primer, and an artist, who I now know
to have been Mitchell's nephew, told me that K5054 was painted "a mucky green."
K5054 had no transport joint forward of the tail section, nor did it have the starboard access
hatch (an RAF test pilot recommended that one should be added.)
Judging from (rather small) photos, K5054's elevator trim tab horns were under the elevators,
not above.
I believe that the firstflight wings were removed, soon after, to have the guns fitted, and another
gunless set fitted; 6336 gun muzzle holes can be seen in the wing l/e (someone has claimed
that they're black paint, but I can't accept that); after its first repaint the holes are gone. "They
were filled." So why put them there in the first place, and why, if they were to disappear
immediately after the first flight, paint them, either?
Gordon Mitchell said that the first paint was cerulean blue (note the lack of capitals, which infers
a description, rather than a name.) Much is made of it being "A RollsRoyce car colour," but, at
that time, RR didn't build complete cars; they did the engine + chassis, while coachbuilders
made the bodies. I have learnt that RR did have their own "house" colour, which was used on
all of the company vans and lorries, and was matched to the blue of the Mediterranean sky,
and, to me, that seems to be a more likely candidate. If there's 1930s/40s RR company vehicle,
preserved in its original colour, it might give the answer. We constantly hear how the colour
must have been a light blue, because it looks almost white in photographs; however any
photographer will tell you that, in a b/w photo, blue sky, however dark, will appear as white, and
has to have a filter on the lens before it will darken.
The best source for the wing panel lines is Harry Robinson's drawing in Alfred Price's "The
Spitfire Story"; "clinker built" was how Michell's son described it. The shape of the upper cowling
was more rounded than later airframes; the wingtips were not separate; there was no starboard
inspection hatch; there was no transport joint in front of the tailplane; elevator trim tab pushrods
were underneath, not on top as in all other airframes; impossible to tell from photos, but control
surfaces might have been metal, rather than fabric, covered; pilot's seat was metal, and had no
cartridge rack on the front; there was no armour on the headrest or behind the seat; there was
no radio, or mast; there was no gunsight; there was no underwing pitot; the u/c retraction was
the original push/pull type; there were no destructor buttons on the starboard cockpit wall; the
joystick had no gun button; the compass was mounted in the instrument panel, not under it; the
rudder pedals had only one crossbar; can't tell, for sure, but there might have been no oxygen.
Early Mk. Is
Seats were metal until the introduction of the plastic (not bakelite) seat in May, 1940. They could
have been green, or I've seen reports of black ones. As well as no armour behind the seat,
there was none on the headrest, either (until February, 1940.) Rudder pedals only had a single
crossbar; the wire "thingy" fitted to the fin was a deflector for the planned braking parachute,
which was never fitted. The fin colour could be a problem, without looking at the ORB, in Kew.
Dowding's original plan was for the Squadron number to be painted on the fuselage, in the
colour of the Flight to which each airframe belonged, so it's likely that this was done with 19's
Mk. II
Oil cooler differences
Original source:
Early Mk.II Spitfires were identical to the Mk.I, except for the small Coffmann starter bulge, but
later aircraft also had the larger oil cooler intake which everyone associates with the Mk.V.
Another person questioned the source of that information.
The first indication I had was contained in the Mitchell Memorial Symposium, organized by the
Southampton Branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society, in 1976, on the Spitfire's 40th
anniversary. In the notes, from originals by Joe Smith, it states that the oil cooler area, for the
Mk.II, increased from .2 square feet, as in the Mk.I, to .35 square feet, exactly the same as the
Mk.V. Also, on page 107 of "Spitfire, the History," there is a picture of a Mk.II, used for LOX
trials, in 1942, with the larger oil cooler clearly visible underneath. Don't get the idea that I'm
saying all Mk.II Spitfires were like this, in fact I doubt if the first were anything but identical to the
Mk.I, since they were built from kits supplied by Southampton.
There were further questions & discussion about the possibilities.
The only clue, that I can find, also comes in "Spitfire, the History," where a mod, to fit the oil
cooler Mk.III, is stated to have been instituted 11441 (remember, over here, that means April!)
Whether this was the new size oil cooler I have not been able to ascertain, but it was certainly
important enough to rate a mention. I also have a copy of the Air Publication for the Spitfire V,
and cannot find any mention, in the list of mods to the Mk.V, of a change to a larger oil cooler. It
is very difficult to find any photos of operational Mk.II Spitfires, especially those built after April
1941, but I doubt that a Mk.II would have been taken off the production line, and fitted with Mark
V wings, solely to carry out engine tests. Also, I find it hard to believe, with Mk.II and Mk.V
aircraft being produced at the same time, on the same production line, that a mod to one Mark
would not have been incorporated in the other.
