Preparation of Soap From Palm Kernel Oil (Pko) and Potash: Ibrahim Jimoh

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Volume 2| November, 2021 ISSN: 2795-7365

Preparation Of Soap from Palm

Kernel Oil (Pko) And Potash

Ibrahim Jimoh Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Physical

Sciences, College of Natural and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bayero
University Kano, P.M.B. 3011, Kano State, Nigeria.;
Abdullahi Jimoh School of Engineering, Science and Technical, Federal Polytechnic,
Daura, P.M.B 1049 Katsina, Nigeria.
The soap was prepared from Palm Kernel oil with Potassium hydroxide and other
additives using cold method. The staining property, solubility property, lather formation

and cleaning action of the sample Soap were accessed. The pH-values of the sample Soap
were obtained, ranging from 9.06-9.08. The soap prepared with additives mentioned
and a pH Value does not irritate the skin and has good lather forming characteristics.

Keywords: Soap, palm kernel, potash.

Introduction throughout the Roman Empire, primarily as a

Soap is a surfactant used in conjunction medicine. To mention a soap as a cleanser does
with water for washing and cleaning, it is not appear until second century A. D by the
available in solid bars and other form of the eight century, soap was common in France,
viscous liquid. Chemically, Soap is a salt of fatty Italy, and Spain. But it was rarely used in the
acid. It is made by the reaction between a fat rest of Europe until as the 17th century.
and strong alkali such as sodium hydroxide, (Garzena, 2004).
potassium hydroxide or soda ash (Sodium Soap is composed of the following reagents:
carbonate). The chemical reaction that yields Water:This should be in the form of distilled
the soap is known as saponification. In the water or deionized water.
saponification process of fat to form soap, the Lye: This is alkali which is either in the form
water hydrolyzes the fat thus converting it to of potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide
free glycerol and fatty acid salt (Soap). Fat/Oil:Fat is a solid substance obtained from
(C17H35COO)3C3H5 + 3NaOH Saponification 3C17 animals, treated in the production of soap and
H35COONa + C3H5(OH)3 other products, while oil is a liquid substance
Fat obtained from vegetables Oil such as Palm
Soap Glycerol Kernel Oil.
Colorant: Several colors are used to color
The exact origins of soap are unknown, soap which are either from organic or
though Roman source claims that it dates back inorganic origin such as Carmosine red, sunset
to at least 600BC, when Phoenicians prepared yellow, Allura red etc.
it from goats tallow and wood ash (Garzena, Perfumes: This is used to give a beautiful
2004). Soap was used by Celts, ancient scent to the soap.
inhabitants of Britain. Soap was used widely

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Volume 2| November, 2021 ISSN: 2795-7365
Soaps are classified based on the nature of the opaque again. The soap may be removed from
oils used in producing the soap as: the mould after 24hous but the saponification
Drying soap: These are soaps that are in solid process takes several weeks to complete.
form and are formed using dry oil. E.g. cotton Hot Process: Unlike cold process of soap
seed, mustard, rice barn, Soya corn, coconut oil, making, all hot processed soap experiences a
castor oil, olive oil, palm Kernel oil etc. “gel phase” as a result of being heated, such as
Non-Drying soap: These are soaps of liquid in a double boiler or crock pot. Hot processed
form e.g. baby soap, imperial leather soap, and soap may be used soon after being removed
are formed usually by the use of non-drying oil. from the mould because the temperature
The drying oil can sometimes be used but it accelerate the saponification process and also
was the possibility to return to its original drive-off excess water. The soap is thoroughly
stage after the soap has been produced. (Gupta, cooked until saponification is completed. The
1990) hot processed soap comes out on the sticky
There are two manufacturing processes side at first until it is exposed to air for a few
of soap, the cold process and the hot process. days. The major difference between hot and
The cold process of making soap is done cold process of soap making is that the hot
without heating the soap batter, while the hot process is done at time of preparation of
process requires that the soap batter must be potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide
heated. while for the cold process; it takes a day before
Cold Process: Although the cold-process of use after the preparation.
soap making takes place at room temperature, Most soap removes grease and others
the fats are first heated to ensure the dirt, because some of their components are
liquidification of the fats used. Then, when the surface-active agents, or are surfactants here a
lye water solution is added to the fats, it should molecular structure that act as a link between
be at the same temperature with the melted water and dirt particles from neither the
oils and both are typically between 270C-280C. underlying fabrics nor other surface to be
An external heat source is not necessary but cleaned. Dirty clothe, skin or other surfaces
the molded soap should be incubated by being have particles of dirt suspended in a layer of oil
wrapped in blankets or towels for 24hours or grease. Polar water molecules cannot
after being poured into mold. Milk soaps are remove the dirt embedded in non-polar oil or
the exception and do not require insulation, grease. One can remove the dirt with soap,
which may cause the milk to sour. The soap because of its dual nature.
will continue to exothermically give off heat for In the cleaning action of soap, the soap
many hours after being molded. During this molecule has a polar, water soluble
time, it is normal for the soap go through a “gel (Hydrophilic head) and a long, oil soluble non-
phase” where the opaque soap will turn semi- polar (hydrophobic tail) Fig 1.0.
transparent for several hours before turning

