C# .Net CA3405 PDF

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CA 3405 Title: C# .

Net L T P C
3 1 0 4

Version No. 1.0

Course Prerequisites CA 3101

With the help of this course students will able to design websites, and understands
Objective the working process of social networking sites.

● Students should be able to understand the compilation process of. net

Expected Outcome framework and web prog introduction.
● Students should be able to understand the Fundamentals of C# Language.
● Students should be able to understand all the concepts of Function and

● Students should be able to understand all the concepts of Graphical User

● Students should able to understand database connectivity and concept of
front-end and back-end.

Unit No. Unit Title No. of Hrs

(Per Unit)

Unit I Web Programming Introduction 7

Compilation Process of .Net Framework, Different types of application, Web Application Introduction, the
Understanding role of the web server and web browser. Object Orientation; Type Safety; Memory Management;
Platform Support; C# and CLR; CLR,

Unit II C# Language Fundamentals 7

Java Vs C#, History and Features, C# Program, Declaring and Initializing Variables, Explicitly Typed Variable,
C# Data types, Operators and Keywords, Interface, Control Flow Statements, Operator, Looping Syntax,
Comments, Partial Classes and Methods

Unit III Function and Arrays 7

Function, Advantage of Function, Declaration of Function and Its Syntax, User-Defined Functions, Call by Value
and Call by Reference, Recursion, User Input and Output in C#, Arrays, Array Declaration and Initialization,
Multidimensional Arrays, Accessing Array Elements, Accessing Array using Loop, Passing Array to Function,

Unit IV Graphical User Interface Concepts 8

Window Forms, Event Handling: mouse and keyboard, Labels, Textboxes, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Picture
Boxes, Month Calendar, Date Time Picker, Link Label, Grid View, Combo Box, Multi-threading: Thread States,
Life cycle of thread, Thread Priorities, Exception Handling.

Unit V GUI with ADO.NET 7

Database Overview, ADO.NET Introduction, ADO.NET Data Providers, ADO.NET SQL Server, ADO.NET
Connection , ADO.NET Command , ADO.NET Data Reader, ADO.NET Data Set,ADO.NET Data Adapter
1.“Application of .Net Technology”Tata McGraw Hill Education
Text Books 2. Andrew Troelsen; Pro C# And The . Net 3. 5 Platform Dreamtech Press
2. “Beginning Visual C#”, Wiley India Publication.

Reference Books 1. Joel Murach; Murach's C# , Shroffmurachs

Mode of Evaluation Internal and External Examinations

Recommended by Board of
Studied on

Date of Approval by the

Academic Council on

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