Edgar then offered a clarification:
I really must learn to read all of my messages before replying! The Mk.III was a totally unique
variant, fitted, originally, with the Mk. XX Merlin, as fitted to the Hurricane II, and, as with the
Hurricane, it was 4 inches longer (takes some finding, does that information!) Since the Merlin
45 installation was so successful, this was not continued. Incidentally everyone continually
states that the Merlin 45 was identical to the Merlin III, in length; it wasn't, it was actually longer,
but, due to some inspired fiddling with the mechanism on the carburettor (they turned it through
180 degrees,) they were able to fit it into the same space. It is impossible to spot in
photographs, but the carburettor intake, on the Mark V, is23 inches further back than on the
Regarding the oil cooler, according to the Symposium notes the frontal area was identical in the
II, III, IV, V, VI, XII, Seafire I, II, III, and the part number, for the Seafires, was S.7993C528, for
what that's worth, but the number 3 appears again.
Another person challenged Edgar's assertions.
I'm not saying that the change was due to the Merlin in the Spitfire II, just that it would make no
sense to stock a different oil cooler, for the Merlin on the Spitfire II, when the Spitfire V is coming
off the production line, at the same time, with the same wings, and it seems strange that a new
oil cooler is slated as being introduced on the Spitfire II, just as the first Spitfire V comes off the
production line. The big problem, of course, is that the introduction of the Spitfire V relegated the
Mk.II to obsolescence, and, almost certainly, a training role, hence no photos of service Mk.IIs
with a different oil cooler. Remember, too, that Castle Bromwich had their own test staff, with the
likes of Alec Henshaw, who would have been trusted with any mods required. Funnily enough
the photo on page 95 of Westlandbuilt Mk.I AR238, in "Spitfire, the History," appears to have
the larger oil cooler fairing.
Didn't want to say anything, until I was absolutely certain, but we have a Mk.I, AR213, based
near here, which is exactly as it was when released at the end of the war. It has a Mk. V oil
cooler, and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight's Mk. II, allegedly unrebuilt, also has the large oil
cooler. That has to be a conversion, at some time, though, since it was the 14th Mk.II ever built.
Sorry I couldn't get a reply to you sooner; somehow I suspect that we're actually of like mind. I
don't think that many modified Mk.IIs went to active Squadrons, but training Squadrons might
well have received them, and it would not have been a difficult mod, just a new housing, since I
think that it was only the frontal area that changed. Actually I begin to wonder how many
photographs, allegedly of Mk.Vs, could have been of earlier Marks. How can you tell, if you can't
see the serial no., and it still has the earlier externallyarmoured windscreen?
I take your point regarding the stock, but 100 aircraft would require far more than 100 oil
coolers. There would need to be replacements for any possible damage, e.g. a wheelsup
landing, + replacement for clogged, wornout, cores. It would make far more sense to try to
stock only one type for all Marks, wherever they were.
Incidentally, can you imagine how it felt to read the information, and realize its possible import,
after all those years? It's rather like finding out that your uncle is actually your father!
In response to a reply by another poster:
Graham, I think that you're absolutely right; if the new oil cooler would fit the old wings, only
requiring an easytofit housing, why keep stocks of the old type, when Seafires, Mk.IV, V, VI,
XII will all be using the new size?
Document from Edgar Brooks regarding performance of the LR Mk. II.
Mk V
Gun heating piping
The likeliest candidate for the relevant modification is 420 "To provide additional heating for
Browning guns." Interestingly the ledger lists it for the IIb & Vb, but an issued leaflet states that it
was for the V, which implies that the Vc might have been added. The work involved running the
tubes through the leading edges of the wings, and out to the .303s, and it's interesting that
putting it in a leaflet indicates that the work was thought to be within the capabilities of Service
units, though it did say that the work was to be done when the "aeroplane is stripped for repair,"
and 30 manhours were allowed for the task. With the heights flown in the Med, it's possible that
the mod was deemed unnecessary for the desert (and Malta?), which is why a photo is really
Wing stiffeners
The modification went onto the production line from 16742, so, even if BM243 didn't have it
when built, it should have been fitted during a major service, and it is, in fact, shown as having
wing stiffening fitted before going to 453 Squadron.
