STS - Lesson 5
STS - Lesson 5
STS - Lesson 5
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Familiarize oneself with Filipino
Personalities and their
contributions to science and
Appraise the impact of these
II. Target 2
great inventions on the
development of the Filipino
Topics Covered nation
o m u c h in th e d isc o v e r y
He contributed s le d up on
w h e r e h e stu m b
of erythromycin r a e u s
e p to m y c e s e ry th
the bacteria Str r a e a
o ly sp o r a e ry th
(now Saccharop in h is
e s o il s a m p le s
obtained from th h is
. In 19 4 9 h e s u b m itte d
backyard L illy a n d
h is o m p a n y E li
research work ti ti c in to
d e d th e a n ti b io
Company, bran a v e h im
ilo ) , b u t n e v e r g
Ilosone (after Ilo
the cradit he wa s d u e .
Dr. Gregorio Zara
tio n a l Sc ie n tist
He is a Na
and bi o ch e m ist c r ed ite d
for his re se a rc h in
alternative fuel.
Dr. Ramon C. Barba
A well-known Filipino scientist and
horticulturist best known for his
contribution towards advancements in
the mango industry. He developed the
flower induction of mango trees
improving yields.
Anacleto S. Del Rosario.
He developed the
Karaoke Sing Along
System (SAS).
Dr. Pedro B. Escuro
A Filipino scientist
known for his
isolation of nine rice
Ll. Intengan
Dr. Carmen
A fo o d a n d n u tri tio n
researcher who
co ntribut e d to th e
advancement of
nutrition in th e c o un try.
Clara Y. Lim-Sylianco
A national scientist
who worked on
antimutagen and bio-
organic mechanism.
Dr. Bienvenido O. Juliano
A national scientist
known for his outstanding
contributions to the
chemistry and
technology rice grain
Felix Maramba
A scientist who built a
coconut oil-fueled
power generator and a
developer of biogas
Dr. William G. Padolina