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Mi ALJABER M@™ ENGINEERING NPPO085-LTR-JEC-NPP-0203 19 September 2017 Mis. New Port Project Steering Committee P.O. Box: 28333 Doha, Qatar Tel: 4406 4444 Fax: 4406 4420 Attention: The Engineer Mr. Maisar Jamil E-Qutami Project Executive Director Project: New Port Project Contract No. NPP/O085: Strategic Food Security Facilities ‘Subject: Method Statement for High Energy Impact Compaction Works Dear Sir, ‘The Contractor hereby submits the method statement for the High Energy Impact Compaction works, associated withthe relevant inspection and testing plan (ITP) and risk assessment (RA) forthe Engineer's review and approval The Contractor looks forward to receiving the Engineer's early approval on the submitted documents, Enclosures: 2. Inspection Test Plan (ITP) (2 Pages) 1. Method Statement for High energy Impact Compaction (21 Pages) Lf 3. Risk assessment (RA) (9 Pages)NEW PORT PROJECT Allaber Engineering Company [NPP /0085: Strategic Food Storage Facilities Method Statement 7 ALJABER ‘Ml ENGINEERING om ee Method Statement for High Energy Impact Compaction NPP/0085 (NPPOO85-CIV-MS-00003_0) ; Preparedby | pougenon Rev Date Modifications Content. (full name) Designatior soaae | Cnstcbn 0 | s85en27 Fite tise | Coton | : 2 3 Checked by Reviewed by Approved by Tatnane: | MnDrw.TupANO | cusioN ctnee SimorALASHAe Designation: Sr. QA/QC Engineer QA/QC MANAGER PROJECT DIRECTOR Date: 18-Sep-17 Laser Surat FS [Seer 2 c Page 1 of 18NEW PORT PROJECT ‘ML ALJABER Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ‘i ENGINEERING [NPP/OOBS: Strategic Food Storage Facites OM ee [CONTENT CONTENT, renee 2 1 INTRODUCTION sare 3 1 PurPost... 3 12 Score oF WorK, od 1.3 REQUIRED PeRMITs od 2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES... 4 2.1 MAINCONTRACTOR - : 4 3 DEFINITIONS / ABBREVIATION / REFERENCE: rarer 3.1 —_DeFINmoN: 3.2 ABBREVIATIONS... 3.3 ReFeReNces 4 RESOURCES wenn 4.1 Manpower... 4.2 PLANTAND EQUIPMENT. 43 MATERIALS, 5 HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENTAL PROVISIONS... 5.1 HEALTHAND SAFETY 5.1.1 Emergency response 5.2 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES... 5.2.1. Aspect and Impact identification 5.2.2. Aspect Identification and Mitigation measure 6 SEQUENCE OF WORKS eee es 6.1 INTRODUCTION. 6.2 DETAILED METHODOLOGY. 16 7 APPENDICES sree Page 2of 19[NEW PORT PROJECT MB ALIABER Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ‘Ml ENGINEERING [NPP /OO8S: Strategie Food Storage Faclities MD 12) vba [7 intropucrion 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to describe the general working methodology for High Energy Impact Compaction to be followed in Strategic Food Security Facilities Project (NPPOOBS-SFSF) and to ensure that during all work phases will be undertaken efficiently as possible and by adhering to all appropriate qu: health, safety security and environmental requirements of the project. The Contractor reserves his right to adapt the methods of execution as contained in this document from time to time, aecording to specific site conditions, in agreement with the Engineer. 1.2 SCOPEOF WORK ‘This method statement identifies the general steps and arrangement which should be followed during High Energy Impact Compaction in NPPOO8S-SFSF Infrastructure and Building and describes as follows: A. Preparatory and Preliminary Works B, High Energy Impact Compaction C._ Testing & Reporting This method statement is subject to the requirements as stated in the following regulatory & statutory documents, applicable standards / specifications / building codes: + Project Specification + Approved shop drawings + Contract Drawings + Project Quality Plan *+ Project HSE Plan 1.3. REQUIRED PERMITS The following permits are required for the execution of this method statement: + MME Permit + Related statutory permits from government institutions. Page 3 of 18[NEW PoRT PROJECT 7 ALJABER Aljaber Englnesring Company Method Statement ‘MB ENGINEERING [NPP/OOBS: Strategic Food Storage Facities [2 owes ano nesponsiouiTies 2 MAIN CONTRACTOR Project Director + The Project Director is over all responsible for execution of this method statement and ensures that his team of Engineers and the