Just to clarify Edgar, do you mean that the external stiffener mod was done, or some other mod
that rendered the external stiffeners unnecessary?
I mean only that the aircraft had wing stiffening carried out. As far as I know, the Vb only had
two wing stiffening mods; there was 455, which added only 4.8 ounces in total (which implies
only a thicker grade of aluminium,) and 532 (which cancelled 455,) which added 6.3 pounds,
and incorporated the overwing stiffeners. There is no record of 532 being withdrawn, or
cancelled, and there are aircraft, here, which still carry the strakes, which implies (nothing more)
that the mod remained.
Wing tank panel lines
Don't overdo (or do, at all) the wing tanks, just the filling points really need attention. From late
1942, the paints changed to smooth finish, and the front 20% of the wings was "stopped" (i.e.
filled,) rubbed down, primed, painted, then rubbed down, again, with special attention being
given to the rivets, and panel lines, especially the line of the main spar. This added 50 hours to
Spitfire production, but added to the top speed. ( Email via Frank Daniels)
Recognition lights
The VIII (and the VII) originally had red and green downward recognition lights, one in each
wing, but they were deleted from May 1943. ( Email via Frank Daniels)
Wing gun blisters
In December, 1943, the VIII's cannon cover had two small blisters (rather like the 22/24 later,)
instead of the single large, since it was envisaged as carrying four cannon, but this didn't
happen, probably due to weight (and possibly wing strain) considerations, so the single small
blister became standard, but I can't find out when. Certainly, as late as 1944, there was still talk
of the VIII having 4 cannon, or a combination similar to the "E" wing, but, as far as I can tell, it
never happened. ( Email via Frank Daniels)
Mk. IX
Response to Wheel well bulges on Spitfire IX/ XVIs postwar/warbird additions or not?
The bulges were not just for larger tyres, but also a change in tracking, going from grass
airfields to proper runways. If the tyres didn't run straight, the tread would have been scrubbed
off. Spencer Flack discovered this, on his Mark XIV, when the u/c jammed, while on test in the
hangar. He'd used the wrong legs with a flat upper wing surface. The outer access hatches
were still in place, on Mark XVIs' "E" wings. On the later, cutdown, fuselages the outer hatch
covered the oxygen bottles, the inner pair had the compressed air. There's a photo, of the
production line, which turns up time and again, which clearly shows this. No l/e holes, or used
link chutes, though, you're quite correct.
Detail documents from Edgar Brooks
Mk. 22/24
In the 24s, at Duxford and Hendon, both seats are the dark red of the plastic (not bakelite
some civil servant should have been shot for calling it that) seat. Strengthened seats had green
buckets; normal seats were all red. Two straps were attached to the corners, the left one
normally had the parachutestyle connection box. Two more straps went through a bracket,
behind the pilot's neck, on the head armour, then dropped down behind the seat. This was the
"ZB" harness, and, by the time of the 22/24, the straps were probably a medium blue.
Modeling Notes
The following section is a series of emails sent to Frank Daniels regarding stencils, wingwalks,
Although it's a bit too simplistic, as a general rule, if you can read the stencil, even in 1/32
scale, it's probably too big. The instructional lettering was 1.5", with the walkway/trestle lines half
that at .75", which, even in 1/32, scale down to 3/64" & 3/128", or about 1mm & .5mm. In 1/48 it
gets even worse, marginally easier in 1/24.
Items like "Walkway forward/inboard" would have remained unchanged, as would the
underwing trestles. The octane rating, across the fuel tank cover, would, very likely, be
different, and, while the W/T inspection stamp didn't change, the DTD marking, for the paint
type, would have changed, in late 1942, from 83 or 308 to 517, signifying the change to
synthetic paints. Also watch the walkway lines; on the IV, on the starboard wing, the spar line
ran from wingroot to wingtip, while, on the IX, it was a mirror image of the "backward L" on the
port wing, signifying the stronger upper surfaces.
Depends. There are 'early' Spit IXs and 'later' Spit IXs. The 'early' Spit IXs (1942 mid 1943)
stencils were nearly identical to the Mk Vs. The most noticeable stencil would be the wing walk
line on the starboard wing (which is ALWAYS wrong on kit stencils of Mk Is and Mk Vs). The
walkway line on the starboard wing ran straight to the wing root. It did not make a 90 deg turn
and angle back to the trailing edge like the port wing wing walk line did. Some of the Mk XIIs
were this way, too. It wasn't until 1943 that the wing walk lines were a mirror image of each
Before going too far, it might help (or not,) if I point out that the decals are the wrong size, for a
Spitfire, anyway. Fighter codes were 24", not 30", and Spitfire Squadrons were given a special
dispensation, due to the lack of vertical space between the top of the root fairing, and the base
of the (open) canopy, to use 20" characters, if they wished.
