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1.1 Unit Management is an approach to offender and prison management designed to improve
and control relationships by dividing the larger prison population into smaller, more
manageable groups, while improving the service delivery of correctional services.
Example of Unit Management
• Develop control over offenders
• Adopt good relationships and offender development
• Liver an effective correctional service.
1.2 Advantages of Unit Management

• Good control and direct supervision as well as early detection of problems in prisons.
• There is a positive relationship between staff and prisoners.
• The staff becomes multi skilled to deal with basic conditions in prisons.
• The multi-disciplinary approach allows services to be coordinated
• Special arrangements for high-risk prisoners.
• It allows for optimal utilisation of staff

1.3 Luyt said that the advantages of case management can be divided into three, advantages of
case management to offenders, advantages of case management to officials and
advantages of case management to correctional system.
Advantages of Case Management to Offenders

• It encourages offenders to participate in their rehabilitation programmes.

• It helps in building the relationship between offenders and officials.
• It helps to level a safer environment for both the officials and offenders.
• It helps to establish a contact between officials and offenders.
Advantages of Case Management to Officials

• It helps to build a relationship of trust between officials and offenders.

• It helps correctional officials to be more professional in executing their work and to be
• It helps correctional officials to know how to prevent problems from escalating.
Advantages of Case Management to Correctional System

• Good relationship of offenders and officials results in lessened fights amongst offenders,
lessened assaults, and lessened gang activities.
• Correctional programmes offered help offenders to calm their anger.
• Prevention of problems before they escalate, helps to curb incidents such as escapes
and fights amongst offenders.
• Visiting of cells by officials changes the behaviour of offenders.

1.4 Basic Principles

• Ensure risks are identified early
• Factor in organisational goals and objectives
• Manage risk within context
• Involve stakeholders
• Ensure responsibilities and roles are clear
• Create a cycle of risk review
• Strive for continuous improvement

1.5 Principles of Arusha Declaration

• All human beings are equal
• Every individual has a right to dignity and respect
• Every citizen is an integral part of the Nation and has a right to take an equal part in
Government at local, regional and national level.
• Every citizen has a right to freedom of expression, of movement, of religious belief and
of association within the context of the law
• Every individual has a right to receive from society protection of his life and of property
according to the law.
• Every citizen has a right to receive a just return for his labour.
• All citizens together possess all the natural resources of the country in trust for their

1.6 Rights of inmates

• Offenders are treated humanely and with dignity in the units, stipulates that offenders
must be treated humanely while incarcerated in the correctional centres.
• Offender privacy is respected every time searching is conducted. stipulates that an
offender must be searched in such a manner that it does not invade his privacy and that
it must not undermine his dignity.
• Offenders have a choice to basic and adult education in terms of human rights.
stipulates that offenders must be subjected to education while incarcerated in the
correctional centres.

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