Sub-Contractor are aware of this method statement. All resources to include personnel, required material and necessary equipment are available in order to carry out the work as, planned and without delay. + Heis also in charge for the implementation ofall safety, health and environmental arrangements for JECand its Sub-Contractor(s) and/or Sub-Consultant(). Project Manager + The Project Manager is responsible for managing the Construction activities and provide general interface between Sub-contractors. + Monitor progress and site resources. + Review of the construction methodologies and ensuring the construction team and subcontractors abide with agreed methodologies. + Implement agreed Quality procedures and ensure the Construction Inspection / Supervision Team understands the requirements. + Adopt a leading role with respect to JEC Quality and SH&E procedures and provide assistance to the team when required. Construction Manager +The Construction Manager is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the work has been carried out on field as per the approved method statement, ITP, RA and drawings. + He co-ordinates with the Safety and Health Specialist and with the Environment Engineer. + He is also in charge to ensure that all necessary required equipment, tools and materials are in place prior to commencement of the works. Senior Site Engineer + The Senior Site Engineer is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the work has been carried out on field as per the approved method statement. + He co-ordinates with the Safety and Health Specialist and with the Environment Engineer. + He is also in charge to ensure that all necessary required equipment, tools and materials are in place prior to commencement of the works. QA/QC Manager = The QA/QC Manager is responsible to ensure that all the operational documents and procedures are approved and available at site. ‘= He shall provide necessary information pertaining to inspection testing to Construction team and Quality ‘team, and shall ensure that all requirements are effectively implemented, ‘= He is responsible for follow up of the assigned tasks to the Quality team and working closely with related Engineering and Construction team for compliance with project requirements. QA/QC Engineer ‘+ The QA/QC Engineer is responsible to ensure work has been executed on field as per the specification and. approved method statement. Safety and Health Specialist + The Safety and Health Specialist is responsible to ensure that all safety precautions and procedures are in place. + He may conduct audits or inspections to ensure said compliance. Paget of 19NEW PORT PROJECT 20 MB ALIABER ‘Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement [NPP/008S: Strategic Food Storage Facilities Safety and Health Officer + The Safety and Health officer is responsible for monitoring and ensuring that all safety precautions are being followed by the respective engineers, supervisory staff, In addition ensure that the supervisory staff have confirmed checked that all personnel have undergone any necessary induction trainings and that all personnel are equipped with (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment. +The Safety officer shall ensure that all works have undergone the necessary pre commencement STARRT talk provided by the works supervisor. +The Safety officer shall periodically inspect all works ensuring adequate signage and permits are in place. + The Safety officer shall conduct inspections as and where necessary to ensure plant equipment is in full compliance with the projects requirements. Where deemed appropriate issue corrective action notices and or observation reports in line with JEC procedures. First Aider + The First Aider ensures first aid kits are provisioned and are adequately available. + He communicates with Emergency Medical Services when necessary, reassures bystanders, and ensures the wellbeing of work colleagues, undertakes record keeping and recording. Fire Warden + The First Warden takes immediate action as per his training to fight the fire, evacuates the personnel, uses the firefighting system. Rigger + The riggers a 3rd party certified employee who assists in movement of heavy equipment