Strength of Shear Studs in Steel Deck On Composite

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Strength of Shear Studs in Steel Deck on Composite Beams and Joists

Article · June 1993

37 11,068

3 authors, including:

W. Samuel Easterling
Iowa State University


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Strength of Shear Studs in Steel Deck on
Composite Beams and Joists

INTRODUCTION fc' = specified compressive strength of concrete

Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete
Composite beam or joist and slab systems typically provide
Fu = minimum specified tensile stress of the stud shear
the most efficient design alternative in steel frame
construction, and indeed it is one of these systems that make
steel an economically attractive alternative to concrete This equation was developed based on results from elemental
framed structures. Composite beam specification push-out tests.4 The stud reduction factor is given by:
requirements and design aids are given in the American
Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Load and Resistance .  wr   H s
085 
SRF =   − 10
.  ≤ 10
. (2)
Factor Design (LRFD) Manual.1 The LRFD composite beam N r  hr   hr 
design procedure results in designs that are typically 10-15
percent more economical than those obtained using the AISC
allowable stress design (ASD) procedure. The efficiency of Nr = number of studs in one rib at a beam intersection
composite beam design using LRFD procedures has, in the Wr = average width of concrete rib
authors' opinions, been the primary motivating factor for the hr = nominal rib height
use of the LRFD specification2 to date.
Hs = length of shear stud after welding
The design strength and stiffness of composite beams
depends on the shear connection behavior. The strength of the This reduction factor applies to cases in which the deck ribs
shear connectors may be reduced because of the influence of are perpendicular to the steel beam and is used in both the
the steel deck geometry. An empirical expression for this AISC LRFD and ASD specifications.
reduction was developed by evaluating results of composite These equations, or similar forms, have been used in
beam tests in which the deck ribs were oriented perpendicular several design specifications, both in the United States and
to the steel beam.3 A reduced stud strength is obtained by abroad. However, in recent years several researchers6-11 have
multiplying the stud reduction factor, SRF, by the nominal shown that Equation 2 is unconservative for certain
strength of a shear stud, Qn. The expression for the nominal configurations. The studies have considered numerous
stud strength,4 which has been incorporated in the AISC parameters, including depth of steel deck shear stud height,
LRFD specification and is the basis for the tabular values concrete unit weight, position of shear stud in the deck rib
given in the AISC ASD specification,5 is given by: relative to the bottom flange stiffener, number of shear studs
in a given deck rib, and the amount and position of
Qn = 05
. Asc f c ' Ec ≤ Asc Fu (1)
reinforcement in the slab. The studies reported results from
push-out tests alone6,10,11 or a combination of push-out tests
and beam tests.7-9 A conclusion common to all of the studies
Asc = cross-sectional area of a stud shear connector is that a modified, or completely different, stud reduction
factor is needed. Modified calculation procedures have been
developed and reported in the recent research studies.
However, none of the studies have reported reasons for the
discrepancy between the experimental data and Equations 1
W. Samuel Easterling is assistant professor in the Charles E. Via, Jr. and 2.
Department of Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and The reason for the discrepancy between recent
State University, Blacksburg, VA. experimental results with those predicted using Equations 1
David R. Gibbings is graduate research assistant in the Charles E. and 2 is not clear. However, it is clear that a significant base
Via, Jr. Department of Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic of data exists to substantiate the procedures.3,12,13 A proper
Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. resolution of this dilemma will require careful consideration
Thomas M. Murray is Montague-Betts professor of structural steel of all the data.
design in the Charles E. Via, Jr. Department of Civil Engineering, A review of the data reported by Grant, et al.,3 along
Virginia Polytechnic, Blacksburg, VA. with related studies conducted by Henderson12 and Klyce13


