AUBF Semen
AUBF Semen
AUBF Semen
MLS 065: ANALYSIS OF URINE AND BODY FLUIDS ➔ located just below the bladder, surrounds the upper urethra and aids in
the propelling the sperm through the urethra by contractions during
➔ are paired glands in the scrotum that contain seminiferous tubules
for the secretion of sperm
○ When spermatogenesis is complete, the immature sperm (nonmotile) ○ The variety in the composition of the semen fractions makes proper
enter the epididymis collection of a complete specimen essential for accurate evaluation of
○ In the epididymis, the sperm mature and develop flagella male fertility
○ The entire process takes approximately 90 days ○ Most of the sperm are contained in the first portion of the ejaculate,
○ The sperm remain stored in the epididymis until ejaculation, at which making complete collection essential for accurate testing of both
time they are propelled through the ductus deferens (vas deferens) to the fertility and post vasectomy specimens
ejaculatory ducts
Ejaculatory ducts When a part of the first portion of the ejaculate is missing:
➔ receive both the sperm from the ductus deferens and fluid from the ➢ sperm count will be decreased
seminal vesicles ➢ pH falsely increased
➢ specimen will not liquefy
Seminal vesicles When part of the last portion of ejaculate is missing:
➔ produce most of the fluid present in semen (60%-70%) ➢ semen volume is decreased
➔ Various proteins secreted are involved in the: ➢ sperm count is falsely increased
➢ coagulation of the ejaculate ➢ pH is falsely decreased
➢ specimen will not clot
○ In the absence of fructose, sperm do not display motility in Period of sexual abstinence: Prolonged abstinence:
semen analysis ➢ at least 2 days 1. Higher volumes
○ Flavin is responsible for the gray appearance of semen ➢ not more than 7 days 2. Decreased motility
○ Patients should receive detailed instructions for specimen collection Increased white turbidity - indicates the presence of
○ When performing fertility testing, the World Health Organization (WHO) WBCs and infection within
recommends: the reproductive tract
➢ two or three samples be collected
If required:
➢ not less than 7 days or more than 3 weeks apart ➢ Specimen culturing is
➢ two abnormal samples considered significant performed prior to continuing
○ The laboratory should provide the patient with warm sterile glass or with the semen analysis
plastic containers ➢ During microscopic
○ Laboratory personnel must record the: examination, WBCs must be
differentiated from immature
➢ patient’s name and birth date
sperm (spermatids)
➢ period of sexual abstinence ➢ Leukocyte esterase reagent
➢ completeness of the sample strip - useful to screen for the
➢ difficulties with collection presence of WBCs
➢ times of specimen collection
➢ specimen receipt Abnormal - associated with the presence
○ Specimens awaiting analysis should be kept at 37°C (varying amounts of red of RBCs
Semen analysis for fertility evaluation ➢ Recording the time of collection is essential for evaluating
semen liquefaction
→ macroscopic and microscopic examination
➢ It can be measured by pouring the specimen into a clean SPERM CONCENTRATION AND SPERM COUNT
graduated cylinder calibrated in 0.1-mL increments
○ Even though fertilization is accomplished by one spermatozoon, the
Increased volume - seen following periods of extended actual number of sperm present in a semen specimen is a valid
measurement of fertility
○ Various factors can affect sperm concentration:
Decreased volume - more frequently associated with
infertility ➢ days of sexual abstinence before the collection
- indicate improper functioning of ➢ infection
one of the semen producing organs, ➢ stress; therefore, more than one semen specimen should be
primarily the seminal vesicles evaluated for infertility studies
➢ Incomplete specimen collection must also be considered Reference values for sperm concentration:
greater than 20 to 250 million sperm per milliliter
VISCOSITY concentrations between 10 and 20 million per milliliter
Specimen viscosity
➔ refers to the consistency of the fluid and may be related to specimen Total sperm count for the ejaculate can be calculated:
Total Sperm Count = Sperm concentration x Specimen volume
Normal semen specimen - easily drawn into a pipette
Total sperm counts greater than 40 million per ejaculate are
- form small discrete droplets
considered normal (20 million per milliliter × 2 mL)
- do not appear clumped or stringy
when falling by gravity from the
○ In the clinical laboratory, sperm concentration is usually performed
Incompletely liquefied - clumped using the Neubauer counting chamber
specimens - highly viscous
○ The sperm are counted in the same manner as cells in the
cerebrospinal fluid cell count:
Abnormal - droplets that form threads longer
➢ diluting the specimen
than 2 cm
- highly viscous ➢ counting the cells in the Neubauer chamber