and by calculating the size and type of sling required for a particular lift, selecting the slings to lift the load, attaching the slings to the load and assisting in controlling the load as its lifted by a crane. + He also checks and ensures lifting equipment are in good condition each day, loads are being lifted within ‘the lift capacity, barricading of the lifting zones are in place and pedestrians remain out of the lift zone. Banksman +The Vehicle Banksman is the person who isin charge of directing the movements of large vehicles on a work site, particularly large cranes during loading and unloading, Environment Manager + The Environment Manger is responsible to ensure that all environmental arrangements are in place, all personnel have undergone any necessary induction training and that all personnel are trained and complaint with all environmental regulations, legislation, policies and procedures. + He may conduct audits or inspections to ensure said compliance. Environmental Engineer + The Environmental Engineer is responsible for monitoring all activities related to ground improvement to ‘ensure compliance with all environmental regulations and commitments and to lead mitigation and/or response procedures in the event of a non-compliance with permit conditions or an environmental incident (e.g. hydrocarbon spill, chemical release, etc.) + He will conduct inspections to ensure said compliance, Page of 19[NEW PORT PROJECT 0M ALJABER Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ‘Mil ENGINEERING /o0as: Strategic Food Storage Facilities Om ae 3__ DEFINITIONS / ABBREVIATION / REFERENCES 3.1_ DEFINITIONS SESE Strategic Food Security Facilities, CONTRACTOR | Ablaber Engineering Company (JEC) sumoven |e Goverment ofthe Sef ty represented by he iow Por roa Seng Committee PMC Project Management Consultant (AECOM) Laboratory | Al, hand others 3.2. ABBREVIATIONS EC Environmental Consultant (COW!) eC Engineering Design Consultant TAR Improvement Action Report ~ TEC Independent Engineering Consultant FA issued for Approval 7 J TFC Issued for Construction A issued for information FR issued for Review IR inspection Request TTP Inspection Test Plan KPI Key Performance Indicator 7 Ms Method of Statement ee Employer Designated Pork Master Systems Integration Consultant [110s ‘Material Safety Data Sheet - NCR ‘Non Conformance Report PMc Programme Management Consultant Pap Project Quality Plan “esas Qatar Sustainability Assessment System a Employer Designated Security Sub-Contrator (Qatar Security Systems Co) RA Risk Assessment - - RF Request for Information - - HEIC High Energy Impact Compaction 7 eae Safety, Health and Environment SQOR Site Quality Observation Report CEMP —__| Construction Environmental Management Plan - Page 6 of 19NEW PORT PROJECT 7M ALIABER ‘Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement Mil ENGINEERING INPP/008S: Strategic Food Storage Facilites CM oe 3.3 REFERENCES Document Reference Document title 'NPPOGBS-CIV-ITP-00003 _| ITP for High Energy Impact Compaction 'NPPOO8S-CIV-RA-00003_| RA for High Energy Impact Compaction 1/383/NPP/SK/aa/17/0042 | Health and Safety Management Plan 1/383/NPP/Sk/aa/17/0046 | Traffic Management Plan 1/383/NPP/Sk/aa/17/0042 | Construction Environmental Management Plan acs 2014 Qatar Construction Specification - 2014 Page 7 of 19[NEw PORT PROJECT Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement [NPP/008S: Strategic Food Storage Facities RESOURCES 4.1 MANPOWER + Site Engineer * Safety Officers * Foreman * Supervisors * Charge Hands * survey Team * HEIC Drivers/Operators * Labour * Riggers * Banksman * Fire Warden 42 PLANTAND EQUIPMENT ‘The following equipment and materials shall be used for the works: Bulldozers Trailer Trucks High Energy Impact Roller Compactors Grader Survey Instruments Note: Safety officer will only check the availability and validity of registration, insurances and 3rd Party fitness certificates of plant, operator and equipment and its physical condition. Mechanical maintenance team should inspect thoroughly the plant or equipment before its use on site that all are operational as per manufacturer's specification and standards. 