Guided Notes Lesson 6
Guided Notes Lesson 6
Guided Notes Lesson 6
We can:
✓ explain the occurrence of evolution
1. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck ➢ A French naturalist was the first evolutionist who believed that organisms change
over time. He proposed that organism evolve in response to their environment.
The word “evolve” means to change gradually. He was able to develop three
theories which includes Theory of Need, Theory of Use and Disuse and
Theory of Acquired Characteristics.
A. Theory of Need ➢ states that organisms change in response to the changes in their environment.
They were able to develop characteristics necessary for them to adapt in their
modified environment that leads to size increase of body parts or function
B. Theory of Use and Disuse ➢ shows that organs that are not used will disappear while those that are constantly
used will be developed. Lamarck believed that short-necked giraffes strained
their necks to reach food from trees causing their necks to become longer.
C. Theory of Acquired ➢ The acquired long necks of these giraffes were passed on to their offspring
2. Charles Darwin ➢ The Theory of Evolution of Charles Darwin, in his book On the Origins of Species
by Means of Natural Selection, published in 1859, is based on natural selection
which is different from the theories of Lamarck. According to Darwin, originally,
giraffes had varying neck lengths. Natural selection favored the survival of long-
necked giraffes because it allows them to reach for food on tall trees while short
necked giraffes were eliminated because of their inability to reach higher
vegetation when there is scarcity of low vegetation such as grasses. This
eliminated them from the population of giraffes.
PATTERNS OF EVOLUTION ➢ Natural selection wherein nature selects organisms that will or will not survive
based on their existing traits. Organisms with favorable traits or those who are
best suited in the environment have a better chance of survival. The survivors will
pass on their favorable traits to their offspring. As the years pass by, the
population will produce an organism with traits different from their ancestors.
➢ Speciation is a process within evolution that results in the formation of new, and
distinct species that are reproductively isolated from other population when there
is no gene flow.
➢ Adaptive Radiation is the process by which the species diversifies rapidly into
different types of closely related species with, each type occupying a new
environment. An example of this type of evolution is that of Darwin’s finches in
Galapagos Island.
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