Gen Phy107 Final1s PDF
Gen Phy107 Final1s PDF
Gen Phy107 Final1s PDF
National Dong Hwa University, 1, Sec. 2, PHYS10000AA, AB, AC, Class year 107
Da Hsueh Rd., Shou-Feng, Hualien, 974, Taiwan 01-08-2019
Note: This is a close-book examine. You can use pencil or any pen in answering the problems. Dictionary and
Calculators are allowed.
1 2k
2 m
2. Conservation of energy: (20%) The gravitational force between two particles
with masses m and M, initially at great separation, pulls them together. What is
the speed of either particle relative to the other, when d is the separation at that
instant? (10%)
3. Gravitation: (15%) The magnitude of the gravitational force between a particle
m1 m2
of mass m1 and one of mass m2 is given by F ( x ) G , where G is a
constant, and x is the distance between two particles.
(a) What is the corresponding potential energy function U (x)? (5%)
(b) How much work is required to increase the separation of the particles from
x=x1 to x=x1+d? (5%)
4. Doppler effect: (15%) If a sound wave has a speed v and frequency f. What is the
detected frequency when the source is moving at speed vs towards the detector and
the detector is stationary? (10%) Derive this.
5. Wave equation: (20%) Suppose you set up a traveling wave in a string. Refer to the
figure to the right, if you focused on this section of the
string, you can find the mass of the string is oscillating
vertically (y-direction) that is it is perpendicular to the
wave’s travelling direction (say, to the right or in the
+x direction). Let the same section, suppose the
vibration of the string can be represented as a function
y(x, t); a function of both x and t; and let the line
density of the string be , and T is the tension of the
string. Prove that the wave equation describing this wave motion is
2 y ( x , t ) 2 y ( x, t )
T t 2 x 2
6. Escape Speed of a Rock: (15%) Superman picks up a 20 Kg rock and throws it into
the space. What minimum speed must it have at the Earth’s surface to move infinitely
far away from the Earth?