4.3 MATERIALS NA Page 8 of19NEW PORT PROJECT Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement [NPP/OO8S: Strategic Food Storage Factities [5 _ HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENTAL PROVISIONS 5.1 HEALTH AND SAFETY ‘The health and safety activities are to be in accordance with the relevant Health, Safety and Environmental requirements as described, but not limited to, within the guidelines for method statement. The Sub-Contractor shall ensure that the JEC Health and Safety Management Plan is followed stringently; in addition, Sub-Contractor shall ensure their internal health and safety procedures are followed by all crew ‘members which is prepared to sult. Where applicable particular site safety procedures shall be adhered to at all times during site works. Prior to commencement of any work activity crew members shall ensure all relevant third party certificates for plant equipment to be in place. Allssite employees to attend both QSS and JEC safety inductions. ‘A Daily tool box talk shall be given to all employees; this shall include a 360 Haz ID, findings of which shall be discussed and where practical mitigated, All employees shall hold on their possession of New Port Project identification ID cards along with JEC training ID Cards In the event of an emergency the Project Engineer / Foreman shall immediately inform the JEC Project Director in addition the S&H Manager providing them with all relevant information regarding the emergency. Unobstructed safe Access and Egress shall be provided and maintained during the course of all work activities During the works Contractor shall ensure adequate barricading in order to restrict access to authorized personnel only. Make sure all employees are Safety inducted before they can work on site. Make sure employees take the right equipment with them on visits. Check they have been trained and know how to use it Keep available, records of hazards on particular sites. Make sure all relevant people are notified, Make sure a supply of the right equipment is available. Helmets, steel capped high angle shoes, Safety goggles, High visibility jackets, face masks, overalls should be appropriate and in good condition. ‘Assess the risks of manual handling before going to the site and look at the materials being used or stored. Lighting devices shall be set up at the work area and ensure the required Lux available as per QCS 2014 during night shift The lifting area should be barricaded and appropriate signs boards to be fixed to warn and avoid the unauthorized entry. Copies of driver’s/operator's license vehicle's registration and security passes to be submitted to Company safety department before commencing the work. All moving crane/equipment shall have reverse horn. All major equipment and crane shall be tested and certified by Third Party prior to mobilization to site. ‘Ample and unobstructed passage shall be maintained at al times in and around the truck loading and lifting space. All equipment movement at job site must be controlled by third party certified rigger/banks man. Trained, Competent and Authorized Supervision present at all times to ensure workers are safely working on site Page 9 of 18,NEW PORT PROJECT ‘Mi ALJABER [Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement BE ENGINEERING [NPP /0085: Strategic Food Storage Facities Personal Protective Equipment Requirements © Safety Helmet Safety Goggles Safety Boots High Visibility Vest Hand Gloves Ear Plugs Full Body Harness Respiratory Protection Provision of additional PPE required for the specified activities i.e. Hot work and working near or over, water - Life jacket, Life buoy/ring with rope, welding apron, welding mask, welding gloves etc. Information to personnel Health and Safety knowledge shall be disseminated through; © SH&E Site Safety Inductions Ensure STARRT and/or RAMS are discussed with the work group prior to works commencing Safety toolbox talks Environmental toolbox talks SHBE training records / Toolbox attendance register Training courses (Internal and Third Party Training) Group discussions of Method Statement and Job Hazard Analysis SHBE Bulletin /SH&€E Site Notice Boards ‘SHE Personnel site instructions Site Engineers, Site Supervisors and Site Foreman, Site Traffic Management ‘As per