Appl Waterplug

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To instantly stop running water or leaks through concrete or masonry



Waterplug® Hydraulic cement is a cement-based, quick-

set, hydraulic cement for concrete and masonry. A dry
powder mixed with water, it sets in 3-5 minutes, expand-
ing as it sets to lock in place even under constant water
pressure, and can be applied under water. Waterplug®
instantly stops running water or seepage through holes or
cracks in concrete or masonry walls, swimming pools, sea
walls, water storage facilities, tunnels, fountains, water
channels and drains, ponds and piers.

Clean & Prepare Surface

Surface must be clean and structurally sound. Remove all
dirt, loose material, oil, grease and unsound concrete from
leak area. Undercut or square cut cracks to at least
3/4" X 3/4", if possible.

Mix Thoroughly
Mix Waterplug® powder with minimal clean water (for no
longer than 30 seconds) to make a stiff putty to fill active
leak. For larger area preventative work, mix to a heavy
batter. Mix only enough that can be used in 3 minutes.

Application Suggestions
Apply as shown. Waterplug® Cement can be applied by
hand or trowel. Wear protective gloves and goggles.

Press or Trowel it On
Press Waterplug® cement by hand into the crack or hole
and hold in place without twisting (wearing gloves).
Product will start to expand and seal leak. For larger job,
trowel cement crack areas. Coverage: 2-1/2 pounds fills a
crack 3/4" deep by 3/4" wide by 75" long (42 cubic inches).
For specific application guidelines, call 1 (216) 839-7171
or go to

Weather & Drying Guidelines

Waterplug® sets in 3-5 minutes. Actual setting time
depends on ambient temperatures as well as the tempera- Clean-Up, Storage, and Disposal
tures of the powder, mixing water and affected surface. It Clean tools with warm soapy water immediately after use.
contains no metallic aggregates or corrosive agents, will Store unused product in its original can, tightly sealed.
not shrink or oxidize and is suitable for water immersion Protect from freezing. Dispose of this product in accor-
service when cured. dance with local, state and federal requirements.

Thoro Consumer Products • BASF Construction Chemicals, LLC • 23700 Chagrin Blvd. • Cleveland, Ohio 44122
phone 216-839-7171 or 866-518-7171 • fx 216-839-8833 or 866-494-8833 •

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