Ukk - Kelas 7

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : Tujuh (VII)

Hari, Tanggal : Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2018
Waktu : 90 menit

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!

1. Ali : Hello,I m Ali. a. one hundred and fifty centimeters
Aisa : Oh Hi, I am Aisa. How are you ? b. one hundred and forty four
Ali :……………. centimeters
a. Hello c. How are you c. one hundred and four centimeters
b. How do you do d. I am fine, thank d. one hundred and fifty four
Text for number 2 to 4
Dena is a new student. He meets Anna in Text for number 7 to 9
the canteen. This is Aldi’s School. It is on Jalan
Dena : Hi, My name is Deni. Merdeka. It has a very wide schoolyard. The
what is your name? students do the flag ceremony every Monday
Anna : Hi, My name is Anna. in the schoolyard. They also play sports there
Are you a new Student? because there is volley ball field and
Dena : Yes I am. I’m in 7c,and you ? badminton court.
Anna : I am in 7a There is a beautiful park in the yard in
2. Dena is…………… front of the teacher room. There is a small
a. a new teache c. a new student pond with some fish there. There are two big
b. a teacher d. a librarian trees at the side of the pond. There is also a
3. Are they classmates? garden. You can see many flowers there :
a.Yes, They are c. Yes, They are not roses, jasmines, sunflowers, and so on.The
b. No, They are not d. No, They are\ flowers are very beautiful.
6. Where is Aldi’s school ?
Text for number 5 to 6
a. In the schoolyard c. in volley ball field
IDENTITY CARD b. on Jalan Merdeka d. in badminton court
Full Name Sarah Aulia 7. Where we can find (menemukan) the
Date of birth 25th December 1996 flowers?
Address Jl. Mawar No.13 a. in schoolyard c. in the garden
School SMP 12 Bogor b. in the pond d. in the teacher room
Hobby swimming 8. NO CHEATING
High 150 cm You can find this notice in The….
Weight 40 kg a. Mosque c. Hospital
Favorite : b. Park d. Classroom
Artist Olga Saputra
Food Noodle Text for number 10 to 11
Drink Apple juice Mrs. Amie want to make Banana Cake for
Color Blue her son,She needs to buy several things,
4. How old is Sarah now ?....year old here are the shopping list :
a. 13 b. 15 c.14 d.16 1 Kg of eggs
5. How tall is she ? ½ Kg of flour
½ Kg of butter
¼ Kg of sugar
½ Kg of banana
2 packets of vanilla powder
9. How many are the things in Mrs. Anita’s
Shopping list? They are…things
a. 6 c. 8
b. 7 d. 9
10. Which one is the true statement, below :
a. Mrs. Amie needs 1 Kg of sugar
b. Mrs. Amie needs ½ Kg of banana
c. Mrs. Amie needs 1 ½ Kg eggs
d. Mrs. Amie needs 2 Kg cheese

B. Answer the question based on the

5. Write down the meaning of the
1. Complete with your data vocabulary below.
Full Name : ……… Bag = ........
Date of Birth :……… Eraser = .......
Address :……… Ruler = .......
Phone Number :……… Flower = .......
Interests :……… Pencil case = ........
Parents Name :………
2. Start the sentence with “it’s”. don’t write
the word “minutes”. (e.g.: 06.50 - It’s ten
to seven)

3. Read the Following date!Top of Form

August 3rd 1996 = …………………
November 2nd 1985 = …………
July 31st 1979 = ………………
January 13th 1990 = ………………
April 6th 2006 = …………………
4. Find the words about day of week and

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