Lesson-Plan Paraiso

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. Identify the message of the song “Paraiso;”
B. Complete different tasks reflecting the message of the song; and
C. Express agreement to the song through writing a message to Mother Earth or
humanity on the freedom board.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Paraiso by Smokey Mountain
Reference: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (Grade 10) p.316
Materials: Visual Aids, Speaker, Strips of Paper and Microphone

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparation
Good morning class. Good morning, ma’am.
How are you feeling today? We are fine, ma’am.
It’s good to hear that you are all feeling fine.
Before anything else, let us be reminded first
of our classroom rules. What will you do if the
teacher is talking here in front? Listen attentively.
Always turn off your microphone.
Click the raise hand button if you want to
Can I count on you to follow the said rules? Yes, ma’am.
Very good.

B. Motivation
Do you want to play a game? Yes, ma’am.
This morning, we will be playing a game
called “Singers of the Mic.” I will call students
to sing a song based on the given categories
and you are going to use any objects near
you to be your mic. After the performance of
one student, I call another student and
she/he’ll be given another category to sing.
Be reminded that songs should not be
repeated and once a student cannot present
a song, she/he won’t have an additional point
for today’s lessons. Are my instructions
clear? Yes, ma’am.
Shall we start with the game? Yes, ma’am.
(The students play the game.)

Singers of the Mic:

-A song about hope and joy
-A song about being poor
-A song about a certain place or can be about
the world
Did you enjoy the game? Yes, ma’am.
If we try to incorporate all the given
categories, what song could you think of? I can think of the song “Paraiso,” ma’am.

C. Presentation
Our lesson for this morning is about the song
“Paraiso.” But before digging deeper into our
topic, let us read first our objectives. (The students read the objectives)

D. Discussion
How would you describe a place called
“Paraiso?” (Answers may vary)
Paraiso comes from the Spanish root that
means “heaven.” It was composed by Ryan
Cayabyab and was first premiered by
Smokey Mountain. As we are about to listen
to the song, let us keep in mind the following
1. What is the song all about?
2. What does this tell about the condition of
Mother Nature?
3. Why is the song entitled “Paraiso?”
4. What is the message of the song?

At this moment, we will be listening the song.

I will play a lyric video for you to understand it
well. I want you to feel the lyrics of the song
as you listen to it.

(The teacher plays the song using the (The students listen to the song.)

Let us now answer the guide questions. What It is about someone who live in a place called
is the song all about? “Paraiso” wherein he tried to describe his life
that is full of hope and joy despite of poverty.

That’s right. The life that was being described

in the song refers to the life of the singers
who were the Smokey Mountain. The
Smokey Mountain had lived in a garbage
dumpsite in Manila.

What does this tell about the condition of It describes how dirty and polluted the world
Mother Nature? is.

Correct. Why is the song entitled “Paraiso?” (Answers may vary)

Very good. What is the message of the song? The message of the song is to change our
bad habits, help clean our environment and
not to lose hope when we encounter difficult

F. Application
Now, I will present you different tasks. I want
you to choose and present one task and ten
minutes preparation will be given to you and
a maximum of two minutes for your
presentation. But before your ten-minute
preparation, let us first have our scoring
rubrics for your output.

• Make a poem reflecting the message
of the song.
• Present a persuasive speech about
the message of the song.
• Make a rap reflecting the message of
the song.
• Present a role play reflecting the
message of the song.

(The students do the activity)

G. Generalization
What is the theme of the song? The theme of the song is hope.
Why did you say so? It is hope because even though their life there
is very poor, they can still find joy in small
things that could help them strive to keep on

Why do you think Ryan Cayabyab composed He composed this kind of song maybe
this kind of song? because he wanted us to be awakened to the
fact that humanity is destroying the Mother
Earth and many people become more
unfortunate to have this kind of condition of
our environment.
So what is the message that is being The message of the song is that we must not
reflected in the song? lose hope despite of the struggles we have in
life. We must also appreciate even the small
things we have in life and lastly, we must
learn to take care of our Mother Earth.

Yes, ma’am.

Brilliant! Do you agree to the message of the

song? The tree doesn’t have leaves ma’am.

I have here a tree. What is missing in this

This time, I will be playing the song again for
we will be having the activity called “Leaf a
Message.” I want you annotate this slide and
write your insights and comments about the
song. Before the song would end, I want to
see all those papers already posted here on Yes, ma’am.
the branches of the tree. Are my instructions
clear? (The students do the activity)

(The teacher plays the song again.)

Let me read to you some of your classmates’


(The teacher read some insights)

You have presented wonderful reflections.

Can I expect from you that you are going to Yes, ma’am.
keep those things that you have learned
today, as well as your reflections?

Very good.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Identify what is/are being asked in each item by picking the answers from the box.
Link: https://forms.gle/h9E2s1uKT3UapAKu9

a. empty cans b. cardboards c. bird d. hope

e. Smokey Mountain f. respect g. rags h. dove
i. truth j. Ryan Cayabyab k. plastic bags

e. 1. Who first premiered the song “Paraiso?”

j. 2. Who composed the song?
d,f & i. 3-5. What are being expected by the hungry land from the rest of the world?
a & c. 6-7. What are the things that symbolizes joy?
g. 8. What were their clothes made of?
b. 9. What were their house made of?
k. 10. What would they wear to protect them against the cold weather?
V. Assignment
Directions: On a short bond paper, draw how “Paraiso” is being depicted in the song. Write your
name at the opposite side of the paper.
Content 10pts.
Relevance to the Song 5 pts.
Creativity 10pts.
Unity of the Output 5 pts.
Following of Instructions 5 pts.
Total: 35pts.

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