Review Article
Kotulkar Poonam Jalandar, 2Prof. G.N.Kanade, 3Swapnil S. Kulkarni
Address for Correspondence
M.E.Civil (Construction and Management) Engineering, 22ndyr, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar, Tal-Panhala, Dist-Kolhapur,
Maharashtra, India, 416113
Director-Ethika Engineering Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Pune India
RELEVANCE : This case study shows the construction and
An implosion is an event where something collapses demolition model for Kohinoor Steels Pvt. Ltd.,
inward, because the external atmospheric pressure is Kirloskarwadi, Sangli It covers the different wastes,
greater than the internal pressure. For example, if we which are occurred for construction activities in
pumped the air out of a glass tube, it might implode. Company’s area, and it shows with demolition model
When a building is surrounded by other buildings, it and also shows the demolition waste procedures to
may be necessary to "implode" the building, that is, get the beneficial reuse of the waste. Here the
make it collapse down into its foundation. We can reference is taken with international case studies from
demolish a stone wall with a sledgehammer, and it's the different countries.
fairly easy to level a five story building using LITERATURE REVIEW:
excavators and wrecking balls. But when we need to 1. International Journal of Emerging Technology
bring down a massive structure, say a 20-story and Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO
skyscraper we have to haulout the big implosion 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4,
guns. Explosive demolition is the preferred method April 2013)
for safely and efficiently demolition of larger Demolition of any structure is a ground to earth
structures. technique which means destroying down or falling
The basic idea of explosive demolition is quite down of a building with the help of equipments,
simple if we remove the support structure of a machineries explosives or with manual techniques
building at a certain point, the section of the building without affecting the surrounding. Demolition is a
above that point will fall down on the part of the simple process for small buildings or houses. The
building below that point. If this upper section is building is brought down either manually or
heavy enough, it will collide with the lower part with mechanically using large hydraulic equipment:
sufficient force to cause significant damage. The elevated work platforms, cranes, excavators or
explosives are just the trigger for the demolition. It's bulldozers. Demolition work is to be performed
gravity that brings the building down. safely and with number of different steps involved
Demolition blasters load explosives on several before and during the execution of a demolition
different levels of the building so that the building process. The various steps involved before the
structure falls down on itself at multiple points. When demolition process includes surveying the site of
everything is planned and executed correctly, the demolition, removal of hazardous materials if any,
total damage of the explosives and falling building and preparation of demolition plan with techniques to
material is sufficient to collapse the structure entirely, be implanted, stability report and the precautionary
so clean-up crews are left with only a pile of safety measures to be taken for the workers and the
rubble.Now day-by-day increasing population in the surroundings. Equipments used for these demolition
world results to increase in the needs for desire of activities are like sledge hammer or rammers;
human beings. And that are going to results in excavators, bulldozers, tearing balls etc. and main
creating the waste from all the sectors or in all the explosives used are like dynamites and RDX. When
ways. explosive are used for the demolition, it is known as
Implosion, which is generally preferred for high and
tall towers
2. Kevin Hooper, “Successful Demolition of
Historic Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch
Facilities: Managing the Process to Maximize
Recycle Value to Fund Demolition–8481”, WM2008
Conference, February 24 -28, 2008, Phoenix, AZ.
The author deal with recycling of the steel and other
materials made it possible to do additional demolition
by using these funds. Therefore, finding ways to
maximize the recycle value of materials became a
Fig. (a) key factor in the pre-demolition characterization and
In case of construction and demolition waste is implementation strategy. Due to the large number of
generated whenever any construction/demolition facilities, they were sorted into smaller manageable
activity takes place, such as, building roads, bridges, groupings. Grouping the facilities together in
flyover, subway, remodeling, subways etc. It consists manageable packages based on customer defined
mostly of inert and non-biodegradable material such priorities allowed for the D&D to be implemented as
as concrete, plaster, metal, wood, plastics etc. A part funding was made available.
of this waste comes to the municipal stream. 3. NYC Department of Design & Construction,”