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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education





The learners demonstrate an understanding of :

1. the human origins and the capacity for culture

2. the role of culture in human adaptation
3. processes of cultural and sociopolitical evolution

Analyze key features of interrelationships of biological, cultural and

sociopolitical processes in human evolution that can still be used and developed

Analyze the significance of cultural, social, political and economic symbols and
practices. (MELC-Wk4)

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

Analyze the significance of cultural, social, political and economic symbols

and practices (ucsp11/12HSO-ll-23-24)

 Ref : ADM Q1-M3)


Subject Teacher

Socialization is a continuing process of social interaction through which people

acquired their identities and skills in society. It is a learning from people to other
people. It exposes the person to the culture of society and acquire them. An
important part of socialization and enculturation processes are the social groups
which are called agents of socialization:
The results of socialization are great because they established our identity. We
are guided how to act in a socially acceptable ways and because of socialization
we acquire culture that may improve us individuals. Socialization is also a form of
social control. It may be in the form of coercion: like punishment, economy. It may
also be in the form of language which was used as cultural symbols.

Sociologist view on Socialization

Sociologist Theory
Sigmund Freud Unconscious mind shaped
the behavior of a person.
The formation of the self
occurs between the and
the . The
influence of society
happens in
Jean Piaget Socialization happens in
different stages of our
mind’s development from
infancy to adolescence or
Lawrence Kohlberg Moral development is a
continual process that
occurs throughout our
George Herbert Mead’s The self
Emerges from social
Charles Cooley We learn to take the role of
others. The expectation of
others forms the venue for
acquiring social roles.

ACTIVITY : Write in your yellow pad paper.

1. Suppose you are youth advocate of today’s generation; what certain

specific Human Rights would you like to promote in the society ?

2. How will you execute the advocacy in your community ?


Is a patterned way of life of people which comprises behavior, language,
tradition, beliefs, values, religion, laws, arts that is accustomed by a human
being a member of society.
It is also a cumulative transfer of total learned behaviour that is acquired by
a group of people and transmitted this knowledge from one generation to
another through social learning.

Four (4) Aspects of Culture as Complex Whole

1. BELIEFS – are ideas that people have a strong feeling or convictions of

certainty of something that may exist or will takes place to happen.

2. VALUES – Is a shared perception that defines standard of doing what is

desirable and not. This cultural element suggest people what to do with
their actions that is considered appropriate and worthwhile.
Three Elements that constitute the Filipino value system
 Halaga – it is how we give importance to someone that may have its
significant impact of a person as it is a priceless possession. Halaga as
aspect of Filipino value constitute three principles
(1) Pagkatao or selfworth
(2) pakikipagkapwa-tao or noble action in relationship with others
(3) Pagkamaka-tao or compassion

 Asal - It is a manifestation of one’s action or manners of treating other

people. Asal as aspect of Filipino value constitute three principles
(1) Kapwa or relational
(2) Damdamin or emotional
(3) Dangal or honor

 Diwa – this denotes to the inner self o kalooban that resonates the
intertwined emotion and reasoning of a person.

3. NORMS - Is regarded as accepted standard behavior that is considered

tolerable action in the society.

Types of Norms
 FOLKWAYS – these are norms that apply to routine matters like eating,
sleeping, appearance, posture, use of appliances and relations to
various people, animals and the environment.
Examples of Folkways:
 standing in line observing social distancing
 helping the elderly to cross the road
 hand shaking someone you know

 MORES – are norms and behaviors that is widely observed by a

particular members in the society or group.
Examples of Mores:
 It is not adequate to wear casual clothes in attending the
 It is expected to wear facemask in public places in times of
 Stealing is considered unacceptable action

 TABOO - a culture really forbids them, an activity that is prohibited for

public display and a motion that is unpleasant in the society.
Examples of Mores:
 In many Jewish and Muslim communities, people are
prohibited from eating pork.
 LAWS are a formal body of rules ratified by the government system that
are created and regulate conduct.
Examples of Laws:
 Selling drugs, homicide, act of terrorism is punishable by law

4. SYMBOLS – It may represent a word, object, color, sound, feeling,

movement and taste to which people may have represent a meaning or
value unto it.


