Brainstorming and Paraphrasing

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Brainstorming ideas
•Personal (physical and mental)

1. Aspect technique:
Topic 1:
In some countries around the world men and women are having babies late in life. Is it a
positive or negative development?

Aspect Positive Negative

Educational develop their mindset

enough for raising adopting
a baby better.

Economic ensure good financial

condition/situation full of
economy for taking care of
their child

Topic 2:

Machines are more and more used in modern society. Do you think the negative influences
outweigh the positive ones on individuals and society?

Aspect Positive Negative

Topic 3:

In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this
happening? How should children or teenagers be punished?

Aspect Factors (why?) Solution (how?)

Social -Impact of negative films -Government should ban

which make them think some kinds of films that are
that action in a film is also not suitable for youngsters.
be allowed in reality

2. Stakeholder technique:

Topic 1:

Fathers should be given time off work when their children are born. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

Stakeholder Agree Disagree

-Fathers should be given

-Father time off work because it
helps them release relieve

-Husbands will have more

-Good for wife time to spend with family
and support their wife in the
way of taking care of a

Topic 2:

More images of disasters and violence are shown on TV programs. Discuss the reasons for
this trend and what the effects are.
Stakeholder reasons effects

People who are concerned To many more people can

concerns about the country know are known clearly
they are living in about the horrible
destruction of disasters and
TO many people
in Vietnam

Students Students will imitate these

bad behaviors and commit
crime guilt. As a result,
generation of youngsters
may be damaged

Topic 3:

After criminals are set free, some of them continue to commit crimes. Why is this the case?
Suggest some solutions to tackle this issue.

Stakeholder Why Solution

People who don’t like Fewer people have a Remove the negative
criminalser tendency trend to not don’t thoughts meaning about
accept criminalser -> They criminalser -> instead
are discriminated against by people should give them a
other people -> That makes new chance ge to start a
criminalser hurt and better life.
continue to commit crimes

II. Paraphrase the following topics:

1. Detailed descriptions of crimes on TV are having a bad effect on society, so they
should be restricted.
It is sometimes argued that the TV program that describes crime in detail should be
limited because of its negative impact on society.
2. The world’s most urgent problems can be solved by international collaboration.
International collaboration is the best solution of urgent problems between
3. Some unpaid community services should be a compulsory part of high school
It is sometimes argued that some unpaid public services should be required in
education system in high school

4. In order to improve educational quality, students should be encouraged to make

comments or even criticism on their teachers
It is true that students should be allowed to contact, give feedback, or criticize their
lecturers to promote the quality of education.

5. Governments should spend money on measures to save languages that are spoken by
a few people
6. In today's world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists
such as musicians, painters and writers.
7. Public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see
historical objects and works of art by using a computer.
8. Too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild
animals and birds
9. Artists should receive funding from the government in order for them to continue
with their work
10. The performance of staff can have a significant impact on the success of a company

III. Developing paragraphs using different techniques

1. Advertising can be detrimental to customers.

2. Playing video games causes several problems for players.

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