Isolation of Protease Enzyme From Chayote Fruit (Sechium Edule (Jacq.) SW.) With Ammonium Sulfate Fractination Method
Isolation of Protease Enzyme From Chayote Fruit (Sechium Edule (Jacq.) SW.) With Ammonium Sulfate Fractination Method
Isolation of Protease Enzyme From Chayote Fruit (Sechium Edule (Jacq.) SW.) With Ammonium Sulfate Fractination Method
Table 1. Specific activity of chayote protease on crude extract, 0-20% fraction, 20-50%
and 50-70% fraction
Table 1 shows that there was an increasing of molecules bind to the salt ions, so that the
protease activity in fractions of 20-50% i.e. amount of water that bind to protein is
25.30 x 10-3 U/mL, whereas in Table 2 it reduced and resulting precipitation of
appears that protease activity as a whole has proteins (Seidman and Mowery, 2006).
increased from crude extract (5.13 x 10-3 Although the value of the highest
U/mL). From the crude extract to the protease activity was found in fractions 20-
addition of salt (NH4)2SO4 30-40% rise and 30% and the highest protein content was
drop upon addition of salt (NH4)2SO4 40- found in fractions 30-40%, but the fractions
50%. The decrease and increase in the has a lower specific activity. The specific
activity of this protease can be caused by activity showed a purity level of protease
variations in the amount of protease enzyme enzyme. The more pure protease enzyme
protein and non-protein enzyme that settles obtained, would have a value of specific
in each fraction as protease results activity increasing (Lehninger, 1990). During
fractionation was still consists of protein the process of purification, enzyme
enzymes and non-enzyme proteins (Wang, concentration increased relative to the total
2004), as well as due to the respective each protein content to a certain extent
type of protein has a different solubility (Lehninger, 1990). The purity of protease
(Scopes, 1982). obtained in fractions of 40-50% (16.00x10-3
The total protein content shows a U/mg) reach 4 times than the specific activity
decrease in the fraction of 0-20% and 50- of the crude extract (3.7338 x 10-3 U/mg)
70% and an increase at the fraction of 20-
50% compared to the protein content of the CONCLUSION
crude extract (Table 1). The total protein It can be concluded that the value of
content in decreased in each additional level the specific activity of the crude extract
of salt saturation (NH4)2SO4 (Table 2). This protease (before the stage of salting out) was
is caused by each protein has a different 3.7338 x 10-3 U/mg. The most optimal of
solubility (Scopes, 1982) and in this case a ammonium sulfate saturation level to
protein thought to have much precipitate in precipitate chayote protease was 40-50%.
the fractions of 20-30%, so that the protein is
not too much precipitate in the fraction of 30-
40% and 40-50% , The addition of
ammonium sulfate salt resulted in water