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
reveal two important characteristics that relate directly to the and zero moment, As is area of steel cross section, and Fy is
discrepancy. The majority, but not all, of the tests reported yield stress of the steel cross section. Curves are shown for
by Grant, et al. and all the tests reported by Henderson were three values of Y2, which is the distance from the top of the
detailed such that the studs were placed in pairs within a steel section to the center of the effective concrete flange.
given rib. The single test reported by Klyce had two-thirds of Although the curves were generated for a W16×31, they are
the studs placed in pairs. Also, the deck used in the studies representative of a wide range of cross sections because of
reported by Grant, et al. did not have a stiffener in the bottom the normalization procedure. A value of M n /M fc of about 0.9
flange. Both of these details make the position of the shear is obtained from a partial shear connection value of 0.7. This
stud relative to the stiffener in the bottom flange of the deck, relation can be extended to evaluating test results, in that if a
which is described in greater detail in the following measured to predicted moment capacity of 0.9 is obtained,
paragraph, of less concern. then the measured to predicted shear connector capacity is
One of the important parameters identified in some of the 0.7. Because of this relationship, one can argue that an
recent studies was the position of the shear stud relative to accurate evaluation of the shear connector strength must be
the stiffener in the bottom flange of the deck. Most deck made using carefully controlled elemental push-out tests, as
profiles manufactured in the United States have a stiffener in opposed to evaluating stud strengths using only beam tests.
the middle of the bottom flange, thus making it necessary to The sensitivity of the stud strength to various parameters is
weld shear studs off center. Tests have shown differences in difficult to discern if the strength is back calculated from
shear stud strengths for the two choices. A stud placed on the beam test results. The best approach is to use a combination
side of the stiffener nearest the end of the span is in the of the two test configurations, with the push-out tests being
"strong" position and one placed on the side of the stiffener used to evaluate a wide range of parameters and formulate
nearest the location of maximum moment is in the "weak" strength relationships, and with the beam tests used as
position. A schematic of both strong and weak position stud confirmatory tests.
locations is shown in Figure 1. The difference in strength is The remaining sections of this paper describe a research
partly attributable to the differences in the amount of project conducted at Virginia Tech to evaluate the strong vs.
concrete between the stud and the web of the deck that is weak shear stud position issue.14 Results from a series of four
nearest to mid-span for the two positions. This detail will be composite beam tests are presented. Additionally, the results
considered further in subsequent sections of this paper. from a series of push-out tests are described. The push-out
A characteristic of partial composite beam design must tests were part of another research project conducted prior to
be kept in mind when one evaluates results of beam tests and the beam tests.15 An analysis of the results is presented which
push-out tests. The relationship between the percentage of compares the experimental beam strengths with calculated
shear connection and the moment capacity is shown in Figure values based on Equations 1 and 2, as well as values based
2 for a W16×31 A36 section. The curves shown in Figure 2 on the push-out tests.
were developed using the calculation procedure in the
Commentary to the LRFD specification.2 The nominal
moment capacity, M n , is shown normalized with respect to
the fully composite moment, M fc. The percent shear
connection is given by ∑Qn /AsFy, where ∑Qn is the sum of
the shear connector strength between the points of maximum

Fig. 1. Strong and weak position shear stud locations. Fig. 2. Normalized moment versus percent shear connection.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
d = depth of steel section
Test results were compared to calculated strength and
tc = slab thickness above the steel deck
stiffness values. The calculated shear stud strengths were
a = depth of compression stress block
determined using the LRFD Specification Equations 15-1 and
13-1 (Equations 1 and 2 in this paper). The flexural strength The lower bound moment of inertia was calculated using the
calculations were made using the equations given in the moment of inertia of the steel beam plus an equivalent area of
Commentary to the LRFD Specification. The elastic stiffness concrete, which is a function of the quantity of shear
values were calculated using the lower bound moment of connection provided. The lower bound moment of inertia, ILB,
inertia defined in Part 4 of the LRFD Manual. Measured is given by
material properties were used in all calculations. The steel
 d
 ∑ Qn 
section properties that were measured (depth, flange
ILB = Ix + As  YENA −  +   (d + Y 2 + YENA ) 2 (6)
thickness, flange width, and web thickness) were nearly  2   Fy 
identical to the tabular values given in Part 1 of the LRFD
Manual. Therefore, tabulated cross-section properties for the where
steel shape were used in the calculations.
The flexural strength calculation procedure gives three Ix = moment of inertia about x-axis of structural steel
equations for the nominal moment capacity, with the section
governing one determined based on the location of the plastic YENA = the distance from bottom of beam to elastic neutral
neutral axis (PNA). Yield stresses were determined axis (ENA) and is given by:
separately for the web and flanges, thus the hybrid section  A d ∑Q  
idealization was used. All the specimens in this study were  s +  n  (d + Y 2)

 2  Fy  
designed approximately 40 percent composite and the PNA
YENA (7)
was located in the web for all tests. The calculated moment   ∑ Qn  
capacity, Mc, using Equation C-I3-5,2 is given by:  As +   
  Fy  
 C 
M n = M p −   M pw + Ce (3) TEST PROGRAM
 Pyw 

