Aibea: All India Bank Employees' Association
Aibea: All India Bank Employees' Association
Aibea: All India Bank Employees' Association
Dear Comrades,
D.A. Rates @ 0.07% per slab for 526 Slabs over 6352 points for all cadre/stages 36.82%
D.A shown here includes D.A for Basic Pay, Special Allowance & Transport/Learning Allowance.
Sub-Staff Clerical
Basic D.A. Increase Basic D.A. Increase His Master’s
1. 14500 6435.39 660.67 1. 17900 7892.61 810.27
2. 15000 6649.71 682.67 2. 18900 8321.15 854.26
Voice, But
3. 15500 6863.96 704.67 3. 19900 8749.76 898.26 More loyal than
4. 16000 7078.28 726.67 4. 20900 9178.36 942.26
5. 16500 7292.59 748.67 5. 22130 9705.50 996.38 the royal
6. 17115 7556.18 775.73 6. 23360 10232.64 1050.50
7. 17730 7819.71 802.78 7. 24590 10759.84 1104.62
8. 18345 8083.29 829.84 8. 26080 11398.41 1170.18 FM says that Govt.
9. 18960 8346.88 856.90 9. 27570 12036.98 1235.74 will privatise only
10. 19575 8610.47 883.96 10.29060 12675.61 1301.30
11. 20315 8927.64 916.53 11.30550 13314.18 1366.86 2 Banks
12. 21055 9244.75 949.08 12.32280 14055.61 1442.97
13. 21795 9561.92 981.64 13.34010 14797.10 1519.09
14. 22535 9879.10 1014.20 14.35740 15538.53 1595.21 Aunpam Gupta &
15. 23405 10251.94
16. 24275 10624.84
1052.48 15.37470 16280.02
1090.76 16.39200 17021.44
Avind Panagaria
17. 25145 10997.68 1129.04 17.40930 17762.87 1823.56 say that all the
18. 26145 11426.28 1173.04 18.42660 18504.36 1899.69
19. 27145 11854.88 1217.04 19.45930 19905.82 2043.56 Banks should be
20. 28145 12283.42
21. 29145 12712.03
1261.04 20.47920 20758.67
1305.04 21.49910 21611.59
22. 30145 13140.63 1349.04 22.51900 22464.45 2306.24
23. 31145 13569.17 1393.03 23.53890 23317.37 2393.80
24. 32145 13997.77 1437.03 24.55880 24170.23 2481.35 We Demand
25. 33145 14426.38
26. 34145 14854.92
1481.03 25.57870 25023.15
1525.03 26.59860 25876.01
Reject their
27. 35145 15283.52 1569.03 27.61850 26728.87 2744.03 Report, it is
28. 36145 15712.12 1613.03 28.63840 27581.79 2831.59
29. 37145 16140.71 1657.03 29.65830 28434.67 2919.15 vindictive
Await our struggle demanding adequate AIBEA
recruitments in all the Banks
D A for Special Pay, PQP/Graduation Pay and for Officers from August, 2022
Officers upto Scale III
Special Pay Name Spl Pay D.A. Increase Basic D.A. Increase
Single Window Operator "B" 1250 460.25 47.25 36000 15649.97 1606.65
Head Cashier "II" 1940 714.31 73.33 37490 16288.56 1672.21
Special Assistant 2920 1075.14 110.38 38980 16927.16 1737.77
Bill Collectors/Armed Guards 590 217.24 22.30 40470 17565.75 1803.33
Daftary 850 312.97 32.13 41960 18204.34 1868.89
Head Peon 1120 412.38 42.34 43450 18842.93 1934.45
Electrician - A/C Plant Operator 3090 1137.74 116.80 44940 19481.52 2000.00
Driver 3590 1321.84 135.70 46430 20120.11 2065.56
Professional Qualification Pay PQP D.A. Increase 48170 20865.85 2142.12
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 1 year 625 230.13 23.63 49910 21611.59 2218.68
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 2 years 1215 447.36 45.93 51900 22464.47 2306.24
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 3 years 1835 675.65 69.36 53890 23317.35 2393.80
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 4 years 2455 903.93 92.80 55880 24170.24 2481.36
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 5 years 3045 1121.17 115.10 57870 25023.12 2568.91
D.A. Rates for Pensioners (%) (55 Slabs increase) 59860 25876.01 2656.47
Retired prior to 01-11-1992 - 1964 Slabs over 600 points 61850 26728.89 2744.03
Upto 1250 1251-2000 2001-2130 Abv 2130 63840 27581.77 2831.59
1315.88% 1080.20% 648.12% 333.88% 65830 28434.66 2919.15
After 01-11-1992 upto 31-03-1998 - 1827 Slabs over 1148 points 67820 29287.54 3006.71
Upto 2400 2401-3850 3851-4100 Abv 4100 69810 30140.42 3094.26
639.45% 529.83% 310.59% 164.43% 71800 30993.31 3181.82
After 01-04-1998 upto 31-10-2002 - 1693 Slabs over 1684 points 73790 31846.19 3269.38
Upto 3550 3551-5650 5651-6010 Abv 6010 76010 32797.65 3367.06
406.32% 338.60% 203.16% 101.58% 78230 33749.11 3464.74
Retired on or after 01-11-2002 - 1542 Slabs over 2288 points 80450 34700.57 3562.42
For the entire Basic Pension Amount 277.56% 82670 35652.03 3660.09
Retired on or after 01-11-2007 - 1405 Slabs over 2836 points 84890 36603.48 3757.77
For the entire Basic Pension Amount 210.75% 87110 37554.94 3855.45
Retired on or after 01-11-2012 - 1004 Slabs over 4440 points 89330 38506.40 3953.13
For the entire Basic Pension Amount 100.40% 89610 38626.40 3965.45
Retired on or after 01-11-2017 - 526 Slabs over 6352 points 92110 39697.87 4075.45
For the entire Basic Pension Amount 36.82% Officers Scale IV and Scale V
76010 33525.31 3441.76
78230 34498.02 3541.62
Yours comradely, 80450 35470.73 3641.48
Officers Scale VI and Scale VII 82670 36443.44 3741.34
104240 46278.32 4751.01 84890 37416.15 3841.20
107210 47590.59 4885.73 87390 38511.55 3953.66
110180 48902.85 5020.44 89890 39606.94 4066.11
C.H. VENKATACHALAM 113150 50215.12 5155.16 92390 40702.34 4178.57
General Secretary 116120 51527.38 5289.88 94890 41797.73 4291.02
119340 52950.11 5435.94 95120 41898.51 4301.37
122560 54372.83 5582.00 97620 42993.90 4413.82
125780 55795.56 5728.06 100350 44190.08 4536.62
129000 57218.28 5874.12 103320 45491.40 4670.22