Confession Vs Baptism

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by Johnny Cox

alvation is certainly the most important doctrine in the it like this, it will finally get our friend’s attention. Now when
Bible. Unfortunately, there are many confusing messages we look at Bible verses it will be to show what was done, NOT
on what should be the most fundamental of all God’s what it means. Our friends have never done this before.
teachings. This makes it difficult to work with others and really So what did they do? Before you can get into that, you may
challenges our motto of, “We are not the only Christians, but have to give your friend a lesson in rhetoric.
Christians only.” Growing up in the denominational world, I
understand why they separate confession from baptism. With From AmericanRhetoric.Com: “Synecdoche (sih-NECK-duh-
the goal of unity, I am sharing my approach in how to speak kee): Figure of comparison in which a word standing for part of
with denominational friends, and a rebuke to us who may hold something is used for the whole of that thing or vice versa; any
the correct view, but don’t share the truth in love. part or portion or quality of a thing used to stand for the whole
of the thing or vice versa.”
A mistake that is made repeatedly by some is that of jumping
right into interpretation, instead of simply showing what the With so many verses teaching about salvation, yet covering
New Testament church did. The discussion shifts from defining different aspects, we can safely conclude the Bible is using syn-
terms, historical precedent, and Greek, to just doing what the ecdoche. If it were not, we would have real and contradictory
Bible says. It is so much easier. teachings on how to become a Christian. For example:
Before we begin, we must first understand how our friends “ . . . baptism now saves you . . .” (1 Peter 3:21 NAS95).
think. Denominations separate baptism from salvation, because “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved”
in their view, including baptism would imply salvation is by (Romans 10:13 NAS95).
works. So instead of including baptism, it is relegated to a
secondary or optional status. With this either/or understanding Sometimes two things are listed: “Peter said to them, ‘Repent,
it is hard for them to understand that you can have both and it and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the
does not negate the work of Christ on the cross. Confession forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy
and baptism are seen as opposing forces, one saving and the Spirit” (Acts 2:38 NAS95).
other testifying. The early church though, saw them as working “He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved;
together to bring about salvation. but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned” (Mark 16:16
Some love to quote Romans 10:9-10: “that if you confess with NAS95).
your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God By understanding synecdoche, everything will start to make
raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart sense. The Bible is obviously using parts to represent the whole
a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth in matters relating to salvation. This is consistent throughout the
he confesses, resulting in salvation” (NAS95). New Testament, as many elements are said to “save.”
Yet strangely, the Roman Road (a denominational method to To clarify how confession and baptism were used together, we
present the gospel) bypasses Romans 6 on its way to Romans 10. need them demonstrated together by the early church. Conve-
“Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized niently, the Bible gives us two examples of how this was done.
into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore “As they went along the road they came to some water; and
we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so the eunuch said, ‘Look! Water! What prevents me from being
that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the baptized?’ [And Philip said, ‘If you believe with all your heart,
Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have you may.’ And he answered and said, ‘I believe that Jesus Christ
become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly is the Son of God.’] And he ordered the chariot to stop; and they
we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection,” (Romans both went down into the water, Philip as well as the eunuch, and
6:3–5 NAS95). he baptized him” (Acts 8:36–38 NAS95).
For many today, though we find it hard to believe, these verses “Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash
are understood as having absolutely nothing to do with each away your sins, calling on His name” (Acts 22:16 NAS95).
other. They are even seen as contradictory, as the Romans 6 This sheds light on Romans 10:9-10 as confession must have
passage is taught to them as what happens after salvation. They been done at the same time. The context of Romans 10 supports
were taught the interpretation first, and then it was applied to this assertion as one reads further: “Whoever will call on the
the Scriptures so the obvious parallels are missed. This is why name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13 NAS95).
proof texting is so unsuccessful and ultimately breaks down.
When we quote verses our friends just hear “our interpretation” The New Testament church used terms interchangeably, know-
and don’t hear what the verses are saying. ing they stood for the totality of conversion, as they were are
all done at the same time. If one has faith, naturally that person
So we must first take what seems like two separate concepts will confess, repent, be baptized, and live the Christian life, if
and explain that baptism and confession are complementary and taught to do so.
the church in the Bible did both at the same time! When we put (continued on next page)