where Beam Test Specimens

The four composite beam tests were similarly constructed.
Mp = steel section plastic moment Each specimen consisted of a single W16×31 A36 section
C = compressive force in the concrete slab with a composite slab attached. The span of each specimen
Pyw = web yield force was 30 ft and the total beam length was 32 ft because of a 1
Mpw = web plastic moment ft cantilever at each end. The composite slab used for the
e = distance from center of steel section to the center beam tests was constructed using a 20 gage (0.036 in.), 3 in.
of the compressive stress block in the slab deep, composite deck with a total of 6 in. of normal weight
(145 pcf) concrete. The steel deck profile is shown in Figure
The force C is given by:
3. A single layer of welded wire fabric (WWF 6×6–
W1.4×W1.4) was placed directly on the top of the deck. A
A sw Fyw + 2 Asf Fyf total of 12 headed shear studs, ¾-in.×5 in. after welding, was
C= 085
. f c ' Ac (4) used in each test. The studs were welded directly through the
steel deck. The deck was placed with the ribs perpendicular
∑ Qn
min to the beam span and the slab width was 81 in. A self-drilling
screw was placed in each rib that did not have a shear stud in
where it, thus satisfying the requirement of having one fastener
Asw = area of steel web every 12 inches.16 Deck seams were crimped (button-
punched) twice on either side of centerline, resulting in an
Fyw = yield stress of web steel
approximately 14-in. spacing. The only nominal difference in
Asf = area of steel flange the specimens was the position of the shear studs. However,
Fyf = yield stress of flange steel the material properties varied for each test.
Ac = area of concrete slab within effective width All of the studs were placed in the strong position for
Test 1 and the weak position for Test 2. In Tests 3 and 4 the
The distance e is given by: stud positions were alternated, thus there were 3 in the strong
e = 0.5d + hr + tc – 0.5a (5) position and 3 in the weak position along each half span. The


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
stud nearest the support was placed in the strong position and Eight strain gages were used to measure the strain
the stud placement was alternated toward midspan. This through the beam cross-section at three different locations,
resulted in a symmetric stud pattern in the two half-spans. resulting in a total of 24 strain gages per specimen. Two
(Test 4 was a repeat of the configuration used in Test 3 and gages were placed at each of the following locations: the
was conducted due to the low concrete strengths obtained in bottom of the top flange, the center of the web, the top of the
Test 3.) The ribs in which shear studs were placed are shown bottom flange and the bottom of the bottom flange, as
in Figure 4. Note that all of the studs appear in the center of indicated in Figure 6. Gages were placed near one end
the deck ribs in Figure 4, however the studs were placed as support, at one quarter point and at the centerline.
described above. Vertical deflections were measured at the centerline and
The concrete slabs were formed using 6-in. cold-formed the quarter points. Measurements were taken using linear
pour-stop material, resulting in three inches of cover on the wire transducers.
3-in. steel deck. A detail of the deck and slab is shown in Slip measurements were made using potentiometers
Figure 5. After the concrete was placed, the slab was covered attached to the top flange of the beam. The potentiometers
with plastic and cured for seven days. During this curing time measured the relative movement between the top flange of the
the slab was kept moist. After seven days, the plastic and the beam and a screw embedded in the concrete slab through a
pour-stop on the sides of the specimen were removed and the hole in the steel deck. A total of 12 potentiometers were used
slab was allowed to cure for at least 21 additional days prior in each test, except Test 1, with one placed adjacent to each
to testing. Concrete cylinders (4 in. × 8 in.) were cast at the shear stud. Slip was not measured adjacent to the two studs
same time as the concrete slab. The cylinders were kept nearest to midspan in Test 1. The slip measurement detail is
adjacent to the slab, thus were covered with plastic and kept shown in Figure 7.
moist for the initial seven days. End rotations were measured using two different
Each specimen was partially supported during techniques. Transducers were used to measure the upward
construction. Timber supports were used to prop the steel deflection of the ends of the specimen and the support beam.
deck along the sides of the slab at the quarter points during The 1 ft overhang was assumed to rotate rigidly about the
concrete placement. This bracing prevented the slab from
warping during the placement of the concrete and was not
intended to shore the beam. The timber props were cut to
allow for the deflection of the beam under the weight of the
fresh concrete and were removed along with the pour-stop
after seven days. Additional support was provided by
concrete blocks placed under the four corners of each
specimen to prevent rocking of the slab during construction
and testing.

Beam Instrumentation
A standard instrumentation arrangement for strain,
deflection, end rotation and slip measurement was used for
all beam tests. All of the instruments were monitored using a
computer controlled data acquisition system.
Fig. 5. Deck/slab detail.

Fig. 3. Composite deck profile.

