Strength of Shear Studs in Steel Deck On Composite
Strength of Shear Studs in Steel Deck On Composite
Strength of Shear Studs in Steel Deck On Composite
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3 authors, including:
W. Samuel Easterling
Iowa State University
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Fig. 1. Strong and weak position shear stud locations. Fig. 2. Normalized moment versus percent shear connection.
Beam Instrumentation
A standard instrumentation arrangement for strain,
deflection, end rotation and slip measurement was used for
all beam tests. All of the instruments were monitored using a
computer controlled data acquisition system.
Fig. 5. Deck/slab detail.
Fig. 4. Shear stud locations for composite beam specimens. Fig. 6. Strain gage locations for composite beam specimens.
© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
support, thus using the net upward deflection and the distance up through the concrete to prevent interference with the
between the measurement and the support, the end rotation bonding between the concrete and the shear stud. A detail of
was calculated. Additionally, a digital level was used to the strain-gaged shear stud is shown in Figure 8.
measure the angle of the slab relative to horizontal, over the The problems with the installation technique were
support, to the nearest 0.1 degrees. attributed to the method used to insert the glue in the pre-
In addition to the strain measurements already described, drilled hole. The viscosity of the glue was such that the glue
axial strain was measured in a select number of studs in had to be worked into the hole using a blunt probe. Once the
Tests 2–4. This measurement was made using an innovative gage was inserted, it was worked back and forth to eliminate
approach, adapted from bolt strain measurement techniques. any air bubbles. A different technique, which utilizes a
However, due to problems with the gage installation syringe to fill the hole from the bottom, has been used in
technique, only a limited amount of usable data was obtained. other tests on composite members since the completion of the
For the benefit of those involved with similar research in the beam tests. The change in installation procedures appears to
future, the instrumentation technique is presented here. have corrected the problem.
A cylindrical uniaxial strain gage, referred to as a bolt
gage by the manufacturer, was inserted in the stud into a pre- Beam Load Apparatus and Test Procedure
drilled hole (approximately 0.1-in. diameter) after it had been A four-point loading system was used for all tests, with the
welded to the beam. Lead wires were attached and electrical loads spaced seven feet apart. The load was applied with a
shrink tubing was placed over the lead wires to protect them single hydraulic ram and distributed to the slab by a two-tier
during concrete placement. The end of the shrink tubing was distribution system, as shown in Figure 9.
embedded in a small amount of protective coating that was The load program was similar for all tests. An initial
applied to the top of the stud. Subsequently the tubing was load, equal to approximately 15 percent of the calculated
heated to conform to the general shape of the lead wire strength, was applied to seat the specimen and was then
bundle. The lead wires were brought from the gage straight removed. The instrumentation was then re-initialized. Load
increments were applied to the specimen until the load vs.
centerline displacement response became non-linear. The
specimen was then unloaded and then reloaded to the
previous peak in three, approximately equal, increments.
Displacement increments, based on the mid-span vertical
deflection, were subsequently used to complete the test. The
specimen was unloaded during the displacement controlled
Fig. 8. Detail of strain gage in a shear stud. Fig. 9. Loading frame for composite beam specimens.
in the concrete. None of the shear studs exhibited a shear primarily a function of concrete strength. Rather, the stud
failure in the shank. strength is primarily a function of the steel deck strength
The response of the studs in the weak position, in terms (i.e., the yield stress of the steel deck). Certainly some
of load versus slip, was more ductile than that of the studs in interaction between the concrete and the deck occurred, but
the strong position. This difference is attributed to the way in the dominant component was the steel deck. Based on this
which the load appeared to be resisted, based on the observed hypothesis, the weak position push-out test strengths were
failure modes. The failure mode for the strong position tests averaged and used for all the weak position stud strengths in
was brittle; concrete shear, and the failure mode for the weak the calculations for the beam tests. No adjustment was made
position tests was more ductile; bearing and eventual tearing to account for variable concrete strengths.
of the steel deck web. A typical plot of load versus slip The strength of the shear studs in the strong position was
behavior for strong and weak position shear studs is taken as a function of the concrete strength. The strong
illustrated in Figure 12.
The results of the beam and push-out tests were compared
with calculated values. Several comparisons have been made
and are presented in this section. The calculated moment
values were based on the expressions described previously in
this paper, using measured material properties and values of
shear connector strength that were calculated using the LRFD
specification or taken from normalized push-out test results.
Shear connector strength was also back calculated using the
experimental moment values obtained from the beam tests.
The results of each of these calculations and comparisons are
given in Table 2.
The values Qc given in Table 2 are calculated stud
strengths. These were determined using Equations 1 and 2
with measured material properties. Stud strengths Qcb, were
back-calculated using the experimental moment from the
beam tests, measured material properties and the calculation
procedure described previously.
Because the shear studs in the weak position, in both the
push-out and beam tests, failed by punching through the web Fig. 12. Load vs. slip for strong and weak
of the deck it was hypothesized that their strength was not position shear studs for push-out tests.
Fig. 13. Applied moment versus position of neutral The implications of the study described here, as well as
axis for composite beam specimens. previous studies, on composite beam design merit
Fig. 14. Shear strength comparison for AISC, CSA, and Eurocode specifications.
© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
composite beam tests were conducted. The results were 8. Jayes, B. S. and Hosain, M. U., "Behaviour of Headed Studs in
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS University, Bethlehem, PA, 1988.
Graduate research assistant support for the project was 14. Gibbings, D. R., Easterling, W. S. and Murray, T. M.,
"Composite Beam Strength as Influenced by the Shear Stud
provided by the American Institute of Steel Construction. The
Position Relative to the Stiffener in the Steel Deck Bottom
following organizations generously supplied material and
Flange," Report No. CE/VPI-ST 92/07. Virginia Polytechnic
equipment for the project: Virginia-Carolinas Structural Steel
Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, 1992.
Fabricators Association (structural steel), Vulcraft Division
15. Sublett, C. N., Easterling, W. S. and Murray, T. M., "Strength
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Joists," Report No. CE/VPI-ST 92/03, Virginia Polytechnic
welding equipment). The remaining project costs were
Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, 1992.
provided by Virginia Tech. The project from which the push-
out test results were taken was sponsored by Nucor Research 16. American Society of Civil Engineers, Specifications for the
Design and Construction of Composite Slabs, ANSI/ASCE 3-84,
and Development.
New York, 1984.
17. Commission of the European Communities, Eurocode 4:
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1. American Institute of Steel Construction, Manual of Steel Structures, Rep. EUR 9886, 1992.
Construction—Load and Resistance Factor Design, First
18. Canadian Standards Association, Limit States Design of Steel
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2. American Institute of Steel Construction,Load and Resistance
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Chicago, Illinois, September 1986. NOMENCLATURE
3. Grant, J. A., Fisher, J. W. and Slutter, R. G, "Composite Beams
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5. American Institute of Steel Construction, Specifications for Asw = area of steel web
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7. Jayes, B. S. and Hosain, M. U., "Behaviour of Headed Studs in
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Engineering, 15, 1988, pp. 240-253. compressive stress block in the slab
© 2003 by American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
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