HB Arquetipos de Artificier
HB Arquetipos de Artificier
HB Arquetipos de Artificier
Archivist Spells
5th Acute Overload
9th Improved Consciousness
15th Master Archivist
metal, stone
Deception, Intimidation
Performance, Persuasion
you can an action on your to transform into pure information
and teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see within
paper, wood,
Arcana, History
60 feet, or an unoccupied space within 5 feet of a creature or
vegetable Nature, Religion object bearing one of your artificer Infusions.
While most artificers are content with mechanical innovation,
some see biology, the science of living things, as an area rife
with potential. Biomancers are those who use their talents to
supplement their own anatomy and create life. Combining
necromancy and transmutation magic, Biomancers see all
living things as prototypes that can be magically evolved.
Biomancer Features
Artificer Level Feature
Tools of the Trade, Biomancer Spells,
Aberrant Chimera
5th Augmented Flesh, Extra Attack
9th Strange Evolution
15th Master Biomancer
until you create another Chimera, or the temporary hit points At 9th level, your movement speed increases by 10 feet, and
are depleted, at which point the Chimera is destroyed. you permanently gain one Chimeric Trait of your choice.
Amphibious Physiology. While merged, the creature can When you reach 15th level in this class, you gain a second
breathe both air and water, and gains a 30 foot swim speed. permanent Chimeric Trait of your choice (for a total of two).
Resilient Hide. While merged and not wearing any armor
or using a shield, the creature's Armor Class is equal to 10 + Master Biomancer
your Intelligence modifier + their Constitution modifier. You have become a master amongst Biomancer artificers.
Vestigial Limb. While merged, the creature grows an Beginning at 15th level, when you target a creature with a
additional limb which resembles their own limbs. It has a Biomancer Spell, you can grant a single target (additional)
reach of 5 feet, and can lift a number of pounds equal to your temporary hit points equal to your artificer level.
Intelligence score. The limb can't use weapons or shields nor In addition, when merged with your Chimera, you are
can it do anything that requires manual precision. resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
For those that pursue the magic of artifice, no area of study is
too dangerous. Perhaps against their better judgment, some
artificers choose to experiment with Chronomancy, the magic
of time. Known as Chronothieves, these bold artificers are
marked by their signature Chronometers, a wondrous object
which they use to steal moments and adjust the flow of time.
Chronothief Features
Artificer Level Feature
Tools of the Trade, Chronothief Spells,
5th Stolen Moments
9th Strange Evolution
15th Master Time Thief
Composer Spells
Thunderous Note
5th Thunderous Note Beginning at 5th level, when you hit a creature with a Musical
9th Resonant Frequency Apparatus attack, you can expend a spell slot to knock Large
or smaller targets back with a thunderous burst of sound. The
15th Master Composer creature is knocked back 10 feet for a 1st-level spell slot, and
an additional 10 feet for each spell level higher than 1st-level.
Musical Apparatus Also, whenever you deal thunder damage, you add your
At 3rd level, you create a signature musical instrument. At the Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to your damage roll.
end of a long rest, you can use your smith's tools to create a
Musical Apparatus. You are proficient with this Apparatus Resonant Frequency
and it can be used as a spellcasting focus by you. When you Starting at 9th level, you can use an action to play a note that
make an ability check with your Musical Apparatus, you can causes a target within 10 feet to resonate with undetectable
add double your proficiency bonus to the result of your roll. music for 1 hour. The next time that creature is hit by a melee
You can only maintain one Apparatus at a time. If you attack, the attacker must succeed on a Constitution saving
create a second, the previous Apparatus becomes unusable. throw or take 2d8 thunder damage and not be able take
Upon creating your Musical Apparatus, you can weaponize reactions until the start of their next turn.
it, choosing one of the following options below: You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
Raucous Blast. Your Apparatus can assault creatures with Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
a blast of sound. As an action, make a spell attack against a expended uses when you finish a long rest.
creature within 60 feet that can hear you. On hit, the creature
takes 1d8 thunder damage and is deafened until the start of Master Composer
your next turn. The damage increases by 1d8 at 5th level You have mastered the theory and applications of musical.
(2d8), and again at 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). Beginning at 15th level, you gain the following benefits:
Ringing Strike. Your Apparatus is a simple weapon with You are immune to thunder damage and being deafened.
the versatile property, and it deals 1d8 (1d10) bludgeoning Your Musical Apparatus gains both Weaponized effects.
damage on hit. You are considered proficient with it, and you Your Thunderous Note feature effects Huge or smaller
can use your Intelligence, in place of Strength, for attack and creatures. Large or smaller creatures that fail the saving
damage rolls. In addition, you can cast the booming blade* throw fall prone at the end of their forced movement.
cantrip as long as your Apparatus is the material component. The damage of Resonant Frequency becomes to 4d8.