Contractor's approved Site Traffic Management Plan Site Emergency Procedures ‘As per contractor's approved Site / Office Emergency Response Plan Summer and Ramadan working hours In reference to the ministerial decision no.16 of the year 2007, determining working hours in bare sites in summer, the following working hours shall be complied from the 15* of June till 31° of August that the works shall not exceeding 11.30am and shall not start in the evening period before 3.00pm. During Ramadan, the works shall comply with Qatar Labour Law Regulation Article 73 and 74 with regards to Ramadan working hours (maximum 36 hours per week) Site Night Works SH&E Procedure ‘Night Works and Activities beyond Normal Working Hours ‘* The project HSE procedures, standards and regulations must be integrated with this activity which would include the prevention and protection measures necessary to perform the work in a safe manner. ‘© Authorization from the Site Manager or his designee to work beyond normal working hours must be obtained; Page 100f 19NEW PORT PROJECT ‘Ml ALJABER ‘Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ENGINEERING [NPP /0O85: Strategic Food Storage Facilities ME) aka Al works to be performed by the Subcontractor outside the normal working hours must be pre- approved by the main contractor. Method Statement and Risk Assessment must be submitted in advance by site management or the ‘Sub-contractor and reviewed by HSE Department. The Client's Representative must be properly no! precautions to be taken. ied of the work and must agree with the necessary Coordination must be made with other activities such as Site Radiography, Concrete works, Demolition works, etc. and ensure that signs, barriers, flashing lights and adequate lightings are provided. ‘Adequate medical coverage must be in place during work activities; All necessary tools and equipment must be provided and that personnel access routes to the tools are illuminated in accordance with this procedure; Ensure regular inspection and maintenance of lighting equipment; Ensure that cables and other material are located in a way that prevents trip hazards; Public access to work areas must be restricted to the extent possible; Ensure that employees are provided with suitable and sufficient personal protective equipment; First Aid Attendant(s) must be present when working at night. Lighting Lighting is needed for safety, productivity and security ‘The color and nature of any artificial lightings must not adversely, affect or change the perception of the color of any safety signs. Where failure of the primary artificial lighting would create a risk to health or safety of the persons at work, secondary lighting must be provided. Suitable lightings and equipment must be provided and shall be checked in accordance with temporary lightings procedures. Lights provided for this purpose shall be sited to avoid glare and spaced to provide adequate light for the areas covered. ‘Tower lightings shall be installed and maintained and used in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions in addition to ensuring that © The equipment is Third party certified, (© Ensure that the ground is firm and reasonably level. (© Extend the outriggers fully and wind down the jacks to take the weight of the unit. (© Ensure drip trays, firefighting equipment and barricades are provided, ‘© Is operated in well ventilated areas, ‘© Maintained by authorized and competent personnel. Daily checks carried out and checklist ‘maintained. ‘Tower lighting shall be sited in a manner that illuminates all parts of the area where the workis taking place. Lighting poles and other metal parts shall be earthed and the circuit fitted with residual current devices. Generators provided shall be checked prior to use to ensure they meet the requirements. Page 11 of 19[NEW PORT PROJECT 7 ALIABER Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ENGINEERING [NPP/0ORS: tratege Food Storage Facilities ME 2) ‘* Cables employed for the purpose of temporary lighting shall be routed to ensure that they do not present a trip hazard or other obstruction. Mlumination. Levels of Illurination Illumination is measured in units of lumens or lux which is the amount of light