Fig. 4. Shear stud locations for composite beam specimens. Fig. 6. Strain gage locations for composite beam specimens.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
support, thus using the net upward deflection and the distance up through the concrete to prevent interference with the
between the measurement and the support, the end rotation bonding between the concrete and the shear stud. A detail of
was calculated. Additionally, a digital level was used to the strain-gaged shear stud is shown in Figure 8.
measure the angle of the slab relative to horizontal, over the The problems with the installation technique were
support, to the nearest 0.1 degrees. attributed to the method used to insert the glue in the pre-
In addition to the strain measurements already described, drilled hole. The viscosity of the glue was such that the glue
axial strain was measured in a select number of studs in had to be worked into the hole using a blunt probe. Once the
Tests 2–4. This measurement was made using an innovative gage was inserted, it was worked back and forth to eliminate
approach, adapted from bolt strain measurement techniques. any air bubbles. A different technique, which utilizes a
However, due to problems with the gage installation syringe to fill the hole from the bottom, has been used in
technique, only a limited amount of usable data was obtained. other tests on composite members since the completion of the
For the benefit of those involved with similar research in the beam tests. The change in installation procedures appears to
future, the instrumentation technique is presented here. have corrected the problem.
A cylindrical uniaxial strain gage, referred to as a bolt
gage by the manufacturer, was inserted in the stud into a pre- Beam Load Apparatus and Test Procedure
drilled hole (approximately 0.1-in. diameter) after it had been A four-point loading system was used for all tests, with the
welded to the beam. Lead wires were attached and electrical loads spaced seven feet apart. The load was applied with a
shrink tubing was placed over the lead wires to protect them single hydraulic ram and distributed to the slab by a two-tier
during concrete placement. The end of the shrink tubing was distribution system, as shown in Figure 9.
embedded in a small amount of protective coating that was The load program was similar for all tests. An initial
applied to the top of the stud. Subsequently the tubing was load, equal to approximately 15 percent of the calculated
heated to conform to the general shape of the lead wire strength, was applied to seat the specimen and was then
bundle. The lead wires were brought from the gage straight removed. The instrumentation was then re-initialized. Load
increments were applied to the specimen until the load vs.
centerline displacement response became non-linear. The
specimen was then unloaded and then reloaded to the
previous peak in three, approximately equal, increments.
Displacement increments, based on the mid-span vertical
deflection, were subsequently used to complete the test. The
specimen was unloaded during the displacement controlled

Fig. 7. Slip measurement detail.

Fig. 8. Detail of strain gage in a shear stud. Fig. 9. Loading frame for composite beam specimens.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
phase if it was necessary to adjust the loading apparatus. part of the yoke assembly. The specimen configuration with
the yoke in place is shown in Figure 10.
Push-Out Test Specimens Specimens were placed in a universal testing machine on
an elastomeric bearing pad, which minimized the effects
A total of eight push-out specimens were fabricated, four caused by any unevenness in the bottom of the specimen.
with studs in the weak position and four with studs in the Shear load was applied with the universal testing machine in
strong position. These tests were performed as part of another load increments equal to approximately 10 percent of the
study reported by Sublett, et al.15 The push-out tests were expected specimen capacity. Displacement control was used
constructed using the same deck profile and shear stud size once the load levels reached approximately 80 percent of the
that were used in the beam tests. Each half of a push-out expected capacity.
specimen was constructed by attaching a piece of 3-in. deep Load normal to the slab surface was applied using the
composite steel deck to a W5×11. The ribs of the deck were yoke assembly. The load was monitored using a load cell and
oriented perpendicular to the length of the WT section. One controlled with a hydraulic hand pump and ram. The normal
or two shear studs (¾-in. × 5 in. after welding) were welded load was increased along with the applied shear load. The
through the deck to the structural tee. Two each of the strong normal load was approximately 10 percent of the applied
and weak position groups had one stud per specimen half. shear load throughout a test.
The other two specimens in each group had two studs, spaced
12 inches apart along the length of the WT, on each specimen
Material Tests
half. A normal weight concrete slab, 6-in. thick by 24-in.
wide by 36-in., was cast on the deck. Welded wire fabric Standard material tests were conducted on the concrete and
(WWF 6×6–W1.4×W1.4) was placed on top of the deck steel components. The concrete cylinders were tested to
prior to casting the concrete. The specimens were covered determine compressive strength on the days of the various
and kept moist for seven days, at which time the forms were beam and push-out tests. Tensile coupons (0.5 in. width, 2 in.
removed. Concrete test cylinders (4 in. × 8 in.) were cast gage) were cut and machined from both the web and one
along with the push-out specimens and cured in a similar flange of each structural steel shape, as well as from flat
manner. widths of the steel deck profile. The ultimate tensile stress for
After the slabs had cured, two halves were bolted
through the stems of the structural tees to form a complete
specimen. This manner of casting permitted the slabs to be
cast horizontally and from the same batch of concrete. By
doing this the concrete curing problems associated with either
casting the specimens vertically or from different mixes were
avoided. Overlapping the stems of the tees induced an
eccentricity in the built-up steel section, as compared to using
a rolled H-shape. The effect due to this eccentricity was
deemed negligible.

Push-Out Test Instrumentation

A standard instrumentation arrangement for measurement of
slip, shear load, and normal load was used for all tests. Slip
between the steel deck and steel section was measured at two
locations on each half of the push-out specimen using
mechanical dial gages. The applied shear load was measured
using a load cell that was part of the universal test machine.
A normal force was applied to the slab, as described in the
next section of the paper, and monitored using a electronic
load cell.

