Moving Charges and Magnetism

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 Magnetic field by Faraday  B due to circular wire  Used in determining e /m ratio by

 Field should be equidistant and μo ∈ R
2 J J Thomson
 B=
straight 2¿¿ 1 1
 ϵ o μ= 2 ∨ 2
 Dimensional formula – MT – 2A – 1  At centre , X = 0 V C
¿  B due to polygon
 Oersted discovered magnetic  Bc =μo ∈ 2 R ¿
effect of current  Triangle
 Magnetic field or flux or  =¿ 9 μo i
B  B=
induction unit – weber/m2 or 2 πa
 If X >> R
Tesla  At vertex P
μo 2 m
 1 Tesla = 10 4 guass  B= μo i
4 π X3  B=
 All oscillating or accelerated 2 √ 3 πa
 B due to arc
charge produce EM waves
 Biot savarts law
μ o idlsinθ
 dB=
4 π r2
 = 10 – 7 T x m /A

 Vector Form of biot savarts law θ μoi  Square
 B=
2π 2 R
μ o id ⃗l x ⃗r
 dB=  Lorentz force
4 π r3
 F=q ⃗ E + q(⃗v x ⃗
 B due to Finite wire
 Magnetic force depends on
magnitude of charge and its
nature and velocity 2 √ 2 μo i
 B=

F Magnetic =I B Lsin θ=q V B sinθ  At point P
μo F μoi
 B= i¿ ¿  B=  B=
4π qV 2 √ 2 πa
 θ1=θ 2 , L1 = L2 = L/2  Unit of B – NC – 1m – 1S - Tesla  Hexagon
μoi 2 L  Earths magnetic field – 3.6 x 10 –5
 B=
2 πr ¿ ¿ Tesla
 B due to infinite wire  Velocity selector
μo i  V=E/B
 B=
2π r  Particle passes undeflected
 Semi infinite wire
 This principle employed in mass √ 3 μoi
 B=
μo i spectrometer πa
 B=
4π r

 In uniform magnetic field a  r≥R

 B=μ o∋ ¿ ( cos θ1−cos θ 2 ) ¿
charged particle can have 3 paths μo i 2
 B=
 Straight line B ll V 2π r
 Circular path B⊥ V μ ( ⃗J x r⃗ )
 B= o
 Helical path θ ≠ 0 , 90 ,180
 J – current density
 Radius

mV sin θ  Field inside is parallel to axis

qB  Outside field = 0
 Time
 Toroid
2 πm
 T= ¿
qB  B=μ o∋ 2 πr ¿
 Frequency R1 + R2
qB  r=
 f= 2
2 πm  Hollow circular ring
 Hollow sphere
 Angular velocity
 Inside  Field exterior to Toroid = 0
 ω=  B=0  Biot savarts law and Lorentz
 Distance moved along magnetic  r≥R force yield results in accordance
field in one rotation is called μo i with Newtons third law
 B=
pitch 2π r  Newtons third law doesnot hold
2 πmV cos θ good for time dependent motion
 P=V T =
qB  In such cases conservation of
 Excited oxygen atom emits green momentum is followed
light  Two infinite parallel conductors
 Excited Nitrogen atom emits pink F μo I 1 I 2
light  =
L 2 πd
 Right hand thumb rule also  In uniform B , current carrying
known as screw rule  Solenoid loop experiences Torque but no
 Ampheres law  Inside Net Force
 ∮ B . dl=μo i  B=μ o∋ ¿ ¿  Torque
 τ =IAB sin θ
 ∮ H . dl=i  B=μ o∋¿
 Magnetic moment
 Hold good for steady current N
 n=  m=NAI
which do not fluctuate with time L
 N – no of turns  τ =m x B
 Solid sphere or cylinder  Magnetic dipole
 r < R  At ends point
 along axis
μ o ir  B=μ o∋ 2 ¿ μo 2 m
 B=  B=
2 π R2  B at axial point 4 π x3

 Along bisector  V =i g (R g+ R)  W =MB ( cos θ 1−cos θ 2)

μo m  Direction of B  If θ1=0
 B=
4 π x3  Towards observer – ACW 
 Magnetic moment  Away from observer – CW W =MB ( 1−cos θ )=2 MB sin θ/2

