Lecture Note 3 Vlsi Testing

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A number of fabrication processes exist for realising microelectronic circuit
designs. In the main, CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
technology is dominant, with a number of key advantages over the alternative
processes. However, the available fabrication processes are classified as:
 Bipolar
 CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
 BiCMOS (Bipolar and CMOS)
 SiGe BiCMOS (Silicon germanium BiCMOS)
 GaAs (Gallium arsenide)
 Memory

These fabrication processes will be required to support the design and realisation of
specific circuit components, the availability of components being dependent on the
particular process. In the main, the following circuit components will be required:
 Transistor
 Diode
 Resistor
 Capacitor
 Inductor

In digital circuits, the transistor is the key circuit component used and digital
processes will be optimised to support this. In analogue and mixed-signal
processes, the use of high quality resistors, capacitors and potentially inductors,
will be required in addition to the transistor. The basic structure of the IC die is
shown in Fig. 2.1. Here, the circuit is fabricated within the die and this is mounted
in a suitable package.
The (silicon) die will be square or rectangular in shape and will be fabricated on a
wafer. The die will have two identifiable areas, the periphery and the core:
 The core contains the bulk of the circuitry.
 The periphery will contain Input/Output cells and Power Supply cells.

These cells are physically much larger than the core cells and will be
required to bond the die to the package, as well as providing Electrical
Overstress (EOS) protection. The die is mechanically secured to the package and electrically
bonded to the package pins. Electrical, mechanical and thermal considerations must be taken into
account in the choice of the package used.

2. Technology Nodes
Driven by the need for higher levels of integration and higher operating frequencies for
digital systems, the move is to reduce the circuit component geometries. This allows for more
components per mm2 of die area and a reduction in the interconnect lengths between
components. There are two main figures given to represent the level of integration:
 Minimum transistor gate length
 Technology node
The minimum transistor gate length defines the smallest transistor gate length that can be
designed (this is the printed gate length) by the designer. Once fabricated, this will actually
be smaller due to processing issues (this is the physical gate length). For example, a 0.18 µm
CMOS process would define a minimum printed MOSFET transistor gate length of 0.18 µm.
The minimum gate length figure has been linked to microprocessor unit (MPU) and ASIC
(Application Specific Integrated Circuit) devices. The technology node is also used as a
metric, and has been historically linked to the introduction of new generations of DRAM
(Dynamic Random Access Memory). The figure quoted is the DRAM lithography half-pitch.
In the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) 2003 edition, the
predicted gate lengths and DRAM ½ pitch dimensions are linked. The roadmap is separated
into near years (2003-2009) and far years (2010-2018). Table 2.1 provides a snapshot of the
ITRS technology nodes at three points in time and an example of the Austria Mikro Systems
(AMS) process roadmap.

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