Push-Out Load Apparatus and Test Procedure

To prevent premature separation between the slab and steel
deck, in a direction normal to the slab surface, a yoke device
was placed on the specimen. This manner of loading
simulated the gravity load placed on a slab in a composite
beam/slab arrangement. A load cell and hydraulic ram were Fig. 10. Push-out specimen schematic.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
the shear studs was reported by the manufacturer. Material Table 1.
properties are given in Table 1. Material Properties for Composite Beam Specimens
Flange Flange Web Web Slab
TEST RESULTS Fyf Fuf Fyw Fuw f c'
Test (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi)
Beam Test Results 1 42.0 68.8 47.0 71.9 4.81
2 41.9 70.4 45.4 73.8 3.20
The observed behavior was similar for all beam tests, but
3 42.5 70.1 47.0 75.7 2.28
notable differences exist. A normalized moment versus
4 43.6 63.4 49.1 62.9 4.99
deflection plot of the four tests is shown in Figure 11. The
experimental moments, Me, were normalized with calculated Shear Studs: Fu = 64.8 ksi
moment strengths using measured material properties and the Steel Deck: Fy = 40.3 ksi Fu = 53.6 ksi
procedure described previously. Note that the plots in Figure
11 include the non-composite load and corresponding
deflection. The vertical mid-span deflection, ∆, was
normalized with ∆H. The deflection corresponding to the exhibited failure by developing concrete shear cones or by
point where the elastic stiffness, calculated using the lower shearing off in the shank. Weak position studs exhibited
bound moment of inertia, intersects the calculated moment failure by punching through the deck rib without developing a
strength is defined as ∆H. significant shear cone in the concrete or shearing in the stud
As indicated in Figure 11, all tests exhibited a ductile shank. In Tests 1, 3 and 4, one or two of the strong position
response. The moment versus deflection response in Tests 1, studs closest to one of the specimen supports sheared off in
3, and 4 (strong and alternating stud position tests) remained the shank. However, the weak position stud between the two
elastic up to a normalized moment of approximately 0.6. Test strong position studs in Tests 3 and 4 did not shear off, but
2 (weak stud position test) remained elastic up to a punched through the deck web and remained attached to the
normalized moment of approximately 0.4. beam.
The behavior of the shear studs was distinctly different
for the strong and weak position studs. Strong position studs Push-Out Test Results
An average strength of 13.55 kips per stud was obtained from
the four push-out tests in which the studs were in the weak
position. The concrete compressive strength was similar for
each of the tests, with an average for the four tests of 4.27
ksi. There was no significant difference between the strengths
(load per stud) obtained from the tests with one stud per
specimen half and the tests with two studs per specimen half.
In all of the weak position tests, failure occurred by the studs
punching through the adjacent web of the steel deck. A small
wedge of concrete between the stud and the deck web was
crushed or broken out in each of the tests. The deck was
noticeably bulged out adjacent to the stud prior to reaching
the maximum applied shear load. This behavior was an
indication that the load was being primarily resisted by the
An average of 18.82 kips per stud was obtained from the
three push-out tests in which the studs were in the strong
position. The average concrete strength was 4.57 ksi. The
results for the fourth specimen were inexplicably low and are
not included in the average. The decision to omit this test was
based on the other three tests plus an additional 11 tests,
similarly constructed, that were part of a proprietary study in
which double angle sections were used as the base members
instead of structural tees. There was no significant difference
between the strengths (load per stud) obtained from the test
with one stud per specimen half and the tests with two studs
Fig. 11. Normalized midspan moment versus per specimen half. In all of the strong position tests, the
displacement for composite beam specimens. strength was limited by the development of a failure surface


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
Table 2.
Experimental and Calculated Results
Qc Qpo Qcb Mc Mpo Me
Test (kips) (kips) (kips) (ft-kips) (ft-kips) (ft-kips) Qcb/Qc Qpo /Qc Qcb/Qpo Me/Mc Me/Mpo
1 (str.) 28.7 19.3 18.8 344 303 304 0.66 0.67 0.97 0.88 1.00
2 (weak) 22.6 13.6 13.4 316 274 273 0.59 0.60 0.99 0.87 1.00
3 (alt.) 17.5 13.3 14.5 297 277 283 0.83 0.76 1.09 0.95 1.02
4 (alt.) 28.7 16.6 17.0 354 301 303 0.59 0.58 1.02 0.86 1.01
All values based on measured material properties
Qc = calculated stud strength using Equations 1 and 2.
Qpo = calculated stud strength using Equation 8 and concrete strength from beam test for strong position studs and a constant value of 13.55 kips
for the weak position studs.
Qcb = calculated stud strength using Equation 3 with Me in place of Mn .
Mc = calculated moment strength using Equation 3 and Qc.
Mpo = calculated moment strength using Equation 3 and Qpo.
Me = maximum applied experimental moment including weight of specimen, load beams, and applied
ram load.

