Rogue (Alternate) - Roguish Archetypes

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Tragic Backstory

Roguish Archetypes 3rd-level Edgelord Archetype feature

At 3rd level, a Rogue gains the Roguish Archetype feature. Your upbringing was traumatic beyond what any other mortal
The following Patron-exclusive options can be made available has experienced, though it has granted you certain skills. You
in addition to the Archetypes available in official content: gain proficiency in Performance and in two of the following
Edgelord Falconer Troubadour
tool kit: the disguise kit, forgery kit, or poisoner's kit.
Moreover, whenever you make an ability check that uses
one of the proficiencies you gained from this feature you gain
Edgelord a bonus to your roll equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.
Some people find themselves in darkness, but you were born One with Shadows
in it. Maybe you were orphaned at a young age and spent your 7th-level Edgelord Archetype feature
childhood on the streets. Or, maybe you were born in a family Your soul is so dark that you emanate darkness itself. When a
that just didn't get you, like not at all. No matter your tragic creature attempts to perceive you, it does so as if you were in
past, you have weaponized that unique suffering that nobody one level of darkness greater then usual. If you are in normal
could possibly understand to become a vicious Edgelord. light, it perceives you in dim light, and if you are in dim light,
Now, you stalk the darkness and impart your pain onto it perceives you as if you were in darkness.
those unfortunate enough to meet your inky black gaze. In addition, you can draw upon this shadow and magically
Dramatic Retort manifest it. As an action, you can expend one Exploit Die to
3rd-level Edgelord Archetype feature cast darkness at a point that you can see within 30 feet.
It would be impossible for someone to fully understand your Finally, you can see normally in both normal darkness and
pain, but you can give them a glimpse of the suffering within in magical darkness that you create (such as by darkness).
your soul. As bonus action, you can direct a scathing quip at a Fade to Black
creature that can hear you within 30 feet, forcing it to make a 13th-level Edgelord Archetype feature
Wisdom saving throw against your Exploit Save DC. You care so little about your own life that you can fade into
On a failed save, the creature takes psychic damage equal nothingness. As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit
to one roll of your Exploit Die, and you can add your Sneak Die to disappear and instantly reappear in an area of
Attack bonus to attacks against it until the start of your next darkness that you can see within 30 feet.
turn, so long as you don't have disadvantage on your attack. If you are within an area of darkness when you use this
On a success, it takes no damage, but it feels bad for you. feature you can do so without expending an Exploit Die.
Edgelord Exploits
3rd-level Edgelord Archetype feature Lord of the Edge
You learn certain Exploits at the Rogue levels noted in the 17th-level Edgelord Archetype feature
table below. These don't count against your total number of The darkness within your soul surpasses that of Chaos Lords
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level. and Archdevils. When you use your Dramatic Retort, you can
choose to empower it with primordial darkness and suffering.
Rogue Level Exploit Creatures of your choice that can hear you within range must
3rd streetwise, smoke bomb make a Wisdom saving throw against your Exploit Save DC.
They take psychic damage equal to five rolls of your Exploit
5th dirty hit, grasp of night Die on a failed save, and half as much damage on a success.
9th incite violence Once you empower Dramatic Retort in this way you must
finish a short or long rest before you can do so again.
You have dedicated your life to training an elegant and deadly Bird of Prey
Bird of Prey. With your winged partner at your side, there is Tiny Beast, Neutral
no mission or foe that the two of you cannot take on together.
With your Bird of Prey watching from the skies above, there Armor Class 13 + PB (natural armor)
is little that can escape the wrath of your talons and blade. Hit Points 4 + five times your Rogue level.
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.
Bird of Prey
3rd-level Falconer Archetype feature
You complete the training of a Bird of Prey to adventure by STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
your side. You determine its appearance, but this choice has 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2)
no effect on its game statistics. Common Birds of Prey are
hawks, falcons, eagles, and vultures. It is friendly to you and Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
your allies and obeys your commands. It uses the Bird of Languages understands one language you speak
Prey stat block on this page, which uses your proficiency
bonus (PB) and Exploit save DC in several places. Falconer's Bond You add your PB to any ability check
In combat, the Bird acts during your turn. It can move and or saving throw the Bird of Prey makes.
use its reaction on its own, but it only takes the Dodge action
unless you use your bonus action to command it to take an Flyby. The Bird of Prey doesn't provoke opportunity
action from its stat block, or another combat action. attacks when it flies out of an enemies reach.
When you take the Attack action, you can command your Hit Dice. The Bird of Prey has a total number of d6
Bird to take the Attack action in place of one of your attacks. Hit Dice equal to your Rogue level. It also gains all
If you are incapacitated, your Bird of Prey can act on its own. the normal benefits of both short and long rests.
If your Bird falls to 0 hit points it makes death saving Keen Sight. The Bird of Prey has advantage on any
throws like a player character would. Should your Bird of ability check that relies on its sense of sight.
Prey die, you can spend time during a long rest to seek out
a worthy bird from the wild to serve as your Companion, so Actions
long as such a bird exists. Once you bond with such a bird, Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 +PB to hit, reach
it uses the Bird of Prey stat block. 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 +3 +PB slashing damage.

