P.E and Health Rev
P.E and Health Rev
P.E and Health Rev
5. Enhance “good” HDL-cholesterol Press your index and middle fingers on your
neck or wrist.
6. Help maintain lean body mass which is
important for persons wishing to lose Count your heartbeats for 10 seconds
Multiply it by 6 to find your heart rate
7. Minimize the risk of osteoporosis
8. Develop coordination and balance
1. Improves bone, joint, and muscle
C. Flexibility Exercises - involve stretching strength.
activities that improve the range of your
2. Develops motor control and
muscles and joints. It makes your muscles
more flexible. These exercise enable you to
reach, bend, and turn better. 3. Helps maintain healthy body
Heart Rate Monitoring:
4. Improves the psychological functioning of
You need to work out within your target
an individual.
heart rate zone to improve your fitness. The
target heart rate zone is 60% for the lower 5. Increases the efficiency of the lungs and
limit and 85% for the upper limit of your heart.
maximum heart rate.
6. Increases muscle strength and endurance
The maximum heart rate is the greatest
7. Protects from musculoskeletal problems
number of times your heart beats per
such as “low” back pain.
minute while exercising. To get your
maximum heart rate, subtract your age 8. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular
from 220 (beats per minute). diseases such as coronary artery disease
and stroke.
Heart Rate - refers to the number of times
your heart beats per minute. 9. Promotes healthy cholesterol level
10. Helps regulate blood pressure. PARTS OF AN EXERCISE PROGRAM: