Q and A Lab 8
Q and A Lab 8
Q and A Lab 8
Activity 11
*Cite 3 different manufacturing industry in the Philippines that disposes their waste water
direct to the bodies of water(Oceans,Lake,Etc). For each manufacturing company, kindly
show the process of their wastewater treatment before disposing it to the bodies of water.
(Include both the process and equipment used in treating the waste water).
*List down all the equipment used to treat wastewater before disposing in the atmosphere.
1. What are the laws governing the bodies of water in the Philippines? Explain.
3. What are the laws that governs the proper wastewater management in the
Philippines? Explain.
Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9275). An Act providing
for a comprehensive water quality management and for other purposes. This Act
provides for the abatement and control of pollution from land based sources, and
lays down water quality standards and regulations.
1. Physical Characteristics
· Turbidity · Odor · Temperature
· Color · Total solids
2. Chemical Characteristics due to Chemical Impurities
· Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
· Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
· Nitrogen
· Phosphorus
· Chlorides
· Sulfates
· Alkalinity
· pH
· Heavy Metals
· Trace Elements
· Priority Pollutants