While most artificers iterate on one invention, Dungeoneers
use their know-how to weaponize mundane objects. Trusted
to safeguard untold riches and powerful artifacts, these slick
inventors use basic adventuring gear to construct defensive
traps, puzzles, and structures that can repel all but the most
hardy and determined adventurers and marauders.
Dungeoneer Features
Artificer Level Feature
Tools of the Trade, Dungeoneer Spells,
5th Extra Attack
9th Arcane Improvisation
15th Master Dungeoneer
Machinist Spells
5th Arcane Conduit, Automated Army
9th Efficient Production
15th Master Machinist
Tools of the Trade
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith's tools. If you
already proficient in smith's tools, you gain proficiency with
At 3rd level, you learn to craft Automatons. At the end of each another set of artisan's tools of your choice.
long rest, you use your smith's tools to magically create a
Small Automaton in an unoccupied space within 5 feet. Once Machinist Spells
you create an Automaton, you can't do so again until you Artificer Level Spell
finish a long rest or until you expend a spell slot of 1st-level or
higher to create another one. You can have one Automaton at 3rd color spray, unseen servant
a time, creating a second causes the first to fall apart. 5th cloud of daggers, cordon of arrows
Automatons are magical constructs with an Armor Class
equal to 12 + your Intelligence modifier, and hit points equal 9th spirit guardians, tiny servant XGtE
to your artificer level + your Intelligence modifier. When they 13th faithful hound, summon construct TCoE
make an ability check or a saving throw, its ability scores are
10 (+0). If mending is cast on it, it regains 2d6 hit points. It 17th animate objects, awaken
disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points or after 1 hour.
When you create you Automaton, you decide which type it Arcane Conduit
is, choosing from the options on the table below. As a bonus Beginning at 5th level, you learn to channel magic through
action on your turn, you can activate the Automaton if you are your Automatons. When you cast an artificer spell, you can
within 60 feet. As part that bonus action, you can direct the choose for the spell to originate from an Automaton, instead
Automaton to walk up to 25 feet to an unoccupied space. of yourself so long as you are within 60 feet of it.
When you cast a spell in this way, you roll a d8, and add the
Automaton Model number rolled to one damage, or healing, roll of the spell.
Model Activation
Automated Army
You can see and hear through the senses of You can create and control Automatons even more efficiently.
your Automaton, so long as you are within 100 Starting at 5th level, you can control up to two Automatons at
feet. You are deaf and blind to your senses one time, and at the end of each long rest you can create two
until you end this link as a bonus action. Automatons of your choice, without expending a spell slot.
The Automaton latches onto a creature within
You can activate all Automatons as one bonus action.
5 feet, reducing the target's movement speed
Alternate Alchemist Spells
5th Alchemical Savant
9th Restorative Reagents
15th Master Alchemist
you are already proficient with alchemist's supplies, you gain Alchemist Spells
proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.
Artificer Level Spell
Alchemical Elixirs 3rd healing word, inflict wounds
Beginning at 3rd level, at the end of each long rest, you can
use your alchemist's supplies produce an Elixir in an empty 5th acid arrow, flaming sphere
flask you touch. At creation, you choose the Elixir's effect 9th gaseous form, mass healing word
from the table below, some of which include your proficiency
bonus (PB). The effect of an Elixir is triggered when someone 13th blight, death ward
drinks the Elixir. As a bonus action, a creature can drink the 17th cloudkill, reincarnate
Elixir or administer it to a creature within 5 feet. A creature
can only be under the effects of one Elixir at a time, and Alchemical Savant
drinking another immediately ends any other Elixir effects. Starting at 5th level, when you cast an artificer spell that
Any Elixir you create through this feature lasts until it is deals acid, fire, necrotic, or poison damage, or restores hit
consumed, or until the end of your next long rest. points, you gain a bonus to the damage, or healing, roll equal
As an action on your turn, you can expend a spell slot of to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
1st-level or higher to create an Elixir in an empty flask you
touch. You can use the Elixir as part of the same action. Restorative Reagents
At certain levels in this class, you can make more Elixirs at Beginning at 9th level, whenever a creature drinks one of
the end of a long rest: at 6th level (two), and 15th level (three). your Elixirs, they gain temporary hit points equal to 2d6 +
your Intelligence modifier, in addition to the Elixir's effect.
Alchemical Elixirs Also, you can cast lesser restoration without expending a
Elixir Effect spell slot, even if you don't have it prepared, provided you use
The drinker is transformed as if by the alter your alchemist's supplies as the spellcasting focus.
Alteration self spell. They determine the effect of the You can cast lesser restoration in this way a number of
spell, which lasts for 10 minutes. times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once),
and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
The drinker can add 1d4 to any attack rolls
and saving throws they make for 1 minute. Master Alchemist
The drinker gains a flying speed equal to 5 You have become a master among Alchemist artificers.
times your PB in feet for 10 minutes. Upon reaching 15th level, you gain resistance to acid and
The drinker regains a number of hit points
poison damage, and immunity to the poisoned condition.
equal to PB(d4) + your Intelligence Modifier.