H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H O +
The hydrophobic part of the soap droplet is now strongly attracted to water and
dissolves in oily surfaces when enough soap solvated by the water. The solvated oil droplet
molecules have oriented themselves around an is called micelle.
oily droplet with their hydrophobic tail Palm oil was long recognized in West
dissolved in the oil. The oil droplet together African countries, and among West African
with the suspended dirt particles are removed people, it has long been in widespread use as
from the surface of the cloth or skin. The oil cooking oil. European merchants trading with

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Volume 2| November, 2021 ISSN: 2795-7365
West Africa occasionally purchase palm oil for 4.1M Sodium hydroxide: 3.3g sodium
use in Europe. But despite the fact that the oil is hydroxide was dissolved in 20Cm3 of distilled
cheap, the oil is rare outside West Africa. Palm water.
oil become highly sought-after commodity by 3.0M Potassium carbonate: 3.3g potassium
the British traders, for use as an industrial carbonate was dissolved in 20Cm3 of distilled
lubricant for the machines of the Britain’s water.
industrial revolution, as well as forming the 0.5M Ethanol Potassium hydroxide: 7g
basis of soap products, such as lever Brothers, Potassium hydroxide was dissolved in 10Cm3
sunlight soap and the American palm oil ethanol in a 250Cm3 volumetric flask.
branch. In 1870, palm oil constituted the Processing Of Palm Kernel Oil
primary export of some West African countries Palm oil products are made milling and
such as Ghana and Nigeria. Although, it was refining processes, first using fractionation
overtaken by cocoa in the 1886. Palm oil and with crystallization and separation processes
palm kernel oil are composed of fatty acid to obtain a solid stearin and liquid olein. By
esterifies with glycerol just like any ordinary melting and be gumming, impurities can be
fat. Both are high in saturated fatty acid, about removed and then the oil filtered and bleached
50% and 80% gives its name to the 16 Carbon deodorized palm oil. Free pure fatty acids used
saturated fatty acid (Palmitic acid) found in the as an important raw-material in the
palm oil, Mono Unsaturated oleic acid is also a manufacture of soap, washing powder and
constituent of palm oil while palm Kernel oil is other hygiene and personal care products.
the contains mainly lauric acid. Palm oil is the Production Of Soap
largest natural source of tocotrienol which is 100cm3 of palm kernel oil (PKO) was
part of the vitamin E family. Palm oil is also measured, melted and then mixed with 100cm3
high in Vitamin K. The fatty acid content of of 4.1M sodium hydroxide, stirred in one
palm kernel oil are: Lauric(G1)48.2%; direction at a room temperature for 15minutes
Myristic(G4) 8.2%; Palmitic(G6)3.4%; until a viscous mixture is obtained. Followed by
Capric(G0) 3.3%; Caprylic (C8) 2.5%; addition of additives such as 1g of colorant
Stearic(G8) 15.3%; Oleic(G8)2.3%; Linoleic (Light green and dark green, etc), 5cm3 of
(G8) 0.4%. Fatty acids are saturated and perfumes. The mixture was left to solidity for
unsaturated aliphatic carboxylic acids with one week to obtain the solid soap. (willcox,
carbon chain length in the range of C6 up to 2000)
C24. An example of fatty acid is palmitic acid: Soap Prepared With Sodium Hydroxide And
CH3 – (CH2) 14 – COOH. Splitting of oils and Potash
fats by hydrolysis or under basic conditions of 20cm3 of palm kernel oil was weighed
Saponification yields fatty acids with glycerin into a breaker containing 10cm3 of potassium
(Glycerol) as a by-product. carbonate (natural potash) and 10cm3 of 3.0M
Materials And Methods sodium hydroxide was filtered and added with
Apparatus continues stirring until viscous mixture was
pH meter, Breakers, Cornical flask, Glass obtained. Mixture was left to solidify. (Garzena,
rod, Measuring cylinder, Volumetric flask, 2004) (willcox, 2000)
Heating mantle, Weighing balance, Hand mask, Determination Of Saponification Value
Viscometer 250cm3 capacity round bottom flask
Reagents. was weighted and 1g of warmed palm kernel
Potassium Hydroxide (KOH), Sodium oil was introduced into the flask. 25cm3 of 0.5M
hydroxide (NaOH), Palm kernel oil (PKO), ethanol potassium hydroxide solution was also
Potassium Carbonate (K CO), Hydrochloric acid added. The mixture was refluxed for an hour
(HCl), Distilled water, Ethanol, Perfumes, and after which the heating was stopped and 5
Colorants. drops of phenolphthalein indicator was added.
Preparation Of Reagent The resultant hot soap was titrated against
0.5M hydrochloric acid. The experiment was