Direction: Poster Making: In a ¼ illustration board you make your own interpretation of
the theme “Society and culture as a complex whole”.

Rubric for Poster Making

Category 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Coverage of the Topic Details on the poster Details on theDetails on theDetails on the
capture the important poster include poster relate to the poster have little
information about the important topic but are too or nothing to do
topic and increase information but the general or with main topic.
the audience’ s audience may need incomplete. The
understanding. more information to audience needs
understand fully more information
to understand.

Use of Graphics All graphics areAll graphics areAll graphics relateGraphics do not
related to the topic and related to the topic to the topic. relate to the topic.
make it easier to and most make it
understand. easier to

Organization Information is veryInformation isInformation isThe information

organized with clear organized with titles organized, but titles appears to be
titles and and subheadings. and subheadings disorganized.
subheadings. are missing or do
not help the reader

Layout and Design All information on theMost of theMost of theMuch of the

poster is in focus information on the information on the information on the
and can be easily poster is in focus poster is in focus poster is unclear or
viewed and identified and the content and the content is too small.
from 6 ft. away. easily viewed and easily viewed and
identified from 6 ft. identified from 4 ft.
away. away.

Presentation The presentation wasThe presentationThe presentationThe presentation

the appropriate length. It was the appropriatewas the appropriate was too long or too
did not seem hurried length but seemed length but seemed short. The presenter
or too slow. Theslightly hurried or very hurried or too did not speak
presenter spoke clearlytoo slow. Theslow. The presenter clearly most of the
and distinctly and presenter spokespoke clearly and time and
established eyeclearly most of thedistinctly only some established little
contact with thetime and of the time and/or eye contact with
audience. established eyeestablished little the audience.
contact with theeye contact with
audience. the audience.


Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on your yellow pad paper.

1. Shouting inside the church during mass would be a violation of a ________

A. Folkway C. Customs
B. Mores D. Law

2. Are general and shared perception of what is god, right appropriate and worth-
while and important with regard to modes of conduct
A. Values C. Belief
B. Norms D. Symbols

3. A. standard or pattern, especially of social behavior, that is typical or behaviors

appropriate of a group
A. Values C. Belief
B. Norms D. Symbols

4. Social norms and values are culturally determined rules to ____________

A. Guide the people regarding what is right and wrong
B. Avoid paying fines and penalties
C. Lead us to popularity for being the talk of the town
D. Threat us to follow the rules even if it is against our will

5. The following are the three elements that constitute the Filipino value system
A. Halaga C. Gawa
B. Asal D. Diwa

6. The following are the norms being played by the students inside the classroom
A. Attend classes regularly,
B. Interacting in the class discussions with the teachers.
C. Participates in group activities with other student
D. Cheat or use such material forbidden in the examinations

7. The Filipino subconsciously accepts the as part of life. This term

A. Whatever will be will be C. Come what may
B. To leave everything to God D. All of the above

8. Which of the following statement best explains of Filipino’s beliefs of

A. Life is a series of ups and downs C. Indebtedness to love ones

B. Sharing of oneself to others D. Life is a game we play
9. This is learned, shared behavior, customs and beliefs?
A. Food C. Culture
B. Kinship D. Ethnicity

10. Its a conceptions that people accept as true about how the world operates and
individuals fit in it.
A. Values C. Beliefs
B. Norms D. Symbols

11. Which of the following is considered as the norms in the society except;
A. Not wearing decent clothes in a particular events or occasions
B. Cheating during exams or long quiz
C. The use of “po” and “opo” when answering/talking to the elderly.
D. Crime committed by criminals
12. The type of color of blouse or shirts to wear in the funeral is an example of _____
aspect of culture
A. Values C. Belief
B. Norms D. Symbols

13. It is the evaluative aspect as to what Filipinos find most virtuous which
self-worth, dignified relationship with others and compassion
A. Halaga C. Gawa
B. Asal D. Diwa

14. It is not acceptable to wear casual clothes in most fine dining establishments
is an example of ____________
A. Patterns C. Beliefs
B. Laws D. Mores

15. A famous quotation that says “Men build too many walls and not enough bridges”
was popularized by ___________
A. Joseph Fort Newton C. Jacob Stravinsky
B. John Stalin D. Harry Louis Ford


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