The Customer Service Experience: Understanding and Effectively Managing The Needs of Internal and External Customers
The Customer Service Experience: Understanding and Effectively Managing The Needs of Internal and External Customers
The Customer Service Experience: Understanding and Effectively Managing The Needs of Internal and External Customers
It goes without saying that we have all experienced a countless number of customer service
exposures in our lives. Whether we are the recipient or the one providing the service, it seems the
need for help is never ending. If you’ve ever called a restaurant to make a dinner reservation,
been to the grocery store or other retailer, or ordered anything online, chances are you have
needed some form of customer service to complete the task. Each exposure brings a distinct
situation with its own set of circumstances and role players; therefore, the degree of effectiveness
of each exposure varies from one exposure to the next. Think about a recent customer service
experience, as pleasant or as painful as that may be. How did you feel at the end of the
experience? Did it make you feel valued as a customer, or did you walk away from it frustrated
and ready to disparage the organization on every social media platform you could find?
Customer service is not a bizarre phenomenon that occurs only when going through the drive-
through to pick up food or when you call to check the status of an order you made with a retailer.
Customer service is a vital, collaborative initiative that happens on many levels in all
organizations and, if managed properly, can result in an abundance of customer loyalty.
Customer loyalty is created through positive acts an organization takes to handle the needs of its
customers. Many times, customer loyalty determines whether the company can remain open or
must close the doors. When referring to the customer experience and customer loyalty, Ameritas
provides these compelling statistics:
97% of customers will tell others about an excellent customer service experience;
24% will return as repeat customers because of the service they received; and
59% of customers will seek other options – just to receive better customer service.
In addition to understanding what customer service is and why it matters, it is equally important
to know who we serve. Internal and external customers each have their own unique set of
expectations and desired outcomes. Having a basic understanding of the needs of both is
essential to providing the type of assistance that each requires and deserves.
Internal customers have a direct company relationship with you; however, they may or may not
purchase the product(s) or service(s) the company offers. Examples of internal customers
include: co-workers in other departments, shareholders, and other partners that support the
company’s end users. They are important because they serve as collaborative partners that work
for the greater good of the organization. As the saying goes, there is no “I” in T-E-A-M.
On the other hand, external customers (i.e., “clients”) do not have a direct company relationship
with you. Their main objective is to obtain your product(s) or service(s) and they can be repeat or
one-time customers, depending of course on the type of service they receive. The external
customers are more critical than internal customers because they generate revenue for the
organization. Additionally, a loyal customer can serve as a great business endorsement, which
can result in the acquisition of new customers.
We have all experienced bad service and one thing stands true: we might tell one person about a
good experience, but we will definitely tell the whole world about a bad one. To build and
strengthen the customer service experience, and to avoid falling into this pitfall, below are a few
ways organizations can instill and support exceptional customer service with every customer
Develop customer service policies and procedures: Policies and procedures that outline every
aspect of the customer service experience are critical. Make it your priority to understand all
aspects from the customer’s perspective and be able to handle each of those scenarios. Develop a
plan and a back-up plan to the plan – execute it and be on the lookout for ways to improve on your
processes as you go.
Hire the right folks: Hiring the right candidate for a customer service position is as important as
the policies and procedures that support it. When hiring for any customer service position, ask the
right questions to make sure candidates understand the importance of customer service and that
they have the same philosophy about customers as the company does. Remember, they will be on
the front line – you want the best possible people handling those situations.
Provide customer service training: Providing training to employees on company policies and soft
skills such as courtesy, patience, and communication will benefit you as an employer
tremendously. Properly training staff not only provides them with the tools and confidence they
need to succeed in their roles as customer service representatives, it also gives employers the
advantage of having staff who are capable of handling situations with limited supervision.
Obtain feedback from customers: They say the customer is always right, right? No matter what
business you are in, there is always room for improvement. Don’t be afraid to solicit feedback from
customers about their service experience(s). The key here: listen and use the information you
gather to improve the organization’s policies, procedures, and plans – your customers will thank
you later for listening to them!
Could you use some help training your employees to provide excellent customer service, both
internally and externally? Foundations HR can help. Our consultants have the practical
experience to set up organizations for customer service success. Contact us and let us show you
how we can assist.
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