20 (188) RestoRation HeRald

Lessons from the Past (cont.)
There wasn’t a “sinner’s prayer” in the NT, but converts Motivated by abolitionist sentiments, the fact that Barclay
were made to understand they were sinners. To be baptized owned slaves contributed to their unwillingness to support
with Christ is to die with Christ, killing the old man as Ro- the ACMS. Because the organizational meeting occurred in
mans 6 teaches, crucifying it with its sinful nature. If only the Indianapolis it first took the name “Northwestern Christian
pro-baptism side would emphasize this aspect more. Many Missionary Society” but later removed the name’s geographi-
baptism proponents argue so much for the practice that it cal designation. The CMS supported the work of Pardee
sounds like baptism is the gospel and not the response to the
Butler, a colorful missionary to the Kansas Territory.
gospel as it really is (1 Corinthians 1:17). Likewise, we have
many baptized people in our churches today who think they The Foreign Christian Missionary Society (FCMS)
are going to heaven because they did a ritual of the organized also began over dissatisfaction with the American Christian
church. These ministers who have preached baptism in this Missionary Society. It organized in 1875 with Isaac Errett
fashion are just as guilty as the one who teaches a simple
as president.
prayer will suffice.
We are all ultimately saved by God’s grace, made possible The Christian Women’s Board of Missions (CWBM)
by the blood of Jesus. When we hear the gospel and believe, began in Cincinnati in October 1874. Movement leaders
the Bible teaches us to repent of our sins, confess Jesus as supported the women in their work and the society reported
Lord, and be baptized. This is the biblical pattern that we missionary work in Canada, New Zealand, Jamaica, India,
should follow, baptism just being the time and the place Mexico, Puerto Rico, South America, and Africa.
that we accept what we have believed on in faith. Baptism In 1919 all existing missionary organizations united un-
doesn’t negate the cross, rather it tells when and where we der the banner of the United Christian Missionary Society
receive the blessings of the cross (Acts 2:38). (UCMS) with headquarters in Indianapolis.
Yes, we could dream up possible exceptions “What if I was
For a time, the annual meeting of the ACMS served as a
in the desert and there was no water to baptize?” or “What
general convention for the brotherhood. Protests attacking
if a deaf mute was on a plane about to crash and could not
confess!” Because we are saved by grace, God will deal the financial scheme continued for many years. It seemed
fairly with people in exceptional circumstances, but as to too many that the society “sold membership.” Poorer
evangelists we have been called to preach what was laid congregations obviously had less voice than more wealthy
down by the apostles and prophets (Ephesians 2:20). It churches and it seemed that a few powerful individuals
is not our right to allow exceptional circumstances to governed the society.
change the normal everyday practice of the New Testa- Four years after the end of the Civil War, a committee
ment church. of 20 met in Louisville, Kentucky to come up with a more
Almost everyone we will ever meet will be able to equitable way to finance missionary work. The “Louisville
hear the gospel, confess Jesus as Lord, and be baptized, Plan” came from these meetings. The Louisville Plan called
if they truly want to be saved. When we start to reason for congregations to send delegates to district, state, and
that a prayer will suffice, or sprinkling instead of im- national conventions. States sent two delegates, plus an
mersion, or any of the other countless variations to the additional delegate for every 5,000 members in the state,
gospel we have added over the last 2000 years, it is no to the annual convention. At the district convention, each
wonder so many people are asking, “How do I know I congregation presented reports of their activities and growth
am really saved?” With each denomination giving its or decline for the previous year, as well as offerings. The
opinion and not what was demonstrated by the New district convention kept half the money for its use and sent
Testament Church, no wonder people are confused. the rest to the state convention. The state convention retained
I close with this final verse given from the Apostle half and set the rest to the national convention – the General
Paul to a young preacher looking for advice in building
his church: In time all of these organizations became the International
Convention of the Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ).
“Retain the standard . . . ” (2 Timothy 1:13 NAS95). RH
___________________ I will have more to say about some of these organizations
Johnny Cox ministers with the Greenwich Church of Christ later. RH
in Greenwich, OH. (To Be Continued)

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august 2014 21 (189)

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