Falconer Exploits
3rd-level Falconer Archetype feature Avian Bond
You learn certain Exploits at the Rogue levels noted in the 7th-level Falconer Archetype feature
table below. These don't count against your total number of Your connection with your Bird of Prey has grown. You and
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level. your Bird of Prey can use whistles, chirps, and gestures to
Rogue Level Exploit share simple ideas and convey information to each other.
3rd aerial maneuver, cunning instinct Primal Hunter
5th exposing strike, trick shot 7th-level Falconer Archetype feature
Through dedicated training you have honed the natural skills
9th survey settlement of your Bird of Prey. Whenever an effect allows your Bird of
Prey to make a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, it
Falconer's Training takes no damage on a success, and half damage on a failure.
3rd-level Falconer Archetype feature Also, when your Bird of Prey hits a creature with a Talon
You have dedicated many days to the art of falconry. You gain attack that would meet the requirements for Sneak Attack, it
proficiency in both Animal Handling and Nature if you do not can forgo the damage of its attack to force the target to make
have it already. Whenever you make an Intelligence (Nature) a Dexterity saving throw against your Exploit save DC. On a
or a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check related to flying birds, failed save, it is blinded until the start of your next turn.
beasts, or monstrosities of any kind, you gain a bonus to your
roll equal to one roll of your Exploit Die. Harrying Strikes
13th-level Falconer Archetype feature
When a creature within 10 feet of your Bird of Prey makes an
attack, your Bird can use its reaction to impose disadvantage
on their attack roll.
Falconer of Legend
17th-level Falconer Archetype feature
Your Bird of Prey rivals the great winged beasts of legends.
Once per turn when your Bird of Prey hits with a Talon attack
that meets the requirements for Sneak Attack, it can add your
Sneak Attack bonus to its damage roll. Though, your Bird of
Prey rolls d4s in place of the normal d6s for Sneak Attack.
Troubadour Poetic Inspiration
3rd-level Troubadour Archetype feature
While most Rogues prefer to remain hidden in the shadows, You inspire others with poetic verse. When a creature that
those known as Troubadours can't help but be drawn to the can hear you within 60 feet makes an ability check, attack
spotlight. Troubadours are marked by their great skill in the roll, or saving throw, you can use your reaction to add one roll
performing arts, ad their relentless pursuit of romantic love. of your Exploit Die to its roll. You can use this reaction after
Romantic Artistry the creature rolls, but before you know if it succeeds or fails.
3rd-level Troubadour Archetype feature You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your
You have mastered many art forms in your pursuit of love. Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all uses
When you adopt this Archetype, you gain proficiency in when you finish a long rest. If you have no uses left, you can
Performance, and with two instruments of your choice. expend an Exploit Die to use this feature again.
When you make a Charisma (Performance) check, or a Soothing Performance
check with either musical instrument proficiency from this 7th-level Troubadour Archetype feature
feature, you treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8. Your poetry and song assuages the wounds and worries of
Spellcasting your allies. When a creature spends one or more Hit Dice to
3rd-level Troubadour Archetype feature recover hit points during a short rest with you, they regain
Your talent in poetry and music allows you to produce spells, additional hit points equal to one roll of your Exploit Die.
much like the Bard does. You gain the following benefits: Hopeless Romantic
Cantrips. You learn three cantrips: vicious mockery and 13th-level Troubadour Archetype feature
two other cantrips of your choice from the Bard Spell List. Your poetic verse inspire the best in others through your
You learn another Bard cantrip at 10th level in this class. undying love and affection. You regain all expended uses of
Spell Slots. The Troubadour Spellcasting table shows Poetic Inspiration each time you finish a short or long rest.
how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st-level
and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a Poetic Assault
slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell 17th-level Troubadour Archetype feature
slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know Your verses cut to the emotional heart of your foes. When you
the charm person spell and have both a 1st and a 2nd-level damage a creature with a Bard spell of 1st-level or higher, you
spell slot, you can cast charm person using either spell slot. can add your Sneak Attack bonus to one target of the spell.
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know three
1st-level spells of your choice from the Bard spell list. The Troubadour Spellcasting
Spells Known column of the Troubadour Spellcasting table Rogue Spells 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
shows when you learn more Bard spells of your choice of Level Known Level Level Level Level
1st-level or higher, of a level for which you have slots. 3rd 3 2 — — —
When you gain a level, you can replace one of your Spells
Known with another spell from the Bard Spell List. The spell 4th 4 3 — — —
must also be of a level for which you have spell slots. 5th 4 3 ─ — —
Spellcasting Focus. You can use any musical instrument
you are proficient in as a spellcasting focus for your spells. 6th 4 3 ─ — —
Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your spellcasting ability 7th 5 4 2 — —
for Bard spells, as your magic is fueled by poetry and song.
You use Charisma when a spell refers to your spellcasting 8th 6 4 2 — —
ability. You also use your Charisma modifier when setting the 9th 6 4 2 — —
saving throw DC or making a spell attack roll for a bard spell. 10th 7 4 3 — —
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus 11th 8 4 3 — —
+ your Charisma modifier
12th 8 4 3 — —
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
+ your Charisma modifier 13th 9 4 3 2 —
14th 10 4 3 2 —
15th 10 4 3 2 —
16th 11 4 3 3 —
17th 11 4 3 3 —
18th 11 4 3 3 —
19th 12 4 3 3 1
20th 13 4 3 3 1
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