○ The amount of the dilution and the number of squares counted vary
among laboratories
Ratings of 0 (watery) to 4 (gel-like) → viscosity report ○ Most commonly used dilution → 1:20 prepared using a mechanical
(positive-displacement) pipette
Viscosity can also be reported as: ○ Dilution of the semen is essential because it immobilizes the sperm
➢ low before counting
➢ normal ○ The traditional diluting fluid contains:
➢ high ➢ sodium bicarbonate and formalin
- immobilize and preserve the cells;
○ Increased viscosity and incomplete liquefaction impede testing for ➢ saline and distilled water
sperm motility, sperm concentration, antisperm antibody detection, - good results can also be achieved
and measurement of biochemical markers ○ Using the Neubauer hemocytometer, sperm are usually counted in
the four corner and center squares of the large center square,
pH similar to a manual RBC count
pH of semen
➔ indicates the balance between the pH values from the acidic prostatic
secretion and the alkaline seminal vesicles secretion
Presence of normal number of
sperm that are non-motile
- infertility
Presence of sperm that are
morphologically incapable of
➢ evaluated from a thinly smeared, stained slide under oil
1. Smears are made by placing approximately 10 μL of semen near the
frosted end of a clean microscope slide
2. Place a second slide with a clean, smooth edge in front of the
semen drop at a 45° angle and draw the slide back to the edge of MOST COMMON ADDITIONAL TESTS
the drop of semen, allowing the semen to spread across the end 1. Sperm vitality
3. When the semen is evenly distributed across the spreader slide, 2. Seminal fluid fructose level
lightly pull the spreader slide forward with a continuous movement 3. Sperm agglutinins
across the first slide to produce a smear 4. Microbial infection
4. Staining can be performed using Wright’s, Giemsa, Shorr, or
Papanicolaou stain and is a matter of laboratory preference
5. Air-dried slides are stable for 24 hours SPERM VITALITY
6. At least 200 sperm should be evaluated and the percentage of
abnormal sperm reported
7. Routinely identified abnormalities in head structure include:
➢ double heads Decreased sperm - normal sperm concentration with markedly
➢ giant and amorphous heads vitality decreased motility
➢ pinheads
➢ tapered heads ➢ Sperm vitality should be assessed within 1 hour of ejaculation
➢ constricted heads
Abnormal sperm tails: Vitality is evaluated by:
➢ frequently doubled 1. mixing the specimen with an eosin-nigrosin stain
➢ coiled 2. preparing a smear
➢ bent 3. counting the number of dead cells in 100 sperm using a brightfield or
Abnormally long neck piece: phase-contrast microscope
➢ cause the sperm head to bend backward
and interfere with motility Living cells → not infiltrated by the dye and remain bluish white
Dead cells → stain red against the purple background
➢ Specimens can be screened for the presence of fructose using: Immunobead test
○ Resorcinol Test - produces an orange color when fructose is ➔ more specific procedure
present ➔ can be used to detect the presence of IgG, IgM, and IgA
antibodies and demonstrates what area of the sperm (head,
Normal quantitative level of fructose: neckpiece, midpiece, or tail) the autoantibodies are affecting
equal to or greater than 13μmol per ejaculate
○ can be determined using spectrophotometric methods Head-directed antibodies
- interfere with penetration into the cervical mucosa or ovum
Tail-directed antibodies
➢ Specimens for fructose levels should be tested within 2 hours of - affect movement through the cervical mucosa
collection or frozen to prevent fructolysis
○ Sperm are mixed with polyacrylamide beads known to be
coated with either anti-IgG, anti-IgM, or anti-IgA
○ Microscopic examination of the sperm:
→ shows the beads attached to sperm at particular areas
Antisperm antibodies
➔ can be present in both men and women ○ Depending on the type of beads used, the test could be
➔ detected in semen, cervical mucosa, or serum, and are considered a reported as:
possible cause of infertility ➢ IgM tail antibodies
➢ IgG head antibodies
➔ not unusual for both partners to demonstrate antibodies, although male
antisperm antibodies are more frequently encountered ○ Presence of beads on less than 50% of the sperm → normal
(defined by the WHO)
○ Under normal conditions, the blood–testes barrier separates sperm
from the male immune system
○ When this barrier is disrupted, as can occur following surgery, MICROBIAL AND CHEMICAL TESTING
vasectomy reversal (vasovasostomy), trauma, and infection, the
antigens on the sperm produce an immune response that damages
the sperm Presence of more - indicates infection within the reproductive
○ The damaged sperm may cause the production of antibodies in the than 1 million system, frequently the prostate
female partner leukocytes per