AUBF Amniotic Fluid
AUBF Amniotic Fluid
AUBF Amniotic Fluid
➔ is a product of fetal metabolism During the first trimester:
approximately 35 mL of amniotic fluid is derived primarily from the maternal circulation
➔ serve as an index of fetal lung maturity
➔ major contributor to the amniotic fluid volume after the first trimester
➔ is the ultimate source of amniotic fluid water and solutes
DECREASE - glucose and protein concentrations Finding an abnormality - indicate potential fetal development
on the sound problems and indicate the need for an
LITTLE CLINICAL - concentrations of electrolytes, enzymes, amniocentesis and laboratory
SIGNIFICANCE hormones, and metabolic end products measurements of fetal lung maturity
PRIOR TO 36 WEEKS’ GESTATION: FETAL EPITHELIAL CELLS can be separated from the fluid, cultured
Amniotic fluid creatinine level → ranges between 1.5 and 2.0 mg/dL and examined for chromosome abnormalities by:
1. Karyotyping
GREATER THAN 36 WEEKS: 2. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
Amniotic fluid creatinine level → above 2.0 mg/dL 3. Fluorescent mapping spectral karyotyping (SKY)
4. DNA testing
Creatinine 10 mg/dL
Urea 300 mg/dL
★ Glucose and protein are NOT UNCOMMON urine constituents during pregnancy
➔ also can differentiate amniotic fluid from urine and other body fluids
➔ a test used to evaluate premature rupture of the membranes
Specimens for bilirubin testing: Specimens for cytogenetic studies ○ The OLDEST ROUTINELY PERFORMED LABORATORY TEST ON
or microbial studies AMNIOTIC FLUID evaluates the severity of the fetal anemia produced
by HDN
➢ immediately protected from ➢ processed aseptically
light ➢ maintained at room
temperature or body Antibodies against other - capable of producing HDN
ACCOMPLISHED BY: temperature (37°C incubation) red cell antigens
⇨ Placing the specimens in prior to analysis to prolong the
amber-colored tubes life of the cells needed for Immunization of - may not be effective or even
⇨ Wrapping the collection tube in foil analysis RH-negative mothers performed in all cases
⇨ Use of a black plastic cover for the
specimen container
Initial exposure to - occurs during gestation, delivery
foreign red cell antigens of the placenta, or a previous
pregnancy when fetal red blood
All fluid for chemical testing cells enter into the maternal
➢ should be separated from cellular elements and debris as soon as possible to circulation and stimulate the
prevent distortion of chemical constituents by cellular metabolism or disintegration
mother to produce antibodies to
➢ performed using centrifugation or filtration the antigen
COLOR AND APPEARANCE When these antibodies present in the maternal circulation cross
the placenta into the fetal circulation and bind to the antigen on
the fetal cells, the cells are destroyed
Values falling in zone I - indicate no more than a mildly affected ○ Both serum and amniotic fluid AFP levels are reported in terms of
fetus multiples of the median (MoM)
Values falling in zone II - indicate moderate hemolysis and require Median → is the laboratory’s reference level for a given week of gestation
careful monitoring anticipating an early
delivery or exchange transfusion upon
Abnormal - value two times the median value
- greater than 2 MoM for both maternal serum and
Values falling in zone III - indicates severe hemolysis and suggests amniotic fluid
a severely affected fetus
➢ Intervention through induction of labor or intrauterine exchange ○ Elevated amniotic fluid AFP levels are followed by measurement of
transfusion must be considered when a ∆A450 is plotted in zone III amniotic acetylcholinesterase (AChE)
➔ are one of the most common birth defects in the United States
If the surfactant concentrations are too low,
➔ provided a more rapid and easy to perform method for assessment of
the alveoli will collapse, causing RDS
fetal maturity that does not require a laboratory to be equipped to
perform thin-layer chromatography
Aminostat-FLM (Irving Scientific, Santa Ana. CA)
➔ uses antisera containing polyclonal anti-PG antibodies that are
➔ is the reference method to which tests of FLM are compared specific for PG-containing lamellar bodies in the amniotic fluid
➔ is the primary component of the surfactants (phospholipids, neutral Size of the agglutinates → read microscopically
lipids, and proteins) that make up the alveolar lining and account for
alveolar stability Results are reported as either:
➔ is produced at a relatively low and constant rate until the 35th week of
LOW POSITIVE or - indicating pulmonary maturity
gestation, at which time a noticeable increase in its production occurs,
resulting in the stabilization of the fetal lung alveoli
NEGATIVE - indicating pulmonary immaturity
➔ is a lipid that is produced at a constant rate after about 26 weeks’ ➔ the test is not affected by specimen contamination with
gestation; therefore, it can serve as a control on which to base the blood and meconium
rise in lecithin
➔ Studies have shown good correlation with thin-layer
chromatography but with a slightly higher incidence of
Prior to 35 weeks’ gestation: false-negative results that may need to be followed up with
L/S ratio is usually less than 1.6 further testing
★ large amounts of lecithin are NOT BEING PRODUCED at this time
REPLACED THE L/S RATIO WITH THE: Presence of bubbles - indicates that a sufficient amount of
1. Quantitative phosphatidyl glycerol phospholipid is available to reduce the
2. Immunoassays surface tension of the fluid even in the
3. Lamellar body density procedures presence of alcohol, an antifoaming
Respiratory distress - occurs in the presence of an L/S ratio of 2.0 FOAM STABILITY INDEX
➔ has shown good correlation with the L/S ratio and tests for
phosphatidyl glycerol
➔ the test cannot be used with contaminated amniotic fluid
➢ Lecithin
because blood and meconium also reduce surface tension, yielding
➢ Sphingomyelin
a falsely mature index result
➢ PG
➔ provide an accurate measurement of FLM
➔ has been published by CLSI
➔ Surfactant is composed of approximately 90% phospholipid and 10% ➢ units of lamellar bodies per microliter
protein and is packaged into layered storage granules ○ should be accompanied by the laboratory’s established
➔ are densely packed layers of phospholipids that represent a storage values for maturity and the instrument that was used
form of pulmonary surfactant
➔ are secreted by the type II pneumocytes of the fetal lung at about 24
weeks of gestation and are absorbed into the alveolar spaces to CONSENSUS PROTOCOL FOR NON CENTRIFUGED SAMPLES:
provide surfactant
➔ enter the amniotic fluid at about 26 weeks of gestation and increase in LBCs greater than 50,000/uL - indication of FLM
concentration from 50,000 to 200,000 per microliter by the end of the
third trimester Values below 15,000/uL - immature
Number of lamellar bodies present in the amniotic fluid correlates with the amount
of phospholipid present in the fetal lungs