At first sight, the Xtracolor offerings do appear too dark, and certainly not green enough;
Colorado 32006 & 32007 look closer, being 20" & 24" as well, but personal inspection is always
preferable, rather than trusting to a monitor screen.
Jennings is absolutely right, regarding the serial nos; remember that there were (at least) 4
factories turning out Spitfires, working 24hour 2shift days, so, even though "day shift" Fred
might be a trained signwriter, "night shift" Harry might only just have known one end of a brush
from the other, so had to use stencils. The dimensions (of 8"H, 5"W, 1" between, and 1"
brushstrokes) were mandatory, but the style wasn't. The same "system" applied to code letters,
with 24", 12", 3", 3" being the standards.
If you don't like the decals on offer, it's always possible to use Peter Cooke's method, using
Letraset (or similar pressuresensitve letters.) First find a (must be matt) paint which looks right,
and spray it onto the model, then find 3/4" (19mm) letters for 24", or 5/8" (16mm, as near as
dammit) for 20", and (lightly) burnish them into place. Spray the camouflage, peel off the letters
(so much easier with matt paint than gloss,) and they're done.
Revell’s 1/32 Spitfire Mk. II Notes
1. it needs a "Mk.I" oil cooler.
2. it needs the crowbar deleting, unless your model dates after January 1942 (the fit was
3. 2bar rudder pedals are o.k., but need the fabric straps over the top.
4. gun button was brass, with a silver surround, not red (postwar elfin safety?)
5. Very pistol cartridge rack was normally left off, and Castle Bromwich had (red) plastic
seats, not (green) metal.
6. seat armour is missing.
7. seat backrest has an odd depression moulded in, which I've never seen.
8. I have no idea what part 40 is, and 41 (oxygen bottle) should be black, not green.
9. part 42 (compressedair bottles) was silver, not green.
10. rudder and elevators' "stitching" is overdone.
11. I have no idea what the two "lozenges" (on the top of each wing) are.
12. unless your Mk.II dates from 1940, the rudder "prong" shouldn't be there, neither should
the aerial.
13. post 1940, IFF aerials were fitted, and the position of the discs is marked.
14. if you drop the flaps, the door, in the top of the wing, needs to be cut out, and opened.
15. 50B is/are/were "station keeping lights," which might have been coloured like the
navigation lights, but that remains a mystery, for now.
16. while overprominent, the "rivets" are nowhere near as bad as the photos appeared to
17. the fuselage is about 2mm shorter than the Hasegawa Vb (all at the spinner end,) but it
doesn't "shout," and it appears to have better curvature than the (somewhat slabsided)
Hasegawa fuselage.
18. wingspan and chord (minus wingtips) are identical to the Hasegawa Vb.
19. Revell have matched Tamiya, in the wheel wells, by providing backsloping walls very
well done but the "orifices" are too oval.
20. there are three oblong "protuberances" on the spinner, but Revell do tell you to file them
21. Revell have confused Sky with Sky Blue (oh, yes, they have.)
22. instrument panel is fixed, but is missing the landing lights control.
The air scoop on top of the kit’s upper cowl
It wasn’t for the Heywood compressor, which wasn’t introduced until March 1942, on the Mk.V,
but the Spitfire already had a compressor, which was fitted once the Mk.I went from the
“pumphandle” u/c retraction system to the hydraulic type. From what i can tell, the early
compressor had a small, almost invisible, scoop, while the Heywood needed a larger type,
which was more prominent. As Revell seem to have measured a preserved warbird (hence the
wrong oil cooler housing,) it’s possible the airframe also had a toolarge scoop, as well.
Tamiya Mk. Vb
Vb AB968 ZFH of 308 sqn Oct 1941
1. Armoured windscreen or not?
2. Should the wing strengthening strips be removed (as indicated in Tamiya's instructions)?
1/. Yes, but whether internal, or external, is a moot point; internallyarmoured windscreens were
fitted from 26441, so you'll need a photo, to be absolutely sure.
2/. Yes, mod 532 didn't go into production until 16742.