In addition, you can cast both greater restoration and heal
without expending a spell slot, without preparing the spell,
The drinker gains a bonus to their Armor and without providing the material component, provided you
Class equal to half your PB for 10 minutes. use your alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus.
The drinker's speed increases by a number You can cast each of these spells once with this feature,
of feet equal to 5 times your PB for 1 hour. and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
Power Whip
Artificer Infusions Item: A whip or chain
Listed here are additional infusions available to artificers. If This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage
an infusion has a prerequisite artificer level, you can learn the rolls made with it, and it's damage die increases to 1d8.
infusion at the same time that you meet the prerequisites. This bonus increases at 10th level (+2) and 14th level (+3).
Adjustable Tool Set Immovable Boots
Item: a set of artisan's tools (requires attunement)
While grasping the item, the wielder can use a bonus action
This tiny magical launcher can be loaded with a Tiny
to cause a blade of pure radiance to spring into existence, or
object (for example: ball bearings, a vial of acid, alchemist's dissapear, from the end of the item. While the blade exists,
fire, or holy water). As a bonus action the wearer can activate this magic item is a simple weapon with the finesse property.
the launcher and make a ranged attack at a target within 20 The luminous blade emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and
feet. The launcher can be reloaded as an action. dim light for an additional 15 feet. The light is sunlight.
Enhanced Instrument The wielder gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
Item: a musical instrument (requires attunement)
the roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1). Item: A pair of gloves or gauntlets (requires attunement)
At 10th level this magic instrument grants a +1 bonus to These magical gauntlets have 4 charges. When the wearer
spell attack rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 14th level. hits a creature with an unarmed strike they can expend 1
Featherweight Belt charge and force the target to make a Strength saving throw.
Item: A belt or cloak (requires attunement)
This magic weapon no longer has either the heavy or two- This magic harness automatically sizes to fit the wearer, and
handed property (your choice upon infusion). can be worn over clothing or light armor. It has wing-like fins
between your limbs that can slow your fall or allow you to
At 10th level this weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and glide. When you fall, and aren't incapacitated, you subtract up
damage rolls. This bonus becomes +2 at 14th level. to 100 feet from your fall when calculating falling damage,
Goggles of Clearsight and can move 2 feet horizontally every 1 foot you fall.
Item: A pair of goggles or glasses
War Gauntlet
While wearing these goggles, the wearer can see through Prerequisite: 6th level artificer
lightly obscured areas without disadvantage on Wisdom Item: An armored gauntlet and a martial weapon or shield
(Perception) checks. In addition, the wearer no longer suffers You attach either a martial weapon lacking the heavy or two
the negative effects from the Sunlight Sensativity trait, and handed properties, or a shield to the gauntlet. The wearer
they have advantage on saving throws to resist being blinded. gains proficiency with the attached item, and it cannot be
removed from the gauntlet while this Infusion is active.
Chameleon Armor Vampiric Weapon
Prerequisite: 10th level artificer
This armor has 4 charges. While wearing this magical armor You enchant a weapon to drain life from enemies. When the
the wearer can use an action to expend charges and cast one wielder scores a critical hit with this weapon, the target takes
of the following spells, targeting only themselves: invisibility an additional 2d6 necrotic damage, so long as the target is
(2 charges) or greater invisibility (4 charges). This armor not a construct or undead. The wielder gains temporary hit
regains all expended charges daily at dawn. points equal to the extra necrotic damage dealt.
When you reach 14th level, the additional necrotic damage
Collar of Taming from this Infusion increases to 4d6.
Prerequisite: 10th level artificer
You, and only you, can control any beast wearing this collar Item: A helm, hat, or diadem (requires attunement)
as if it were a trained mount. This collar does not work on The wearer of this magic helm is resistant to psychic
beasts with an Intelligence score greater than your own. damage, immune to the charmed and frightened conditions,
At 15th level, this magic collar allows you to control any and any magic that allows another creature to read their
monstrosity with an Intelligence score of 5 or lower. thoughts or telepathically communicate with them.
Elemental Weapon Masterwork Homunculus
Prerequisite: 10th level artificer
the user can use their action to cast the steel wind strike
This magic suit of armor has 4 charges. As an action, the spell, using the Infused weapon as the spellcasting focus,
wearer can expend a charge to cast the enlarge/reduce spell, without expending a spell slot. The weapon regains all
targeting only themselves, without expending a spell slot or expended charges at the end of a long rest.
requiring concentration. Re-casting the spell with the armor
ends the effect. This armor regains all charges at dawn. Mystic Shot
Prerequisite: 14th level artificer
While wielding this magic weapon, the user can use their
Item: A ring (requires attunement)
Alternate Alchemist
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