Amplitude Modulation - Problems

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1.A 500-Watt carrier is modulated to a depth of a 75% , Calculate the total power in the
modulated wave.
2.A modulating signal 30sin(2Π * 103t) is used to modulate a carrier signal 40sin(2Π* 104t).
Calculate the following parameters:
a)Modulation index
b) Percentage modulation
d) Bandwidth
e) Plot the spectrum of the AM wave.
3.The total antenna current of an AM transmitter is 10A. If modulation index is 0.5 , calculate
the carrier current in the antenna.
4.A modulating signal of 3cos(500t) is amplitude modulated of a carrier signal of 6cos(200t).
Derive the total transmitted power and transmitted efficiency.
5. Consider the following amplitude modulated signal
S(t) = cos(2000Πt) + 4cos(2400Πt) + cos(2800Πt)
Calculate the following parameters:
a)Modulation index
b) Ratio of the power of the message signal to the power of the carrier signal
6.The equation of the AM wave is
E = 100(1+0.6sin6280t)sin(2Π*106t)
Calculate the following parameters:
a)Modulation index
b)Frequency and of the carrier wave
c)Frequency of the modulating wave
d)Frequency of the LSB and USB.
7. The maximum peak to peak voltage of an AM wave is 16mV and the minimum peak to
peak voltage is 4mV. Calculate the modulation index

8.An AM wave is represented by the expression

V = 5(1+0.6cos 6280t) sin 211*104t volts
a)What is the maximum and minimum amplitudes of the AM wave.
b)What are the frequency components are contained in the modulated wave.
c)Compute the amplitude of each component
9.A 500 watts carrier signal is subjected to 100% amplitude modulation. Determine the
following parameters
a)Power in sidebands
b)Power of the modulated wave.
10.An audio signal of 1kHz is used to modulate a carrier of 500kHz. Determine the sideband
frequencies and the bandwidth required.
11.The load current in the transmitting antenna of an unmodulated AM transmitter is 8A.
What will be the antenna current when modulation is 40%.
12.The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 8A when only the carrier is sent but it
increases to 8.93A when the carrier is sinusoidally modulated. Find the percentage
13.The r.m.s value of carrier voltage is 100V. After AM , the r.m.s value becomes 110V.
Find the modulation index.
14.An AM wave consists of the following components:
Carrier component = 5V peak value
LSB and USB component = 2.5V peak value
If the AM wave drives a 2kΩ resistor , find the power delivered to the resistor by the
a)Carrier b)LSB component c)USB component d)Total power.

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