falling on one square meter. (See Recommended Levels for Site Lighting below) Recomment for Site Lighti ‘Applies to both indoor and outdoor activities and relates to the value on the ground, floor or horizontal working plane. They may require adjustment according to district brightness. Purpose Governing factors Design value (Lux) Security jepending on the degree of risk 530 ‘Movement and handling [Movement of people, machines and vehicles, handling 20 terials, walkways and access routes “Stores and stockyards _ [For stored goods 30 Site entrances sneral access, vehicle and pedestrian 30 General workarea _eneral rough work, ste clearance 50 Craft work Reinforcing concreting, shuttering erection, bricklaying, 100 : joinery, all work with power tools and circular saws, plastering Fine craft work painting, electrical, plumbing, shop-fittng, brickwork ou ‘Special work Retouching paint, French polishing 500 Site huts Rest rooms, locker rooms, toilets 150 Site offices in desks and reference tables, general lighting of drawing office| 500 Drawing offices on site [On drawing boards 750 570 Emergency lighting For escape and standby purposes Lights meters will be used to check levels of illumination. illumination should be measured at the workplace, not at the light fitting. ‘© When the distance from the light source to the workplace is doubled the illumination level will be reduced to one quarter (inverse square law). Site Lighting — For Area lighting with floor lights or beam floodlights Page 12 0f 18NEW PORT PROJECT MB ALIABER Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ‘il ENGINEERING INPP/0O8S: Strategic Food Storage Facilities vm s ‘© Allareas should receive light from at least two directions. + Fittings should be mounted on poles; towers and high masts must be securely stayed. ‘© Fittings should usually be spaced at not more than two or three times the mounting height. ‘© 230 volts is generally accepted for fixed floodlighting, mounted well above ground, ‘© Additional lighting should be provided in hazardous area, Permits and Certificates SSH&E Work Permits and Certifications (as per activity requirements) ~ These should correlate with the activity Risk Assessment. © Lifting plan ‘+ Mobile plant operations ~ Third party certification (competence certificates) for workers, operators. Equipment valid registration, insurance and fitness certifications, operator dally inspection checklists available, 5.1.1 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ies for emergency responses are to be in accordance with NPPOO8S-JEC-EMP-00001 (as well as NPPOO8S-JEC-HSE-0001) as described, but not limited to, within the guidelines for method statement. 5.2 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES All relevant Qatari Environmental Legislation will be adhered to prior to, and during construction. MoE Permits will be applied for and granted prior to carrying out works where permits are required. The approved CEMP shall be stringently adhered to. Environmental risks and mitigation Measures will be identified in order to pre-empt potential environmental incidents and employ corrective measures where necessary. 5.2.1 ASPECT AND IMPACT IDENTIFICATION ‘The aspects and impacts relevant to the works described in the method statement are addressed through the Aspect Impact Assessment and Mitigation table attached in this section. 5.2.2 ASPECT IDENTIFICATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES The mitigation measures are to specifically address the identified environmental impacts, in addition to and not limited to, the items as described within the guidelines for method statement. Environmental | Source/Activity | Relevant permits | Relevant control | Additional mitigation aspect procedure measures Soil/groundwater | Fuel, oil or CEMP Use drip trays, | Maintain appropriate spill contamination | hydraulic fluid bundingetc., | kits on site at all times. Train from equipment during and | relevant staff for emergency operation, spill response. maintenance Soil/groundwater | Chemicals and ‘CEMP Store chemicals in | Maintain appropriate spill contamination hazardous approved facility, | kits on site at all times. Train substances Follow chemical | relevant staff for