in the concrete. None of the shear studs exhibited a shear primarily a function of concrete strength. Rather, the stud
failure in the shank. strength is primarily a function of the steel deck strength
The response of the studs in the weak position, in terms (i.e., the yield stress of the steel deck). Certainly some
of load versus slip, was more ductile than that of the studs in interaction between the concrete and the deck occurred, but
the strong position. This difference is attributed to the way in the dominant component was the steel deck. Based on this
which the load appeared to be resisted, based on the observed hypothesis, the weak position push-out test strengths were
failure modes. The failure mode for the strong position tests averaged and used for all the weak position stud strengths in
was brittle; concrete shear, and the failure mode for the weak the calculations for the beam tests. No adjustment was made
position tests was more ductile; bearing and eventual tearing to account for variable concrete strengths.
of the steel deck web. A typical plot of load versus slip The strength of the shear studs in the strong position was
behavior for strong and weak position shear studs is taken as a function of the concrete strength. The strong
illustrated in Figure 12.

The results of the beam and push-out tests were compared
with calculated values. Several comparisons have been made
and are presented in this section. The calculated moment
values were based on the expressions described previously in
this paper, using measured material properties and values of
shear connector strength that were calculated using the LRFD
specification or taken from normalized push-out test results.
Shear connector strength was also back calculated using the
experimental moment values obtained from the beam tests.
The results of each of these calculations and comparisons are
given in Table 2.
The values Qc given in Table 2 are calculated stud
strengths. These were determined using Equations 1 and 2
with measured material properties. Stud strengths Qcb, were
back-calculated using the experimental moment from the
beam tests, measured material properties and the calculation
procedure described previously.
Because the shear studs in the weak position, in both the
push-out and beam tests, failed by punching through the web Fig. 12. Load vs. slip for strong and weak
of the deck it was hypothesized that their strength was not position shear studs for push-out tests.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
position stud strengths in the beam tests were calculated by Table 3.
normalizing the push-out test results with the concrete Experimental and Calculated Neutral Axis Positions
strengths as given by:
Test (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.)
f c'
Qpo = 18.82kips (8) 1 2.7 0.78 3.13 3.15
4.57 ksi
2 4.2 2.32 4.56 4.61
3 3.9 3.88 4.64 4.57
where fc' is the concrete compressive strength for the 4 3.6 0.88 3.85 3.76
composite beam test, 18.82 kips is the average stud strength All values of PNA are measured from top of steel section.
from the push-out tests, and 4.57 ksi is the concrete
compressive strength from the push-out tests. The Qpo values Additionally, while a comparison between strong and
represent stud strengths for the beam tests based on push-out weak position shear stud strengths indicates some difference,
test results. the more pronounced and significant difference is between
Equation 8 was used to calculate the values for Qpo in the the predicted values and the beam and push-out test results.
Test 1, and the constant value reported in the push-out results The ratios Qcb / Qc or Qpo / Qc indicate the strong position
section was used for Test 2. The strong and weak position values are approximately 70 percent of the predicted and the
values were averaged in determining the values for Qpo in weak position values are approximately 60 percent of
Tests 3 and 4. predicted.
Three values of moment are shown in Table 2, Mc, Mpo, The sensitivity of the moment strength to the shear stud
and Me. The first, Mc, was calculated using Qc, Mpo was strength is also illustrated in the results. Values of
calculated using Qpo, and Me represents the maximum experimental to calculated shear stud strengths varied
experimental moment from the beam tests. Various ratios of between 0.59 and 0.83, while the experimental to calculated
stud strengths and moment strengths are also given in Table moment values, indicated by Me / Mc, varied between 0.85
2. and 0.94. The relationship between shear connection and
Two trends are clearly indicated by the results in Table moment strength is illustrated for the W16×31 used in this
2. One of these is that the stud strengths predicted by study by the normalized moment versus shear connection
Equations 1 and 2 do not compare favorably to the values relationship in Figure 2. Although as previously indicated,
from the push-out tests or the beam tests. This is indicated by this relationship is generally presented in the context of
the ratios Qcb / Qc and Qpo / Qc. The second trend that is partial composite design, it can also be used to consider the
evident is that the results from the push-out tests and beam reduction in moment strength due to a reduction in shear
tests compare very well, as indicated by the ratio Qcb / Qpo. connector strength.
The strain data collected from the beam tests also
indicate the difference between strong, weak, and alternating
position studs. The relationship between the position of
neutral axis and the applied moment is illustrated in Figure
13. A linear regression analysis was performed using the
eight strain readings located at midspan in the steel section to
determine the neutral axis location. As noted in Figure 13,
the strong position studs resulted in the neutral axis being
higher in the steel than for the weak or alternating tests.
Further, the position for the alternating tests fell between the
strong and weak values.
Using Figure 13, the plastic neutral axis position can be
established by visually locating the point at which the slope
of line is approximately vertical. These values are given in
Table 3. Also shown in Table 3 are calculated values of the
plastic neutral axis based on Qc, Qpo, and Qcb. Note that the
calculated values using either Qpo or Qcb correspond more
closely to the experimental values than do the positions
calculated using Qc, in all but Test 3.