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Volume 2| November, 2021 ISSN: 2795-7365
repeated three times and the average value hydrogen ion concentration in which per cubic
was taken. A blank titration was also carried decimeter of solution and numerically equals
out by titrating 25cm3 of 0.5M ethanol to 7 or neutral solutions. pH increases with
potassium hydroxide against 0.5M increasing alkalinity and deceases with
hydrochloric acid. increasing acidity.
Coloration And Staining Properties Of Soap The pH value of the prepare soap was
Coloration is a process of imparting determined using pH meter. The pH value was
colour to a substance for the purpose of determined by immersing the pH meter into
beautification, attraction and quality products. the viscous sample of the soap which the pH
1g of light green colour was used in this meter has been standardized with distilled
saponification process obtain a green coloured water. The same procedure was done for all the
soap. prepared samples and the results obtained are
However, staining is the ability to leave or shown in Table (i)
make colour patches or dirty marks on some
things especially ones that are difficult to
remove. A while cotton fabric was cut and the Foaming Property
soap was used to wash it. Foaming is the ability of soap to form
Determination Of pH. lather while using. The sample of the soap
pH is the measure of the acidity or made was soak and rub in a container of water
alkalinity of a solution calculating as the for 2 to 3 minutes and the results obtained are
common logarithm of the reciprocal of shown in Table (ii).

Results And Discussions

Table (i): The pH-Values, weight and the melting point of the soap.
Formula of soap Colour Weight (g) pH-value
CH3 (CH2)10 COONa + Blue 21.99 9.06
CH3 (CH2)10 COOK+ Blue 22.27 9.08

From the Table (i) above, it can be seen However, for efficient soap making, pH-
that there is no much variation in the pH-value values must be within the range of 7-10 as
of the prepared soap, and all the pH-values are reported by the International Organization of
within the required range. This indicates that Soap Makers. The finished soap is alkaline to
the additive does not affect the pH of the soap. some degree, but soap with pH value above 10
is likely to cause a burning skin.

Table (ii): The foaming property of the soap

Formula of soap Hard water Soap Water
CH3 (CH2)10 COONa+ Moderately foam Heavily foam
CH3 (CH2)10 COOK + Moderately foam Heavily foam
it can be seen that both the soap made do foam
For efficient use and quality soap, lather a heavily lather with soft water and moderate
formation is very vital. For the Table (ii) above, lather with hard water.

Table (iii): The solubility property.

Formula of soap Soap Water Hard water chloroform
CH3 (CH2)10 COONa+ Soluble Insoluble Soluble
CH3 (CH2)10 COOK+ Soluble Insoluble Soluble

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Volume 2| November, 2021 ISSN: 2795-7365
Table (iv): The Cleaning Property
OIL Formula of soap Hard water Soft water
PKO CH3 (CH2)10COONa + Moderately clean Well Clean
PKO CH3 (CH2)10 COOK+ Moderately clean Well Clean

Saponification Value Of Palm Kernel Oil soap will not irritate the skin. The number of
(Sample A) milligrams of lye (NaOH) required to
Today, with easy access to the exact completely saponify one gram of a specific oil is
composition of oil, and the molecular weight of referred to as the saponification value.
the oil, it is easy to determine the exact amount Therefore, saponification value is calculated
of lye (NaOH) needed to completely solidify a using titration process and the result is show in
measured amount of specific oil, so that there Table (v).
will be no any extra lye in the soap and the


Burette readings 1st 2nd 3rd
Final 5.20 5.00 5.10
Initial 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vol. of A used 5.20 5.00 5.10

Therefore, Average titre value = 5.20+5.00+5.10

= 5.10
Sample B (Blank)
Burette readings 1st 2nd 3rd
Final 13.80 14.00 13.90
Initial 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vol. of B used 13.80 14.00 13.90

Therefore, titre value = 13.80+14.00+13.90

= 13.90
Saponification value is not in any way useful for identification purpose but is useful in
determining the mean molecular weight of constituent fatty acid. Titre value of sample A = 5.10; Titre
value of sample B = 13.90
Therefore, saponification value = (B - A) 25.00________
Weight of sample (g)
= (25.00x13.90-25.00x5.10)
= 220
Since 218.6 – 230 is the saponification value range of Palm Kernel Oil, therefore the value obtained is
within the range.

Conclusion of the oil present. The result also showed that

The research has shown that soap can soap with pH values of 9.06-9.10, heavily lather
be produced from palm kernel oil with good formation, which does not stain a white fabric
foaming characteristics. The properties of the is a good and quality soap which does not burn
soap depend to a very large extent on the level or irritate the skin.

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Volume 2| November, 2021 ISSN: 2795-7365
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