emergency transportation and spill response. handling procedures Page 13 of 19NEW PORT PROJECT Al ALJABER ‘Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ‘Ml ENGINEERING INPP/008S: Strategic Food Storage Facilities OM ue Soil/groundwater | Cement/concrete EMP. Ensure no concrete | Ensure appropriate training contamination spillage on exposed | via Toolbox Talk so that earth. Mixon | labor are aware concrete impermeable _| spillage constitutes pollution surface. Wash out shoot in designated wash bay Greenhouse gas_| Operation of CEM? Ensure all Keep equipment well ‘emissions fossil fuel equipment | maintained and monitor for combustion (delivery trucks and | unusual behavior, .e.. engines pumps) have ‘excessive smoke undergone emissions test Housekeeping | Dally activities, cEMP Promptly collect all | Implement the principles of rubbish and | reduce, reuse and recycle to dispose in limit the amount of waste approved generated receptacle ‘irqualityand | Storage and CEM? ‘Adhere to speed | Dampen roads using water dust transportation of limits in orderto | truck fitted with sprinkler concrete reduce dust | system should dust become generation excessive Page 14 of 19NEW PORT PROJECT ‘Aljaber Engineering Company INPP/0085: Strategic Food Storage Facilites Method Statement i ALJABER ‘Ml ENGINEERING = 6 _ SEQUENCE OF WORKS 6.1 INTRODUCTION Impact compaction is a form of dynamic compaction whereby high levels of energy are imparted into the ground at low frequency. Special shaped (3-sided, 4-sided or 5-sided) drums are used. High energy impact compaction involves the transfer of compaction energy into the soil by means of the lifting and falling motion of non-circular rotating masses. The rotation of such masses to their highest point results in an effective potential energy build up. Further rotation of these masses results in the conversion of this potential energy into a falling kinetic energy, which is transferred to the soil upon the impact of the lowest point of the masses with the surface of the soil. The amount of energy transferred (compaction effort) is closely related to the amount of potential energy generated in the lifting process. LEN Cae Depth of NS Influence 7 ON, ‘STATIC VIBRATORY IMPACT static pressure low amplitude / igh amplitude / ENSBY: and kneading high frequency low frequency Figure 1: Comparison between vibratory rollers and high energy impact compactors Depth of influence with this type of compactors in Figure 1 is between 2-4 meters, depending on compactor weight, soil type and soil saturation, ‘The HEIC-unit(s) is towed along the fill by means of a challenger tractor — or equivalent — at a relatively high speed of 10 to 15 km/h. The non-circular masses are forced to rotate and to generate a series of high impact ‘and high amplitude blows that are delivered to the surface of the soil at a relatively low frequency of 90 to 1130 blows per minute. Because the energy is transferred as a dynamic load, itis possible to generate very high compaction forces. The pictures below represent the working principle of the HEIC technique. Figure 2: Double HEIC pulled by a Dump Truck Page 15 of 19NEW PORT PROJECT ALJABER ‘Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement il ENGINEERING 'NPP/0085: Strategic Food Storage Facilites -_ 6.2 DETAILED METHODOLOGY ‘A. PREPARATORY AND PRELIMINARY WORKS 1. JEC Surveyor will stake out on site the areas to be compacted. 2, JEC will ensure that the area to be compacted are free from any unsuitable materials, graded and levelled in order to ensure a proper working platform for the HEIC. B._ HIGH ENERGY IMPACT COMPACTION (HEIC) 1. In order to further optimize the compaction pattern, tractors can be equipped with positioning system allowing online monitoring of the number of tracks compacted. 2. The patterns will be monitored and the more efficient (compaction, time and cost) process will be applied given the space availability. 3. The entire area has been divided into sub-areas as shown in the attached sketch in Appendix A, ‘The number of passes for each Sub-area shall be of 20. 4. Prior and in between passes, the area will be levelled by graders in order to improve the maneuverability of the tractor. 