Fig. 13. Applied moment versus position of neutral The implications of the study described here, as well as
axis for composite beam specimens. previous studies, on composite beam design merit


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
consideration at this point. Based on the test results presented A consideration in future composite beam studies and
in the previous sections, it is evident that Equation 2 is not modifications to the specification procedures should be the
conservative in all cases. Specifically, if single shear studs application of a strength reduction factor, φ, to the shear
are used, as opposed to pairs of studs, the equation over- studs. In the current AISC LRFD specification2 a single
predicts the strength of the stud. Based on a review of strength reduction factor is applied to the nominal moment
previous studies3,12,13 the authors believe that Equation 1 is strength for the composite beam system, which includes the
conservative for designs in which two studs per rib are variable effects of the shear connectors. However, the
utilized. No general modifications to the form of the equation flexural strength of the beam and the shear strength needed at
are proposed at this time. Until such modifications are the steel concrete interface are associated with different
formulated, the following recommendations are offered: modes of behavior and limit states and therefore merit
separate consideration. If this approach were pursued, one
1.The stud reduction factor should not exceed 0.75 for would expect that the value of φ for the flexural limit state
cases in which there is one stud in a rib. may increase above the present value of 0.85, thus making
2.Detail all single studs in the strong position. The more efficient use of the steel shape which is the dominant
implementation of this detail requires coordination component in the cost of the composite beam. At the same
between the structural engineer and the stud contractor to time the variability that exists in the shear stud strength
effectively relay the objective of the detail. would be reflected in a φ value for shear studs.
3.Use 50 percent composite action as a minimum, i.e., keep The flexural and shear stud limit states are treated
ΣQn/AsFy greater than or equal to 0.50. This will independently in other limit states design specifications.17,18
minimize the adverse effect of under-strength studs on The nominal strengths, as well as the stud reduction factors,
the design moment strength, as reflected by the trend of vary between the three specifications. A graphical
the curves in Figure 2. comparison of the three specifications for the 3-in. deep
composite deck shown in Figure 3 is given in Figure 14. The
The result of implementing the above recommendations is
differences illustrated in Figure 14 in part reflect the
an increase in the number of shear studs for designs utilizing
uncertainty that exists at the present time regarding shear
one stud per rib. This will obviously result in a small
connector strength.
increase in the cost, however the percentage increase in the
in-place cost of the composite beam for these situations will
be minor. Certainly in view of the questions that have been
raised regarding the strength of the studs, the increase is Results were described for a recent study conducted at
warranted. Virginia Tech in which a series of push-out tests and

Fig. 14. Shear strength comparison for AISC, CSA, and Eurocode specifications.


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
composite beam tests were conducted. The results were 8. Jayes, B. S. and Hosain, M. U., "Behaviour of Headed Studs in
consistent with other recent studies reported in the literature, Composite Beams: Full-Size Tests," Canadian Journal of Civil
in that the strength of shear studs placed in the ribs of steel Engineering, 16, 1989, pp. 712-724.
deck oriented transverse to the beam span, calculated using 9. Robinson, H., "Multiple Stud Shear Connections in Deep
Equation 2, were higher than measured values. Review of the Ribbed Metal Deck," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,
test data used to develop Equation 2 indicated that the 15, 1988, pp. 553-569.
majority of the tests were conducted with the shear studs 10. Mottram, J. T. and Johnson, R. P., "Push Tests on Studs Welded
placed in pairs. Equation 2, when combined with Equation 1, Through Profiled Steel Sheeting," The Structural Engineer,
accurately reflects the stud strength for these cases. 68(10), (1990), pp. 187-193.
Specific modifications to Equation 2 were not proposed, 11. Lloyd, R. M. and Wright, H. D., "Shear Connection between
as further evaluation of existing procedures is required. The Composite Slabs and Steel Beams," Journal of Construction
hypothesis regarding the influence of the steel deck material Steel Research, 15, 1990, pp. 255-285.
properties on the stud strength must be evaluated at the same 12. Henderson, W. D., "Effects of Stud Height on Shear Connector
time and perhaps included as a modification to one of the Strength in Composite Beams with Light-weight Concrete in
existing methods. This hypothesis, while not conclusively Three-Inch Metal Deck," Master of Science Thesis, The
verified, was supported by the results of the Virginia Tech University of Texas, Austin, TX, 1976.
research program. 13. Klyce, D. C., "Shear Connector Spacing in Composite Members
with Formed Steel Deck," Master of Science Thesis, Lehigh
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS University, Bethlehem, PA, 1988.