2 qvr  Potential energy

 μ=Iπ r =  If object is moving in vertical
2  U =−⃗ M .⃗B
line then B is in horizontal plane
 Direction – into the plane  The magnetic field lines of a
 Non uniform circular wire
q (mvr ) magnet form continuous closed
 μ=
2m loops
μ q  The tangent to the field line at a
 =
J 2m given point represents the
 Gyromagnetic ratio for electron – direction of the net magnetic field
8.8 x 10 10 C/Kg B at that point
 According to bohr μo ( I 1−I 2)
 BNET = ⨂  The larger the number of field
nh 4R lines crossing per unit area, the
 J=
2π  I =I 1+ I 2 stronger is the magnitude of the
qh Fm V 2
 μ= = 9.27 x 10 – 27Am2  =
magnetic field B
4 πm
FE C2  The magnetic field lines do not
 Figure of merit
 B due hollow conductor intersect
 =K=  axial magnetic field of a bar
 Current sensitivity magnet
θ 1 NBA μo 2 m
 = =  B=
I K C 4 π x3
 Voltage sensitivity  Equatorial field (BE ) of a bar
θ NBA magnet
 =

C – spring constant
 Bx = (
μo I r 2−a 2
2 πr b 2−a2 )  B=
μo m
4 π x3
 Galvanometer to ammeter  B - x curve  The net magnetic flux through
S  Similar to solenoid graph any closed surface is zero
 i g = S+ R
g  ∑ ∆ φ B=∑ B . ds=0
ig R g  Time period
 S=
i−i g

Max range of galvanometer – ig
Max range of ammeter – i

T =2 π


i = moment of inertia
 Galvanometer to voltmeter  Bar magnet
V  Magnetic field from north pole to
 R= −R g  Work Done in rotating a
ig south pole
magnetic dipole

 North pole – ACW  Diamagnetic substances are those  Due to the ceaseless random
 South pole – CW which have tendency to move thermal motion of the atoms there
from stronger to the weaker part is no net magnetization
 Magnetic moment from south
pole to north pole
of the external magnetic field  The field lines gets concentrated
 Magnetic moment = m ⃗l  The field lines are repelled or inside the material and the field
expelled and the field inside the inside is enhanced
 Pole strength (m) is a scalar
material is reduced  Enhancement is slight being one
 SI unit – A – m
 This reduction is slight being one part in 105
 m α a rea
part in 105  paramagnetic materials are
5 lg

 l=  Electrons in an atom orbiting Aluminium , sodium, calcium,
around nucleus possess orbital oxygen (at STP) and copper
 l⃗ – Magnetic length
angular momentum and orbital chloride
 l g – geometric length
magnetic moment  As the field is increased or the
 Bar magnet is bent
 Resultant magnetic moment in an temperature is lowered, the
atom is zero. Magnetisation increases until it
 Diamagnetic Materials are reaches the saturation value at
bismuth, copper, lead, silicon, which point all the dipoles are
nitrogen (at STP), water and perfectly aligned with the field
sodium chloride  Ferromagnetism
≀ 2 M sin θ/2  Diamagnetism is present in all the  The individual atom in a
 M =
θ substances ferromagnetic material possess a
 Magnetising Field or Magnetic dipole moment as in a
 Superconductors are metals
intensity ( H ) paramagnetic material
cooled to very low temperatures
 ⃗
B=⃗ H μo which exhibits both perfect  Each domain has a net
 Intensity of Magnetization ( I ) – conductivity and perfect Magnetisation.
dipole moment per unit volume diamagnetism  Typical domain size is 1mm and
 I=  μr =0 and χ = - 1 the domain contains about 10 11
V atoms
 Magnetic susceptibility ( χ )  The phenomenon of perfect
diamagnetism in superconductors  Magnetisation varies randomly
 χ= is called the Meissner Effect from domain to domain and there
 Magnetic permeability ( μo )  Paramagnetism is no bulk magnetization
B  They have tendency to move  in non-uniform magnetic field,
 μo = the sample tends to move towards
H from a region of weak magnetic
 μr =(1+ χ ) field to strong magnetic field the region of high field
 Net Magnetic moment -  They get weakly attracted to a  When the external field is
√ M +M 2
+2 M 1 M 2 cos θ
magnet removed In some ferromagnetic
materials the Magnetisation
 Diamagnetism

persists. Such materials are called

hard Magnetic materials or hard
 Alnico - an alloy of iron,
Aluminium, nickel, cobalt and
copper, is one such material.
 Load stone naturally occurring
ore of iron magnetite
 Class of ferromagnetic materials
in which the Magnetisation
disappears on removal of the
external field.
 Soft iron is one such material
and are called soft Ferromagnetic
 Ferromagnetic: iron, cobalt,
nickel, gadolinium
 The relative magnetic
permeability is >1000
 At high temperature ( curie
temperature ) ferromagnet
becomes a paramagnet
 χ=
T −T C
 The domain structure
disintegrates with temperature
 This disappearance of
Magnetisation with temperature
is gradual.

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