5. The drawings below illustrate two different cases. The first sketch shows a “corkscrew” pattern, which is generally used for the compaction of vast areas, while the second shows a “fix & oval” pattern which is commonly used for narrow areas and longer rectangular strips. | | Figure 3: Typical driving pattern Adjacent areas are compacted with a certain ‘overlapping’ pattern. This principle is illustrated in the drawing below, Figure 1: Overlapping pattern for adjacent areas ‘Typical compaction layout Page 16 of 19|[NEW PORT PROJECT ‘Mi ALJABER ‘Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ENGINEERING [NP /0085: Strategic Food Storage Facilities —_ . Figure 2: Double HEIC pulled by a tractor (Challenger) Figure 3: Double HEIC pulled by a tractor (Challenger) Page 17 of 19NEW PORT PROJECT Mi ALJABER Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement Ml ENGINEERING 'NPP/0085: Strategic Food Storage Facilities —_ Figure 4: Double HEIC pulled by an articulated dumper 6. The area to compact with HEIC should be free of open excavation as the impact of the rollers on the ground may cause the edges of excavation collapse. 7. The area to compact with HEIC should be free a structures as the vibration generated by the impact of the rollers may cause the apparition of cracks or even displacement of the structure, 8. HEIC should be operated at a speed comprised between 10-15 km/hour to optimize the energy transferred to the underground by the impact of the rollers. 9. The area should always be large enough to allow the HEIC to gain the right speed prior entering the compaction field and to minimize the edging effect. 10. Overlapping the passes shall be done to surcharge the complete underground. C._ TESTING & REPORTING Testing shall be done as per the frequency, locations, CPT, SPT, etc. as mentioned in the Method Statement for Geotechnical Investigation with Ref No. NPPOO8S-CIV-MS-00002. The reports shall be submitted to the Designer for verification and conclusion. Page 18 of 19,‘NEw PoRT PROJECT Piney Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement Ml ENGINEERING [NPP/008S: Strategic Food Storage Faces we [7_appenvices ‘A | site Layout for HEIC NPPOOBS-JEC-SK-GN- (00005 B | inspection Check Sheet for High Energy Impact Compaction NPPOO8S-JEC-QCF- 0001.0 c D E F 6 H Ete, Page 19 0f 19‘MM ALJABER MM ENGINEERING wap fen ron Pacer HIGH ENERGY IMPACT COMPACTION ‘Alber togioeeing Company INSPECTION CHECK SHEET 'NPP/0085:Strateri Food Storage Facity Contract No: NPP-0085 IR Ref. No. Inspection [RA Ret. No. Date: (COMPLIANCE sr ITEM TO BE CHECKED REMARKS: ves | no | NA 1. [Check instrument having valid calibration certificate Check the area to be compacted are free from any unsuitable materials, graded and levelled 23 | cheek the sting out ofthe works 4. | Check the compaction patterns and number of passes are done as per required 5 | Check the Finished Ground Level after compaction as per required Inspection Comments: TEC CONSTRUCTION / SUB-CON (Cate Signatre over Pte Name) (Date & Sinatra ovr Pred Name (Gate & Signature oer Ped Nae) ‘NPPo08S-JEC-OCF-0001.0 19 August 2017zuorstey owas (000 o c ee sessed oz | powon parody «| 8 omabvonoeded pete toms wan |e uoneayeds ‘pelaig | ered b 295 suouoop #102590 «| . e s ” ‘ange He 010 Sunonueo pu woke nowsas "| ¥! | voypedicois end swon sn feneunes | ° auseu um s5u618w09 | poop poncwey voneoypeds paloid «| NoUDWaNOD IDVEALADHINBHOM |Z aeons says et wea 1308 queumysul pu SRTaRAD SEEDED ‘LOZ SOD «| “SUOHEIqIED pUE 4 s Jauidinbs Buunsesus son: pus Aouetie Aad pina yeoyv90 voHDedsul juoWIdNDA . ur woud Bumrseou hong | 048 ounbe fed pa verges son goodsu uous 23 ND Zuea7 00s oes woweynbas #102500 | evasnyoresontty | 4 4 ‘Aunnoe Weis 1 Oud, ypsfeud ijn soueyétuog vuoneoyoods | 8S? <4 pue vad sw jo jenoiddy | TT er | awsngo | + 2Wa | sonenven | hued nf s9pop ul (onoraq pueda} sad se) fouanbasy js meee spuepuers / ujod jorqu09 jo uondunseq a wouronjonu posinboy suey eoueideory | suoneayneds | us eal (0 €0000-SW-AID-S800ddN PU SIN NOILIWdINOD LVdINI ADYINA HOH Ate 60-ET | _ SAE TERIA. 0 €£0000-dLI-AID-SB00ddN 3R9Y B4OU LE cory ie A A ONISSSNION3 i aaavely mar uej}d 3S) UOIWadsuU] sapeg Ayunoag poos aiarens :
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