Graduate research assistant support for the project was 14. Gibbings, D. R., Easterling, W. S. and Murray, T. M.,
"Composite Beam Strength as Influenced by the Shear Stud
provided by the American Institute of Steel Construction. The
Position Relative to the Stiffener in the Steel Deck Bottom
following organizations generously supplied material and
Flange," Report No. CE/VPI-ST 92/07. Virginia Polytechnic
equipment for the project: Virginia-Carolinas Structural Steel
Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, 1992.
Fabricators Association (structural steel), Vulcraft Division
15. Sublett, C. N., Easterling, W. S. and Murray, T. M., "Strength
of Nucor (steel deck pour-stop and welded wire fabric), and
of Welded Headed Studs in Ribbed Metal Deck on Composite
Nelson Stud Welding Division of TRW (shear studs and stud
Joists," Report No. CE/VPI-ST 92/03, Virginia Polytechnic
welding equipment). The remaining project costs were
Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, 1992.
provided by Virginia Tech. The project from which the push-
out test results were taken was sponsored by Nucor Research 16. American Society of Civil Engineers, Specifications for the
Design and Construction of Composite Slabs, ANSI/ASCE 3-84,
and Development.
New York, 1984.
17. Commission of the European Communities, Eurocode 4:
Common Unified Rules for Composite Steel and Concrete
1. American Institute of Steel Construction, Manual of Steel Structures, Rep. EUR 9886, 1992.
Construction—Load and Resistance Factor Design, First
18. Canadian Standards Association, Limit States Design of Steel
Edition, Chicago, Illinois, 1986.
Structures, CAN/CSA-S16.1-M89, Rexdale, Ontario, 1989.
2. American Institute of Steel Construction,Load and Resistance
Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings,
Chicago, Illinois, September 1986. NOMENCLATURE
3. Grant, J. A., Fisher, J. W. and Slutter, R. G, "Composite Beams
with Formed Steel Deck," Engineering Journal, AISC, 14(1), Ac = area of concrete slab within effective width
1977, pp. 24-43. As = area of steel cross section
4. Ollgaard, J. G., Slutter, R. G. and Fisher, J. W., "Shear Strength Asc = cross sectional area of a stud shear connector
of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal Weight
Concrete," Engineering Journal, AISC, 8(2), 1971, pp. 55-64. Asf = area of steel flange
5. American Institute of Steel Construction, Specifications for Asw = area of steel web
Structural Steel Buildings: Allowable Stress Design and Plastic
Design, Chicago, Illinois, June 1989.
a = depth of compression stress block
6. Hawkins, N. M. and Mitchell, D., "Seismic Response of C = compressive force in concrete slab
Composite Shear Connections,"Journal Structural Engineering, d = depth of steel section
ASCE, 110(9), 1984, pp. 2120-2136.
7. Jayes, B. S. and Hosain, M. U., "Behaviour of Headed Studs in
Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete
Composite Beams: Push-out Tests," Canadian Journal of Civil e = distance from center of steel section to the center of the
Engineering, 15, 1988, pp. 240-253. compressive stress block in the slab


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
Fu = minimum specified tensile stress of stud shear Mp = steel section plastic moment strength
connector Mpo = moment strength calculated using Qpo
Fy = yield stress of steel cross section Mpw = web plastic moment
Fyf = yield stress of steel web Nr = number of studs in one rib at a beam intersection
Fyw = yield stress of steel web Pyw = web yield force
fc ' = specified compressive strength of concrete Qc = calculated stud strength using Equations 1 and 2
Hs = length of shear stud after welding Qcb = stud strength calculated using Me and Equation 3.
hr = nominal rib height Qpo = stud strength calculated using push-out test results
ILB = lower bound moment of inertia Qn = nominal strength of a shear stud
Ix = moment of inertia about x-axis of structural steel tc = slab thickness above the steel deck
wr = average width of concrete rib
Mc = moment strength calculated using Qc
Ycon = distance from top of steel beam to top of concrete
Me = maximum experimental moment
YENA = distance from bottom of beam to elastic neutral axis
Mfc = fully composite moment strength
Y2 = Ycon–a/2
Mn = nominal moment strength
ΣQn = sum of strengths of shear connectors


© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
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